Like when they say: the Canadian system is NOT PERFECT (ok it's better than ours but if it isn't perfect don't wanna...) 
You always seem to refer to the Canadians, which is natural since they are right by you, but there are A LOT more countries you can get your inspiration from. Also, the idea that public helthcare should mean private hc being forbidden comes off as quite absurd to me.
Most of these points have already been adressed, but since you don't seem to get them, I'll quickly go over them.
0- Survival of the fittest my fuck. If someone isn't able to provide the basics to himself and their family, but they try, I'll gladly help them (or rather have an organized force that does). Man, I'm glad I don't live in a country where some historic characters are regarded as so admirable and perfect that whatever they said, whichever ideals they had, is the Word of God.
1- You can't compare not paying healthcare to shoplifting. You have the option not to steal, but do you have the option not to live? Much harder, isn't it?
2- Sooo you could get loans right? That way everyone would pay. Riiiight. Who's going to lend you the money if you are poor as fuck?
3- And this is new, you seem to think that if healthcare wasn't overpriced (which I'm sure it is in your country) it would be affordable for everyone. What you're not taking into account is that many treatments are inherently expensive. Particularly treatments that will be useful in life or death situations: the latest technology, new chemicals, or even some of these that are not that new or breakthrough but are rare. It also takes a certain volume of workforce (nurses, doctors), much bigger than what you need at a store or whatever, and also at a greater price per worker (a doctor shouldn't be paid the same as a cashier, right?)
Also, I don't know if it was you or someone else who said it, but to whomever said that public healthcare would mean a lot of unemployment 'cause many people in the private healthcare sector would lose their jobs:
WTF?! Do you think public healthcare would have fucking robots working? They would need doctors, nurses, accountants, whatever too!!

You always seem to refer to the Canadians, which is natural since they are right by you, but there are A LOT more countries you can get your inspiration from. Also, the idea that public helthcare should mean private hc being forbidden comes off as quite absurd to me.
Most of these points have already been adressed, but since you don't seem to get them, I'll quickly go over them.
0- Survival of the fittest my fuck. If someone isn't able to provide the basics to himself and their family, but they try, I'll gladly help them (or rather have an organized force that does). Man, I'm glad I don't live in a country where some historic characters are regarded as so admirable and perfect that whatever they said, whichever ideals they had, is the Word of God.
1- You can't compare not paying healthcare to shoplifting. You have the option not to steal, but do you have the option not to live? Much harder, isn't it?
2- Sooo you could get loans right? That way everyone would pay. Riiiight. Who's going to lend you the money if you are poor as fuck?
3- And this is new, you seem to think that if healthcare wasn't overpriced (which I'm sure it is in your country) it would be affordable for everyone. What you're not taking into account is that many treatments are inherently expensive. Particularly treatments that will be useful in life or death situations: the latest technology, new chemicals, or even some of these that are not that new or breakthrough but are rare. It also takes a certain volume of workforce (nurses, doctors), much bigger than what you need at a store or whatever, and also at a greater price per worker (a doctor shouldn't be paid the same as a cashier, right?)
Also, I don't know if it was you or someone else who said it, but to whomever said that public healthcare would mean a lot of unemployment 'cause many people in the private healthcare sector would lose their jobs:
WTF?! Do you think public healthcare would have fucking robots working? They would need doctors, nurses, accountants, whatever too!!