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PS4 is revealed




And I'm actually pretty stoked about some of it anyway. The non-proprietary shit under the hood is my biggest excitement. And 8 gigs of DDR5 Ram is fucking rad too.

http://www.gametrailers.com/netstorage/psmeeting/index.html[DOUBLEPOST=1361402969][/DOUBLEPOST]Holy crap at some of the shit Sony's trying here. They want the console to learn your likes and dislikes so precisely through your use of it that it knows ahead of time what games you will or will not want to download and do so so when you go to buy and download something, it's already there for you to play. That's some real ambitious stuff.




I'm a little concerned with that processor speed (or I would be if I were a console gamer). The specs I heard were 8 cores, but a speed of only 1.6GHz - or .1GHz faster than a Kindle Fire HD 4G.




The Kindle is dual core, though, right?




Ghz is not an effective measure of processing power. Unless the PS4 is using the same architecture as the Kindle Fire (and I highly doubt that it is) then comparing the clock speed means nothing.




I'm not thrilled about the mammoth amounts of social bullshit that's being built in as far as having a share button on the gamepad but I'm a dinosaur that just wants rad games and I'm definitely not hip on the bullshit that today's fucking kids seem so stoked on.[DOUBLEPOST=1361403626][/DOUBLEPOST]Sony wants Gakai to be able to eventually stream every God damn game ever released on all the previous Playstations to the PS4.[DOUBLEPOST=1361403724][/DOUBLEPOST]Randy Pitchford is talking in the video. All the promises are now moot.




Randy Pitchford is talking in the video. All the promises are now moot.
Wait, what? They... what?




Randy Pitchford was one of the developers they got to talk about how rad the PS4 is. I now don't believe a word of anything said. His lies. His lies.




Randy Pitchford was one of the developers they got to talk about how rad the PS4 is. I now don't believe a word of anything said. His lies. His lies.
Oh, I know who Pitchford is, I was more dumbfounded that they didn't scratch his part from the vid following the A:CM shitstorm.




It's a little disheartening that they've only showed one game so far. I get it. It's a super beast of super connectivity.

SHOW SOME FUCKING GAMES. There's got to be something showable if it's coming out in 6-7 months.[DOUBLEPOST=1361404113][/DOUBLEPOST]Heh, it's like they heard my complaining and immediately reacted. PS4 is amazing. New Killzone is something I guess. Hard to take a Killzone reveal seriously after the bullshit PS3 reveal years and years ago.




Well sure, but how many demos did you expect them to be able to dummy up? It's gotta be expensive to make those awesome demos that Gearbox and Blizzard showed off at E3 that had nothing to do with the actual game.




This is not actually all that impressive. Like, at all. So, at least that lends to it's credibility.




That's... pretty sad. We're giving a demo a higher level of credibility based on the fact that it's not a very impressive demo.




Now, if this car ass game is to be believed, then fuck, that's pretty. Driving games are always the best looking games though.

This guy can only climax to pictures of cars.[DOUBLEPOST=1361405069][/DOUBLEPOST]OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, Watchdogs. Now I have a boner like the car guy.

AGGGGGGGGGGGH, it's not Watchdogs.[DOUBLEPOST=1361405169][/DOUBLEPOST]Fuck yeah, new Sucker Punch Infamous style. Boner's back, I love Infamous.[DOUBLEPOST=1361405637][/DOUBLEPOST]Holy shit, The Witness looks fucking rad. Jonathan Blow is kind of a douchebag, but the man makes incredible puzzle games.




Wow, Sony got the creator of Braid on board. Game looks pretty good, too. Take that, Microsoft!

And yeah, while the new Killzone looks great, it comes across as just another generic FPS with the biff-bam-boom and little substance.

I did like that first game they showed, but can't remember its name. Kind of a cartoony game that reminds me some of Katamari in its scale.

I really like some of the social aspects, like the Share button and looking over a friend's shoulder, watching him play the game online, like a live Let's Play. Also like the idea of letting that friend take over your game at a tough part.

Still apprehensive about the idea of cloud gaming. Hopefully this doesn't screw over the used game market, especially if they keep pricing their games online the same as the physical copies, which is just insulting.

So yeah, overall? So far, I'm kinda digging this. New Infamous looks like they're continuing on the story without forcing the main character back when it wouldn't make sense. I'm down for that.




So far they haven't mentioned the lockout of used games, so plus one to Sony against Microsoft on that. They God damn well better not pull that bullshit.[DOUBLEPOST=1361406189][/DOUBLEPOST]UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH Move controller..................fuck off with that bullshi....that actually kind of looks neat. I don't hate that.




I can't wait to see what Double Fine have in store. They interviewed Tim Schafer in one of those video clips.

Also, I would shit my pants if suddenly Half-Life 3 was announced. It won't happen, but holy shit, if it did?

Okay, MM, this moulding game looks fun, but why must you use the Move crap?




And this is getting radder.

Media Molecule only needs to make a good game around this concept.[DOUBLEPOST=1361406397][/DOUBLEPOST]Ok, now it's getting embarrassing like that Nintendo music thing...well not quite that embarrassing.




You're alone on this one, pal. This looks stupid to me. Though it looks like the next step for LBP, where they can make levels like that.




Really? You don't see how cool it would be to be able to sculpt your own characters in a game? To be able to sculpt levels? I see huge potential here. They just need to craft a good game around it.[DOUBLEPOST=1361406528][/DOUBLEPOST]I love this guy, he's the happiest man in the world. He's a huge fucking troll but I always dig him when he's talking about shit.




Eh, it'll be great for people who have the artistic talent or patience for it, which I have neither. I've never made a LBP level for the same reasons.




Code named Panty Raid?

What the fuck?




I really wish emphasis on graphics in games would stop. I want more interactivity, more exploration possibilities, more freedom, and less cutscenes or pre-set story moments. Heck, I want more LITTLE details, like how the enemy is affected depending on where you hit them.




Oh, Panta Rhei.

Holy Christ, this looks impressive. Fuck, I wish this were the old days when it was easy to tell bullshots from real shit easily.

Deep Down looks like Dragon's Dogma.

D.D. looks like D.D.


Square Enix, I can't wait to be underwhelmed.




"This isn't a game demo, but a cinematic demonstration..." OH FUCK OFF, SQUARE ENIX!

Oh, even better...we've already seen this.




Hey, we're Square Enix, check out this game that will probably never come out.[DOUBLEPOST=1361407108][/DOUBLEPOST]Fuck off, this is old shit. Square Enix underwhelming prediction super confirmed.




Square Enix has a Final Fantasy game coming out? Oh BOY! There's a surprise. *sarcasm*




Jesus Square. If Square was a dog, we'd have fucking put it down by now.[DOUBLEPOST=1361407413][/DOUBLEPOST]WATCHDOGS. GIVE IT TO ME!




Here comes your Watchdogs, Frankie.




Man, Sucker Punch stole their thunder by starting off their game presentation with the exact same speech.[DOUBLEPOST=1361407619][/DOUBLEPOST]STOP WHISPERING IN PSUEDOENGLISH AND GIVE IT TO ME.[DOUBLEPOST=1361407855][/DOUBLEPOST]They're giving it to me.

This looks rad as fuck.








Hideo Kojima, calling it now

Oh, I'm wrong.





Blizzard? Whoa. Way to raise the bar, Sony. Seriously, holy crap.

Sony and Blizzard team up to take over the world. You wish they were kidding.





Diablo 3? Who fucking gives a shit?

That farting noise is the air being let out of the balloon.




Oh FUCK OFF, Blzard. Way to get my hopes up.




Diablo 3 on both the ps3 and ps4.

Uh... woohoo?




