Need your good vibes

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Wasabi Poptart

Holy Hercules! If you have an idea of where she might be, is there any way that you could have law enforcement there check up on her and the kids since she has a history of being unstable?

Element 117

Uhm, strip out the names to prevent google searches leading to this place. Also, get a cheapy camera if you dont have a cellphone cam and take pictures of the house's condition.
.... Indeed. Dude, if there's anything you even THINK I can help out with (and I missed the update, but the hints left in messages speak volumes) let me know. It may not be much, but you've got what support I can muster.
Good Vibes from down under, have some classic aussie rock to help ya!!
Just realised I dont actually know how to embed youtube vids properly. I shall add them later when I have time to nut it out.


Staff member
Good Vibes from down under, have some classic aussie rock to help ya!!
Just realised I dont actually know how to embed youtube vids properly. I shall add them later when I have time to nut it out.
Man! The only vibes I ever get from Down Under are from crazy people wanting to sue me.
Ugh, I missed the update but the hints make me think my attempt at levity was somewhat inappropriate. Hope like hell things work out for you.

Element 117

Good Vibes from down under, have some classic aussie rock to help ya!!
Just realised I dont actually know how to embed youtube vids properly. I shall add them later when I have time to nut it out.
Man! The only vibes I ever get from Down Under are from crazy people wanting to sue me.[/QUOTE]

so... get better batteries?
Didn't see the update on what happened but based on peoples reactions I will kick up some more vibes your way.
*dispatches hoard of Good Karma Chameleons*

Whatever it is that's going on, I know it's bad now. So, all of my thoughts are with you and yours, Crimson. If there's anything at all we can do for you, just ask.

Element 117

I know what's going on. He was the trusting stegosaurus, and was inevitably betrayed in This Land by his co-ruler.
It's ahrd to consentrate on cleaning the house which I need to do, it's a pig sty with all the trash she left behind. Now I'm on nights for the next two weeks so I need to sleep during the day but I can't sleep because my stomach is inknots, she sent me a message on FB about 30 min ago and told me I'd just have to trust her and when she was ready she'd let the kids talk to me. I need to friggin find her so I can get her served
So I just told my-soon to be ex the truth, I'm trying to get her address so I can serve her divorce papers and we can get this all behind us. I didn't tell her that I'm trying to get sole custody and that if I can't find her in 4 weeks she loses custody of the kids, but if she won't tell me the address next time she messages me then I may tell her about it. Maybe not though


Staff member
Ain't the prayin' kinda guy, dear friend, but you'll be in my thoughts. Sending you some Finnish Good Vibes as we speak.

I'd probably go bat-shit crazy in your situation, so it's good to hear you're taking it this calmly and rationally. If you have any friends who could stay over for a while, that might help with the knots. You're not alone, friend. Look to your friends and family, and hopefully all this will end well.
Ain't the prayin' kinda guy, dear friend, but you'll be in my thoughts. Sending you some Finnish Good Vibes as we speak.

I'd probably go bat-shit crazy in your situation, so it's good to hear you're taking it this calmly and rationally. If you have any friends who could stay over for a while, that might help with the knots. You're not alone, friend. Look to your friends and family, and hopefully all this will end well.
If it weren't for my mom I wouldn't be calm or rational at all right now

Wasabi Poptart

So I just told my-soon to be ex the truth, I'm trying to get her address so I can serve her divorce papers and we can get this all behind us. I didn't tell her that I'm trying to get sole custody and that if I can't find her in 4 weeks she loses custody of the kids, but if she won't tell me the address next time she messages me then I may tell her about it. Maybe not though
I wouldn't tell her. I'd be afraid it wouldn't have a good outcome.
She can't deny you access to the kids. Not without an existing court order. Down here, it's a charge called "Interference with Child Custody," for which a warrant can be drawn through the courthouse. If she continues with these shenanigans, get in contact with your local sheriff's office and see if they have something similar. They should, but it's probably something that's got to be enforced by the Deputies, because it's a criminal charge applied to a civil matter.
Well OC, there is a restraining order (and divorce paperwork) against her now stating that she has to come back down here, I have to find her to get her served so that it can be enforced. if after 2 weeks we can't get her served then it gets extended another 2 weeks if after that she still isn't served they will hold the temporary custody hearing without her (which I'd win) and then I could file all those amber alerts and kidnapping and all that fun stuff
Tracking... sounds like you've got yourself well in hand, then.

