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Pigs are more awesome than you



Sure lions have several orgasms a day, but damn, quality over quantity.





They also taste great. Try one sometime JCM.




Yay pigs!



They also taste great. Try one sometime JCM.




Can someone explain the signficance of religions not eating pig? To me, it's as ridiculous as worshipping the cow.




Can someone explain the signficance of religions not eating pig? To me, it's as ridiculous as worshipping the cow.
The people who made the rules didn't own pigs.




Can someone explain the signficance of religions not eating pig? To me, it's as ridiculous as worshipping the cow.
It boils down to this:

Demons of Hell have cloven hooves.
Pigs have cloven hooves.

Thus, pigs are seen as unclean, as they share that characteristic with demons from Hell.




Wow.... really? And people hold to that to this day?



Not really.

All prohibitions besides the cloven hoof, mention that they are unclean, thus they should be avoided.

Can someone explain the signficance of religions not eating pig? To me, it's as ridiculous as worshipping the cow.
Well,its in the Bible (old testament) as a prohibition for Jews, and also several Christian sects prohibit it (due to their interpretation of Jesus saying = "Think not that I am come to destroy the law" = the law against eating pig still stand.
All Muslim sects forbid it, and a few other smaller religions.

My opinion that due to the excess of diseases one can get from a pig that isnt raised with today's cleaner standards made for a good rule, although today we can simply check where the meat we buy comes from, I figured out that since Ive eaten a lot of stuff people dont eat (horse, dog, several types of snakes, turtles + eggs, armadillo, tortoise, for example) it cant be bad me following the rules of religions I try to follow and abstain from one meat, can it?

BTW, I've also been abstaining from drinking for two years.




Sorry. I thought that was the major explanation as to why they were considered unclean.



My apologies, I was referring to that its not the only reason, you were right, its one of the major reasons.

Does that mean I cant eat anyone from Utah because they have a pitchfork like the devil? :p


Kitty Sinatra

Yeah, I've always understood that religious prohibitions on certain foods originated from ancient food safety rules.




The only Muslim person I've ever asked about the cleanliness rules couldn't tell me much, just that her parents never served it and it's a dirty animal.


Philosopher B.

Jules said:
Pigs sleep and root in shit. That's a filthy animal. I ain't eat nothin' that ain't got sense enough to disregard its own feces.
[size=-10]1 characters![/size]




If memory serves, pigs are actually one of the more cleaner species of animals. So add that to the awesome list.

I'm still gonna eat them, though. The pig's brains, omnivore tendencies, speed, loudness or ability to keep an orgasm going are of secondary interest to me in comparison to how frickin' good bacon tastes.


Rob King

Rob King

Can someone explain the signficance of religions not eating pig? To me, it's as ridiculous as worshipping the cow.
It boils down to this:

Demons of Hell have cloven hooves.
Pigs have cloven hooves.

Thus, pigs are seen as unclean, as they share that characteristic with demons from Hell.[/QUOTE]

My apologies, I was referring to that its not the only reason, you were right, its one of the major reasons.
Wait, seriously? I have sincere doubts as to that being the real reason. Maybe for simpletons, it might go, but I'm fairly certain that the contemporary image of devils include cloven hooves because pigs are forbidden, not the other way around.

The 'real' reason as I understand it has already been addressed, which is that they are ancient food safety rules. The same reason that the Israelites were prohibited from eating shellfish. How could Abraham know which shellfish was in a bad area and was going to kill him if he ate it? He couldn't. Solution: don't eat any.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Can someone explain the signficance of religions not eating pig? To me, it's as ridiculous as worshipping the cow.
It boils down to this:

Demons of Hell have cloven hooves.
Pigs have cloven hooves.

Thus, pigs are seen as unclean, as they share that characteristic with demons from Hell.[/QUOTE]

You know, I've studied this stuff and have never heard of that in my entire life. Where did you hear of that belief?




Did JCM just say he follows a religious rule, just because he's told to and not because it makes sense or am I failing to read the sarcasm?


Rob King

Rob King

I think this thread is about the rule making sense, although I could also be missing some sarcasm along the line.




It doesn't because he made a clear cut case why it's not applicable in today's modern world.



Did JCM just say he follows a religious rule, just because he's told to and not because it makes sense or am I failing to read the sarcasm?
I said it makes sense to avoid an unclean animal, people are so selective about their eating, so theres no harm in me obeying my religion.
You know, I've studied this stuff and have never heard of that in my entire life. Where did you hear of that belief?
11:7 And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he [is] unclean to you.
11:8Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcase shall ye not touch; they [are] unclean to you.

14:8 and the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it [is] unclean unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead caracass.

65:3 A people that provoketh me to anger continually to my face; that sacrificeth in gardens, and burneth incense upon altars of brick;
65:4 Which remain among the graves, and lodge in the monuments, which eat swine's flesh, and broth of abominable [things is in] their vessels;
66:16 For by fire and by his sword will the LORD plead with all flesh: and the slain of the LORD shall be many.
66:17 They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one [tree] in the midst, eating swine's flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the LORD.




No one is doubting that it mentions "cloven-hoofed" animals JCM, merely the "cause thats what demons have" thing has no basis in hebrew, muslim or christian belief. It was indeed about cleanliness as you originally stated.




Yet you also made it clear that it's not unclean as previously believed.




My apologies for the confusion. I had an International Studies class in high school and my teacher mentioned that. I guess he might potentially have his facts wrong there.




Professors always simplify things for their students. And in fields were interpretation is the key, there's always the danger of multiple interpretations or being influenced by 'popular history', eg. The Tempest by William Shakespeare not getting many performances these days because of its association with imperialism. Shakespeare, of course, had no such intentions, writing at the very dawn of growing British global influence.




Yet you also made it clear that it's not unclean as previously believed.
My understanding, and I have zero scientific basis for this since I haven't personally done any study, is that it was due health issues of the time(a quick google search gives me this on wiki: "A 1985 study by Nanji and French[9] found that there was a significant correlation between cirrhosis and pork consumption. Modern day swine raising is very different from earlier times with greater exposure to toxins but reduced exposure to pests and disease." take that for what it is) or it was a symbolic thing.
All I know is that for whatever reason it was, as a Christian I am no longer held to it or any other dietary law. I enjoy that.