Get off the stage![DOUBLEPOST=1361408232][/DOUBLEPOST]Hideo Kojima, second time I'm calling it. UGH, I'm super wrong again. What's a Sony conference without Hideo?[DOUBLEPOST=1361408315][/DOUBLEPOST]Did Activision clone John Riccotello? This guy is an utter clone of him. EA and Activision are the same company confirmed.[DOUBLEPOST=1361408347][/DOUBLEPOST]WHOA!





Does anyone still give a shit about Bungie?




Bungie abandons Microsoft exclusivity.[DOUBLEPOST=1361408475][/DOUBLEPOST]Destiny looks pretty sweet in a it shits all over Killzone 4 sort of way.




You know, if they announced The Last Guardian for ps4, I'd buy it immediately.

Though, that didn't work out too well for me with the PS3.




We here at Activision and Bungie bring you.....dudes in blazers and jeans!




I will say this of Destiny, a persistent online world is the only time required online connectivity makes sense.




Say the price you fucks.




Say the price you fucks.




Sony you cum dumpsters.




I'm disappointed by the lack of Double Fine, but man, they took the Braid creator and Bungie away from Microsoft. That's gotta hurt.




Just who I want to see after the show.




Dorito Pope talking to Chris Metzen about Diablo 3. 3 things together I couldn't give less a shit about.







Overall, it was a console launch presser through and through. I'm optimistic. They said nothing about limiting used games, which is a plus in my books because that anti-consumer nonsense can eat my dick. Lots of social nonsense for you people that like playing games with other people. I'm stoked to see what Media Molecule does with that sculpting thing. If it's good it's the only reason I'd ever want a Move. Destiny looked cool. Watch_Dogs has got me hook line and sinker so if it ends up disappointing I may quit gaming altogether.




If anyone gives a shit, Rev3 games has a nice playlist of all the trailers for games shown.


I forgot about Knack, which is super unfortunate because it looks incredibly charming.




So pumped Destiny will be coming to PS. Also, I would waste hours with that move sculpting thing as it is right now. Knack looks promising and Watchdogs remains my most anticipated upcoming release.




The number I keep hearing rumored is $600 for the big boy version of the PS4.




They said nothing about limiting used games, which is a plus in my books because that anti-consumer nonsense can eat my dick.
They're not going to confirm something like that until they have to. They know it will be universally hated by everyone other than developers. They'll try to slip it in as quietly as they can.




2013_02_20 Piro says the PS4 needs an EDS peripheral.PNG




I'd care more about what he says if he released more than a single page of his comic a month.




A few questions or items come to mind for me:

1) I assume it'll still have a disc player (Blu-Ray, likely). They'd be shooting themselves in the foot again, ala PSP Go, if they went all digital.

2) They already confirmed that it will not be reverse-compatible, which is bullshit to me.

3) I'm concerned about one thing: what happens to all the products I purchased already on PSN? For example, will I be able to carry over my PSN-bought copies of Double Fine's games or Limbo? I really, really hope so because otherwise, that's even more bullshit.
4) I hope it won't be exclusively online necessary.

5) I'm curious to see how the "friend takes over for you" works. Hopefully it's something you can turn off if you don't want to be bothered. Obviously it would need to have both parties agree, but I don't want to be bombarded by requests or something.




The number I keep hearing rumored is $600 for the big boy version of the PS4.
Sooo...about the same price as an iPhone?





I'd care more about what he says if he released more than a single page of his comic a month.
Is that Megatokyo Fred? I thought "emotional doll system" sounded familiar but I couldn't place it.




They're not going to confirm something like that until they have to. They know it will be universally hated by everyone other than developers. They'll try to slip it in as quietly as they can.
Yep, the fact that they didn't confirm that they're not doing that is a point against them in my book.

Anyway, it looks...alright. Sony's never been a big deal for me (other than for Square games back in the day), so it's nothing unusual there. Bungie jumping over to the PS is noteworthy at least. The graphics don't really look too special, though maybe that's just the quality of the videos online.




Is that Megatokyo Fred? I thought "emotional doll system" sounded familiar but I couldn't place it.
Yup, it's Piro.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

) I'm concerned about one thing: what happens to all the products I purchased already on PSN? For example, will I be able to carry over my PSN-bought copies of Double Fine's games or Limbo? I really, really hope so because otherwise, that's even more bullshit.
I'm pretty sure this is the case or else you wouldn't be able to play a lot of PSN stuff between your PS3 and PSP.




I'm willing to bet they won't, so they can introduce the PSP2 to go with the PS4 Network games.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I'm willing to bet they won't, so they can introduce the PSP2 to go with the PS4 Network games.
It's called the Vita.

And Nick meant games he already bought as PSN games. Suggesting you can't would assume Sony is doing away with the whole PSN to replace it with something new, which is an option as stupid as Microsoft getting rid of X-Box Live, and yet not beyond the kind of dumb shit Sony has done in the past. Dammit. They wouldn't even go Nintendo on us and let systems blink lights at each other as they pass the info along.




Is that Megatokyo Fred? I thought "emotional doll system" sounded familiar but I couldn't place it.
I like that you instantly knew who it was just be saying how many pages he puts out. He's a talented artist but he's coasting by entirely on reputation at this point.




I like that you instantly knew who it was just be saying how many pages he puts out. He's a talented artist but he's coasting by entirely on reputation at this point.
Yeah I used to check his site daily. Now I go back every six months or so, given how infrequently he updates, and how so little happens in each individual strip.




The number I keep hearing rumored is $600 for the big boy version of the PS4.
The price being quoted in Europe is 399 euros and it's usually a 1:1 price from euros to dollars.




That's STILL $100 too much. I only payed $300 for Xbox 360 SP, with two games, a controller, a month of live, and a headset. For $400, I'd better be getting at LEAST a game and a month of PSN +.




If 400 dollars is too much for you for a new, honestly extremely powerful piece of gaming hardware at launch, then you need a new hobby or to wait for a price drop.

People buy fucking ipads for 600 bucks or iphones for 400.




Looking at price listings, I suppose it IS average for a Playstation console. PSX cost about $460 in today's dollars. PS2 was about $400 itself.

I guess I'm just used to $300 because that's the price point Nintendo always tries to never break.




Except they did, with the WiiU




I have to say, the PS4 will have hardware that's....well, not all that astounding for a PC gamer. Yes, it'l lbe cheaper than a PC with the same stats ,but...The PS2, at least, was better than what you could get at the time as a PC.
Always-online for everything. Urk.
No backwards compatibility. Urk.
Cloud saving, no local saving. Urk.
Anyone who still believes there'll be second hand games (or support for them) is dreaming.

All in all, this is a console for the next generation, not for me. It's Sony et al. forcing us into a scifi-like future where I don't want to be. I don't want to ahve to rely entirely on things outside of my control to see what I can play. I don't want the console "guessing" what I'll want to play and downloading so it's ready to play when I buy it. I don't want my friends intruding in my games and bothering me. And I definitely don't want everyone and their dog to share every thing they do on facebook. The moment I see "Bob picked up a new rifle in CoD6! - posted from his PS 4" on my facebook is the moment I kick Bob off of my friends list.




Look, in some ways, it's just a mid, high end PC, but does your PC have 8 gigs of DDR-5 RAM? Mine sure as fuck doesn't.




Look, in some ways, it's just a mid, high end PC, but does your PC have 8 gigs of DDR-5 RAM? Mine sure as fuck doesn't.
Most standard game PCs these days have 8 GB of DDR3 or DDR4, midrange/normal home use PCs often have 4 GB, I admit. But comparatively, this PS4 is the least "groundbreaking" of any of the Pss released so far. It'll take, what, a year, maybe two, before game PCs come with that or better as a standard? That's a lot faster than the PS or PS2.

