Pride and Prejudice (and zombies)

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So, the wife just walked in and handed me P&P&Z. However, I have never read Pride & Prejudice. Should I read Pride & Prejudice before adding Zombies to the mix, or will it even matter?
I've never read the original Pride and Prejudice but I did read P+P+Z, and honestly, I can't imagine how it would even work without zombies, ninjas and kung fu.
elph said:
So, the wife just walked in and handed me P&P&Z. However, I have never read Pride & Prejudice. Should I read Pride & Prejudice before adding Zombies to the mix, or will it even matter?
I've read both and you don't need to read the first before reading the second. In fact, Pride & Prejudice bored the crap out of me when I first read it. PPZ adds just the right amount of spice, in the form of zombies.



Meraede said:
elph said:
So, the wife just walked in and handed me P&P&Z. However, I have never read Pride & Prejudice. Should I read Pride & Prejudice before adding Zombies to the mix, or will it even matter?
I've read both and you don't need to read the first before reading the second. In fact, Pride & Prejudice bored the crap out of me when I first read it. PPZ adds just the right amount of spice, in the form of zombies.

Yeah, the wife was talking about reading other Jane Austin books and how she was bored through out, and pretty much forced herself to read through them because they were 'classics'.

That's good then. At least I won't be completely lost when I start to read it.


Pride and Prejudice is a terrible book. We still make students read it though.

Steven Soderburgin

I wish I could say this thread surprised me, but alas.
Gi Joe? Those threads are new, dude.... the threads about this book have been around literally since the very first days of Halforum.


I'll start replying like that to your billionth topic about the Beatles or your love life. It can be another halforum meme. "Francis virginity!"

The same goes for your emo rants and topics about being published or not. "YOOO JOE! Francis Virginity!!"

Really guys, are you seriously so bored that you come into a thread just to bash it for being posted for the billionth time, or how it 'doesn't surprise' you? It's a causal chat forum.

It's so easy to ignore threads on a message board, but it seems you all fail at that. Just... don't... click... And it even suits the purpose to let the thread die. If you don't reply, it doesn't encourage others to reply (either on, or off topic) and the thread dies off. The first 2 replies answered my question, and the rest just added to the asshattery that you guys so often say you find annoying.

Really, it's not that often that I go off like this and actually post it because I hardly see the point, but it's just getting really annoying lately.


Staff member
Hey, I was about to say this must be the twelfth thread on this, but apparently that's a touchy subject.


Bowielee said:
Dude, overreact much?
Dude, read a full post much?

elph said:
Really, it's not that often that I go off like this and actually post it because I hardly see the point, but it's just getting really annoying lately.


Bowielee said:
elph said:
Bowielee said:
Dude, overreact much?
Dude, read a full post much?

elph said:
Really, it's not that often that I go off like this and actually post it because I hardly see the point, but it's just getting really annoying lately.
Wow... just ... wow...


Take a pill.
Just.... stop.... clicking.

It's easy. :) Well, maybe for some and not for others.

Wow, elph. Thanks.

And congratualtions. You're the winner of a brand spanking new foe'ing.



Staff member
Enough. Everyone take a deep breath and get over it. Those who don't want to be in this thread, leave, and elph, I understand not wanting to be picked on, but there was no call for that overreaction at all. I'm not saying don't talk about the book. I haven't been here so I don't know if there's a recent P+P+Z thread that you should have found before starting a new thread. If I find one, I'll bring em together for convenience's sake. If not, there's really no call for criticism of the thread either.

If this thread is as worthless/overdone as people say, it will naturally drift down. So calm down and let nature take its course the way it always does.

Cajungal said:
Enough. Everyone take a deep breath and get over it. Those who don't want to be in this thread, leave, and elph, I understand not wanting to be picked on, but there was no call for that overreaction at all. I'm not saying don't talk about the book. I haven't been here so I don't know if there's a recent P+P+Z thread that you should have found before starting a new thread. If I find one, I'll bring em together for convenience's sake. If not, there's really no call for criticism of the thread either.

If this thread is as worthless/overdone as people say, it will naturally drift down. So calm down and let nature take its course the way it always does.

Wow, I hope you guys are proud of yourselves. Things got so bad that Jesus used CG's account just to tell you all to calm down.
who even said this thread annoyed me? I found it amusing, even, in a social commentary kind of way. I was just agreeing with bowie and making an off hand comment. I'm aware that most of the threads about PPZ must be wiped by now, with the auto-pruning, I wasn't saying I "didn't agree" with the thread existing or me "not wanting it".

I stand by my last post, though.

CG is clearly not the type you want to cross? :p

-- Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:43 pm --

CG is clearly not the type you want to cross? :p
ThatNickGuy said:
CG is clearly not the type you want to cross? :p

-- Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:43 pm --

CG is clearly not the type you want to cross? :p
depends on the context.

you just don't want to deal with her pride or her prejudices.