Pigs harbour a range of parasites and diseases that can be transmitted to humans. These include trichinosis, Taenia solium, cysticercosis, and brucellosis. Pigs are also known to host large concentrations of parasitic ascarid worms in their digestive tract.[22] The presence of these diseases and parasites is one of the reasons why pork meat should always be well cooked or cured before eating. Some religious groups that consider pork unclean refer to these issues as support for their views.[23]

Pigs are susceptible to bronchitis and pneumonia. They have small lungs in relation to body size; for this reason, bronchitis or pneumonia can kill a pig quickly.[24] There is concern that pigs may allow animal viruses such as influenza or Ebola Reston to infect humans more easily. Some strains of influenza are endemic in pigs (see Swine influenza), and pigs also can acquire human influenza.

Pigs can be aggressive and pig-induced injuries are relatively common in areas where pigs are reared or where they form part of the wild or feral fauna.

(but I do have to say, zee pig taste good)


Philosopher B.

(but I do have to say, zee pig taste good)
You bet your ass. Bring on the diseases!

And there ain't a man alive who wouldn't like a bite of this:




I'm guessing Bowielee would disagree.



Satan has Cloven hooves due to early christians attempting to equate him with the mystery cults of Bacchus/Dionysus and the worship of Pan. Oddly, Satan usually has Chicken feet in some of the Chelm/Polish Jewish stories I've read as his major telling feature.



Frankie Williamson

It's been 20 years since the last case of trichonosis here in Alberta. I fucking love my pork products.



Satan has Cloven hooves due to early christians attempting to equate him with the mystery cults of Bacchus/Dionysus and the worship of Pan. Oddly, Satan usually has Chicken feet in some of the Chelm/Polish Jewish stories I've read as his major telling feature.

Witches have chicken feet in Polish folklore too. Fucking Babajaga!


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

No one is doubting that it mentions "cloven-hoofed" animals JCM, merely the "cause thats what demons have" thing has no basis in hebrew, muslim or christian belief. It was indeed about cleanliness as you originally stated.
Yeah, that's what I meant, since I quoted filmfanatic. I knew about the unclean thing.

Which does make sense at that point in time, and I suppose pigs are a bit fatty. I'm sure all meat products have some potential to fuck you up; can't say if pig meat is any worse.

I know I'm not supposed to have bacon as a cholesterol deal, but damn do I love bacon.



Shego- yes, its not as unclean as before, if you get pig meat from modern rearing farms and know exactly where your bacon comes from. And its also forbidden by my religion, so I avoid eating it. Of course, I wont follow everything, for example, I maried Luiza, who is from a very Catholic family, against today's Islamic rules (but allowed by the Qran), but theres no harm in not eating pig meat, is there?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

against today's Islamic rules (but allowed by the Qran)
Against Islam... allowed in Islam's rulebook... against Islam... allowed in Islam's rulebook... Against Islam SYSTEM ERROR---

*slams forehead against desk repeatedly*




against today's Islamic rules (but allowed by the Qran)
Against Islam... allowed in Islam's rulebook... against Islam... allowed in Islam's rulebook... Against Islam SYSTEM ERROR---

*slams forehead against desk repeatedly*

WHY. ARE. PEOPLE. SO. STUPID.[/QUOTE]Because people change religions to control people? Its weird that I cant get a marriage certificate in ANY Islamic country because she's Christian. But the Qran allows me to marry Christians.




Shego- yes, its not as unclean as before, if you get pig meat from modern rearing farms and know exactly where your bacon comes from. And its also forbidden by my religion, so I avoid eating it. Of course, I wont follow everything, for example, I maried Luiza, who is from a very Catholic family, against today's Islamic rules (but allowed by the Qran), but theres no harm in not eating pig meat, is there?
So then yes, you are saying that while you personally don't believe in the "reason", you still do it basedly soley on the fact that the religion tells you not to? Though you pick and choose which parts of it to follow? I'm confused.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight





Hardly, I'm not trying to stir the pot, it's a very curious question I have. I was raised by a very VERY catholic family (father was a deacon) and I'm now atheist, but I find people's different takes on religion interesting. Especially when intelligent people defend certain parts of a religion that don't make intelligent sense. Though usually they use the "faith" excuse.



I too was raised in a very religious Catholic family. ;)
Shego- yes, its not as unclean as before, if you get pig meat from modern rearing farms and know exactly where your bacon comes from. And its also forbidden by my religion, so I avoid eating it. Of course, I wont follow everything, for example, I maried Luiza, who is from a very Catholic family, against today's Islamic rules (but allowed by the Qran), but theres no harm in not eating pig meat, is there?
So then yes, you are saying that while you personally don't believe in the "reason", you still do it basedly soley on the fact that the religion tells you not to? Though you pick and choose which parts of it to follow? I'm confused.[/QUOTE]Yes you are confused. No. I believe in the reason, the more popular reason we know, is less of a problem, but it still exists.

And no. I choose to follow what makes sense, and that is almost always in line with the Qran, and Buddhism. An easier way to put it forth to you would be, you obey a trafficlight, but when its 2 am, there are no other cars around, would you stop at a red light?




So then you only obey the rules if you'd get caught? That's what your analogy suggests.

I sort of get what you're saying "Obey the rule when it applies, if the rule doesn't apply then it's forfeit". But doesn't that in itself, go against the foundation of the religion?




gatdamn I love me some bacon.



So then you only obey the rules if you'd get caught?
What is the purpose of a traffic light? To control traffic.

When there's no traffic, it no longers serves a purpose, so I'll ignore it. Just like when it cant handle traffic, traffic policemen ignore it and direct traffic on their own.
Obey the rule when it applies, if the rule doesn't apply then it's forfeit". But doesn't that in itself, go against the foundation of the religion?
Like all those laws in the old testament?

