Potential summer awesomeness.

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Well, we haven't really discussed your nationality, have we?

Also, don't call me... well, actually... okay, mate's good in my books, old cheese.
Seeing how Chaz even got a thread on the subject (at least when it comes to teh continent) hall of shamed i think we did... fellow.[/QUOTE]

I didn't get it locked. You did. Moron. That's the thread that North Ranger decided to unleash his premenstrual fury on me. I didn't get it locked.

France still sucks.

Philosopher B.

That clip of the band playing is pretty sweet. Good luck on trying out for the band! Seems like a pretty rad opportunity should it work out. :)


Staff member
Thanks :)

Yeah, the 'free trip' part was a no-brainer. What stopped me really was my lack of experience with a band.
The only way to get experience is to do it.

Almost everyone (except the super outgoing, I guess) has the nerves when first starting out. The more you do it, and the more you play in front of people, the better you'll get at it.
What stopped me really was my lack of experience with a band.
Hello Catch-22...

Well, we haven't really discussed your nationality, have we?

Also, don't call me... well, actually... okay, mate's good in my books, old cheese.
Seeing how Chaz even got a thread on the subject (at least when it comes to teh continent) hall of shamed i think we did... fellow.[/QUOTE]

I didn't get it locked. You did. Moron. That's the thread that North Ranger decided to unleash his premenstrual fury on me. I didn't get it locked.

France still sucks.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, i'm sure that that's totally the reverse of the reaction you where expecting when you posted there... that crazy NR and his bipolar posting habits...

But yeah, France does suck... and not just because they helped you get your independence...
But yeah, France does suck... and not just because they helped you get your independence...
Now, correct me if I'm wrong (which I probably am because unless it somehow relates to Hait, I know very little of French history) but wasn't that before the French Revolution? It just seems odd to me that the French, who take so much pride in their revolution and their republic, would still be taking credit for the actions of their monarchy.

That said, a lot of Canadians still talk about how 'we' burned down the White House, when technically it was the British. But even so, we didn't have a revolution, so maybe that's valid.

Not trying to start a fight, or anything. I know how things can get around here. But I was just wondering what that's about.
Napoleon was the one that sold Louisiana to America, to fund the war against the rebels in Haiti. Haiti was a fabulously wealthy holding of the French Empire. They planned to fight it much longer. The slaves were not citizens so they were not entitled to the liberties that the French fought for.
Yes Rob, the the Americans had their revolution before the French had theirs. Depending on how you look at history, there may be an argument that the American Revolution helped inspire the numerous revolutions that happened in France and all over Europe at the end of the 18th and early 19th Centuries.
I was under impression that the final force that Napoleon sent to Haiti (under his brother in law, who's name I cannot remember) had a dual-purpose mission: retake Saint-Domingue (Haiti), and then proceed to Louisiana where they were to bolster/expand France's holdings there.

Of course, they never made it that far. But I thought that was how it went down, and Louisiana was only sold after it became clear that not enough soldiers survived Toussaint Louverture to make a difference there.
But yeah, France does suck... and not just because they helped you get your independence...
Now, correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't that before the French Revolution? It just seems odd to me that the French, who take so much pride in their revolution and their republic, would still be taking credit for the actions of their monarchy.

That said, a lot of Canadians still talk about how 'we' burned down the White House, when technically it was the British. But even so, we didn't have a revolution, so maybe that's valid.

Not trying to start a fight, or anything. I know how things can get around here. But I was just wondering what that's about.[/QUOTE]

Fun fact about european countries... they're not made up of as various ethnicities as NA countries, so the leadership arrangement at one time doesn't actually preclude a people from seeing events their ancestors took part in as not tehir own...

Yes Rob, the the Americans had their revolution before the French had theirs. Depending on how you look at history, there may be an argument that the American Revolution helped inspire the numerous revolutions that happened in France and all over Europe at the end of the 18th and early 19th Centuries.
Actually bankrupting the treasury by helping the rebels against Britain (+ other wars) and doing some really stupid financial stuff was probably one of the main reasons for the French revolution...

And plenty of the ideas used by the US came from french philosophers... you guys did show them it can be done though.
Fun fact about european countries... they're not made up of as various ethnicities as NA countries, so the leadership arrangement at one time doesn't actually preclude a people from seeing events their ancestors took part in as not tehir own...
Right. 'Credit' isn't the right word. Sorry. I guess what I'm saying is that it strikes me as weird that you would take pride in the actions of a government that was overturned so shortly after the action took place.
Actually bankrupting the treasury by helping the rebels against Britain (+ other wars) and doing some really stupid financial stuff was probably one of the main reasons for the French revolution...
That's why I qualified my statement by saying helped to inspire. There were certainly other factors.
Fun fact about european countries... they're not made up of as various ethnicities as NA countries, so the leadership arrangement at one time doesn't actually preclude a people from seeing events their ancestors took part in as not tehir own...
Right. 'Credit' isn't the right word. Sorry. I guess what I'm saying is that it strikes me as weird that you would take pride in the actions of a government that was overturned so shortly after the action took place.[/QUOTE]

Why do you ppl keep thinking i'm french?

That's why I qualified my statement by saying helped to inspire. There were certainly other factors.
They way i see it the whole thing had been brewing for a while, you guys just got there first... it all started with the Enlightenment etc.
Right. 'Credit' isn't the right word. Sorry. I guess what I'm saying is that it strikes me as weird that you would take pride in the actions of a government that was overturned so shortly after the action took place.
Why do you ppl keep thinking i'm french?[/QUOTE]

I didn't mean you specifically. I meant it in a thoroughly inclusive, nonspecific way.

I figured you weren't French when you referred to the French as 'they.'
Well the saying they take pride is a bit of an assumption... it's probably more like they acknowledge it's something they did as a people.


Staff member
Yay! Then convince them to come to Finland! Tell them of our cuisine, of our hot summers, of our relaxed attitude towards nudity! Tell them of carnivorous couch beds that will be fed!


Staff member
I actually know next to nothing about Finnish cuisine... except for some pictures of really good-looking desserts that you've posted. Tell me of your cuisine that I may tell them of your cuisine!


Staff member
Smoked herring so tasty and wellmade it melts in your mouth, new potatoes with butter, barbecued steaks at summer, along with local and festive delicacies. Also, fresh strawberries straight from the market. Yummy!


Staff member
Smoked herring so tasty and wellmade it melts in your mouth, new potatoes with butter, barbecued steaks at summer, along with local and festive delicacies. Also, fresh strawberries straight from the market. Yummy!
Oh my God, herring... I love herring.


I always thought @li3n was from the Fourth Dimension, and was banished here for trying to take over his homeland.


Staff member

Well, no dice. The group is still more or less together, but they're not going to be touring. One of the girls is moving away, and another is getting married. Gigs are gonna be few and far between and mostly just casual little shows. It was worth a try, and she was very nice about it, too. Ah well.. maybe she'll send me their music anyway... I was really excited about learning their songs. And that way if they ever DO need someone to sit in, I could be ready!

I'll have to meet you European forumites some other way. :\


Staff member
There is still hope! The impending marriage must be broken, and the other girl must be stopped from leaving.

I've got it all planned out. First, we get some signs that say 'Road Block' and 'Free Donuts Here'. Then, we dress Chaz as Daisy Duke...


Staff member
There is still hope! The impending marriage must be broken, and the other girl must be stopped from leaving.

I've got it all planned out. First, we get some signs that say 'Road Block' and 'Free Donuts Here'. Then, we dress Chaz as Daisy Duke...
Wait wait... the TV show Daisy Duke or the Jessica Simpson Daisy Duke. This is crucial.
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