Staff member

And to be honest, Calleja, that's what I assumed of both of you. I figured people were just being goofy about it. If everyone who got poked fun at for a thread got really upset about it, we'd all be unhappy people. I don't know elph as well, so maybe I'm misjudging his tone. Either way, this is just another one of those things that will blow over.


I was/am quite calm about it all. Overrated? Maybe a little, but so were some of the other replies. Believe me, the day that internet asshattery makes me really rage, is the day I bring Arizona Bay to reality.

Besides, it's a pet peve of mine when people complain about the exsistence of something ignoring the fact that the complaining continues it's exsistence. It's like the Blizzard forums.

There were no other threads about this book. I looked before posting (unlike some of those that replied, I assume). Also, HalfPixel is dead, so it's not like I could have looked back on that to see the discussion there.

Oh, and Nick, if you really have foe'd me and manage to resist the urge to click to see my posts. At least there's 1 fewer person out there that'll derail my threads. :)
elph said:
I was/am quite calm about it all. Overrated? Maybe a little, but so were some of the other replies. Believe me, the day that internet asshattery makes me really rage, is the day I bring Arizona Bay to reality.

Besides, it's a pet peve of mine when people complain about the exsistence of something ignoring the fact that the complaining continues it's exsistence. It's like the Blizzard forums.

There were no other threads about this book. I looked before posting (unlike some of those that replied, I assume). Also, HalfPixel is dead, so it's not like I could have looked back on that to see the discussion there.

Oh, and Nick, if you really have foe'd me and manage to resist the urge to click to see my posts. At least there's 1 fewer person out there that'll derail my threads. :)

first... no one complained.

second.. if it really bothers you that people derail "your thread", what the hell are you doing in halforum?

third... who the fuck said anything about halfpixel?


To be fair to him, I totally also got a 'super annoyed' vibe from more than a few posters talking about how often this comes up.

To be fair to me, I'm suffering insomnia and haven't slept well the last ever. I mean week.


Calleja said:
first... no one complained.

second.. if it really bothers you that people derail "your thread", what the hell are you doing in halforum?

third... who the fuck said anything about halfpixel?
first - I tend to take the 'wow, I haven't read this but a <insane number here> times before' as "ugh, not this again" Especially when tied to things like the annoyances of how often Francis' virginity was brought up.

second - derailment isn't really the annoyances to me, that's a fact of life around here and I know that. It's pretty much tied to the first one. If someone is comlpaining about a thread's exsistence coming up again for the 'bajillionth' time, it just makes more sense to ignore it and let it die off.

third ... I mentioned Halfpixel... (you mentioned Halforum)... because I remembered seeing a thread on the book during that time there. That's what made me come here to look and see if there was anything commentary about the value of reading P&P before reading &Z.

Yes, I know the book has been mentioned a lot. Oh well. Shucky darn. I mentioned it again. But the "old news is old" type responces are just moronic, they add even less to a conversation then derailment.

Oh.. and to your 'get laid' comment... didn't you read the very first line... "my wife..." been together for 10 years with 2 kids.. getting laid is just as much of a fantasy for me as some of the others around here.

Did a quick search myself and it looks like Elph was right, so I'll be more than happy to apologize and be stood corrected. It's kinda like when I did a search for my old Spectacular Spider-Man thread but only found someone else's more recent thread.

That said, Elph, I still think bringing up my ONE thread about depression (during a really low and emotionally volitile time when I wasn't thinking straight) or my getting published (which I'm damn proud of, so fuck you) is still ridiculously overreacting.
elph said:
first - I tend to take the 'wow, I haven't read this but a <insane number here> times before' as "ugh, not this again" Especially when tied to things like the annoyances of how often Francis' virginity was brought up.

second - derailment isn't really the annoyances to me, that's a fact of life around here and I know that. It's pretty much tied to the first one. If someone is comlpaining about a thread's exsistence coming up again for the 'bajillionth' time, it just makes more sense to ignore it and let it die off.

third ... I mentioned Halfpixel... (you mentioned Halforum)... because I remembered seeing a thread on the book during that time there. That's what made me come here to look and see if there was anything commentary about the value of reading P&P before reading &Z.

Yes, I know the book has been mentioned a lot. Oh well. Shucky darn. I mentioned it again. But the "old news is old" type responces are just moronic, they add even less to a conversation then derailment.

Oh.. and to your 'get laid' comment... didn't you read the very first line... "my wife..." been together for 10 years with 2 kids.. getting laid is just as much of a fantasy for me as some of the others around here.
who the fuck said "old news is old"? ;)

See? that's your problem right there... you assumed. And you know what that makes you.

I assure you neither bowie nor nick nor I were "annoyed" or "complaining". You, on the other hand, went for personal attacks. I don't care about what you said about me... oh, so original, I talk about Beatles and sex!.... but going after Nick like that was a douchey thing to do. So that's what you are to me now. A douche toad.

An over reacting, probably undersexed, bitter, douche toad.
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