Its called "obey the rule when its something good, applies to you and makes sense". The Qran calls for death of unbelievers, for example. But that direction was given DURING a war, and its in a chapter about that war, so its for the Arabs during war, and doesnt apply now. Just like you dont follow the rules against eating swine from the old Testament (but the ten commandments), because they were given to the Jews, and Im sure you dont follow Jewish law.

Which is why you dont see secular Muslims entering AlQaeda or Hezbollah.




So why say you follow a religion at all? Why not just "live life smart"? I mean, picking and choosing parts of a religion that make sense and ignoring the ones that don't might as well be reading a self-help book no?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

gatdamn I love me some bacon.
I know! Making me hungry for it, but all we have for breakfast is oranges and Cheerios.

They ain't that cheerful though. You know what's cheerful? Fucking bacon.



*headslap* Did you even read Shego?
So why say you follow a religion at all? Why not just "live life smart"? I mean, picking and choosing parts of a religion that make sense and ignoring the ones that don't might as well be reading a self-help book no?
Why do you say you follow the Bible, when you dont follow most rules god laid out in the Old Testament? Why do most religious people ignore rules about fornication? ;)

Not following rules for times of war/Islamic law that contradicts the Qran and moral sense =/= not following a religion.
Arabs marry four wives because, yet its supposed to be at the time of war, and only to protect widows and the like. Why should I follow that, instead of following the Qran, and common sense?

So Shego, do you follow all the rules mentioned in the Old Testament?




I'm atheist, I don't follow any religion or it's rules.

I was brought up in a Catholic home, but as soon as I was old enough to think for myself I realized how aboslutely insane it was for anyone to claim "they knew what their god wanted and everyonelse was wrong but them". Every religion had it's "prophet" that claimed to have brought the word of their God to it's people and wrote it down in a "tell all book".

In my eyes, John the Baptist/prophet/whatever was no more right than the mormon leader "John/Jacob/whatever Smith" or Hubbert and his Xeno.



gatdamn I love me some bacon.
I know! Making me hungry for it, but all we have for breakfast is oranges and Cheerios.

They ain't that cheerful though. You know what's cheerful? Fucking bacon.[/QUOTE]Have you ever noted how everything forbidden by religious is damn good?

Sex (outside marriage), Booze (in some religions), Pig meat (some christian sects, Jews and Muslims), and the like, are all damn good. Which makes sense, having a rule saying "you are forbidden to squeeze your testicles slowly with pliers" wont make sense, because almost noone would do that anyway.



I'm atheist, I don't follow any religion or it's rules.
To put it in a non-religious context, there are shitloads of old archaic laws that dont apply in USA today, yet still exist. For example, California (according to http://www.dumblaws.com/laws/united-states/california)-

-Sunshine is guaranteed to the masses.
-Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship.
-Bathhouses are against the law.
-It is a misdemeanor to shoot at any kind of game from a moving vehicle, unless the target is a whale.
-Women may not drive in a house coat.
-No vehicle without a driver may exceed 60 miles per hour.
-You cannot leave your car on the street overnight without the proper permit.
-Peacocks have the right of way to cross any street, including driveways.
-Nobody is allowed to ride a bicycle in a swimming pool.
-City Council order reads: “No dog shall be in a public place without its master on a leash.
-You are not permitted to wear cowboy boots unless you already own at least two cows.
-It is illegal to spit, except on baseball diamonds.
-It is prohibited to sleep in a parked vehicle.
-Persons may not ride their bicycles through the “Fountain of Life”.
-One may not bring their dog to school.
-All dog “waste” must be removed from any yard within seven days.
-One must obtain a permit from the city to throw hay in a cesspool.
-it is illegal to own a green or smelly animal hide.
-Bowling on the sidewalk is illegal.
-Driving a herd of cattle down a street is against the law.

Can you say that someone is a criminal because he doesnt follow old archaic laws that were made for some old reason? Is any Californian forumite who has cowboy boots but no cows is a criminal?

The same happens with religion-
-The bible's old testament's laws (but for the 10 commandments) dont apply to christians, as they were laws handed down to Jews.
-Stuff like the call for jihad, marriage with 4 women, having slaves, et al, dont apply to me, because there is no war against Islam, just wars against corrupt and morally-defunct countries, there are no slaves et al.

So following a religion doesnt mean to blindly take anything that is said, but to study and understand it. Thats the biggest problem in the world actually, people blindly following religion.




Difference being, I'm not forced to follow religious laws. If there is an archaic law in effect in my living area I MUST follow it whether I want to or not for fear of punishement.

With religion, you have a choice whether to be in it or not. The question is "Can you claim to follow a religion if you don't uphold to it dilligently?"

If so, deemed by who? Yourself? You didn't create the religion, therefore you cannot claim to be part of a group if the leader doesn't say you can.



If there is an archaic law in effect in my living area I MUST follow it whether I want to or not for fear of punishement.
And most probably dont know most of these archaic laws, and they are not even enforced anymore.
"Can you claim to follow a religion if you don't uphold to it dilligently?"
Thats where you presume not following Jewish law in the old Testament, or war-time laws in the Qran, makes you someone who doesnt uphold it, instead of someone who read it and understood when those rules apply/applied?

If so, deemed by who? Yourself? You didn't create the religion, therefore you cannot claim to be part of a group if the leader doesn't say you can.
The Bible says that anyone who accepts Jesus as their savior is a Crhistian.
The Qran says that anyone who says the Syahaddah is a Muslim.

If you'd rather prefer to follow just one of millions of religious leaders of millions of religions, sects and cults, than Im afraid I'd rather follow the word of God. And understand it, learn all views and takes on that message, instead of just following one person's take on it? ;)




Yes, but who wrote those books and do you follow everything they wrote in them since they "set the rules" so it's "their club"? What makes "your relilgion" (speaking in general) the one with the "right prophet"?

How is the "qran" any more "right" than the "Book of Xeno"?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I think what JCM is saying is that he's going to follow what's important in a religion, focused upon, rather than get tied up in all the smaller irrelevant details.




