Staff member
I went go-karting today. The really fun kind that can get up to 40mph (and I did not drive well enough to qualify for the even faster karts.) While getting into the kart I was looking around for the non-existent seatbelt and burned my arm on the engine. Despite my idiocy getting into my ride, I still turned in some respectable lap times, and even lapped some people.
Thumbnail image of the burn is below, click for bigger version of what might leave a scar. There is some missing skin, and a bit of blistering, but I don't think it's going to be much of a problem. Could be a serious pain, literally, showering tomorrow, but unless it gets infected it should heal up pretty quickly. I'm going to do my best to keep it clean and avoid infection.

Thumbnail image of the burn is below, click for bigger version of what might leave a scar. There is some missing skin, and a bit of blistering, but I don't think it's going to be much of a problem. Could be a serious pain, literally, showering tomorrow, but unless it gets infected it should heal up pretty quickly. I'm going to do my best to keep it clean and avoid infection.