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On a whim question



This may seem like on a whim question for many of you and for me it is as well. I have know problem meeting nice ladies in my area due to living on a college campus. Are they any social networking sites for college people or recommended dating sites? I guess I'm trying this as a social experiment as I said before on a whim. Still have a slight hangover from last night as well.




Facebook used to be the college social networking site until all the MySpace people switched to it an ruined it... or so I'm told anyway.

As for dating sites... I'm told Soulgeek is good.




You live on a college campus--it's a living social networking site. Although college girls can get annoying REAL fast, there are still plenty of single and looking girls available every day, every hour.

My suggestion is that you join a club. There should be girls pertaining to your interests there. Or, you know, practice flirting and hanging out with girls on weekends. Much better than stuffy internet.



I know thanks dude just seems that most of the nice girls I meet here are already taken lol so go figure. I know a lot of girls as friends jst was inquisitive thats all since I usually stay away from online social networking site. It was a stupid question I asked anyhoo.

I only joined facebook last fall so go figure haha




I eventually got me a girlfriend because a friend set me up with her.

My advice is to get and maintain as many friends as possible. If this means joining a club or getting to know people at work or school better, or taking up a new hobby or something, ten GO FOR IT.

Worst case scenario, you get a ton of friends. :)




Yeah, that's essentially the best way to do it. If you're avidly seeking it, you'll end up jinxing yourself. But hey, a friend is a friend is a friend. Too many people view dating and relationships through the lens of sitcoms and romcoms. I know that's why I've fucked up enough times in the past.

But hey, whatever. Every weekend is a new adventure. Go out, have a few drinks, go see a band, join a club and meet some chicks.

Oh and dear god don't stalk women at subway



Haha thats already the case man and i'm fine with everything jst was curious about the online part lol i'm already active in college already it was a fluke question i asked here




Once again, I'm not implying anything about you. But you set up a thread for discussion dogg ~_~ kinda the consequence of opening a dialauge on something. If anything, let's consider this for the forum mouthbreathers that can't get themselves out there more.



Oh and dear god don't stalk women at subway
Damn straight. Quiznos is where the prime stalking territory's at.




Definitely join a club. I joined an anime con planning club and made a buttload of friends that way. Oh. And got a girlfriend. :D




I agree with Gusto. For lack of a better term, start mining your friends as dating resources. Of course you want to be respectful while you do this, but your friends can introduce to more people, which could possibly lead to meeting girls.

If your heart is set on dating sites I'll second Soulgeek. I haven't tried it myself, but its tempting. I've heard good things about it.




I agree with Gusto. For lack of a better term, start mining your friends as dating resources. Of course you want to be respectful while you do this, but your friends can introduce to more people, which could possibly lead to meeting girls.

If your heart is set on dating sites I'll second Soulgeek. I haven't tried it myself, but its tempting. I've heard good things about it.
Friends of friends seems to be a great option, I moved out Atlanta way earlier this year and if it wasn't for my roommate and his girlfriend introducing me to some folks, I wouldn't know anyone but them. I'm still working on the setting me up part, but regardless of that it's a great way to just meet people in general.

Also, it helps with one's run-on sentences, apparently.




Ok didn't want to start a new thread so just posting here, if I am hijacking it too much let me know.

Basically I am a shy fuck and I am interested in this girl in my psych class.
I haven't really talked to her much, just some stuff like discussion in class.
I have never really done the whole flirting/asking out people I don't know type thing but apparently thats what all the big kids do :p.
But yeah what would be a good way for my to break the ice and talk to this girl and hopefully ask her to dinner or coffee or something. My friend's girlfriend told me I should ask her if she wants to study before the next test but thats like 3-4 weeks away and just seems so cliche heh.



Step 1. Stop being a shy fuck.
Step 2. Talk to her.
Step 3. ???
Step 4. Bury the body.
Step 5. Confess on your death bed to a priest. Believe in Jesus.
Step 6. You're in Heaven! Congrats!