He said he would rather follow the word of God.

My question is "The word of God according to who?" And what makes that version of the "word of God" right over the others?



Im sorry, but the concept that "to be of a faith you must follow a group" sadly doesnt apply to what is mentioned in the Holy Books.
I cant blame you for becoming an atheist, if thats what you were taught.

God doesnt belong to just one religion, or "club".
How is the "qran" any more "right" than the "Book of Xeno"?
Its the one most sound, and the one I believe in, the religion I follow, but then I also read anything from the Bible to the book of Mormon.

I also go to church with my wife, to the Brahma Kumaris Buddhist center nearby and once in a while visit some new evangelical church. Every religion has it flaws, but every one has good things you can learn.
"The word of God according to who?"
According to all holy books? The small details may change, but the core rules are just about the same.

1)Believe in god
2)Try to be a good person.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

That's going to go to each individual's faith. I know you mentioned that earlier as in most people fall back on that, but understanding that to be important in spirituality or religion would've saved me the trouble of a lot of arguments with Christians who believed Noah brought dinosaurs on his ark when I was younger. Faith, believing what you do even without evidence, or if evidence is against it, and no matter how many layers of rules you dig through, eventually you're going to hit that core.

At that point, there's really nothing to argue about. No one knows at that point; it's about faith then, and it's going to differ for each person. There's no "right" to it.




So then what you're saying JCM is that you take advice, that's sound, from multiple different "books" and apply them to your life to "live smart"?

Escushion: That's basically what I'm trying to get at, if it's just a simple leave of intelligence and a matter of faith.



That's going to go to each individual's faith.
Which is also the biggest test. For you to believe in God, you must look for him, and have faith.

It would be no test if God appeared, blew sinners up, made every nuclear weapon become a coconut tree and said, here I am, worship me.




gatdamn I love me some bacon.
I could go for a nice pork roast myself. Slow cooked to perfection with carrots, potatoes and some onions.



So then what you're saying JCM is that you take advice, that's sound, from multiple different "books" and apply them to your life to "live smart"?
I say that Im a secular Muslim (I dont follow the Sunni-Shiite sects) and follow Buddhism, have belonged to other religions, but also read other religious books, visit other religious groups and learn other points of view.

Pretty much why I like to travel, and learn languages, because there is always something out there for you to learn.
leave of intelligence and a matter of faith
Shegiko, ae you claiming athat anyone following a religion is bereft of intelligence?

Its disappointing when one generalizes so, but then sadly many religious people commit the same mistake when referring to atheists. *sigh*




I think I know what Shego is trying to say with that statement, but it's very hard to say it without sounding insulting or dismissive.

I would say in those rare cases when a person leaves something to faith, they decide that logic and reason are not tools which would help them find meaning in an act. Where you understand the logic and the reasoning behind not eating pork, you decide to abstain from eating pork as an expression of your devotion to your faith, not as an excuse of it.



against today's Islamic rules (but allowed by the Qran)
Against Islam... allowed in Islam's rulebook... against Islam... allowed in Islam's rulebook... Against Islam SYSTEM ERROR---

*slams forehead against desk repeatedly*

WHY. ARE. PEOPLE. SO. STUPID.[/QUOTE]Because people change religions to control people? Its weird that I cant get a marriage certificate in ANY Islamic country because she's Christian. But the Qran allows me to marry Christians.[/QUOTE]

Aren't you supposed to convert the infidels first?



Shego- yes, its not as unclean as before, if you get pig meat from modern rearing farms and know exactly where your bacon comes from. And its also forbidden by my religion, so I avoid eating it. Of course, I wont follow everything, for example, I maried Luiza, who is from a very Catholic family, against today's Islamic rules (but allowed by the Qran), but theres no harm in not eating pig meat, is there?
So then yes, you are saying that while you personally don't believe in the "reason", you still do it basedly soley on the fact that the religion tells you not to? Though you pick and choose which parts of it to follow? I'm confused.[/QUOTE]Yes you are confused. No. I believe in the reason, the more popular reason we know, is less of a problem, but it still exists.

And no. I choose to follow what makes sense, and that is almost always in line with the Qran, and Buddhism. An easier way to put it forth to you would be, you obey a trafficlight, but when its 2 am, there are no other cars around, would you stop at a red light?[/QUOTE]

Dude, do you really want me to pull up primary journal articles about antibiotic resistant bacteria found in cattle, sheep, and birds? Just admit that you don't eat pork because of your religion and be done with it. There is no valid reason not to eat port as much as Hindu's not eating cows.

I've always wondered what makes cud chewing animals so special...



On meat- Thanks for preaching to the choir, everyone's noted that today's pig rearing has improved drastically over before, when they were actually a danger.

This is no longer that big a problem (just 124 deaths in 10 years in caliornia, for example), but then just like you guys dont eat frog, horse, armadillo, tortoise, turtle, cats or dogs for many reasons. I consider pig an unclean animal, and I dont want to eat it, thats as valid as any reason people dont eat any of the aforementioned animals. ;)

On wife's faith- I have no reason to change my wife's faith. Unless she started cheering for the Argentinian soccer team, then that would be divorce.
I kid, really..



I have no reason to change my wife's faith.

Unless she started cheering for the Argentinian soccer team, then that would be divorce.
I kid, really..

According to your wife's faith, you're not really married to her unless you convert to Catholicism and go through the first three or four sacraments.



So why say you follow a religion at all? Why not just "live life smart"? I mean, picking and choosing parts of a religion that make sense and ignoring the ones that don't might as well be reading a self-help book no?
Why do you say you follow the Bible, when you dont follow most rules god laid out in the Old Testament? Why do most religious people ignore rules about fornication? ;)

Not following rules for times of war/Islamic law that contradicts the Qran and moral sense =/= not following a religion.
Arabs marry four wives because, yet its supposed to be at the time of war, and only to protect widows and the like. Why should I follow that, instead of following the Qran, and common sense?

