Pride and Prejudice (and zombies)

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ThatNickGuy said:
Did a quick search myself and it looks like Elph was right, so I'll be more than happy to apologize and be stood corrected. It's kinda like when I did a search for my old Spectacular Spider-Man thread but only found someone else's more recent thread.

That said, Elph, I still think bringing up my ONE thread about depression (during a really low and emotionally volitile time when I wasn't thinking straight) or my getting published (which I'm damn proud of, so fuck you) is still ridiculously overreacting.
The forum pruning has it's downsides. We all assume people will search because we can swear we just saw that topic the other day. Either way, what does it matter? So someone's talking about something again. It may be the 1st time, it may be the 1,000,000th time, or it may even really be the 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000th time you've seen it. The idea of the 'old news is old' is just insulting to the poster. It gives nothing to the conversation and does nothing but try to make the person saying 'old news is old' some form of superiority over the other. It's "HAHA I knew that before you! You loser!".

A more constructive thing would be "Hey, I'm not sure if you've searched and didn't find it, but check this out..." and post a link, or just simply have the conversation again.

How many times have any of you sat around with your friends and had that same old conversation about that 'one time'. Do you turn to your friends and say "my god man.. old news is old... we get it, you're married. We were there. You invited us! I was your best man!"

I had a thought on the pruning set up. It's a bit interesting that we will lock and move threads we don't care to continue for one reason or another (page limits / flame wars / whatever). But there are many topics we have that just fade away to be relived again, simply because it was lost to keep things under control. It's understandable for cleaner management an such, but do the activites of the forum drag the host so bad that maybe the pruning can be extended to a higher number? Maybe 2,000 posts instead of 1,000?

As for the other thing, I mentioned 'emo rants'. I left it pretty vague. I didn't say anything about the posts involved. I didn't drag anything up of specifics. I didn't have to. Really, the thread that came to mind when typing that was about your moving situation because of your cat, which was more recent. Not the other one.

And you foe'ing me... Go for it. It really won't bother me, but if it makes you feel better, great! However, I don't think you could foe someone and still not click to see what they're saying. Because they could be saying something you're interested in (it's my problem too, that's why I learn to self-censor).
Bowielee said:
Isn't it just as non-constructive to flip out and personally attack people who posted in your thread?
Real Ultimate Power said:
The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.
So obviously these are ninjas... ninjai.... ninjii...?

Well, whatever. They are born to flip out and kill people, so it only makes sense.

Real Ultimate Power said:
It's an easy choice, if you ask me.

What stieny is doing, trying to make us all laugh and deactivate the hostilities? That's usually what I try with my Bruce and Scarlett pics.... y'know, when I'm not one of the contributing hostiles.

Not that they ever work as well as stienman's. Message received buddy, message received. :D


Staff member
elph said:
How many times have any of you sat around with your friends and had that same old conversation about that 'one time'. Do you turn to your friends and say "my god man.. old news is old... we get it, you're married. We were there. You invited us! I was your best man!"
That sounds pretty common to me, actually.


Calleja said:
What stieny is doing, trying to make us all laugh and deactivate the hostilities? That's usually what I try with my Bruce and Scarlett pics.... y'know, when I'm not one of the contributing hostiles.

Not that they ever work as well as stienman's. Message received buddy, message received. :D
I'm not (nor was I) even hostile. Believe me, this is far from hostile for me.

Philosopher B.

Calleja said:
What stieny is doing, trying to make us all laugh and deactivate the hostilities? That's usually what I try with my Bruce and Scarlett pics.... y'know, when I'm not one of the contributing hostiles.

Not that they ever work as well as stienman's. Message received buddy, message received. :D
Stienman is like my favorite poster. I just want to rub my face on his stomach. :D

elph said:
I'm not (nor was I) even hostile. Believe me, this is far from hostile for me.

Curiosity got the better of me. Dude, what you said hurt, all right? Now, here's the thing. I apologized for jumping in on the multiple P&P&Z threads (which had existed but are now gone from the search or the forum). Yet, you continued to attack.

Why are so very many people on this forum unwilling to just say they're sorry?


ThatNickGuy said:
elph said:
I'm not (nor was I) even hostile. Believe me, this is far from hostile for me.

Curiosity got the better of me. Dude, what you said hurt, all right? Now, here's the thing. I apologized for jumping in on the multiple P&P&Z threads (which had existed but are now gone from the search or the forum). Yet, you continued to attack.

Why are so very few people on this forum unwilling to just say they're sorry?
I apologize for what I said hurt you. It wasn't my intent. Sting, maybe, in the sense of hopefully bringing up the thought of 'well, shit, I do tend to say the same thing over and over, maybe I shouldn't send this one through'.

My intent was to bring point of 'redundant topics' that people post and how I personally never step in on them and say anything that can be (miss)understood as 'oh no, not this again' or 'old news is old'. Which is how I (and at least 1 other) read those responces. I don't do it to you, or anyone else, and I expect to be treated as I treat others. So yeah, I expect a bit of backlash, but that's the way it works.


Espy said:
This thread did NOT contain what I expected. I expect awesome and you give me this? THIS?
Well, it's still here. You can help push it in the direction of awesome.


Chippy said:
I liked both of those.

The first one said to me. "What the fuck... I'm just going to back out of here"
The second one says "Hmmm... well... looks clear now. I'm goin in."

Philosopher B.


Gill Kaiser

Why the hell do none of you like Pride and Prejudice? It's a classic, and I think it's probably Austen's best novel.

I like zombies as much as the next guy, but I'm not sure I can bring myself to read P&P&Z. Adaptations of classic literature which have been messed around with create a pervading sense of wrongness for me when I read/watch them.


Gill Kaiser said:
Why the hell do none of you like Pride and Prejudice? It's a classic, and I think it's probably Austen's best novel.

I like zombies as much as the next guy, but I'm not sure I can bring myself to read P&P&Z. Adaptations of classic literature which have been messed around with create a pervading sense of wrongness for me when I read/watch them.
Woot! Back on topic.

See, part of my worry was that they would have some inside references that would be completely confusing if I hadn't read the original. I'm sure there will be some to an extent, it's hard to escape completely, but I was afraid it was more of a companion book. That doesn't seem to be the case.

As for the twist, I don't mind that so much. I've read a number of Arthurian legend books and they are all different from this person or that peron's point of view, that I doubt I'd be bothered by things 'straying' from the original. I also like a lot of cover songs done in odd ways (IE: Devo doing NIN - Head like a hole, or Easy Star All Stars doing a complete Reggae verson of The Dark Side of the Moon), but then I've listened to the originals so much that a new twist can be appreciated.
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