Step 1. Stop being a shy fuck.
Yeah everyone seems to think that I can just do that, like easy peasy. Yeah no, it doesn't work like that. But I will try to have a little courage and not be shy but yeah basically I am super social normally and talk a lot with tons of people, unless they are a girl I find attractive in which case I just like lock up. I can't talk, I can't think straight, I get the whole nervous lump in my throat, I usually just look down or away... I have some severe social anxiety when it comes to woman that I am interested in.




I getcha, Hobo, the solution to shyness is often the same as the solution to procrastination: Stop doing it. Not really helpful advice.

I guess it comes with practice. Getting more comfortable in social situations (through "practice", if you will) is key to getting over you lady anxiety, or at least it was in my case. By the time I met a girl with some mutual interest I was comfortable enough to talk to her fairly openly about it.

On my second date with my current girlfriend (before it was official) we actually had a conversation about how well the dating process was going so far.




The GF and I bounce between True and Adult Friend Finder.

Or were you looking more for relationship type stuff?




It sort of does work like that, Hobo, just a little bit at a time. You can do it.



If you can get yourself to look down on people and keep the contempt out your voice, you can project an air of confidence. Or of arrogance. Try to keep it out of the ballpark of the second.




The thing to realize is that everyone feels exactly the way you do at all times. We're all afraid of rejection, we're all afraid to talk to that cute girl/guy. The thing is, only you know the way that you feel! It's like public speaking - you may have messed up a few lines, but usually you are the only one who catches it. If you don't feel confident, fake confidence! That sounds really dumb, but people will react to what they see not to what you see in yourself.

Goferit, dood!




When in doubt, whip it out.




Ok so if I can get the balls to talk to her on wednesday in the next class where is a good place to like take someone you barely know you can talk? Coffee? Dinner? My friends and I are going haunted housing friday but I don't know if that would be the type of thing to invite someone to right off the bat. Maybe I could try to do coffee or something early friday and if it was to go well ask about the haunted house.



haha jake what a good piece of advice hahahahaha



If you don't feel confident, fake confidence!
Yes, tell yourself you are the meanest, baddest motherfucker on this planet and people should be lucky to be near you. Let it give you confidence, not contempt.

Haunted House sounds fine, you could always be talking to a friend about it and ask her then. It'll let her know you're interested in her but by making it seem casual and getting more than one person involved you make it seem less like an 'actual date'.




Ok so if I can get the balls to talk to her on wednesday in the next class where is a good place to like take someone you barely know you can talk? Coffee? Dinner? My friends and I are going haunted housing friday but I don't know if that would be the type of thing to invite someone to right off the bat. Maybe I could try to do coffee or something early friday and if it was to go well ask about the haunted house.
My immediate thought is always a cafe. I just think they're nice, mellow places (despite all the caffeine) where people can hang out naturally and get to know one another... either that or write their novels on laptops while nursing $2.00's worth of coffee.


---------- Post added at 07:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:16 PM ----------

And Deschain's right---confidence! Even when you doubt yourself, don't let it come to the surface. Be aware of your posture; it often speaks louder than words.




take her to a bar get her drunk and then FUCK THE PISS OUT OF HER.

I'm saying so bad she pees the bed, is what I'm saying.

Or, I don't know, a coffee shop or something. You're looking into things WAY TOO FUCKEN MUCH




Well im only 20 so I can't go to the bar :p

But yeah it is decided, I am going to ask her to coffee.

I need to just keep telling myself to stop being a pussy and talk to her.



The GF and I bounce between True and Adult Friend Finder.

Or were you looking more for relationship type stuff?
If you find each other by accident, do you hook up like in the pina colada song?







" But yeah it is decided, I am going to ask her to coffee."

Problem is you need to figure out what to talk about (between just you and her) for the time there. And if you don't know each other well yet it could be awkward because it'll play out just like a cheesy romance. I initially said to get to know her while out with your friends because there will always be some topic on hand to talk about and it won't be as awkward.

When you ask, you'll probably be scared and your voice will falter. Do not let this happen. You must be mentally reassured that her answer means nothing. If she says yes, that's cool beans. If she says no, then shit that's too bad then. Remember, you're casual. This isn't life or death.