So Shego, do you follow all the rules mentioned in the Old Testament?[/QUOTE]

Technically, Christians don't follow the Old Testament rules because of Jesus being the new covenant between man and God. They're supposed to follow the guidelines set forth by him, and they're really really non descriptive guidelines.

I'm confused by what you say when you mean war. Because certainly many Muslims do consider themselves at war.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I consider pig an unclean animal, and I dont want to eat it, thats as valid as any reason people dont eat any of the aforementioned animals. ;)



I have no reason to change my wife's faith.

Unless she started cheering for the Argentinian soccer team, then that would be divorce.
I kid, really..
According to your wife's faith, you're not really married to her unless you convert to Catholicism and go through the first three or four sacraments.[/QUOTE]Funnily, Brazil churches, in the world's biggest catholic country, doesn't prohibit it. (looking at interfaith websites now, it seems its no problem in American churches too). EDIT:And theres no Nuptial Mass when one of the two isnt a catholic, but seeing I was baptized and born a Catholic, its just discouraged.

The only thing asked was that my kid go to catholic church and be Baptized. Which I dont mind.
I'm confused by what you say when you mean war. Because certainly many Muslims do consider themselves at war.
Holy war = War against your religion, with the intent to destroy it.

What I see is the usual Sunni/Shiites killing themselves, USA killing terrorists in Afghanistan and some tribal wars in Africa. The day theres a crusade or something, then it'll be a Jihad. Until then, Jihad doesnt apply to me, but for inner Jihad.
A side note, people of the book (aka Jews and Christians) are given special considerations under the Qran, a Muslim can accept non-halal food from a Christian table and marry Christians -
-This day are (all) things good and pure made lawful unto you. The food of the People of the Book is lawful unto you and yours is lawful unto them. Lawful unto you in marriage are not only women who are believers, but women among the People of the Book, revealed before your time,- when ye give them their due dowers, and desire chastity, not lewdness, nor secret intrigues if any one rejects faith, fruitless is his work, and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (all spiritual good).[FONT=times new roman,times]





I consider pig an unclean animal, and I dont want to eat it, thats as valid as any reason people dont eat any of the aforementioned animals. ;)
Sooooo... sending you and Luisa a 20-pound gift basket of smoked ham and bacon as a baby shower prezzie would be a bad idea? ;)



I consider pig an unclean animal, and I dont want to eat it, thats as valid as any reason people dont eat any of the aforementioned animals. ;)
Sooooo... sending you and Luisa a 20-pound gift basket of smoked ham and bacon as a baby shower prezzie would be a bad idea? ;)[/QUOTE]She doesnt like to eat pig meat (but for ham), but her family love pork chops.




This thread confuses me so.

Also bacon is overrated.




That is what religion is for atheist people? Just a set of rules that need to be followed? If that is the case, everybody have a religion, even the radical atheist must have some mania, some superstition, some ritual followed all the time for no logical reason.









You owe me a new keyboard.[/QUOTE]

Between JCM's and Ame's rants, my eyes went cross. I've seen drunk people make more sense.


Philosopher B.

Also bacon is overrated.
Your FACE is overrated. :humph:




Also bacon is overrated.




Also bacon is overrated.
I don't know what you're on about. I'm following the guy with the gourde.




Also bacon is overrated.
I don't know what you're on about. I'm following the guy with the gourde.[/QUOTE]





Also bacon is overrated.
I don't know what you're on about. I'm following the guy with the gourde.[/QUOTE]

My apologies. I can't spell. Gourd.




*insert atheist door to door image*

View attachment 222





30 minute orgasms... goddamn it.




Leviticus 11:2-4, 7-8

זאת החיה אשר תאכלו מכל הבהמה אשר על הארץ כל מפרשת פרסה ושסעת שסע פרסת מעלה גרה בבהמה אתה תאכלו אך את זה לה תאכלו ממעלי הגרה וממפרסי הפרסה את הגמל כי מעלי גרה הוא ופרסה איננו מפריס טמאה הוא לכם...ואת החזיר כי מפריס פרסה הוא ושסע שסע פרסה והוא גרה לא יגר טמא הוא לכם מבשרם לא תאכלו

"These are the creatures that you may eat from among all the animals that are upon the land. Everything that possesses a split hoof, which is fully cloven, and that brings up its cud -- this you may eat. But this is what you shall not eat from what brings up its cud or possesses split hooves -- the camel, because it brings up its cud but does not possess split hooves...and the pig, because it has split hooves that are completely cloven, but it does not bring up its cud -- it is impure to you and from its flesh you may not eat."








There are a couple of anthropological theories on the prohibition of pork. One being disease control masquerading under the guise of religion (and remember, a lot of these controls were "subconsciously" done historically--the religious leaders weren't explicitly looking to control disease). The other was intentional segregation. We still do it today. We eat, dress, and especially talk differently as a means of becoming in groups, whether consciously or subconsciously.


Rob King

Rob King

I believe it was probably a little from column A, a little from column B. Most of the Levitical laws make sense if you approach them as health guides. The rest carry the theme of separation (like not wearing blended fabrics) which the Israelites are big into, considering that they were set apart as God's people.




Even GOD HIMSELF calls them idiots!
[2:170] When they are told, "Follow what GOD has revealed herein," they say, "We follow only what we found our parents doing." What if their parents did not understand, and were not guided?
[2:171] The example of such disbelievers is that of parrots who repeat what they hear of sounds and calls, without understanding. Deaf, dumb, and blind; they cannot understand.
You're missing the biggest point Amorous. Why do you believe that is really "The Word of God" and not just some creative author, other than "blind faith"? If so, then why is your "blind faith" any more "right" than the next religion's?

I'm not trying to tell anyone who is religious how to live their life. I'm just saying people claim to be part of a religion, but don't follow the rules. That's kind of nulling and voiding the point isn't it?




