Potential summer awesomeness.

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Staff member
Soooo, I'm talking to my sister today, and she mentions that a local band lost their ukulele player. They're a really great folksy, americana band that tours Europe in the summer. Stacey said I should talk to them about trying out.

My arguments against:

1. I've only been playing about a year
2. It would push back my graduation date

My sister's arguments for:

1. All the girls in the band were new to their instruments and learned together. The melodies are all pretty simple.
2. the university will still be there next year
3. Europe for free. *smacks me on the back of the head*

So, nothing's actually happened yet. I've been chatting with one of my sister's friends who is in the band. But man... this might be kind of cool. I'm really thinking about trying out. I've been trying to learn their songs anyway.


Staff member
I *do* think they go to Spain.

So far it's just a thought, but man... it's sounding cooler and cooler.
Oh man that sounds like a plan CJ. Hell, if you want to compromise, you can be their touring ukelele player and they can find somebody else when you return so it won't interfere with your studies.

Even so I'd go for it if I were you.


Staff member
Ok, ok, but my European friends had better make a solid effort to come in the off-chance that I *do* make it in. The band is called "The Figs."

---------- Post added at 03:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:50 PM ----------

Here's one of their songs. I do love them so... they played my sister's wedding!



Staff member
Oh, believe me, if this really does end up happening, you guys will have all the information. Seems a little too good to be true, but the music's all simple enough to learn before May, and if they're having trouble finding someong... this might just actually work out. *trying not to get too excited*
Tell them to come to Newfoundlaaaaaand!

I talked to a guy once who thought Newfoundland was in Europe. Is that enough to make you come? :p


Staff member
Tell them to come to Newfoundlaaaaaand!

I talked to a guy once who thought Newfoundland was in Europe. Is that enough to make you come? :p
Newfoundland's not in Europe?

Please, PLEASE know that I'm kidding.

You should play your accordion for us. :D
Do it :)

I had the opportunity to play for Disney Tokyo, and never took it, and regret it like a sonofabitch now that I'm too old and settled to do it :(


Staff member
Well whaddaya know... the band sounds damn good. Just sayin' ;)

Also, gonna be there for sure if you gals come to Finland. Heck, come to Turku! ^^


Staff member
Heck, come to Turku! ^^
I've always wondered, is it just a coincidence or does that name have anything to do with the Turkish people?![/QUOTE]

Even less than you folks eating their country every Thanksgiving.[/QUOTE]

While we love nothing more then to ritualistically ravage their country each year for historical reasons you got the wrong continent there sport.[/QUOTE]

But you gotta admit, it's a fair mistake in a predominantly American forum.

Also, don't call me sport, chum.
One would think non americans would stand out in a american majority forum...

And don't call me chum, mate.


Staff member
Well, we haven't really discussed your nationality, have we?

Also, don't call me... well, actually... okay, mate's good in my books, old cheese.
My best friend's nephew joined a pop band for a tour. When his parents learned that he might end up going on a national tour. They packed his bags, his dad repaired the van, and they told him University will be there if this does not work out.

I hope you find that level of support.

And the boys' mothers got together and gave them a large bowl full of condoms.
Well, we haven't really discussed your nationality, have we?

Also, don't call me... well, actually... okay, mate's good in my books, old cheese.
Seeing how Chaz even got a thread on the subject (at least when it comes to teh continent) hall of shamed i think we did... fellow.
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