Well I pretty much just hang out with my friends at the LAN center I used to work at heh... Sometimes we go to movies or drink at someones apartment or since its October go to haunted houses but I don't really see any of those situations being able to like ask her to hang out and go do that stuff and get to know her.




Well im only 20 so I can't go to the bar :p

But yeah it is decided, I am going to ask her to coffee.

I need to just keep telling myself to stop being a pussy and talk to her.
Indeed. Locate thy balls and then sally forth and get some ladytypes. :D




Well I pretty much just hang out with my friends at the LAN cent-
Don't tell her this.




Well I pretty much just hang out with my friends at the LAN cent-
Don't tell her this.[/QUOTE]

Listen to Chippy. He speaks the truth.




Well I pretty much just hang out with my friends at the LAN cent-
Don't tell her this.[/QUOTE]

Hobo, I want you to pay for my way out to Iowa so I can make this date happen. You should also get Chippy to come out, so the two of us can work, commando style.

Also, you should tell her you are a philanthropist. But not a full-on rapist.




You should also get Chippy to come out, so the two of us can work, commando style.
Let's do this.

Tell her that you want your genitals and her genitals to do a hi five.

Tell her that you want her to donate her body to science and you science.




Tell her your dead wife used to say you looked like Clark Gable.




Tell her your dead wife used to say you looked like Clark Gable.
Dance with her!




:confused: Umm yeah... im confused as to what the fuck is going on...

It actually would be realistically possible to get you here Jewski :p It would probably be like 50 bucks in gas for me to drive up to Chicago and back but yeah not gonna do that heh.




We need to find Hobo his Mabel.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

I believe you mean: Mabel needs to find her Hobo




Who the hell is Mabel?




She's your everything, silly.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

She is a sensitive people and she's got so much to give




You guys are acting as if there are other Mabels out there. But Mabel was one of a kind. There will never be anyone else like her.




Mabel is a thread-hopping whore.

There, I said it.




I am still confused as hell. Is this Mabel thing a joke you guys are making up as you go or is it some kind of joke from a movie or song that I don't know about?




If you knew, you wouldn't be having your shyness problems.




Well the only thing that seems relevant when googling is Mabel Iam?




One time, I mowing my uncle's lawn when Mabel walked by. She had a big jug of lemonade with her. "Isn't it hot?" She said. "Yes'm" I said, and wiped the sweat from my brow. "Have some lemonade" she said, and pulled out a tall glass and poured me some of that juicy goodness.

That was Mabel for ya, the sweetest thing with the sweetest lemonade, always there on a hot day just to make your life that much nicer.




Juice is that a metaphor.





Mmmmmmmmmmm mmm mm m mmmm aaaayyyyy bbbbeeeeeeeee :3












Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I got into my most serious relationship to date from OkCupid. I have a friend that's dated a couple dozen girls from there.




One time, I mowing my uncle's lawn when Mabel walked by. She had a big jug of lemonade with her. "Isn't it hot?" She said. "Yes'm" I said, and wiped the sweat from my brow. "Have some lemonade" she said, and pulled out a tall glass and poured me some of that juicy goodness.

That was Mabel for ya, the sweetest thing with the sweetest lemonade, always there on a hot day just to make your life that much nicer.
Where was she keeping the glass? And are you sure that was lemonade?




If Mabel was still around, she would invite you inside to sit at her breakfast nook... the table covered in her home-made crocheted doileys... pour a glass of sweet tea and give you some of her fresh fried pickles.

Once you two spent a few minutes catching up, she would tell you all the nice things you could do for the lady like opening her door for her, footing the bill, and swinging on her ma and pa's porch swing before you gave her a good night kiss on the cheek.

Mabel will give you the confidence you need...

...except she's gone...:tear:




....Somebody tell me why I keep coming back this thread.




....Somebody tell me why I keep coming back this thread.
You love punishment.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

....Somebody tell me why I keep coming back this thread.
I did it all for the nookie




....Somebody tell me why I keep coming back this thread.
I did it all for the nookie[/QUOTE]
So you could get one of Mabel's fresh baked cookies?