Even GOD HIMSELF calls them idiots!
[2:170] When they are told, "Follow what GOD has revealed herein," they say, "We follow only what we found our parents doing." What if their parents did not understand, and were not guided?
[2:171] The example of such disbelievers is that of parrots who repeat what they hear of sounds and calls, without understanding. Deaf, dumb, and blind; they cannot understand.
You're missing the biggest point Amorous. Why do you believe that is really "The Word of God" and not just some creative author, other than "blind faith"? If so, then why is your "blind faith" any more "right" than the next religion's?[/QUOTE]

Each religion that has a holy book believes it's from their God and not simply the hands of men. Without this core belief pretty much the whole thing can be brought into question. But that's only if the person allies themselves with a specific sect. It's entirely possible to believe in Christianity and not believe that the Bible is infallible and is instead a pretty good guide in how to behave.

I personally think that the Bible is a load of hooey, but I could be totally incorrect. I could die and go to the Pearly Gates where some guy in white robes shakes his head at me and then pulls the level to the trap door to hell. But I doubt it.

Still, asking someone why they believe someone is just wrong and a little disingenuous, IMHO.




I just don't get how you can say you're "part of something" but don't exactly "believe in it". It just seems like a contradiction.

As for asking why someone believes? All they have to tell me is "it's faith" and I'll let it go. I've just been waiting to hear a logical/factual reason why.




Even GOD HIMSELF calls them idiots!
[2:170] When they are told, "Follow what GOD has revealed herein," they say, "We follow only what we found our parents doing." What if their parents did not understand, and were not guided?
[2:171] The example of such disbelievers is that of parrots who repeat what they hear of sounds and calls, without understanding. Deaf, dumb, and blind; they cannot understand.
You're missing the biggest point Amorous. Why do you believe that is really "The Word of God" and not just some creative author, other than "blind faith"? If so, then why is your "blind faith" any more "right" than the next religion's?[/QUOTE]

Each religion that has a holy book believes it's from their God and not simply the hands of men. Without this core belief pretty much the whole thing can be brought into question. But that's only if the person allies themselves with a specific sect. It's entirely possible to believe in Christianity and not believe that the Bible is infallible and is instead a pretty good guide in how to behave.

I personally think that the Bible is a load of hooey, but I could be totally incorrect. I could die and go to the Pearly Gates where some guy in white robes shakes his head at me and then pulls the level to the trap door to hell. But I doubt it.

Still, asking someone why they believe someone is just wrong and a little disingenuous, IMHO.[/QUOTE]

Thats a really good response Dave. The only thing I would disagree with is the bit about being able to be a Christian and not believe in the Bible. Without the Bible you don't have Christ as the Son of God dying for your sins, etc and as Richard Dawkins (yeah, I was impressed when I heard this from him and my opinion of him is, in general not very high) put it, "If you don't believe in Christ then why would you bother to call yourself a Christian?".

I just don't get how you can say you're "part of something" but don't exactly "believe in it". It just seems like a contradiction.
That is a different question than I heard you asking above Sheg, and yeah, I agree, it's very odd when people do that. If you don't follow the tenants, even the most basic, of your "faith" then why do you want to be associated with something you don't want any part of? I'm not saying and neither was Dawkins, that you can't call yourself "X" and not agree with the actual beliefs of "X" but why bother at all?




You can't be a Christian without believing the Bible is just a good book and not the Good Book? I thought that being a Christian was Christ, not the Bible.


Rob King

Rob King

I just don't get how you can say you're "part of something" but don't exactly "believe in it". It just seems like a contradiction.
That is a different question than I heard you asking above Sheg, and yeah, I agree, it's very odd when people do that. If you don't follow the tenants, even the most basic, of your "faith" then why do you want to be associated with something you don't want any part of? I'm not saying and neither was Dawkins, that you can't call yourself "X" and not agree with the actual beliefs of "X" but why bother at all?[/QUOTE]

A lot of people disagree on what exactly constitutes a tenant, though. I see Ame saying that if it's in the book, it's in the book and it needs to be followed, but JCM doesn't seem to hold that opinion. The pork thing is a good Christian/Jewish example. To bring one to the table from my life is Baptism: in the Salvation Army, we don't believe that there is anything metaphysical that happens with water baptism. We believe that everything that hapens during a baptism is internal and in God's hands, and probably doesn't occur at the time of baptism anyhow. It's an internal change. And so, we decided that water baptism was too divisive an issue, and decided to completely threw it out. In the Salvation Army, we don't Baptize. We recognize the right of everyone who wants to to be baptized, but as a denomination we neither condone, condemn, nor participate in that sacrament.

Enter my friend's now-fiancee, appropriately enough a Baptist. As I'm sure you can imagine, this has been the catalyst for many a conversation about baptism. We've sort of reached an understanding, all of us, but not everyone is as rational as we. I have been called everything from a non-Christian, to a devil from hell (slight exaggeration) for not being baptized, and for expressing the opinion that a cup full of water has no more influence on my standing with the lord than a wheel of cheese does.




You can't be a Christian without believing the Bible is just a good book and not the Good Book? I thought that being a Christian was Christ, not the Bible.
I guess it depends Dave. Since the crux of being a Christian is the belief that Christ is the Son of God and that He came to suffer and die for our sins, thereby restoring our relationship with God through mercy and atonement and that is the message given by the Bible I would think it would be very hard to believe all of that and not have it come from the Bible. It's not impossible though, you are right. I would say it would be very rare for one to hold to all those beliefs and not hold the Bible as the Word of God. I mean once you accept the whole Son of God/virgin birth/dying and paying for your sins/resurrection of Christ/atonement and sanctification thing is it that hard to believe God could be powerful enough to keep the message of His Bible intact?
Does that make more sense?
So no, I don't think that oen has to "believe" that the Bible is the Word of God in order to be a true Christian, but I doubt there are many who would actually hold to a true belief and relationship with Christ and not trust God's word to have the correct message.

Edit: Rob, I agree there is discussion on "tenants" of faith. However there are non-negotiables in any faith. Things like "what kind of baptism" are not 100% explicitly states in scripture while the belief that Christ is the Son of God is and is required to be a Christian. Does that make sense?