I don't think a lot of people think it'll come with a special "blocking" mechanism. I think they're going to try and sell most/all games digitally - and you can't resell Steam or GFWL/X-Live games, now can you?




Most standard game PCs these days have 8 GB of DDR3 or DDR4, midrange/normal home use PCs often have 4 GB, I admit. But comparatively, this PS4 is the least "groundbreaking" of any of the Pss released so far. It'll take, what, a year, maybe two, before game PCs come with that or better as a standard? That's a lot faster than the PS or PS2.
There is a silly gulf of difference between the speeds of DDR-3 and DDR-5. And you can't just compare the raw specs of a console vs a PC. It's never worked as a perfect 1:1 comparison.

All "ground-breaking" got the PS3 is being harder to develop for and the shitty versions of multi-platform games. They designed the thing to be easy for develop for.




There is a silly gulf of difference between the speeds of DDR-3 and DDR-5. And you can't just compare the raw specs of a console vs a PC. It's never worked as a perfect 1:1 comparison.

All "ground-breaking" got the PS3 is being harder to develop for and the shitty versions of multi-platform games. They designed the thing to be easy for develop for.
I didn't disagree with you :p All I'm saying is that I have the impression that PCs will catch up with the PS4 faster than they did with the PS1 or 2. And yes, that is (at least partially) because they designed this one to be easier to program for.

As for a PC/console comparison: the only reason multplatform games don't completely blow away their console counterparts on PC, is because those games are designed for the console and tend to underuse the extras a PC provides; not because a PC can do less wit the same hardware.




I don't think a lot of people think it'll come with a special "blocking" mechanism. I think they're going to try and sell most/all games digitally - and you can't resell Steam or GFWL/X-Live games, now can you?
My guess is it will come with the ability to block used games, but it will be up to the publisher to decide if it will be used with their game or not. That way they can lay the blame on the publishers and not their console.




I'm concerned about one thing: what happens to all the products I purchased already on PSN? For example, will I be able to carry over my PSN-bought copies of Double Fine's games or Limbo? I really, really hope so because otherwise, that's even more bullshit.
Via Joystiq:
Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida just told our friends at Engadget current-gen PSN purchases won't transfer across to the PS4.

In last night's PS4 announcement, Sony revealed the new console won't have backwards compatibility for PS1, PS2, or PS3 discs, although the company aims to use the PS Cloud service to stream previous-gen games as a workaround.




I have to say, the PS4 will have hardware that's....well, not all that astounding for a PC gamer. Yes, it'l lbe cheaper than a PC with the same stats ,but...The PS2, at least, was better than what you could get at the time as a PC.
Always-online for everything. Urk.
No backwards compatibility. Urk.
Cloud saving, no local saving. Urk.
Anyone who still believes there'll be second hand games (or support for them) is dreaming.

All in all, this is a console for the next generation, not for me. It's Sony et al. forcing us into a scifi-like future where I don't want to be. I don't want to ahve to rely entirely on things outside of my control to see what I can play. I don't want the console "guessing" what I'll want to play and downloading so it's ready to play when I buy it. I don't want my friends intruding in my games and bothering me. And I definitely don't want everyone and their dog to share every thing they do on facebook. The moment I see "Bob picked up a new rifle in CoD6! - posted from his PS 4" on my facebook is the moment I kick Bob off of my friends list.
They addressed the online only and all the social stuff.


Basically it's not online required and you can turn off the social stuff.




Okay, that's just total and complete bullshit, then. This is the kind of shit that I was afraid of when it comes to online purchases.




The first few pages of this thread reads like a Beat Poet's Stream of Conscience Poem...




Look, in some ways, it's just a mid, high end PC, but does your PC have 8 gigs of DDR-5 RAM? Mine sure as fuck doesn't.
I have 24GB of DDR3, but I don't know how that compares speedwise.





This article is a bit more hopeful about PSN games. They might make it to the PS4 eventually, but not at launch. Which is still Sony shooting itself in the foot if they expect people to buy it at launch.




I understand why they don't allow backwards compatibility but I do not understand why my PSN games can't transfer. Does it have anything to do with the architecture of the system?

Edit: Read Nick's link, looks like it's the guts that make it hard to transfer. I guess that makes sense. Still seems like it could be worked around.




I understand why they don't allow backwards compatibility but I do not understand why my PSN games can't transfer. Does it have anything to do with the architecture of the system?




I understand why they don't allow backwards compatibility but I do not understand why my PSN games can't transfer. Does it have anything to do with the architecture of the system?
Going from Cell to X86 is a huge change IMO. I hope their intermediate layers make it an easier transition, but there's no guarantees, and could be very title-specific.




I really shouldn't be forced to buy PS1 games again, nor should I be forced to buy Journey or Double Fine's games again. I'm not a technology expert, so I don't understand what's so hard about moving something digital to something else digital. It's the same platform.




I really shouldn't be forced to buy PS1 games again, nor should I be forced to buy Journey or Double Fine's games again. I'm not a technology expert, so I don't understand what's so hard about moving something digital to something else digital. It's the same platform.
It sounds like, and keep in mind I have ZERO idea how this works, that something in the actual... uh... processors/system architecture differs enough from the PS3 that the games won't play on the PS4.

Now, seems to me that they aren't going to just not sell all the crap they have on PSN to PS4 customers so I'm guessing at some point games will be for sale for PS3 or PS4. Whats bullshit is that if I own FF7 on PS3 I should, once it's available, be able to get it on my PS4. At least it seems like a obvious cash grab if they don't allow it.




I really shouldn't be forced to buy PS1 games again, nor should I be forced to buy Journey or Double Fine's games again. I'm not a technology expert, so I don't understand what's so hard about moving something digital to something else digital. It's the same platform.
square peg in round hole.




Honestly, I'm most excited for the next gen console age because it will briefly stop holding back pc games.




I really shouldn't be forced to buy PS1 games again, nor should I be forced to buy Journey or Double Fine's games again. I'm not a technology expert, so I don't understand what's so hard about moving something digital to something else digital. It's the same platform.
Think of it this way: would you expect to be able to put the same engine (game) you just had in a Ford (PS3) into a Toyota (PS4)? If you specially design both cars to begin with, then maybe you can, but otherwise, you're going to need to overhaul the engine (re-jig the game) or put a crap load of intermediate mechanics in there (compatibility layers) to make it work. It's not a "it's just digital" or anything like that.

The analogy breaks down pretty quickly, but a better one might be if you've ever tried to put a metric bolt into an imperial nut, or vice-versa. Digital compatibility is the exception not the norm.




I can appreciate there are difficulties in transferring the games over, but I would have liked Sony to take the time/effort/resources to make the games transfer over anyway. It is a priority to me, and to others apparently.




I can appreciate there are difficulties in transferring the games over, but I would have liked Sony to take the time/effort/resources to make the games transfer over anyway. It is a priority to me, and to others apparently.
Unfortunately console makers come at this, apparently, from the same type of mindset with which they view used game sales. They want their new console to have a high attach rate, to prove to publishers that games should be developed for their platform. They then conclude that every old game that can be played is a new game that isn't being played, and is thus a lost sale.




Unfortunately console makers come at this, apparently, from the same type of mindset with which they view used game sales. They want their new console to have a high attach rate, to prove to publishers that games should be developed for their platform. They then conclude that every old game that can be played is a new game that isn't being played, and is thus a lost sale.
... which is a mentality that completely turns me off as a consumer. And so I'm going to keep voting with my wallet until Sony stops viewing customers as nothing more than mindless crops waiting to be harvested.




