Pictures of the toy you loved as a kid.

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This is the thread that I thought the the "Your Toy Story Toy" thread would be.

Most everyone, like Andy in Toy Story, had a toy that was more than just a fun piece of plastic or stuffed cloth to play with -- it was a childhood friend. To throw it out or give it away would be unspeakable. And in most cases, you really did suspect that it was alive when you weren't looking.

My toy was a stuffed Koala, which I, in the height of my childhood imagination, Christened "Koala."

He was actually a toy given to my little brother when he was born, but he never really took to the toy, and one day I discovered him in our toy box and, needing a toy to compete with my older brother's chosen teddy-bear comrade "Bearbuck," I took him in as my own.

Both Koala and Bearbuck could fly, were super strong, were part of the stuffed toy football league, and talked in a stuffed toy language that sounded a lot like Beaker from the muppets. Our entire toy box eventually became a working society -- or at least working in the minds of young first-and-second graders, who weren't very concerned with matters such as economics, politics, or civil unrest. All a society really needed to work was a king, a police officer, a criminal, a fast food joint, and a sports team.

So what about you all? What toys played a major role in your upbringing?

(Rejected thread title: "Pictures of your Woody")


When I was little, I had a Snoopy doll that had different outfits. Of course, mine was usually in his "World War I Flying Ace" outfit.
Here's a picture of a similar one:

When I was older, it was a Jetfire transformer that I played with until it literally fell to pieces:


For stuffed animals it was:

1985 Tonka Pound Puppy:


Thundercats Sword of Omens:

Plus mountains of Transformers, GI Joes, and a few boxes full of Legos and Connects

None of which I still own sadly.

Otherwise it was your typical Atari/NES/Genisis/SNES systems/

Wasabi Poptart

A doctor's kit. I set up my grandmom's house like a doll hospital with a check in desk, operating room, and patient rooms. Some "patients" had IV's (soda bottles and string). I also used the pliers in my doctor's kit to pull out my first loose tooth.


Staff member
I have a rag doll named Emily that my godmother gave to me. She now belongs to both me and Ada, my own godchild. I'd rather Ada have her than me have to pack her away somewhere. I don't have a picture, but she has a purple dress, white bloomers, brown hair, and a painted-on face. Sometimes when I was little I'd take off the dress, turning her into a "karate master", because the bloomers reminded me of "karate pants."
I had a bear... a beautiful dirty white teddy bear with colors on each paw and ears. His name was Patricio (Patrick) and I loved him as much as one can love a stuffed pet. It was a very sad thing for me when I lost him because I never really knew if it REALLY got lost during the moving process when we moved to a new house or if my mom hid it from me and/or gave him away, she always denied it but I always suspected of her for several reasons... I wish I still had him =(


Staff member
I can't show you mine. My parents donated all the stuff I left behind when I went to college to Goodwill.


I just liked saying his name......D.Compose. I had my GI joe's attacking him all the time. He was a real threat to the Joe's when I was thirteen.

Why are you looking at me like that? :)

Philosopher B.

I still have old pictures of mine around ... :sneaky:

His name was Mowgli. I literally took that thing everywhere, including family vacations in New York and Vermont.
I got this tiger when I was 5, named him Hobbes (the first comic I ever became a fan of was C&H, so yeah), he's been my favourite toy ever since. He used to live on my bed but sleep in his cardboard box house/timemachine (yeah yeah, I wasn't an original kid, sue me) till I got tired of not being able to sleep with 'im. I love to have him in bed when I'm in Spain (I don't dare take him while travelling abroad, lest I lose him =_=). The puppet next to him is Hobbsey, his son, I think I got him a year or two later. He's ok, doesn't talk much tho.

Whatcha know bout car city play mats?

Mine was way better than this kids sad mat..

Also, I do believe this guy is rolled up at my grandma's house... TOTALLY stealing that when I have lil' bumble's of my own
Thundercats Sword of Omens:

I had that exact same sword! Seriously, it jumped right at me especially considering it's ALSO MISSING THE LID THINGIE AT THE BOTTOM!

(for those who didn't get that... the hilt is where you put batteries in so the Eye of Thunderaa would light up when you pressed a button, and the very bottom of it unscrewed... and that lid thing had a tendency to disappear for weeks, months and sometimes YEARS only to be found when you least expected it)

---------- Post added at 09:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:02 PM ----------

My grandparents still tell, every chance they get, how I used to run around before I could even speak properly, waving the sword around and screaming "TUNO... TUNO.. TUNOTASSS!! OOOHHHH"

(yes, that was my attempt at saying "thunder...thunder..THUNDERCATS! OHHH")
His name is "Buddy Bear" (Always both names, never simply "Buddy") and he was a gift from my uncle Kevin for Christmas, five days after I was born. I didn't really leave him behind when I 'left' childhood (a matter of some debate). He has immense sentimental value, and as such has been brought with me basically everywhere I've gone literally for my entire life. By the time it had stopped being appropriate to bring toys for comfort, I had started bringing him as a joke. By the time the joke had gotten old, I started bringing him for the sake of tradition.

He's gone to every summer camp. He went with me to Europe, and to Haiti. He came with me for university. I've been considering whether I'll leave him behind if I end up going to Nepal for four months this winter ... but in all truth I'm kidding myself. He'll be in that suitcase no matter what else I have to leave behind.

On a slightly funnier note: when flying I used to take Buddy Bear in my carry-on, fearing him being lost or damaged by some Air Canada incompetence. As a result I would routinely be pulled off to the side in security areas of airports to have my carry-on swabbed. It took me a few times for me to realize that they suspected Buddy Bear of being some sort of disguised bomb or ill-conceived attempt to smuggle drugs.
My first and only stuffed animal was a large brown teddy bear I named Pookie (I read a lot of Garfield). Besides that, though, there was my Gen 1 Optimus Prime (I lost the cab, though) and my Raphael TMNT figure.

These, however, were the coolest of the cool.

I had these three, plus the two main villains. The guy who took this pic is dumb though and has the armor bits on the wrong guys. D:

what was it called? Centurions? Something like that... oh man, I loved the air/flying guy. He had the coolest armor-things... and he had an awesome name like Ace McCloud or somesuch.

what was it called? Centurions? Something like that... oh man, I loved the water guy. He had the coolest armor-things
Yeah, Centurions. Max, Ace and Jake (water, flight and land). I liked Jake's stuff the most, he had a chaingun and his armor turned into a motorcycle with MISSILES.
Boomerang still shows the cartoon on occasion.
Yeah, that's how I got to re-watch it. Cartoon Network showed it a lot along with Pirates of Dark Water and a couple other action cartoons I loved back in its early years, before Toonami and the influx of shitty Flash-animated shows.

Edit: Not saying Toonami was the downfall (or showed the crappy Flash stuff), just saying it was before they dedicated blocks of time to certain genres.
My cable provider only has dubbed Cartoon Network and Boomerang, no option to change the language, so I don't watch. Except for late night showings of Tom & Jerry.

I still have one of those officers from my first pack, which I received on my fifth birthday. He's somewhere in my family's storage unit. I had a company-sized force of green army men, supported by several squads of cowboys and Indians. They would always do battle with my tan army men, and the tan were ALWAYS the bad guys.
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