Honestly, why did they continue to get coverage after he was found?
1) It's a spectacular story and the public would rather hear about it than nearly anything else
2) Slow news day (I mean, who cares that troop deployments were canceled, and Pakistan launched a major offensive against the taliban? MORE BALLOON BOY!)
3) The family is stoking the fire by teasing the media
4) There's some level of intrigue, which means it can't be closed unless the family admits it was a hoax
However, the media is throwing softballs at them. They've been burned once this morning, if they are burned again tonight during the 'answers to your questions' press conference, many probably won't be coming back around.
Expect the conference to consist mostly of daddy trying to position himself and/or his family in a way that might get them a TV show, including questions he has added to the pile, rather than answering questions that people are really interested in.
Wish I could go up and add a few questions myself...
At any rate, this next press conference is at 9:30 EDT, so I'll be watching and laughing at the fool and the press that is being dragged around on a saturday for a non-story.