....Somebody tell me why I keep coming back this thread.
I did it all for the nookie[/QUOTE]
So you could get one of Mabel's fresh baked cookies?[/QUOTE]

And stick it up his :mmph:

Stick it up his :angry:




So she wasn't in class today so didn't even get a chance to pussy out.

My friend's girlfriend told me I should add her on MySpace and talk to her on there but I was like uhh no I don't want to be a total creeper. I haven't really had any real conversations with her, just kind of class discussion type stuff so I think I will talk to her some try to flirt(How does I flirt?) and stuff before I add her on any social networking sites or ask her to coffee or something. Like shouldn't I talk to her some before asking her to the coffee thing or can I ask a basically complete stranger to that? So basically the situation is that I think this girl is cute but haven't even really talked to her heh...




I don't want to be a total creeper.
Too late.





Talk to people in real life before you talk to them online, if possible.

A caveat would be if someone was trying to set the two of you up and got you to add each other on MySpace/Facebook/whateverthefuck.

Wait til you have class together and try again.




Stop talking to your friend's girlfriend. If possible, meet new friends who know how to make sure you don't look inept.

That includes most of this forum.




.... so I think I will talk to her some try to flirt(How does I flirt?) and stuff before I add her on any social networking sites...
Just walk up to her and spank her.

Trust me, girls love that.




HOBO I have the end all advice!

Walk up to her and kick her in the groin.
As she doubles over (it's pleasure, I PROMISE), smash her boobs into her chest with your hands, twist, and pull up.

She will be all over your dick.




HOBO I have the end all advice!

Walk up to her and kick her in the groin.
As she doubles over (it's pleasure, I PROMISE), smash her boobs into her chest with your hands, twist, and pull up.

She will be all over your dick.




HOBO I have the end all advice!

Walk up to her and kick her in the groin.
As she doubles over (it's pleasure, I PROMISE), smash her boobs into her chest with your hands, twist, and pull up.

She will be all over your dick.
If she cries, ask her if she's on her period.




HOBO I have the end all advice!

Walk up to her and kick her in the groin.
As she doubles over (it's pleasure, I PROMISE), smash her boobs into her chest with your hands, twist, and pull up.

She will be all over your dick.
If she cries, ask her if she's on her period.[/QUOTE]


OH GEEZE, CG! How am I EVER going to concentrate at work today when all I can think about is this fantasy?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

*terrible advice*




So she wasn't in class today so didn't even get a chance to pussy out.

My friend's girlfriend told me I should add her on MySpace and talk to her on there but I was like uhh no I don't want to be a total creeper. I haven't really had any real conversations with her, just kind of class discussion type stuff so I think I will talk to her some try to flirt(How does I flirt?) and stuff before I add her on any social networking sites or ask her to coffee or something. Like shouldn't I talk to her some before asking her to the coffee thing or can I ask a basically complete stranger to that? So basically the situation is that I think this girl is cute but haven't even really talked to her heh...
You can get all the advice you want, but it makes for a poor substitute in place of experience.

I really, really don't understand why talking to women seems like such an impossible task for the guys here.




So she wasn't in class today so didn't even get a chance to pussy out.

My friend's girlfriend told me I should add her on MySpace and talk to her on there but I was like uhh no I don't want to be a total creeper. I haven't really had any real conversations with her, just kind of class discussion type stuff so I think I will talk to her some try to flirt(How does I flirt?) and stuff before I add her on any social networking sites or ask her to coffee or something. Like shouldn't I talk to her some before asking her to the coffee thing or can I ask a basically complete stranger to that? So basically the situation is that I think this girl is cute but haven't even really talked to her heh...
You can get all the advice you want, but it makes for a poor substitute in place of experience.

I really, really don't understand why talking to women seems like such an impossible task for the some guys here.[/QUOTE]

Do, or do not. There is no try.

