Beatific Woody is beatific...
I totally forgot you were in Vegas recently as well!Some random woman just wanted to take a picture of me last week in Vegas...
^"My fellow HalForumians . . ."
Thanks. And unless there's some stringest weapons laws in your neck of the woods, getting into archery shouldn't be that hard. Or that expensive, either. Getting an Olympic level composite bow or a bow fit for hunting... I know nothing about those things, I just shoot at a target. Which last time was a Gladiator poster someone had slapped on. I gave Russell Crowe a broken clavicle, an arrow through his cheekbone, a punctured lunge, internal bleeding from the liver and took out his left arm. But I digress...Epic fun times. I would like to get into archery at some point in my life.
Sounds like a holiday I'd enjoyAwesome North_Ranger! Glad you were up to some archering! Hope you feel good enough to get that next round in soon. Your Dad made some nice bows! A friend makes English longbows, he is threatening to get my kids set up with properly sized bows. We've a tradition we call redneck holidays where on occasions like Easter my daughters will end up out in my parents' yard in their pretty Easter dresses with bows and guns in their hands. Dad's barn is starting to show the wear, seems a bit perforated. Yeah, we need new arrows too.
That's all new growth, actually... I started getting my hair back somewhere in February and March, and just let it grow back. Though to be honest, I know what you mean by "all of it". I was smooth as a seal after the first six months of chemo. The new treatment I'm currently undergoing isn't so rough on the hair. I do shed some, but I still got a decent short hair and, as you can see, a bushy red beard.North_Ranger, Good to see that you kept the beard. Because man, I must have gotten some crappy Chemo-Meds. All of my hair fell out... all of it. everywhere
You're doing it wrong.Talk about shit I don't understand
1 point House Sera