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Newt Gingrich: Let's colonize the Moon.





And apparently once there's 13,000 people living on the Moon, they could apply for statehood. Now, I'm all for being a visionary and wanting to get back to space, but WTF?! Double that because he promises this to be reality "by the end of his second term" XD

In all seriousness, though, I think this is an incredibly silly and expensive idea, not to mention the idea that 13,000 people would be living on the Moon - or the suggestion they could apply for statehood. Plus, in the weird universe where this would take place, there would likely be other players who also want their slice of the pie. EU, China, Russia... Yikes on the political consequences.

I'll be taking the plans to set up a small city on our next door planetary neighbour when they come up a way to put Big Macs into plastic tubes...




I just want to know how he's going to keep enough flights going to have enough air for 13k people to breathe...




C'MON 'MERICA! Let's make this happen!!! Boo-yah!




I figured it out! We'll dehydrate the water before the trip!




Oh the vivid dreams of fun I've imagined on a Moon Colony where so so much could go so very right/wrong.




Oh the vivid dreams of fun I've imagined on a Moon Colony where so so much could go so very right/wrong.
Less gravity = more fun.




Well, once all the male colonists disappeared mysteriously shortly after my arrival of course.....




Principality of Zeon here we come.






I know I'm not supposed to find that gif funny Sera, but Gods it's making me laugh.


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

fuck it, let's go to the MOON! NEWT 2012




Well, once all the male colonists disappeared mysteriously shortly after my arrival of course.....
I don't know, Shego, I think you'll find the Moon is a Harsh Mistress.

Badum tish.




He's building the foundation for future scapegoats.

2013- we star construction of our moon colony
2020- it is completed and people start moving to the moon. Not nearly enough for the projected 13,000 but it's a start.
2030- some families decide to move back, bringing their moon born children with them. The first outcries are heard of allowing these moonies into our schools.
2045- first generation citizens of the moon start coming to America in search for jobs. Issues of moonie rights becomes an issue of the day.
2060- this election year's big issue is the proposed fence to be build around the earth to keep the freedom hating moonies from taking American jobs.
2068- the moon is invaded for it's [strike]resources[/strike] lack of freedoms.

The candidate of the time being cyborg newt and the clone of Sara Pailin.




I think the U.S. has pumped enough tax money into space projects. I think they're cool, but I'd rather see that money going into different research avenues. Let the E.U./Asia start paying for all the space tech. And, yes, I am aware that NASA gave us Saran Wrap and velcro - let's cure some diseases or get some bioremediation projects going.


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

unironically pump every dollar into getting the fuck off Earth




Well, people have been complaining about the lack of available prison space...





I think the U.S. has pumped enough tax money into space projects. I think they're cool, but I'd rather see that money going into different research avenues. Let the E.U./Asia start paying for all the space tech. And, yes, I am aware that NASA gave us Saran Wrap and velcro - let's cure some diseases or get some bioremediation projects going.
Saran Wrap, Velcro, and all of these things: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/s...t-leaps-how-nasa-rocked-our-world-879377.html

NASA's budget was only a fraction of a percent of the U.S.'s total budget -- about $19 billion this year -- and pays for itself many times over: http://er.jsc.nasa.gov/seh/economics.html:

— $21.6 billion in sales and benefits;
— 352,000 (mostly skilled) jobs created or saved,and;
— $355 million in federal corporate income taxes

So... yeah.




I think the U.S. has pumped enough tax money into space projects. I think they're cool, but I'd rather see that money going into different research avenues. Let the E.U./Asia start paying for all the space tech. And, yes, I am aware that NASA gave us Saran Wrap and velcro - let's cure some diseases or get some bioremediation projects going.
I forgot who said it, and I am probably not getting it exactly right, but it goes something like this:

It's very easy to see space travel as an extravagant use of resources, when they could more sensibly be spent on domestic issues.