*looses track of thread.*

Anyway, did Chaz ever get back to me on his "I cant marry a Catholic in church" thing?
I just don't get how you can say you're "part of something" but don't exactly "believe in it". It just seems like a contradiction.
There are countless christians who refuse any church and follow the Bible, maybe thats what she means?
JCM doesn't seem to hold that opinion
Actually, it needs to be UNDERSTOOD, before its followed. There are countless phrases in any Holy book, that taken out of context, can be made to mean anything else.

I follow all five pillars of Islam, also the pillars of faith, and avoid prohibitions (not only because they are rules, but because they make sense, but for fornication, sadly), I also wont marry four women, kill non-Muslims and try and convert my wife to Islam. ;)


Rob King

Rob King

JCM doesn't seem to hold that opinion
Actually, it needs to be UNDERSTOOD, before its followed. There are countless phrases in any Holy book, that taken out of context, can be made to mean anything else.

I follow all five pillars of Islam, also the pillars of faith, and avoid prohibitions (not only because they are rules, but because they make sense, but for fornication, sadly), I also wont marry four women, kill non-Muslims and try and convert my wife to Islam. ;)
My apologies. But for the sake of clarity, would you have a problem with a Muslim eating pork (for example), given the understanding that it was a health reason that doesn't really apply anymore?




but for fornication, sadly,
In a world where they had no paternity tests it made a lot of sense.

I also wont marry four women
Was that ever a requirement, i thought that was just something you could do but didn't have to.




I've come to the conclusion that all religions can be essentially summed up to one phrase:

"Don't be an asshole."

So I try not to be.




I've come to the conclusion that all religions can be essentially summed up to one phrase:

"Don't be an asshole."

So I try not to be.
Well all that ones that are still left... kinda sad we no longer have the one that said "don't piss off the gods or they'll come and kill you and your whole family themselves".


Kitty Sinatra

"tenet" The word is tenet. Unless you're renting out the loft of the church to some artists.

Also, didn't Dave just say "Not believe the Bible is infallible?" That seems a lot different than "not believing in the bible."




Actually if you take the most used meaning when talking about the Bible it's kinda the same thing.

See here:



You can't be a Christian without believing the Bible is just a good book and not the Good Book? I thought that being a Christian was Christ, not the Bible.
The only real requirements to being considered a Christian that are considered a leap of faith are to believe that Christ was born from a virgin birth (ie he was God incarnate) and that he died and was resurrected for our sins. The coming of Christ renders the Old Testament null and void.




You can't be a Christian without believing the Bible is just a good book and not the Good Book? I thought that being a Christian was Christ, not the Bible.
The only real requirements to being considered a Christian that are considered a leap of faith are to believe that Christ was born from a virgin birth (ie he was God incarnate) and that he died and was resurrected for our sins. The coming of Christ renders the Old Testament null and void.[/QUOTE]

That completely depends on what you mean by "null and void". If you mean, Christ's death and the resulting New Covenant renders the Abrahamic covenant in the OT null and void then yes, but if you mean "we don't need to read the OT or understand it" then you will never really understand the NT since it is steeped in OT prophecy and it's authors write with a strong assumption that the readers they wrote to understood the history of their faith (the OT).
So no, the OT holds way more for Christians than most churches today teach, mainly because it's easier to just ignore it when in fact what it really does is simpoly reveal God's actions throughout history to bring forth the New Covenant (extremely short version).




I'd love a little pig for my very own. I'd name him Oscar and get him a little kiddie pool to play in.




I'd love a little pig for my very own. I'd name him Oscar and get him a little kiddie pool to play in.
Unfortunately little pigs tend to turn into big, fat hogs :p Take that as you will, Seej dear gal...




I'd love a little pig for my very own. I'd name him Oscar and get him a little kiddie pool to play in.
Unfortunately little pigs tend to turn into big, fat hogs :p Take that as you will, Seej dear gal...[/QUOTE]

I'll have to have a big yard... My aunt's neighbor had a pig that got to be about 4 and a half feet long, but he was still very gentle and sweet. I just loved him sooo much, and ever since then I've wanted one.




Your indestructible optimism has deflected my cynical jab. Good show ;)

Personally, I couldn't keep a potbelly pig. I would be certain s/he would watch in horror everytime I cooked bacon.




I only cook turkey bacon, so no problem there. In all honesty, it's not the type of pet I could have right away. I want to move out of Louisiana for a while, and I wouldn't want a pet like that til I was somewhere I intended to settle. Still... I know that one day I will find my little Oscar Meyer. :p




Ouch. Cruel name, that :p

And how things would play out at Casa del Ranchero del Norte:



I had a baby piglet once. A runty pig was born and the other piglets wouldnt let it eat so I got to bottle feed him. Me and my cousins would carry him around the farm and cuddle him. Finally he was big enough to go and live with the other pigs again. Which of course means that he met the same pig end that they all did. It was just one of those things but I still cried a lot about it.




I had a baby piglet once. A runty pig was born and the other piglets wouldnt let it eat so I got to bottle feed him. Me and my cousins would carry him around the farm and cuddle him. Finally he was big enough to go and live with the other pigs again. Which of course means that he met the same pig end that they all did. It was just one of those things but I still cried a lot about it.

I make sick, ruthless fun of many things... but not people's sorrow.




Ouch. Cruel name, that :p
It just came to me. ^_^

:laugh: This cracked me up!




Aw, makare, that's sad. :( I would have been upset too. Like you said, one of those things, but man...


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I had a baby piglet once. A runty pig was born and the other piglets wouldnt let it eat so I got to bottle feed him. Me and my cousins would carry him around the farm and cuddle him. Finally he was big enough to go and live with the other pigs again. Which of course means that he met the same pig end that they all did. It was just one of those things but I still cried a lot about it.
Too bad he didn't have a little spider to help him.


Dream Goddess

Dream Goddess

Too bad he didn't have a little spider to help him.
You went there! *sniffle sniffle* Charlotte!


Rob King

Rob King

Apparently the church I'm going to put off a Christmas musical a few years back with real farm animals. Jesus carried around a little lamb in one scene.

The actor named the lamb "Stu."