I think what works for me is my self-deprecating knowledge that dumb nerdy shit I like to talk about is dumb. Girls aren't just going to go for the Star Trek guy when he's in his full regalia (unless you're talking to nerdy girls of the same calibur). Be yourself, but be charming. Introduce your personality in chunks. Nerds for some reason where it like it's armor; when nobody really wears their entire personality on their sleeve.

Also, thinking of the female as some unattainable foreign body can't help. And, if they act anything like how they act to the girls on here...

well then it's really fucking obvious why they baw in their sleep.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

HOBO I have the end all advice!

Walk up to her and kick her in the groin.
As she doubles over (it's pleasure, I PROMISE), smash her boobs into her chest with your hands, twist, and pull up.

She will be all over your dick.
If she cries, ask her if she's on her period.[/QUOTE]

You are forgetting the most important step! After all this, take a picture of her and leave, laughing loudly.




HOBO I have the end all advice!

Walk up to her and kick her in the groin.
As she doubles over (it's pleasure, I PROMISE), smash her boobs into her chest with your hands, twist, and pull up.

She will be all over your dick.
If she cries, ask her if she's on her period.[/QUOTE]

You are forgetting the most important step! After all this, take a picture of her and leave, laughing loudly.[/QUOTE]

While telling her she's just like her mother.




HOBO I have the end all advice!

Walk up to her and kick her in the groin.
As she doubles over (it's pleasure, I PROMISE), smash her boobs into her chest with your hands, twist, and pull up.

She will be all over your dick.
If she cries, ask her if she's on her period.[/quote]

You are forgetting the most important step! After all this, take a picture of her and leave, laughing loudly.[/quote]

While telling her she's just like her mother.[/QUOTE]
And then put your chewing gum in her hair before giving her a noogie.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

HOBO I have the end all advice!

Walk up to her and kick her in the groin.
As she doubles over (it's pleasure, I PROMISE), smash her boobs into her chest with your hands, twist, and pull up.

She will be all over your dick.
If she cries, ask her if she's on her period.[/QUOTE]

You are forgetting the most important step! After all this, take a picture of her and leave, laughing loudly.[/QUOTE]

While telling her she's just like her mother.[/QUOTE]

Oooh, I never tried THAT.

And then put your chewing gum in her hair before giving her a noogie.
nor that!




HOBO I have the end all advice!

Walk up to her and kick her in the groin.
As she doubles over (it's pleasure, I PROMISE), smash her boobs into her chest with your hands, twist, and pull up.

She will be all over your dick.
If she cries, ask her if she's on her period.[/QUOTE]

You are forgetting the most important step! After all this, take a picture of her and leave, laughing loudly.[/QUOTE]

While telling her she's just like her mother.[/QUOTE]

Don't forget to take a big sniff and say she smells just like her too.




:rofl: Better that than "fish."




This thread went to a very strange place. . . . .

I approve! :thumbsup:




It's because these guys think there is some magical thing they need to say to a woman to convince them to go out with them and if they just figure out what that is (or get someone else to tell them) they'll hook her. It doesn't work that way. A woman will typically know whether she wants to spend time with you before you ask her out. Then it doesn't matter what you say (as long as it's not completely stupid or arrogant), just that you've made a move. Of course, if the first thing you ever say to her is "want to go out?" your chances are a bit low (but by no means zero).

Of course, sometimes she might say no and eventually change her mind, but you have to make your interest known pretty quickly, or you get stuck in the friend (i.e. "no fucking way") zone. So basically the worst possible thing you can do is not ask in the first place.

tl:dr version: Grow a pair.

---------- Post added at 11:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:05 AM ----------

Also, thinking of the female as some unattainable foreign body can't help.
Exactly. You're looking around your classroom thinking "I'd hit that". The women (being, you know, people) are doing the exact same thing. If you're on that list, she will say yes when you ask her out. If not, she was never going to.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I have trouble speaking to people, period. No "foreign bodies" nor "magical words". It's just awkward and unnatural to me, like riding a bicicle with huge heavy shoes and a pair of trousers five sizes smaller.

And a wedgie.
