Old School!

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Many a person bought Brave Fencer Musashi ONLY for the Final Fantasy 8 demo disk... which is funny, because Brave Fencer Musashi was a much better game in pretty much every way.
I have seen half of the Spoony series. I agree. I haven't seen all of it because his archiving system confuses me.
Many a person bought Brave Fencer Musashi ONLY for the Final Fantasy 8 demo disk... which is funny, because Brave Fencer Musashi was a much better game in pretty much every way.
Kind of like Zone of the Enders and Metal Gear Solid 2. Who knew that demo would have the only worthwhile part of the entire game.
Metal Gear Solid 2 is okay, if you understand the meme process and what Hideo Kojima was trying to do with the game. It was basically a Take That at everyone who had said they wanted to be just like Snake, without realizing what that would actually take to make it happen.
Metal Gear Solid 2 is okay, if you understand the meme process and what Hideo Kojima was trying to do with the game. It was basically a Take That at everyone who had said they wanted to be just like Snake, without realizing what that would actually take to make it happen.
I think you're thinking of MGS 3: snake eater. MGS2: sons of liberty was the one with Raiden.
Maybe it's just me but I thought the MGS series got better with every release and culminated in the most epic way possible with 4.

I loved the mass conspiracy, the Snake brothers twists, the family involvements, the reoccuring characters actually aging and changing, the new "weapons" in every one, the way the stakes got higher and higher.

Really the whole thing was an enjoyable experience for me.
I think that it just started getting bogged down in its own mythos. To the point where MGS4 was 90% exposition dump to wrap up all the loose plot threads.
I think that it just started getting bogged down in its own mythos. To the point where MGS4 was 90% exposition dump to wrap up all the loose plot threads.
Maybe that's more appropriate than my opinion on the writing. It was so convoluted that I felt I was taking a course on Metal Gear Solid versus playing Metal Gear Solid.
I think when cutscenes outnumber gameplay by a factor of 2-1 you no longer have a video game. You have an interactive movie with intermissions.
*shrug* Better than not explaining.
Oh, I would agree on that. In some instances "A wizard did it" would have been somewhat preferable to disappearing up one's own anus trying to weasel out of the corner of writing one has painted themselves into.
Perhaps I should have said I enjoyed MGS1-3 as amazing games and 4 as an amazing movie that wraps up an amazing story.... however, I still thought the MGS4 gameplay (the little there was) was flipping perfect.


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MSG4 is the one PS3 "classic" i've avoided primarily because I've heard this rumor of very little gameplay. I figured that was also why it's less than 10 bucks at gamestop.
I thought the series peaked with MGS3. It was pretty darn close to perfect. Lots of great gameplay, cool story, great pacing, and less expository dialogue-as-filler.

Plus, you got to hurt "Raiden" before MGS4 made him Cyborg McAwesomeHeels

While I had a total blast playing MGS4, I couldn't stand the weapons dealer, and if I hadn't played the three previous games through multiple times I would have just given up after 3rd 20-minute cutscene in less than 4 hours. It's why I don't recommend the game to people.
I thought the series peaked with MGS3. It was pretty darn close to perfect. Lots of great gameplay, cool story, great pacing, and less expository dialogue-as-filler.

Plus, you got to hurt "Raiden" before MGS4 made him Cyborg McAwesomeHeels

While I had a total blast playing MGS4, I couldn't stand the weapons dealer, and if I hadn't played the three previous games through multiple times I would have just given up after 3rd 20-minute cutscene in less than 4 hours. It's why I don't recommend the game to people.
See, again I have to disagree.
I thought what happens with Raiden in MGS4 was amazing. After all the fan whining we got to see him growth, change and resolve in a way I would have never expected. Hell if anything he's one of the best things about MGS4.

I will say this though, as I played through and finished MGS1-3 multiple times, MGS4 is a "one-timer" for sure. As for not recommending it? Nah, I'd definitely tell any MGS fan to play and finish it at least once.
I have to say that I loved MGS4. But I knew going into it that it was mostly cutscenes. I do wish there had been more gameplay, but I think Shego and I are generally on the same page as far as liking deep, sometimes convoluted, lore in games. Hell, the Legacy of Kain/Soul Reavers are my favorite series of all time, and you need a freakin' roadmap to follow all the plots and twists in those games.

I love those games so much, I plan on this being my first tattoo.

What I wouldn't give for a current gen revival of LoK.... even though I just know they'd screw them up.

I replayed the first one so many times, I love the fact that they used "that ending" as the canon version.
LoK was the very first game I downloaded off the PSN on my PS3. I need to pick up copies of Soul Reaver and Soul Reaver 2. The first one, I owned on the Dreamcast, and the second I had on PC, but the disk got cracked in half when I moved.

It also doesn't hurt that they got TREMENDOUS voice actors. Tony Jay as the elder god, Simon Templeman as Kain, Michael Bell as Raziel.

Though, as much as I want more LoK games, I'm not too keen on this : http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2012/03/20/rumor-soul-reaver-reboot-in-development.aspx
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