I can appreciate there are difficulties in transferring the games over, but I would have liked Sony to take the time/effort/resources to make the games transfer over anyway. It is a priority to me, and to others apparently.
They do have hundreds, possibly a thousand, games in their digital library, and to this date have mostly relied on their developers' ability to re-code the games to run on new digital platforms (which is why some games on PSN are PSN-only, while some are PSP-compatible, and some are additionally optimized for Vita-play).

I agree that it's something they definitely should do, but it sounds like they are doing it, and a little patience is what's required.




I can understand wanting to have compatibility for older systems' games on the new system. I mean, you paid for all of those games, you want to keep playing them, you want to keep them around because some of them are like old friends that've been with you for years and years. But at the same time, have you ever tried playing a PC game from the PS1 era on a gaming rig from the PS3/4 era? Sure, there are ways to make it work. There's special software you can use to slow your 3.2GHz quad core down to 66MHz, so the game doesn't run too fast; and you can set the resolution of your monitor back down to 800x600 so there aren't massive black bands all around the picture and the picture isn't stretched out all to hell. But that doesn't necessarily make them good... or even playable, in some cases. I mean, it would be nice to see what some of the old games look like if they were upgraded to use the new architecture and the new graphics capabilities, but since so many of the games were programmed in such a way that they can't automatically scale themselves up to really take advantage of the fact that you now have 6, 8, or more Gigs of RAM when you used to have 12 Megs of it or or the fact that computers come with audio codecs capable of playing symphonies well enough that most people can't tell the difference between what a computer can play and what the actual symphony sounds like live when you used to have a semi-decent 3 or 4 octave range of scratchy-sounding beeps. Heck, most PS2 games don't even look any better in HD than they do in SD, and in some cases look worse because they just weren't designed to be displayed at that high of a resolution. Speculation on the specs of the new system is that it will be capable of supporting ultra-high resolution. Do you really want to see FFVII in ultra-high resolution? Also, it's not like Sony is going to force you to return your PS1, 2, 3, etc. in order to buy a PS4, so you will still be able to play your old games, if you have that capability now.




Unfortunately console makers come at this, apparently, from the same type of mindset with which they view used game sales. They want their new console to have a high attach rate, to prove to publishers that games should be developed for their platform. They then conclude that every old game that can be played is a new game that isn't being played, and is thus a lost sale.

This is not quite true (at least the perspective you're approaching from). Console makers love backwards compatibility, in principle. It increases the value of new offerings and encourages customer loyalty to their brand.

Publishers hate backwards compatibility. For them, backwards compatibility means having to maintain support for old platforms that they no longer develop for, and since they've already sold the software once, they're not gaining anything (in their minds) by keeping it available for a new platform.

The problem is that Sony is both console-maker and publisher. Or more accurately, they have a console division and a software division, and they don't actually have the same goals. The Pub-side wants a high attach rate (for their titles at least), because that's indicative of their abilities to sell franchise releases. The Console-side doesn't care about attach rate (at launch anyways), because they don't sell according to attach rate (they don't even sell according to tie-ratio), they sell according to install-base and average spend per user.

What this means is that the console side has every reason to want as many previously-bought PSN games working on the PS4 as possible, while the publisher side is going to try and get away with as few as possible and re-sell everything.




I can understand wanting to have compatibility for older systems' games on the new system. I mean, you paid for all of those games, you want to keep playing them, you want to keep them around because some of them are like old friends that've been with you for years and years. But at the same time, have you ever tried playing a PC game from the PS1 era on a gaming rig from the PS3/4 era? Sure, there are ways to make it work. There's special software you can use to slow your 3.2GHz quad core down to 66MHz, so the game doesn't run too fast; and you can set the resolution of your monitor back down to 800x600 so there aren't massive black bands all around the picture and the picture isn't stretched out all to hell. But that doesn't necessarily make them good... or even playable, in some cases. I mean, it would be nice to see what some of the old games look like if they were upgraded to use the new architecture and the new graphics capabilities, but since so many of the games were programmed in such a way that they can't automatically scale themselves up to really take advantage of the fact that you now have 6, 8, or more Gigs of RAM when you used to have 12 Megs of it or or the fact that computers come with audio codecs capable of playing symphonies well enough that most people can't tell the difference between what a computer can play and what the actual symphony sounds like live when you used to have a semi-decent 3 or 4 octave range of scratchy-sounding beeps. Heck, most PS2 games don't even look any better in HD than they do in SD, and in some cases look worse because they just weren't designed to be displayed at that high of a resolution. Speculation on the specs of the new system is that it will be capable of supporting ultra-high resolution. Do you really want to see FFVII in ultra-high resolution? Also, it's not like Sony is going to force you to return your PS1, 2, 3, etc. in order to buy a PS4, so you will still be able to play your old games, if you have that capability now.
Someone better tell GOG about this.




Honestly, I'm most excited for the next gen console age because it will briefly stop holding back pc games.
Except for Diablo 3.

Hell, the PS3 and 4 versions are getting offline and local multiplayer.




Except for Diablo 3.

Hell, the PS3 and 4 versions are getting offline and local multiplayer.
That's because Blizzard says fuck you.




Someone better tell GOG about this.
I have several GOG games. They don't play well on my new computer, at all. They look horrible, they play really poorly, etc.




That's because Blizzard says fuck you.
Yeah, there's a veritable ocean of torches and pitchforks on every Diablo/Blizz forum I've stumbled across.




Yeah, there's a veritable ocean of torches and pitchforks on every Diablo/Blizz forum I've stumbled across.
Rightfully so. I'm pissed off enough to want to play Path of Exile or Torchlight 2 just to spite those fuckers, and I don't even have real time for video games these days!

(or I might just go back to playing Spiral Knights)




Hmm. I'm no hardcore gamer, and I'm not at all sure how to react at this point. Demos look nice, and hardware specs are decent. I'd like to have backwards compatibility, but really, why should I expect it to be there? It's a different system.

Does anyone know what this device will be capable of OTHER than games? I do have a PS3, but I don't have a huge amount of time to play it. Right now, for a consumer like me, it feels like the PS3 is missing non-gaming capabilities that I can use when I'm not using the gaming system. The ones that are there are outdated. It'd be a great HTPC if the software was there, for instance. That would be extremely attractive to me.




Hmm. I'm no hardcore gamer, and I'm not at all sure how to react at this point. Demos look nice, and hardware specs are decent. I'd like to have backwards compatibility, but really, why should I expect it to be there? It's a different system.

Does anyone know what this device will be capable of OTHER than games? I do have a PS3, but I don't have a huge amount of time to play it. Right now, for a consumer like me, it feels like the PS3 is missing non-gaming capabilities that I can use when I'm not using the gaming system. The ones that are there are outdated. It'd be a great HTPC if the software was there, for instance. That would be extremely attractive to me.
I suspect it will have all the various video streaming goodies, but no word on being able to play your own media files from what I have seen so far. Anyone hear differently?




Here we go, for those of you who wanted an abridged version:


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Fuck you, Sony.




I suppose at some point we all have to realize that the target market for both the PS and the Xbox is less about people who care about the longevity of games, and more about the dude-bros who are only concerned with being able to play the most dude-brotasticaly awesome new CoD game and the most dude-brotasticaly awesome new sports franchise game with the rest of their dude-bros.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Here we go, for those of you who wanted an abridged version:
"We want nothing to get between you and the game. Here's a bunch of stuff that gets between you and the game."

And it's Sony doublespeak like that which makes me disbelieve the exec that says Sony will not have a block on used games for the PS4. No one at that company has any solid idea about what's going on.

They learned nothing from the PS3's shitty release, did they?




Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

/wipes tear




That "Abridged" video is so much win.




You know what I really want? A nice console. One that plays good games. I couldn't give two poops about PC gaming. I sit at a computer all day, so you know what I really want to do nights and weekends? Stare at a computer. At least with a console, I can sit back on my couch.

You know what sells this PS4 to me? The suspend feature. That says "dad gamer" all over it. Seriously, that is the killer in all of that doody.




I'm really amazed that they didn't push the "streams" to your Vita/PSP thing as more a "now Dad/Mom you can keep playing your games & still keep your kids company while they watch Dora" angle instead of the "ALWAY KEEP GAMING!!" thing. The WiiU sort of pushed this, but only at E3.

This actually a real thing experienced by people who actually have money to buy extraneous entertainment goods. I mentioned this to my friend who just had a kid, and he was like, "Huh. That could actually be useful".




You know what I really want? A nice console. One that plays good games. I couldn't give two poops about PC gaming. I sit at a computer all day, so you know what I really want to do nights and weekends? Stare at a computer. At least with a console, I can sit back on my couch.

You know what sells this PS4 to me? The suspend feature. That says "dad gamer" all over it. Seriously, that is the killer in all of that doody.
You realize you can connect your PC to a TV right? It's still the ultimate -console-

My kids have all 3 consoles and a gaming PC connected to their TV in the living room, they use the PC way more than the consoles and they still get to sit on the couch and use a controller.




Hey guys, a photo of the PS4 console was leaked:




You realize you can connect your PC to a TV right? It's still the ultimate -console-

My kids have all 3 consoles and a gaming PC connected to their TV in the living room, they use the PC way more than the consoles and they still get to sit on the couch and use a controller.
My PC is hooked up to my TV with an Xbox controller. I'm pretty much set for most games. The only time I get a console game is when it's an exclusive that I really want. Ni No Kuni, Uncharted, Infamous, etc...


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I don't understand why, if I log into the PSN on the PS4, I can't download the stuff I own on there.

Unless they're scrapping PSN entirely for something new. Which would be really stupid since the Vita uses it.

But then, this is Sony.




Hey guys, a photo of the PS4 console was leaked:

Sony Entertainment
Official Memo

From: Office of the Chairman

To: Research and Development

Find the guy who thought this was what I meant by "quad core" and have him executed.




My guess is that they don't want to include the PS3 hardware (because it would make it more expensive) and they aren't sure how to emulate it yet. Ether those or they just want to force you to rebuy stuff on the PSN.

I suspect they'll be pulling an Nintendo and offering stuff you've already payed for at a vastly reduced price.




My PC is hooked up to my TV with an Xbox controller. I'm pretty much set for most games. The only time I get a console game is when it's an exclusive that I really want. Ni No Kuni, Uncharted, Infamous, etc...
Exactly. I can't fathom a reason to choose a console over a PC other than price and exclusives.
Though I think spending $600 on a console instead of upgrading your PC, isn't your best bang for buck for gaming.




I can see price being a factor. to really remain on top of the graphics curve, I do have to buy a whole new system every 7-10 years when my processor or memory start bottlenecking performance, with graphics cards running 200.00 or so depending on how far behind you're willing to go every 3-4 years. In the long run it's more expensive, but paying 15-30 per game if you're patient with steam sales, it may actually be a better bang for your buck. Especially because games tend to look so much better on PC.




I don't understand why, if I log into the PSN on the PS4, I can't download the stuff I own on there.
For the same reason that you needed to download Rosetta to run pre-Intel (non-universal) mac programs on Intel Macs.

It's a different chip architecture, and for that to work you either need to include the old chip tech (like the PS2 did to support PS1 titles), emulate it (like the original PS3 did for select PS2 titles), or re-build the program for the new environment (like PSN eventually did for lots of things).

They've already said they're going to be using Gaikai to stream their PSN library (which is why how that's priced is going to be important), so maybe that's how they're planning to do an end-run around that problem.

In an ideal world (which we probably won't get), we will have the options to stream any PSN game we've purchased regardless of whether it's been re-built or not to a PS4, but games where the dev has actually bothered to re-build it will be downloadable to play.




Basically, with PC games, if you're willing to wait, you are actually saving a ton of money as console prices don't drop nearly as fast.

Edit: this post was meant to be merged with my last post.




You realize you can connect your PC to a TV right? It's still the ultimate -console-

My kids have all 3 consoles and a gaming PC connected to their TV in the living room, they use the PC way more than the consoles and they still get to sit on the couch and use a controller.
Yeah, I know you can do that, but that requires futzing around with the PC, and going through the OS, instead of just flopping back and popping in a game that is guaranteed to work with no other input from me. I know how to make a PC sit up and bark like a dog, but I just don't want to when I have 20 minutes to play a game.

(Also, I paid 225 for a new PS3 from Target several years ago now, not 600)




Yeah, I know you can do that, but that requires futzing around with the PC, and going through the OS, instead of just flopping back and popping in a game that is guaranteed to work with no other input from me. I know how to make a PC sit up and bark like a dog, but I just don't want to when I have 20 minutes to play a game.
Uh no?
Plug in an HDMI cable (like you did your console), turn on the PC (like turning on the console), select your game (like navigating your console menu), start playing (no different than your console).

I don't think you know how to make it sit up and bark like a dog. Sounds to me like you make it needlessly complicated.




Yeah, I know you can do that, but that requires futzing around with the PC, and going through the OS, instead of just flopping back and popping in a game that is guaranteed to work with no other input from me. I know how to make a PC sit up and bark like a dog, but I just don't want to when I have 20 minutes to play a game.

(Also, I paid 225 for a new PS3 from Target several years ago now, not 600)
You could use Steam big screen mode, it's a total of one click.




Uh no?
Plug in an HDMI cable (like you did your console), turn on the PC (like turning on the console), select your game (like navigating your console menu), start playing (no different than your console).

I don't think you know how to make it sit up and bark like a dog. Sounds to me like you make it needlessly complicated.

oookay. better go quit my job then. I'm not speaking from ignorance. Last time I hooked a PC up to my TV, it didn't go anything like that. But whatever. Maybe the experience has improved since last time I tried. It really doesn't matter, because I'm not not going to buy a PC to attach to my TV for lots of other reasons, like cost, and the fact that that computer becomes unusable when people are watching TV, unless I go through the effort to make it so. In any case you're welcome to use yours and I'll still enjoy the way I do things.




If I can't transfer psn network purchases to the ps4 that'll suck but it's not going to be a deal breaker for me. I dont plan on getting rid of the ps3 I currently own any time soon so I should have access to them that way for a while no?




oookay. better go quit my job then. I'm not speaking from ignorance. Last time I hooked a PC up to my TV, it didn't go anything like that. But whatever. Maybe the experience has improved since last time I tried. It really doesn't matter, because I'm not not going to buy a PC to attach to my TV for lots of other reasons, like cost, and the fact that that computer becomes unusable when people are watching TV, unless I go through the effort to make it so. In any case you're welcome to use yours and I'll still enjoy the way I do things.
You're right. It's changed. You're also welcome to enjoy things they way they are.
As for cost, I already addressed as did Bowielee that the cost can easily be offset or even cheaper to use a gaming PC as a console.
As for unusable when people are watching TV, I dunno what to tell you, we have TVs in the bedrooms for when someone wants to watch something while one TV is being used.
I'm just simply explaining how easy it is to use a gaming PC as a better console for those who thought it might be difficult. Your response was contrary to that point, so I had to address it as incorrect.




Eh, I don't think it's incorrect. I mean, I'm not talking about ages or generations ago. I'm talking about the last time I hooked up an HDMI projector to a Windows 7 laptop. Yeah, I know that's not quite the same because it's a temporary connection.