The universe is probably full of planets that contain nothing but the graves of entire civilizations that made the sensible choice.
Added at: 13:28
Found it. It was the alt text to this XKCD:

Alt Text: "The universe is probably littered with the one-planet graves of cultures which made the sensible economic decision that there's no good reason to go into space--each discovered, studied, and remembered by the ones who made the irrational decision."



Gas wants to go to space to find that libertarian paradise he dreams of.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen who is Quiet

What’s your favorite thing about space? Mine is space.




I'm pretty sure the Moon has been declared international territory, similar to the arctic zones, via a UN resolution.




I'm pretty sure Newt doesn't give a shit about that.

He'll make such a wonderful president.




I'm pretty sure the Moon has been declared international territory, similar to the arctic zones, via a UN resolution.
And we all know how much weight those things carry even on earth.
Added at: 16:06
I'm pretty sure Newt anybody outside europe doesn't give a shit about that.








I know what Leroy Gingrich saw when he woke up that morning, and came up with that idea...

then he popped a boner.




Doesn't putting new stuff on the moon require getting shot in the head*... because i'd totally take a moon base then...

*Too soon?




I know what Leroy Gingrich saw when he woke up that morning, and came up with that idea...

then he popped a boner.
Premiering in Berlin? Wow, that douchenozzle of a director has skipped right into Uwe Boll territory. If it's a good movie, it'll stand on its own, but rubbing Nazis in German faces is pretty rephrensible. Guess what, German people don't need to be reminded of the Nazis again and again and again.




Yep.Our generation is kinda tired about having to be constantly reminded to feel guilty for what our grandparents have done.
We still feel pretty guilty for Uwe Boll,though.




Yep.Our generation is kinda tired about having to be constantly reminded to feel guilty for what our grandparents have done.
It's the way of the world. The French are accused of being cowards, the Brits are colonial overlords, Germans are all goose-stepping Nazis, Americans are slave traders, and Korea still isn't too happy with Japan. I'm sorry, but people are stupid.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Yep.Our generation is kinda tired about having to be constantly reminded to feel guilty for what our grandparents have done.
We still feel pretty guilty for Uwe Boll,though.
Fun fact: I get shit for XV century spaniards conquering America.




Fun fact: I get shit for XV century spaniards conquering America.
I had a classmate when I was an undergrad in a world history course. He was latino. One day he randomly hijacks the class to pontificate on how much he hates Spain and Spaniards for what they did in the Americas, and he explicitly stated that included modern Spaniards. He even talked about how he wished the whole nation would be destroyed in some natural disaster. I was completely baffled. To this day it was one of the most awkwardly unhinged moments I've ever seen in person.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

(Well, of course there's also Spaniards that still talk about how latin american "monkeys" who can't even speak "proper spanish" should go back to the jungle and wait for the time Spain is a powerful empire again... hearing a conversation between racist latin americans and racist spaniards is almost like living youtube comments in person.

Actually, you can get these kinds of arguments in any youtube clip from the simpsons in spanish)




Guess what, German people don't need to be reminded of the Nazis again and again and again.
Yeah, i would say that maybe they do:






Premiering in Berlin? Wow, that douchenozzle of a director has skipped right into Uwe Boll territory. If it's a good movie, it'll stand on its own, but rubbing Nazis in German faces is pretty rephrensible. Guess what, German people don't need to be reminded of the Nazis again and again and again.
Dude... You do realize you just called Timo Vuorensola, a Finn, a douchenozzle? And that there will be consequences for that?

Sleep with one eye open, because we never forget. And we never forgive...

Seriously, though, I got from the trailer they were asked to bring the film to the Berlin Film Festival. Would you say no to that, honestly?




Man this gets better and better... the other day Newt was blathering something about homosexual marriage being akin to Paganism or some shit.

Nobody knows how sacred and special the biblical institute of marriage is than a man who's been married three times over, cheated on all his wives, and asked his second wife for an open marriage. Yep. Everyone has to follow the rules except Newt.




Man this gets better and better... the other day Newt was blathering something about homosexual marriage being akin to Paganism or some shit.

