Need your good vibes

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Texas, see what will happen right now they are attempting to serve her, if they can't find her it will be extended another two weeks, if they can't find her then they will hang a notice on a door where she is likely to be staying, my apartment is where her DL is issued so maybe here as an example, and that will count as her being served, then if she doesn't show up at the court date it's on her and they will hold the temporary custody hearing without her


I guess I dont know texas law. That wouldn't be effective service in Sodak.
ALRIGHT! She was smart enought o send my mom an e-mail and we traced the IP she's Deff in Texas at least so my kids aren't way up in Wi, she's just been playing games with me on FB making me think she's in Wi which is bad juju I would think, just have to find the guy she's staying with. Any of you google types want to try and find him PM me and I'll give you his name, and his last known address, he moved a few weeks ago so it probably isn't a good address but it is a start. The PI we have is doing an SS lookup on him to see where he has got electricity so we will have an exact location of where he is and can get her served!

---------- Post added at 01:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:00 PM ----------

*cough* anyone work for Earthlink?
like I said, he just moved so it probably isn't on there, but let me check

---------- Post added at 01:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 PM ----------

no he isn't listed on there (or that name isn't) anywhere in the area
Harlingen, Tx and they have Earthlink Internet, I have his full name and his last known address and his ex-wifes name (can't find her phone number or I'd call her lol) and I have his last known address


Staff member
I take it she moved in with another man, yes? Dude. When you get your kids back I think you're going to be much better off. She planned very well and moved on very quickly. When you two were trying to make things work out you were trying and she was using that time against you.
yeah she's with another guy, I have a lot of his Info and my PI is trying to get his SS# to look up where utilities are hooked up in his name

---------- Post added at 01:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:24 PM ----------

And as soon as she gets served their is a clause ordered in the court document already that a man can't be there between 11pm and 6am and I'm almost positive their will be unless he starts sleeping at his moms until the divorce is over/hearing is over and they have to move back to brazoria (if she gets the kids)
Harlingen? Geeze. Sounds like you are narrowing it down pretty good... I'm still surprised that if she runs off to some dudes place with your kids the cops won't get involved.
She's a custodial parent so she can go wherever she wants to with them, just like me if I had them I could go anywhere I wanted to, until there is a court order in place saying otherwise, which as soon as she gets served there will be. It's the guy she's cheated on me with before too, I feel like a friggin idiot


Staff member
Since she's a parent the cops can't get involved. Civil matter. She's a custodial parent also and didn't move out of state as originally thought.

Until he starts the legal ball rolling she's just fine. If she stays off the grid she's untouchable.
right but when talkign to me on Facebook, and on facebook messages she's telling me she's in Wi, which I think will work against her in court

---------- Post added at 01:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:34 PM ----------

All I have to do is find the guys address I "know" exactly where she is as soon as the PI gets back to me with his address or until I can find his ex-wifes phone number lol
FUCKING BINGO! His last known good address I'm 90% sure is his correct address because him his mom his ex him and his dad are all registered voters at a different address in Harligen than his DL list him as being at, so yes I've found her just need to serve her to she has to be at court on 8/3 and I can get my kids!!!!!!!!!

I did all that work :)

Also, my Lawyer told me to PRINT EVERYTHING on her facebook wall that says she's in Wisconsin

Wasabi Poptart

I take it she moved in with another man, yes? Dude. When you get your kids back I think you're going to be much better off. She planned very well and moved on very quickly. When you two were trying to make things work out you were trying and she was using that time against you.
I have to agree with Dave. She's been planning this for a while from the way it sounds. It's a shame that she pulled this on you and made you think you could work on your marriage. I'm glad you were able to track her down and found out she's not in WI.
Outstanding leg-work, brah. And yes, her taunting you by saying that she's in WI will only add to her eventual snoo-snooing via the court. Everything she has done flies in the face of common sense.

Also, I don't know if Texas is like Georgia, but here we still have Adultery as a criminal charge. It's not exactly what you'd call persecutable (sodomy is still on there, too, for example), but it might be something to consider for your civil case...

You also sound like you have a good, hard-line attorney. Don't be surprised if you don't get everything that he's trying for: it's all about the haggle with these guys.
It's a she, and I won't be suprised if I don't get everything, the only thing I need are my kids, she can keep all the furniture and food, it can all be rebought
Man I hate this, I know I need to get her served, I'm not stupid. but I don't want to, I don't want to make her mad at me, I don't want to see her hurt I want to try and work it all out everything is wrong and I want to make it right it just doesn't feel right getting a divorce, I do still love her so friggin much it's killed me to file the divorce papers. I hate this I feel like crap and just want it all better I want my wife and kids back I know it'll never be the same again and I'll never have her back and it's just killing me more I practically live on facebook now just to try and talk to her when I've never logged into it except for maybe two other times since it's been created. I don't have anyone around here to talk to and frankly I don't think I'd want to I don't want to be judged by them, well him only really have one friend around here the other lives in San Antonio and the other in Hawaii I just feel so alone, so empty the only thing I have right now is a job and it's hard to go to that. I want to just give up and become a hermit but I know I can't because of my kids I need to do what's right by them but it won't be the same without her, she really is the love of my life.

---------- Post added at 08:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:32 AM ----------

I want to do the stupidest thing ever right now and messgae her on FB and tell her how much I miss her and want her back and sorry for anything I've ever done and would do anything to make her happy but I know I shouldn't because she's keeping a record to use against me it's just so hard. I just want to confess my love for her but I can't, it's killing me inside
I'm so sorry man. I'm so damn sorry. It's gonna hurt for a good while too, don't be afraid to let it out. I know we are creepy anon internet folks here but we do care about you and we are here for you. You ever need someone to talk to, or whatever just pm me and I'll shoot you my phone number/at the very least keep talking to us here and get it out.

Kudos to you for, not matter the pain it causes, doing the best thing for your kids. You are, as cheesy as this sounds, a real hero for putting them first and fighting for them.
Damn dude... this is going to be rough but you know you're on the right path and like you said... you have to look out for your kids now.

If you lived close by I'd have you over for a beer and BBQ... (and bacon!)

Stay strong man. Just keep us posted and you can rant and talk all you want here... good luck.


Staff member
I'm so sorry. :( I agree with espy--I admire you for working so hard for your children. Stay strong...can't say it isn't going to hurt, for a while, but I hope that it gets better soon.


Staff member
Do NOT engage her on FB! Do not! I know you want to but that's not a good idea. You don't know what you say that could be held against you.

And I'm going to say something that is going to be cold hearted, kinda mean but you gotta hear it.

If she were the love of your life she wouldn't have left you, taken the kids and started shacking up with some other guy that she'd banged before.

Wasabi Poptart

I have to agree with Dave again as far as not talking with her on FB. She has already mislead you several times. She may be waiting for you to do or say something that can give her leverage. Not good.

As far as her being the love of your life. I don't think that matters to her. Unfortunately, I don't think you matter much to her. If you did, she wouldn't have taken everything from you in such a sudden and bold move.


Staff member
Seriously! Why would you talk to her on FB? What would she tell you that you could believe? She's proven already to be a liar, a manipulator and a very bad person. You are letting the rose-colored glasses take over. Now is not the time to be remembering the good times you had. That will only lead to her getting everything.
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