But whatever, I don't really have a dog in this fight. I'm simply not buying a new pricey PC when I can wait for a console a year into its life and expect it to flawlessly run the games I buy for it, both from the past library and years to come--with no thought about it whatsoever. That's really what I was talking about anyway, more than the physical connection to the TV or the controller. In a year, a new PC game may not run optimally on the gaming PC, and while upgrading the PC may be easy, I just don't want to have to deal with it.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I'm of a mind that, like the PS3, this is something I see no point in getting for the first three years it's out. Sony can work out their problems on someone else's dollar.




Eh, I don't think it's incorrect. I mean, I'm not talking about ages or generations ago. I'm talking about the last time I hooked up an HDMI projector to a Windows 7 laptop. Yeah, I know that's not quite the same because it's a temporary connection.
Answered yourself there. An HD TV through an HDMI cable on a PC is identical to hooking up a console. It's not difficult.

But whatever, I don't really have a dog in this fight.
This should have been where your post ended, because everything that follows is pretty much poking the very dog you say isn't fighting.

I'm simply not buying a new pricey PC when I can wait for a console a year into its life and expect it to flawlessly run the games I buy for it, both from the past library and years to come--with no thought about it whatsoever.
A PC will run the past library flawlessly, as for running the future games for years to come, there have been plenty of issues with consoles running games with serious lag issues and frame rate problems. There's nothing you can do to allievate that problem on a console, with a PC, you simply upgrade some ram (as cheap as a game) or buy a video card (1-2 generations past the current will run anything fine and won't be expensive either) and your framerate and graphics problems will not persist. So I don't see how a console will be the answer to running all games flawlessly.

That's really what I was talking about anyway, more than the physical connection to the TV or the controller. In a year, a new PC game may not run optimally on the gaming PC, and while upgrading the PC may be easy, I just don't want to have to deal with it.
The thing you're really talking about is not wanting to deal with it. (That's totally fine, it's a point I wouldn't have even looked at twice because that's opinion and not a fact that can be debated) It has nothing to do with a PC being more difficult or not as user friendly as a console. Upgrading ram or a video card (takes about 10 minutes to change on a PC), which is going to be the majority of the problem you'll ever have during a console's lifecycle is not difficult, and will always run games more flawlessly than a console trying to keep up with games being made on a much higher tech than they can produce, then having to downgrade the quality and fluidity when it is converted to console.

Again I 100% respect the fact that maybe you just don't want to install hardware every 4-5yrs into a gaming PCs lifecycle, but don't try and cover it up by saying it's hard or that a console will always run games better, because neither of those are true at all.




Jesus. This is why tablet gaming is becoming so popular. It doesn't matter what version of ios device you buy, if you buy an ios device all the games you get will transfer up to your next one. If you buy a game on an android device, it will transfer up to every android device you buy. I get that they're going to a new hardware platform, but they can take the time to build an emulator to allow old game purchases to port over to the new one if they really want. They're not some back woods garage company. It's fucking Sony.




Answered yourself there. An HD TV through an HDMI cable on a PC is identical to hooking up a console. It's not difficult.
Again, not the experience I've had. I never said "difficult". Futzing about != difficult, just annoying.

Gilgamesh said:
This should have been where your post ended, because everything that follows is pretty much poking the very dog you say isn't fighting.
I... don't agree with this at all! I can not really care about an argument and still defend what I said. Why shouldn't I?

Gilgamesh said:
Again I 100% respect the fact that maybe you just don't want to install hardware every 4-5yrs into a gaming PCs lifecycle, but don't try and cover it up by saying it's hard or that a console will always run games better, because neither of those are true at all.
I never once said that consoles run games better. That's silly. I said I don't have to think about it and I can flop back on my couch in pretty much every post I made. I never said anything was "hard" either. Nope. Just read all 3 posts. Never said either of those things. In fact, I said it was easy right there in that last post! I'm well aware of how much effort it takes to upgrade RAM and video cards. I used to run a side business building PCs as far back as 1994. I said I just didn't want to deal with it--which was the entire point of a console ("dealing" meaning physical/financial/whatever effort)! I said that from the very first post! Jeez, I didn't cover anything up.




Again, not the experience I've had. I never said "difficult". Futzing about != difficult, just annoying.

I... don't agree with this at all! I can not really care about an argument and still have it. Why can't I?

I never once said that consoles run games better. That's silly. I said I don't have to think about it and I can flop back on my couch in pretty much every post I made. I never said anything was "hard" either. Nope. Just read all 3 posts. Never said either of those things. In fact, I said it was easy right there in that last post! I'm well aware of how much effort it takes to upgrade RAM and video cards. I used to run a side business building PCs as far back as 1994. I said I just didn't want to deal with it--which was the entire point of a console! I said that from the very first post! Jeez, I didn't cover anything up.
-shrug- My point was that PC gaming is just as cheap (in the long run), just as easy, and in many cases superior to console gaming. Your response is that you want to -flop back on the couch- and not -hassle with all that- whatever either of those statements mean. I suppose there's nothing left to discuss then.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I suppose there's nothing left to discuss then.
That was the case several posts ago.




That was the case several posts ago.
Yep, guess I was wrong.




I wasn't really interested in a PC vs. console war anyway. I started off describing my personal preference. I believe I was a bit less vague, but allow me to place specifics on it. I've spent less than $450 on my PS3 over 4 years--probably much less if I count sellbacks and the console I sold to buy it. I've never once had an issue running a console game for the console it was branded for on any console I've ever owned, and I'll keep the PS3 another few years. A PC is great gaming machine--but not for me. I was never arguing about gaming superiority, but about use cases. I'm not a heavy gamer. I want to invest less than zero mental, physical, or financial effort on the console (regardless of how hard or easy it is), because it has roughly zero bearing on the rest of my life.




It's literally more of a pain in the ass to play my PS3 than my PC games. I start from the same place (my couch) and to play a PS3 game, I have to go to the shelf and get a disk, put it in the system. With my PC, I sit on my couch, click on steam and launch whatever game I feel like playing.[DOUBLEPOST=1361513744][/DOUBLEPOST]Really, if Valve came out with a console that allowed you to use standard graphics cards, I would never use any other system.




I wasn't really interested in a PC vs. console war anyway. I started off describing my personal preference. I believe I was a bit less vague, but allow me to place specifics on it. I've spent less than $450 on my PS3 over 4 years--probably much less if I count sellbacks and the console I sold to buy it. I've never once had an issue running a console game for the console it was branded for on any console I've ever owned, and I'll keep the PS3 another few years. A PC is great gaming machine--but not for me. I was never arguing about gaming superiority, but about use cases. I'm not a heavy gamer. I want to invest less than zero mental, physical, or financial effort on the console (regardless of how hard or easy it is), because it has roughly zero bearing on the rest of my life.
If that's how we look at it I spent less than $500 after sellbacks on my previous gaming system for the newer one. I've upgraded parts maybe once a year at what I would have spent on new games (and instead bought games for next to nothing off STEAM/GoG/GamersGate). I've purchased a game on the PS3/Xbox that just has non-stop fps issues in heavy gameplay and sold it for a copy of the PC version (for cheaper) and it played much much better (Dead Space is an example if one is required). As for use cases? A PC is always going to indefinitely have more uses over a console.

As for investing less than zero mental/physical effort? That's a perfectly understandable opinion, though I fail to personally see how 10-15 minutes to change out some hardware every 4-5 years is so tedious. As for financial? Maybe I'm just more cash savvy. Not sure how else to respond to it.

Nice touch with the -zero bearing on the rest of your life- line though.




