No Matter How Big of a Beatles Fan You Are...

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Seriously. It's a track in the White Album, fine, just because it has a starting point somewhere, runs, and ends. But IT'S NOT A SONG!

It's.. the recorded epitome of John's Yokofication, is what I'd call it.

I mean, seriously, I dare you to listen through all 8 minutes of this:

There's no explanation that would give you an accurate depiction of it. Just listen for a minute or so, that's pretty much how it all goes, with more voices and shit.

The intro explains why 09/09/09 is gonna be Beatles Day, though.
It's awful. I always had to skip it when I was listening to the beatles before going to sleep, as a 12 year old... or listening to it when I was goint to schoool... or every time I listened to the album, except for the rare cases in wich I tried to listen to it. I don't think I ever made it.
Allen said:
I made it through it a while ago. All it did was be further support the idea that John was an asshole.
John wasn't an asshole, though. He was pretty much using lots of drugs at this point, the strongest and unhealthiest of which was Yoko Ono.

He cleaned up after (at least chemically, he never did manage to quit Yoko on high dosages), looked after his kid, and then was killed. Tragic, more than asshole-ish.

It's sad to see footage of John from the Let it Be sessions. Hell, I'd even say there was no John in the Let it Be sessions... just... LennOno. That bitch was surgically attached to the fucker.


what's this? a beat-alls thread?

ooooh, a beatles thread, my mistake :tongue:
The only positive experience of having listened to Revolution 9 the whole way through several times (yes... I wanted to give John a chance, gorram it!!) is that the whole "number nine...number nine...number nine..." thing is not only catchy as fuck, but hilarious, especially if you're with people who get it.

Like the other day a few friends and I were hanging out at a golf course, just waiting for a friend to arrive, and someone mentioned a "number 9 club"... I started with the monotonous "number nine... number nine", soon to be joined by two of my more cultured friends. It becomes a THING.

number nine...number nine... lmao, hilarity.
Oh please, it's not that hard to listen to. It's only 8 min long, I could listen to basically anything for that long. And it's actually kind of interesting, in a "Goddamn Lennon was fucking wasted/half crazy when he made this".

Not that it's a song by any reasonable definition of what a "song" is. But people here are acting like it's someone scratching their fingernails across a chaulkboard for an hour.

Calleja said:
"played out"? How so?
Everyone goes "number nine...number nine" every time the word "nine" is mentioned. It's like Monty Python references at this point, no longer "Ha ha! Funny! I get it!" but "yeah ha ha African or European swallow, get some new material already."
ZenMonkey said:
Calleja said:
"played out"? How so?
Everyone goes "number nine...number nine" every time the word "nine" is mentioned. It's like Monty Python references at this point, no longer "Ha ha! Funny! I get it!" but "yeah ha ha African or European swallow, get some new material already."
Monty Python references are ALWAYS funny! :humph:
ZenMonkey said:
Calleja said:
"played out"? How so?
Everyone goes "number nine...number nine" every time the word "nine" is mentioned. It's like Monty Python references at this point, no longer "Ha ha! Funny! I get it!" but "yeah ha ha African or European swallow, get some new material already."
Huh... I've never heard it in any TV show or movie or the such, which is where I would pick up on played out things over there.

It's obviously not played out here since we say "nueve" instead of "nine" :p


I liked the Simpsons parody of it better... probably more entertaining to listen to that over and over too


Just listened to it... with headphones.

I now expect to hear sounds moving from ear to ear.
I've never heard the Revolution 9 reference in any movie or TV show or book I've read, that I recall.... mentions of it being weird as fuck, sure, but people going "number nine...number nine..." not really.

Skinny Santa

I read somewhere once that John would often have TV's and Radios playing simultaneously while he read and used that to find ideas for song. Interpreting it as how John's mind works when hes creating has always made it interesting for me to listen too. Its not a song but I like it anyways.

Take this brother may it serve you well.


That track's not so hard to sit through at all. Hell, I've heard Two Lone Swordsmen songs that were more painful on the ears.

Joe Johnson

I guess I never thought of it as a "song" so much as a sound experiment.
I'm fine with that. Doesn't mean I have to listen to it, but I'm good with musicians pushing some boundaries (and, remember when this came out - it was before everyone and his brother could make music on their computer for free).
I'm fine with experimenting, and I'm the last person you have to convince The Beatles pushed boundaries..... but why did he have to put it right smack in the middle of an otherwise quite enjoyable album, is my question.

I mean... it's the foocking White Album... and not even *I* can listen to it from beginning to end cause there's an 8 minute pause of random noise, which is not what I wanna hear when I'm driving or whatever, y'know.

It's the longest track in the entire Beatles discography, too.

Joe Johnson

I see your point. I suppose they were catering to the drug crowd back then.

The White Album is probably my favorite album by them. It's an experimental album, but not in the "in your face" way that Sgt Peppers was. More of a group of songs that were all fairly different from each other, with different styles and different levels of fidelity/production value.
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