NEWS: UP not just a movie anymore

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Big announcement was at noon eastern time, and consisted of him coming out, and saying, "Put your questions in this box and we'll look at them and answer some."

Then going back in.

The 20-30 press people there hackled him mercilessly once they figured out it was nothing but a huge manipulation to get everyone there to film him saying that he'll answer select questions.

The guy is just jerking us around now, if he wasn't before.

I can think of several questions I'd put in there that he would skip over, because they would show him for what he is.


---------- Post added at 01:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:18 PM ----------

There's a video in there of his "big announcement."


Kitty Sinatra

Why the smurf don't the "press" just tell him to smurf off and pronounce the whole thing old news.
Honestly, why did they continue to get coverage after he was found?

Should have been a wrap-up at his house and the end of this ridiculousness.
And if this does turn out to be a setup (as is getting more and more likely), the news organizations will fall all over themselves to be the first to rake the family over the coals.
Honestly, why did they continue to get coverage after he was found?
1) It's a spectacular story and the public would rather hear about it than nearly anything else
2) Slow news day (I mean, who cares that troop deployments were canceled, and Pakistan launched a major offensive against the taliban? MORE BALLOON BOY!)
3) The family is stoking the fire by teasing the media
4) There's some level of intrigue, which means it can't be closed unless the family admits it was a hoax

However, the media is throwing softballs at them. They've been burned once this morning, if they are burned again tonight during the 'answers to your questions' press conference, many probably won't be coming back around.

Expect the conference to consist mostly of daddy trying to position himself and/or his family in a way that might get them a TV show, including questions he has added to the pile, rather than answering questions that people are really interested in.

Wish I could go up and add a few questions myself...

At any rate, this next press conference is at 9:30 EDT, so I'll be watching and laughing at the fool and the press that is being dragged around on a saturday for a non-story.


He had pitched a reality show prior to the balloon incident and the studio passed on it. This guy is a douche who thinks any publicity is good publicity. And he's right. He'll be able to volley this into a career of reality tv appearances on VH1 or a future Celebrity Apprentice. I hope if they find out this is a hoax, or even it it wasn't, they can charge him for the costs of chasing that balloon across the state.
And there's been video of his kid getting sick on TV. If this was a hoax and you've asked your kid to lie, sounds like his stomach got upset due to the stress and he ended up getting sick. Guess in this guy's opinion being hated by America is better than not being recognized at all.
Ya, I don't think anyone is surprised by this announcement.

I for one really hope that they can find more charges on the federal level and with any luck this asshat will be completely shunned.
This guys is going to literally rip his family apart if he doesn't come clean - from what I'm reading he's willing to go to such lengths if it means he will become a celebrity.

I was not surprised to find out they met at acting school. I was surprised that they don't have any significant post-high school education.

I'm very surprised to find that he is a person who is commonly refered to as a 'electromagnetic nutjob' in engineering circles. He is obsessed with the idea that magnetism is the primary force causing most weatehr disturbances, etc.

Ugh. These people are bad off enough not understanding how magnetism works and how it's being measured 24/7 already, but they spout their BS to anyone and everyone willing to listen, and others become confused.

But yeah. I hope they throw the book at him, and the media starts to ignore them, if only for the sake of their children.

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