I really don't know what you mean. Did you take that as some kind of attack? I certainly didn't mean it as anything other than its verbatim meaning.




I have 24GB of DDR3, but I don't know how that compares speedwise.
Considering no games that exist ever use that much (most don't use more than 2-4), I'd say faster is better.




Considering no games that exist ever use that much (most don't use more than 2-4), I'd say faster is better.
That much ram and a good processor would be very helpful for streaming the game on something like Twitch.tv or recording a Let's Play.




Considering no games that exist ever use that much (most don't use more than 2-4), I'd say faster is better.
Most can't use more than 4GB because they're 32-bit executables. Their address space hits a wall at that point. There are tricks to use more than that amount of memory on a 32-bit process (look to the server days before the 64-bit transition) but that never hit consumer-level products. And even though 90% of us have 64-bit processors, if you're on XP (XP-64 is a bastard that shall not be spoken of) you can't use 64-bit binaries. Thus, everything is still compiled for 32-bit, and the 64-bit people can run those too.

I will celebrate when I no longer see 32-bit executables in my task manager.




I just wanted to chime in with the undeniable truth that if you prefer consoles over PCs, you should be put down before you breed.




Critical Miss weighs in.




I just wanted to chime in with the undeniable truth that if you prefer consoles over PCs, you should be put down before you breed.
Hahaha, too bad for you!




I just wanted to chime in with the undeniable truth that if you prefer consoles over PCs, you should be put down before you breed.
Too late. I suppose we could perform really, really late term abortions.








Hahaha, too bad for you!
Too late. I suppose we could perform really, really late term abortions.
Exterminatus. Only way to be sure.




Yeah, basically this.




*looks for a Chaos Marines version of the COME AT ME BRO pic*


*mutters and wanders away*







You people are out of your minds if that Capcom Deep Down demo was only marginally better. Even the Killzone demo showed off better visuals than anything out right now.




Even the Killzone demo showed off better visuals than anything out right now.
Killzone has never lacked for awesome visuals (for a console game), it's just lacked for a compelling reason to play it over every other FPS. It's the perfect example of how pretty visuals don't actually sell games when they're literally the only thing it's got going.




Not when compared to playing Crysis 3 on a PC :p

Honestly though, in regards to the rest of the whole PC vs console thing. The only thing I was reacting to was the implication that you couldn't treat your PC AS a console, which is simply not the case. Especially now that Steam has "big picture" mode. It pretty much IS a console that just happens to be on your PC (and has way better graphics :p)[DOUBLEPOST=1361560127][/DOUBLEPOST]I'm just looking forward to playing the next Infamous game without all the frame rate drop.




Not when compared to playing Crysis 3 on a PC :p
Man, I'm a PC gamer. I love my PC. It's relatively high end even (or was a year ago). I played Crysis 1 pretty well maxed out (that I can remember) and the slightly less visually impressive Crysis 2 maxed out.

It didn't look as good as this engine.

Now, if they actually pull this off in something not just being a demo for a game engine then it'll really be something.[DOUBLEPOST=1361560587][/DOUBLEPOST]Dorkly's naked eye is broken.




I'm sorry, but compared to the leaps in graphics that were made between previous eras like NES to SNES or from PS1 to PS2, it is marginal. I'm not saying it does't look great, but honestly, once you take away those vista shots, it's really no different to what we already have or have seen.




Good lord those graphics are... wow. I'm sorry, thats a huge leap forward, the detail compared to whats on the PS3 is far superior.

I mean, WOW.




PC/console is one of those stupid, pointless rivalries like Nintendo/Sega or PC/Mac. Play on whatever you want and who gives a shit what anyone else thinks.




It pretty much IS a console that just happens to be on your PC
Can I navigate the OS with a controller or do I need a mouse and/or keyboard on my coffee table?




PC/console is one of those stupid, pointless rivalries like Nintendo/Sega or PC/Mac. Play on whatever you want and who gives a shit what anyone else thinks.




Can I navigate the OS with a controller or do I need a mouse and/or keyboard on my coffee table?
Odds are you'd have to download some periphery software to allow the controller to be used outside of games that come with an option for it by default. I used to have a program that did that, but I can't remember the name.




Odds are you'd have to download some periphery software to allow the controller to be used outside of games that come with an option for it by default. I used to have a program that did that, but I can't remember the name.
Steam is fully operational with a controller, you could have it set to auto start.




Can I navigate the OS with a controller or do I need a mouse and/or keyboard on my coffee table?
The way i have it set up, I do have a wireless mouse and keyboard that are on my coffee table. I also have a completely separate monitor at my computer desk with it's own mouse and keyboard so I can also use it as an office computer. However, steam itself is fully usable with a controller with no extra programs.[DOUBLEPOST=1361562179][/DOUBLEPOST]
PC/console is one of those stupid, pointless rivalries like Nintendo/Sega or PC/Mac. Play on whatever you want and who gives a shit what anyone else thinks.
The thing is, I have no rivalry. I own both a PS3 and a WiiU. I love consoles. I'm just opposed to this stupid idea that PC platforms are some sort of complex mystery machines.




The thing is, I have no rivalry. I own both a PS3 and a WiiU. I love consoles. I'm just opposed to this stupid idea that PC platforms are some sort of complex mystery machines.
For sure.

Big Picture Mode was a brilliant idea.




So, as long as I:

  • Download and set up Steam myself
  • Set up the OS to auto-start Steam myself
  • Troubleshoot any video, sound, driver, Steam, OS, or other issues myself
  • Replace whatever hardware every few years myself, given that I...
  • ...research which video cards (and/or audio cards and/or processor and/or memory) are the best choices to upgrade to
Then I can enjoy the benefits of better graphics on the rare occasion that I have time and solitude to play video games? I probably would spend more time troubleshooting than actually playing these days. I'll take the all-in-one magic box, thanks.[DOUBLEPOST=1361562548][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'm just opposed to this stupid idea that PC platforms are some sort of complex mystery machines.
I used to build my own computers once upon a time. I don't any more. Now I prefer to use my time for other things. I know I could do it. I could also grow my own vegetables. Some things are not worth it to me any more to do myself.




I personally don't care what anyone else plays on. I just posted why I liked consoles, and why I liked the PS4. It was never meant to be interpreted as an attack on PCs, other than that I personally didn't feel like sitting at one again when I got home. I should've just left it at that, regardless of how easy it is to treat a PC as a console. Certainly don't think of PCs as complicated by any stretch of the word.




The thing is, I have no rivalry. I own both a PS3 and a WiiU. I love consoles. I'm just opposed to this stupid idea that PC platforms are some sort of complex mystery machines.
I agree there, but looking at it from the point of someone who wants to just sit down and play a game, it's easier to pick up a console. You can buy a pre-built PC, but those tend to have a big extra chunk of cash tagged on as opposed to building yourself (which can have its own inherent issues). On top of that, if you don't know much about PCs you'll either be buying blind or spending time doing research to make sure you're getting what you need out of it. Again, snagging a console is just easier.

As for folks who have both consoles and a PC, it's just a matter of preference. I don't think anyone in this thread is particularly mystified by how a PC works/is upgraded.




I personally don't care what anyone else plays on. I just posted why I liked consoles, and why I liked the PS4. It was never meant to be interpreted as an attack on PCs, other than that I personally didn't feel like sitting at one again when I got home. I should've just left it at that, regardless of how easy it is to treat a PC as a console.
It is easy for the console gamers to say, "Go for it PC gamers! have fun!" It doesn't affect you or me what they choose. But PC gamers can be a bit snobby about the quality of their gaming experience. Some even argue that consoles are dragging down their own gaming experiences and gaming options. Mostly I think said people are not really considering that other people have different gaming needs and desires than they have.




