October is now over. Welcome to Mikkovember!


Staff member
It's so ingrained into Finnish culture that, when playing the Finnish game "My Summer Car," the only way to reduce your "Dirtiness" statistic is in the sauna. Despite having a completely working shower right next to the sauna, it does nothing for your cleanliness.
It's so ingrained into Finnish culture that, when playing the Finnish game "My Summer Car," the only way to reduce your "Dirtiness" statistic is in the sauna. Despite having a completely working shower right next to the sauna, it does nothing for your cleanliness.
I did notice that. I thought it was just somehow easier than using an actual shower.

Well, what else would it be?
I assumed it was purely recreational and social, with possible health benefits. I never thought it was intended for cleansing.

Which only makes me feel worse that Mikko couldn't use one for so many weeks or months prior to his death. It's not like he was dirty by the worlds standards, but he must have felt unclean.
My lab collaborates with Eastern Finland University and I think about North_Ranger every time we talk to them. There's one guy named Mika and another dude named Markku, and their names remind me of Mikko. I get so melancholy after those meetings.
I was a long time lurker for this forum and it's previous incarnations. I always enjoyed reading the exchanges between NR and the usuals here, I remember him as a cordial and jubilant fellow.

I've read back on the old threads before his tumor was discovered around the years 2011-2012, and I am a bit unsettled - I have this urge to hit reply and warn him of his impending cancer - what an odd compulsion. Since it's far too late for that but not for anyone here; please consider getting yourself examined for cancer or just a general checkup. I'd hate to see another member lost to this stupid disease.

Fuck cancer. Seriously.