Post like another user

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Wasabi Poptart

Hey guys! I'm new here. Oh and I know Chazwozel. I called him to tell him about you guys. He's my neighbor and right on the other side of this wall, you know. I had no interest in this forum until he got \"banned\". He says he's pissed and I know that means a lot to you guys. I bet you miss him. Right? Right?!? By the way, this isn't Chaz typing. It's his neighbor.

Also...he's sucking my dick right now. Oh yeah, Alphaaaaaaaaa!

Wow, I thought this thread's purpose was post like another user, and make slight ribs, not all out flamewar bait? Yes, Chazwozel is my neighbor. You're right! I had no interest in this forum until he decided to leave, but I still lurked here for a while. Unlike him, I find this place hilarious. If you want me to be honest, I think Charlie Don't Surf is probably one of the few decent human beings in this forum.[/QUOTE]

Judging from what you've posted in the Clear the Air thread, you're pretty good at posting flamebait yourself.
Hey guys i know i might be in the minority here but it seems to me there are some certain "clicks" per se and it makes me feel like an outside group sometimes

also should I buy spore now or perhaps buy a better game later perhaps?


Staff member
I didn't see me in here...... *sigh* I'm never included in these. O well....

^just to clarify, that's not actually me talking


Staff member
This one time I pulled out too fast and now I can't see out of my left eye.

I should start a thread about the women I bang.


Staff member
I'm going to force feed you a grenade dipped in cyanide, and then slice open your throat as you swallow it, so that it pops out into your waiting hands. Then I'll laugh as you try to put the greased up pin back in. And I'll hit you with a mack truck just before it detonates.

I like you.

Steven Soderburgin

(here, I'll imitate a bunch of you at once)
"Boy that Kissinger fella sure is one smart, sexy man. Everyone wants him AND wants to be him. And who can blame them with those dashing looks, devilish charm, and razor-sharp wit?"


All I'm saying is 14yo's are hot. Y'all are sick for disagreeing with me.


Staff member
[[[[have half of you forgotten that this is a game? People seriously getting butthurt or responding as themselves are doing it wrong]]]

[[[oh shit I just responded as myself]]]
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