Get out of here with that 1-percenter BS.3090

The most popular Team Red card in the Steam Survey is still the RX 580. So I'm set.
Get out of here with that 1-percenter BS.3090
The other day a buddy of mine reached out to let me know there were 3080's at Best Buy if I hurried. I went to the page...and just didn't. My 1080 is still going strong and while I HAVE the money (I actually saved for this) I couldn't justify the cost for something I realized I just didn't need yet.Man, I'm still having no problems at all with my 1060 3 gig. So I'm in no hurry to pander to a scalper to upgrade.
I've got the 1070, and I'm still more than happy with it.Man, I'm still having no problems at all with my 1060 3 gig. So I'm in no hurry to pander to a scalper to upgrade.
Dude I'm still rocking a 7970.Man, I'm still having no problems at all with my 1060 3 gig. So I'm in no hurry to pander to a scalper to upgrade.
I think it's just that your enthusiasm for getting one has evaporated by now, boiled off by your fury at all the scalpers.Is this what growing up feels like?
Man, you should pass on those hot tips if you aren't going to use them.The other day a buddy of mine reached out to let me know there were 3080's at Best Buy if I hurried. I went to the page...and just didn't. My 1080 is still going strong and while I HAVE the money (I actually saved for this) I couldn't justify the cost for something I realized I just didn't need yet.
Is this what growing up feels like?
--PatrickThings start off well enough with the GeForce RTX 3060 showing a hash rate of around 41.5 MH/s, while the GeForce GTX 1080 Ti is pegged at 28 MH/s. However, the GeForce RTX 3060 hash rate steadily sinks from its peak to 36.7 MH/s down to 33 MH/s until it finally settles in around 26 MH/s.
Man I was really hoping that would work so I could spend $700 on a card worth $700 and not one worth $250 which is all the current deals I'm seeing.Cryptominers have already cracked Nvidia's RTX 3060 hash rate limiter
"Give them a week, they'll take off the wait."
Also the limiter really only limits for Ethereum, so there were already plenty of people using them to mine other digital currencies.
There are already dedicated mining cards in the pipeline, but even if they are cheaper than "gaming" cards, they are never going to satisfy demand. The only way to guarantee that card inventory can survive long enough to actually reach store shelves is for it to cost more money to mine than you could recover on a per-card basis.Alternatively, can't somebody please just create dedicated mining cards that are /actually/ better at mining and cheaper than gaming cards, and with a decent supply, so that the miners won't all feel the need to buy all the gaming cards?
Bitcoin crackdown sends graphics cards prices plummeting in China after Sichuan terminated mining operationsThe RTX 3080, which has become somewhat of a poster child for the GPU shortage, dropped from a minimum price of 2,299 euros ($2,726) on May 17 to a minimum price of 1,499 euros ($1,777) on June 17. More importantly, there were only three RTX 3080 models available on May 17. Now, the report says there are 24 models available.
--PatrickGraphics cards from companies including Nvidia and Asus saw prices fall by as much as two-thirds on e-commerce platforms amid China’s sweeping bitcoin crackdown
If you aren't a miner, nVIDIA doesn't want to know you, or what you do.
I'm still having no problems at all with my 1060 3 gig. So I'm in no hurry to pander to a scalper to upgrade.
That's an excellent analogy.Reddit - Dive into anything