Nobody knows how sacred and special the biblical institute of marriage is than a man who's been married three times over, cheated on all his wives, and asked his second wife for an open marriage. Yep. Everyone has to follow the rules except Newt.
Don't do as the minister does; do as the minister says.
- old Finnish proverb


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Man this gets better and better... the other day Newt was blathering something about homosexual marriage being akin to Paganism or some shit.
That's ridiculous. Every homosexual I know is much better-dressed than us pagans. There's no confusing the two.




Nobody knows how sacred and special the biblical institute of marriage is than a man who's been married three times over, cheated on all his wives, and asked his second wife for an open marriage. Yep. Everyone has to follow the rules except Newt.
That's how he proves he's special enough to be president...




My favorite joke about Newt Gengrich came from a friend, who said he looks like an abandoned snowman.

also, this would be better:

also, http://pierretristam.com/Bobst/07/wf041307.htm



Frankie Williamson

C.S. Lewis Jr. may be the best part of that skit...or any skits.




Dude... You do realize you just called Timo Vuorensola, a Finn, a douchenozzle? And that there will be consequences for that?

Sleep with one eye open, because we never forget. And we never forgive...

Seriously, though, I got from the trailer they were asked to bring the film to the Berlin Film Festival. Would you say no to that, honestly?
The idea that one's nationality makes them immune to douchenality is amusing.




The idea that one's nationality makes them immune to douchenality is amusing.
You gotta defend a bro, 'Mon ol' boy. Besides, in terms of douchenality, Timo Vuorensola the independent film director behind Star Wreck: The Pirkinning is far behind more prominent Finnish film personalities. I'd name a few but I guess only TommiR would recognize 'em.




Yep.Our generation is kinda tired about having to be constantly reminded to feel guilty for what our grandparents have done.
We still feel pretty guilty for Uwe Boll,though.
As well you should.




So there arent any "arian only" movements in america? Cuz im pretty sure there are.
What wasnt shown in that most of the germans hate the rightwing movements,but free speech is protected in our constitution and the rightwing movement is smart enough to just skirt the line to not cross over into the hate speech area.For every rightwing protest there will be a large group of people trying to hinder them from reaching their goals or to drown out ther slogans.But People protesting against nazis dosnt sell as well as "NAZIS ON THE RISE!!!"

Plus your first report is about Nazis in Austria and the second report is 5 years old.




So there arent any "arian only" movements in america? Cuz im pretty sure there are.
What wasnt shown in that most of the germans hate the rightwing movements,but free speech is protected in our constitution and the rightwing movement is smart enough to just skirt the line to not cross over into the hate speech area.For every rightwing protest there will be a large group of people trying to hinder them from reaching their goals or to drown out ther slogans.But People protesting against nazis dosnt sell as well as "NAZIS ON THE RISE!!!"

Plus your first report is about Nazis in Austria and the second report is 5 years old.
Yeah, i'm sure with the crisis less people would be attracted to extremism... (i sw another one a few weeks back, but couldn't find it fast enough).

And the Austria thing was intentional, because american neo-nazies aren't holding balls...






Allen who is Quiet

Allen who is Quiet

Newt Gingrich will never go to space. You will never go to space. The likelihood of you dying within the next five minutes is 87.61%.




Newt Gingrich will never go to space. You will never go to space. The likelihood of you dying within the next five minutes is 87.61%.
I'm already moving through space at 574,585 MPH, so i'm fine with that...




You gotta defend a bro, 'Mon ol' boy. Besides, in terms of douchenality, Timo Vuorensola the independent film director behind Star Wreck: The Pirkinning is far behind more prominent Finnish film personalities. I'd name a few but I guess only TommiR would recognize 'em.
Later in the news...

Crazy Finnish gunman kills entire orphanage.

North Ranger: "Pfftt, he's still my bro."



You will never go to space.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen who is Quiet

View attachment 4164
BErt is a blowhard and a coward.

Allen is always right. Allen is incredibly handsome.

