No Matter How Big of a Beatles Fan You Are...

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Calleja said:

Seriously. It's a track in the White Album, fine, just because it has a starting point somewhere, runs, and ends. But IT'S NOT A SONG!

It's.. the recorded epitome of John's Yokofication, is what I'd call it.

I mean, seriously, I dare you to listen through all 8 minutes of this:

But if we consider some paint splatter and fesces to be a painting or work of art,by the same logic we could consider Lennon´s drunken recordings as a song. :twisted:
Calleja said:
I'm fine with experimenting, and I'm the last person you have to convince The Beatles pushed boundaries..... but why did he have to put it right smack in the middle of an otherwise quite enjoyable album, is my question.
because he's an asshole

-- Mon Aug 03, 2009 8:27 am --

Joe Johnson said:
More of a group of songs that were all fairly different from each other, with different styles and different levels of fidelity/production value.
Right. Because they were all working independently and noticed they happened to have enough tracks to fill a two record album.
Allen said:
Right. Because they were all working independently and noticed they happened to have enough tracks to fill a two record album.

That's not entirely right..... Ringo never did anything on his own :p
Calleja said:
Allen said:
Right. Because they were all working independently and noticed they happened to have enough tracks to fill a two record album.

That's not entirely right..... Ringo never did anything on his own :p
first beatle to be a voice on the simpsons. that counts for something musical...right? right?
Your sources are fail

The common misconception is that "octopi" is the plural of "octopus", because of the mistaken assumption that the "us" ending means it derived from Latin, whereas "octopus" is actually derived from Greek.

Strictly speaking, the plural is actually "octopodes", however this is rarely used nowadays. Today, "octopuses" is more commonly accepted as a plural.

Never was a big fan of the Beatles. I thought their stuff was either too "popcorn" or too "fucking weird". This song is in the "fucking weird" category.


Octopi might not be traditional but all three are accepted in about any setting.
Edrondol said:
Never was a big fan of the Beatles. I thought their stuff was either too "popcorn" or too "fucking weird". This song is in the "fucking weird" category.
Hmm.. I think I can find for you a song that's neither.

How about two...first, a nice, beautiful reminiscing:


AND, I noticed you liked Green Day on your, so maybe you'll like this:


How about it? I think I have enough Beatles minutia in my head that I should be able to find a song ANYONE would like, given enough parameters of the subject's tastes.

I like "In My Life". There are a few that I like but not enough to call myself a proper fan.
In My Life... aight, so you're of the more ballady persuasion?

Fair enough, I can dig something else up for you. Lessee...

Oooh, this one's great, but it grows more and more on you:


This is also a great example of not being "popcorn" NOR "fucking weird".
I don't have any trouble listening to Revolution 9...if anything, it helps soothe the mind because it guides two different mindsets at the same time, so you can actually listen to it on two levels with two mindtracks at the same time. It's sort of trippy, but, eh. Better than my experiments with two different cds with one plugged in each ear. *shrug*
They really didn't intend for it to be heard backwards, though, that was an idea of the nutters... both the Manson nutters and the Paul is Dead nutters. When the Beatles added backwards stuff, it was cause they liked how it sounded backwards, not so you would LISTEN backwards

An example is the song I linked a few posts back, I'm Only Sleeping, that includes some backwards guitar chords.
Calleja said:
Rocky Raccoon is certainly a parody.
As is "Back in the USSR" ... we had the most fun, though, with "Glass Onion" and its self referencing, its lying, and the idea that once you've peeled all the layers away nothing is really there.
hahahaha, yeah, Glass Onion was another I Am The Walrus... John just having fun in confusing the fuck out of people who looked for messages in all their songs.

Honest. I love that song. It's so lighthearted in beat & tune but the subject matter is serious.
you like lighthearted in beat & tune but not so in lyrics, huh?

Well, then, meet:

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