As long as she's keeping in contact, that's something, at least. Keep trying to contact her - you sound like you've got a solid game plan for the legal side of things. I'd take out the warrant ASAP, though; see what your requirements are. That way, when/if she shows up for the custody hearing, she can be served with it by the bailiff. There's something deeply satisfying about the ratcheting of cuffs in a courtroom, especially if she thinks she's holding all the cards.
I've called the cops they said theirs nothing they can do because it's a civil matter so nothing I can take a warrant out on her for until after the hearing if she doesn't show up

---------- Post added at 04:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:16 PM ----------

She wants me to get her website back up, so I told her I need her IP address so I can, if she gives it to me I can at least get a geographical location so I know where to look at.

---------- Post added at 04:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:17 PM ----------

AHHHH I think I just missed a call from her, it was from a private number and as soon as I hit the talk button it went to voice mail :(
The POLICE can't do anything, because it's a civil matter. The Sheriff's Office enforces civil matters, so they're the ones you want to contact. Also, props for the detective work on the IP address.
Well she hasn't given it to me yet

---------- Post added at 04:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:22 PM ----------

So OC, say we have a hearing on the 03rd of august (we do) what happens if she doesn't get notice? it just gets postponed for another two weeks or no?

---------- Post added at 04:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 PM ----------

Also, I'm lucky that she documents everything online from her suicidal poetry to how she can't handle the kids and they drive her bonkers to how great of a father I am, so at least I have that, and thankfully I have an almost 0 online presence, searching for my first and last name and for my username (before I just changed it) brought up zero results for me
I'm not as up on civil law, as I'm a police officer, not a deputy, but if they have the hearing, and it can be determined that reasonable efforts have been made to inform her of the hearing date, they may just decide to rule then and there. It's POSSIBLE that they may have a policy of rescheduling regardless, but if you can contact her with the date of the hearing (AND LOG IT!!! ), and show that as evidence in your hearing, along with any/all responses she makes in regards to it, things will definitely not go so well for her.
Say I inform her on facebook.. nevermind I just read your entire post

---------- Post added at 04:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:51 PM ----------

Cool I sent her a message showing her the court date as long as she makes a post on facebook then I know that she's at least seen the message
Does anyone live in Wisconsin, or no someone that lives in Wisconsin that lives around Beaver Dam (It's about an hour away from Milwaukee)
Hol-ee crap! I just got a copy of the temporary restraining order that they have filed for me besides the blah blah don't talk bad to each other stuff and don't destroy property stuff that is currently court ordered to me (but not her because she isn't served yet :() My lawyer is asking that I have sole custody of the children and her to have supervised visits only, I have the apt and she has to return everything she took out of it and she isn't allowed here, I get my motorcycle, she has to pay child support, insurance premiums and 60% of their uninsured medical expenses the kids can't leave the county we are in. A psych eval of her, all of the kids's birth certificates and social security cards all valid until the divorce is settled and final custody awarded. I like my attorney
When you get a good lawyer they are very good and when you get a bad one well they are really bad. But overall Lawyers are a very good thing to have on your side.
Question: if we can't find her to serve her I'll automatically win sole custody of the kids, but that would take up to four weeks, if we can find her to serve her it will take 2 or 4 weeks depending if she is found in the first 2 week period. What do you guys think is better, not being able to find her at all and getting the kids back at the expense of missing out on a month of their life or finding and serving her at the expense of missing out on half a month of my kids' life but a possibly harder fought custody battle?

---------- Post added at 05:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:30 PM ----------

Oh and when I say I'll automatically win it means that they will hold the restraining order hearing without her so basically everything that my lawyer has asked for will be given to me
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