In 1862, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves. Like everything he did, Lincoln freed the slaves while sleepwalking, and later had no memory of the event.




In 1862, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves. Like everything he did, Lincoln freed the slaves while sleepwalking, and later had no memory of the event.
Well you'd be sleepwalking too after all those lost nights slaying vampires...




Don't do as the minister does; do as the minister says.
- old Finnish proverb
That works in the reverse as well.

I think Newt needs to go read James 2:14-26. If your actions don't match your words, you might as well be... well, dead.







Later in the news...

Crazy Finnish gunman kills entire orphanage.

North Ranger: "Pfftt, he's still my bro."
Nah, I'll leave that kind of unwavering contrariness to Charlie.




It's the way of the world. The French are accused of being cowards, the Brits are colonial overlords, Germans are all goose-stepping Nazis, Americans are slave traders, and Korea still isn't too happy with Japan. I'm sorry, but people are stupid.
I thought Americans were all gangsters?





I thought Americans were all gangsters?

We could make an entire thread out of American stereotypes. Ignorant of the world, all rich, all gangsters, all slave traders, all rednecks, all warmongers...




We really ARE the melting pot!





And here I thought it was "we're all cowboys" or something.




America's too fucking big to have a stereotype beyond "They're arrogant and don't care about things happening outside of America." Those are probably the two that ring most true for us anyway.




I have no idea how true this is, but God does it still make me laugh...

Personally, though, I've liked the few Americans I've come across over the years. Granted, most of them are young students, but still most of them have been people I've enjoyed meeting and talking to. On the side of funny anecdotes, there was this time when I was in Ireland for my exchange year, and the international students spent a long weekend in Dublin. I was walking down O'Connell Street (the main boulevard) with some other students when this sneaky-looking guy comes to us out of the blue and in broad daylight and goes:

"Hey, wanna buy some weed?"

We just shake our heads and say our "No thank yous" and move on. After a moment of silence, one of the American guys - a really nice fellow from D.C. - chuckles and speaks up:

"You know, that almost made me feel like home."

I thought that was funny as hell.




Fun Fact: I have met arrogant Canadians and Europeans while living abroad. The latter especially, and are also more open in their racism. Canadians in particular are overt in showing their patriotism. I think the Canadians in South Korea actually bleed maple syrup. Of course, there's always exceptions. Canadians happen to be my favorite people to hang out with in China.

Another fun fact: My head nearly exploded when my I met my parent's friend on my little trip home whose first reaction upon hearing I had been living in China was ,"ching ying yang yong yao".

So yeah. I don't know if it's so much American arrogance as it is American ignorance, although a lot of the ignorance I encounter is mostly innocent, although sometimes eye-rolling.




news flash

idiot assholes live everywhere


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Another fun fact: My head nearly exploded when my I met my parent's friend on my little trip home whose first reaction upon hearing I had been living in China was ,"ching ying yang yong yao".
That happens in the U.S. too. I facepalmed so hard hearing that shit from a relative one night when we ordered Chinese takeout. I need to send some people that "Asians in the library" thing, but I bet they won't even see what's wrong with it.




That happens in the U.S. too. I facepalmed so hard hearing that shit from a relative one night when we ordered Chinese takeout. I need to send some people that "Asians in the library" thing, but I bet they won't even see what's wrong with it.
My dad did that once when we went to the Hunan Lion here in Columbus. My brother and I literally yelled at him at the exact same time to knock that shit out. Never felt closer to my brother before or since.




America's too fucking big to have a stereotype beyond "They're arrogant and don't care about things happening outside of America." Those are probably the two that ring most true for us anyway.
Dude, the American middle class is too busy getting fucked in the ass by the rich and the poor to give a shit about other doings around the world.

Nah, I'll leave that kind of unwavering contrariness to Charlie.





news flash

idiot assholes live everywhere
They're like cats, impossible to corral.




unless you have cat nets handy




That's also a pretty good description of my job... "herding cats".