Spiders are horrible things


Rob King

Rob King

Because I just found this picture in my cousin's flickr photostream, and it seemed on-topic.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Just yesterday mu brother and his gf where talking about pigs as pets. Like in "where can I buy a pet pig". I don't know why, but I got scared...


Rob King

Rob King

I believe I heard from someone that raising a pig in a residential area is illegal here. Which is weird, because there are no laws governing things like tigers.




I believe I heard from someone that raising a pig in a residential area is illegal here. Which is weird, because there are no laws governing things like tigers.


Rob King

Rob King

I believe I heard from someone that raising a pig in a residential area is illegal here. Which is weird, because there are no laws governing things like tigers.

Exotic pets are a municipal affair, which means unless it becomes a problem for the city of St. John's, I can keep any 'exotic' animal I want. Livestock apparently does not get the same luxury. They must be raised outside of residential areas by federal law, I have been told. Although, admittedly I'm not a lawyer, and I certainly haven't seen the legal wording of these things. So I could be very wrong.



JCM doesn't seem to hold that opinion
Actually, it needs to be UNDERSTOOD, before its followed. There are countless phrases in any Holy book, that taken out of context, can be made to mean anything else.

I follow all five pillars of Islam, also the pillars of faith, and avoid prohibitions (not only because they are rules, but because they make sense, but for fornication, sadly), I also wont marry four women, kill non-Muslims and try and convert my wife to Islam. ;)
My apologies. But for the sake of clarity, would you have a problem with a Muslim eating pork (for example), given the understanding that it was a health reason that doesn't really apply anymore?[/QUOTE]

Everyone can interpret their religion how they want to, whether I personally agree with that or not doesn't matter. I may ask about a Muslim eating pork it but I won't go screaming "INFIDEL!!!!" and try to get him to say he is not a Muslim. That would be silly. Tolerance and all that. One of the big rules in the Quran (and most religions if they knew how to read) is "There shall be no compulsion in religion". You cannot force anyone to follow your rules or your version of what you think those rules mean.

I also wont marry four women
Was that ever a requirement, i thought that was just something you could do but didn't have to.[/QUOTE]

Polygamy is not condoned by the Quran, it was an exception to save them from certain death. (And you didn't have to, no.) In short, it was a "quick fix". Women had like no rights and no means of supporting themselves back then (it was wartime). They had often lost their husbands and if unmarried would simply die. Not nice, no, but women's rights were virtually non-existent when/before the Quran was being revealed. The Quran later rectified that with an entire chapter on women. Too bad most Muslims ignore that and still keep them as.. well.. slaves almost.[/QUOTE]Sorry for the late reply, but damn Im loving your posts.

While we might not follow Islam the same way, its good to see a fellow Muslim who actually bothers to read and understand things, instead of following others blindly.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I just realized, I eat turkey bacon. This whole subject has ceased to matter!






I actually really hate bacon. Proceed to burn me at the stake.




I actually really hate bacon. Proceed to burn me at the stake.
A fellow bacon-hater! It's you & me against the world, Shadazz!



I actually really hate bacon. Proceed to burn me at the stake.
A fellow bacon-hater! It's you & me against the world, Shadazz![/QUOTE]

Dave you poor misguided fool! I am so sad for you :(



I actually really hate bacon. Proceed to burn me at the stake.
A fellow bacon-hater! It's you & me against the world, Shadazz![/QUOTE]

I like bacon, but I'm not crazy about it like some folks here seem to be. I prefer pork pulled off the bone and simmering in bbq sauce for an entire day then served on a toasted Kaiser roll with chips and a pickle on the side. Oh yeah dawg.

*edit* maybe I'm not crazy about it because I HATE cooking it. I hate smoking up the entire kitchen and smelling like bacon the entire day after that.



I actually really hate bacon. Proceed to burn me at the stake.
A fellow bacon-hater! It's you & me against the world, Shadazz![/QUOTE]

I don't like my meat crunchy. I like steak, no scratch that, I love steak. I can eat bigger steaks than my 25 year old brothers.. they weigh 95kg, I weigh 52. I just have a big mouth.
I'm a steak gal, simply.

Is there a Facebook group for Bacon Haters?




If your bacon is all crunchy, somebody cooked it too long in my opinion.




Hell no. Bacon is BEST when crunchy! I agree on the smoky kitchen, though, Chaz.




I don't like my meat crunchy. I like steak, no scratch that, I love steak. I can eat bigger steaks than my 25 year old brothers.. they weigh 95kg, I weigh 52. I just have a big mouth.
I'm a steak gal, simply.

Is there a Facebook group for Bacon Haters?

No, no, no... don't say that word. We don't talk about the S word!




Between JCM's and Ame's rants, my eyes went cross. I've seen drunk people make more sense.

It doesn't actually count if you where drunk too...


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I don't like my meat crunchy. I like steak, no scratch that, I love steak. I can eat bigger steaks than my 25 year old brothers.. they weigh 95kg, I weigh 52. I just have a big mouth.
I'm a steak gal, simply.

Is there a Facebook group for Bacon Haters?

No, no, no... don't say that word. We don't talk about the S word![/QUOTE]

In this forums it's a pretty rare word.




I usually put my bacon between to pieces of Kitchenpaper place it into the Microwave and nuke it till it reached desired crispiness.Easy and withouth the whole mess.



I cook my bacon in the George Foreman grill. It get's super crispy, alot of the fat drains out of it, and it doesnt smoke up the house.



Frankie Williamson

I'm Canadian. I like maple smoked bacon.




I cook my bacon in the George Foreman grill. It get's super crispy, alot of the fat drains out of it, and it doesnt smoke up the house.
I may have to just try that. Does it cook faster too?



I cook my bacon in the George Foreman grill. It get's super crispy, alot of the fat drains out of it, and it doesnt smoke up the house.
I may have to just try that. Does it cook faster too?[/QUOTE]

I think so. And I like it super crispy but you dont have to cook it that way obviously. It can be any type of doneness. My stepdad likes his bacon pretty limp. Lol.