The replies in the past few hours here have been hilarious.

There is no PC vs Consoles -war- because there is no fight. If you think that the PC will only marginally be better than a console in terms of running games, you need a better PC. Comparing PC vs Console to PS3 vs XBox vs Wii etc is silly because the difference between consoles was always minimal, but the difference between PC and consoles is much larger (Skyrim if I want to be -snobby- is just a tiny example).

Oh and the reason you got debated fade wasn't because you thought that using your PC as a console was hard, but because you implied that you'd have to sit at a computer screen/desk instead of on a couch/tv. Then made it seem like it would be such a hassle/annoyance to use it as such.




The replies in the past few hours here have been hilarious.

There is no PC vs Consoles -war- because there is no fight. If you think that the PC will only marginally be better than a console in terms of running games, you need a better PC. Comparing PC vs Console to PS3 vs XBox vs Wii etc is silly because the difference between consoles was always minimal, but the difference between PC and consoles is much larger (Skyrim if I want to be -snobby- is just a tiny example).

Oh and the reason you got debated fade wasn't because you thought that using your PC as a console was hard, but because you implied that you'd have to sit at a computer screen/desk instead of on a couch/tv. Then made it seem like it would be such a hassle/annoyance to use it as such.
Nobody made the claim that the difference was trivial. fade did not say it was hard. I could have missed it, so go ahead and quote the people who said as much.

For myself, and I think for fade, it is about creating a very low barrier to entry. Between work and family, I get a chance to play less than an hour a week on average. If I have any annoyance (need to update drivers, Steam isn't working right, XBox Live needs to update) then I am going to go do something else. Yes, PCs are more powerful machines. Yes you can, with some effort, make them very much like a console. No, it isn't worth the time and effort for me to customize my own set up when the amount of time I have to even play games is as low as it is. The only way I am playing any games is if it is ready to go for me.




The majority of this thread proves there is a fight over which is better, the same sort of fight that was pulled over every competing entertainment platform ever, from SNES and Genesis to HD-DVD and BluRay (or hell, even Betamax and VHS). The major difference here is this one's not going to end. All in all it's just another dick-waving contest.




The majority of this thread proves there is a fight over which is better, the same sort of fight that was pulled over every competing entertainment platform ever, from SNES and Genesis to HD-DVD and BluRay (or hell, even Betamax and VHS). The major difference here is this one's not going to end. All in all it's just another dick-waving contest.
Mine is lazier than yours?




It is easy for the console gamers to say, "Go for it PC gamers! have fun!" It doesn't affect you or me what they choose. But PC gamers can be a bit snobby about the quality of their gaming experience. Some even argue that consoles are dragging down their own gaming experiences and gaming options. Mostly I think said people are not really considering that other people have different gaming needs and desires than they have.
The major problem I have with console games is they ARE dragging down pc gaming - in the form that developers want to release their games on multiple platforms and code for the least common denominator. Thus, the PC is subjected to shitty console ports galore.




The major problem I have with console games is they ARE dragging down pc gaming - in the form that developers want to release their games on multiple platforms and code for the least common denominator. Thus, the PC is subjected to shitty console ports galore.
You still have lots of gaming options out there, I think. Has the diversity changed, perhaps, to include more crap in addition to the good stuff?




The majority of this thread proves there is a fight over which is better, the same sort of fight that was pulled over every competing entertainment platform ever, from SNES and Genesis to HD-DVD and BluRay (or hell, even Betamax and VHS). The major difference here is this one's not going to end. All in all it's just another dick-waving contest.
Except BluRay was better than DVD, SNES vs Genesis was a minimal difference so it doesn't apply. Sometimes in a dick-waving contest, one side really does have a bigger more useful dick.




Except BluRay was better than DVD, SNES vs Genesis was a minimal difference so it doesn't apply. Sometimes in a dick-waving contest, one side really does have a bigger more useful dick.
You're the only one whipping it out, as far as I can tell.




You're the only one whipping it out, as far as I can tell.
I was referring to past battles that you mentioned. However yes, I don't mind explaining how much better PC gaming is over console when there are facts to back it up. I would never get into a debate about PS3 vs XBOX360 because there's such a slight difference.




I was referring to past battles that you mentioned. However yes, I don't mind explaining how much better PC gaming is over console when there are facts to back it up.
Nobody thinks otherwise. It is like trying to argue that apples are bigger than cherries. To me, it doesn't matter.




The major problem I have with console games is they ARE dragging down pc gaming - in the form that developers want to release their games on multiple platforms and code for the least common denominator. Thus, the PC is subjected to shitty console ports galore.
The reason why they make console games and port to PC is because, for the most part, AAA developers make more money on consoles still. Until that changes, console-first-then-PC is unlikely to change.

Why you hatin' on the free market, GB?




Gaming is about entertainment, bottom line. If you get that from PC games over console, good for you. If you get it from console over PC, good for you. PC gaming is dragged down by elitist assbags as much as console gaming is dragged down by fratboy dudebros, and game development has become so much of a business over the last decade that regardless of your platform of choice, you're getting shit on by devs and publishers alike while you drag each other through the mud over who's the master race.




Nobody thinks otherwise. It is like trying to argue that apples are bigger than cherries. To me, it doesn't matter.




Here's something I'm reading that is absolutely baffling to me about the whole reveal: Why are people so hung up on what the console itself will look like? Who fucking cares? It's going to be a black box that sits tucked somewhere on your entertainment center. You're barely going to touch the thing or even acknowledge it beyond plugging in a controller to charge it.




Here's something I'm reading that is absolutely baffling to me about the whole reveal: Why are people so hung up on what the console itself will look like? Who fucking cares? It's going to be a black box that sits tucked somewhere on your entertainment center. You're barely going to touch the thing or even acknowledge it beyond plugging in a controller to charge it.
Because if it's Black they'll want to know when then can buy the Red, then the White, then the Blue version! I think only PS and Nintendo were guilty of this, Xbox has always been Black or White commercially hasn't it?

(Wait no, there was the Red Resident Evil version, and the Green Halo Edition, fuck all the consoles have done this nonsense)




There's like a dozen funky coloured 360s. In fact, there are waaaaaaay more fucked up coloured 360s than there are PS3s. It seemed like every big game had a limited edition coloured 360.




There's like a dozen funky coloured 360s.
Yeah I realized that and edited it into my post, I mean why? Do you really have to match your console to your decor? Then again people are coloring Washing Machines so why not right?




That R2 xbox was so sexy...


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

This article discusses PS4 and used games.

It sounds a lot less concrete than from that other article. The guy who was being interviewed doesn't really know what's going to be happening; only his expectation.

Wii U, you'd better get some good games if you and I are going to be friends someday.




So, as long as I:

  • Download and set up Steam myself
  • Set up the OS to auto-start Steam myself
  • Troubleshoot any video, sound, driver, Steam, OS, or other issues myself
  • Replace whatever hardware every few years myself, given that I...
  • ...research which video cards (and/or audio cards and/or processor and/or memory) are the best choices to upgrade to
Then I can enjoy the benefits of better graphics on the rare occasion that I have time and solitude to play video games? I probably would spend more time troubleshooting than actually playing these days. I'll take the all-in-one magic box, thanks.[DOUBLEPOST=1361562548][/DOUBLEPOST]

I used to build my own computers once upon a time. I don't any more. Now I prefer to use my time for other things. I know I could do it. I could also grow my own vegetables. Some things are not worth it to me any more to do myself.
If you really want a magic all in one box, the PC wins in that arena. I can't do my taxes on a PS3 :p

Again, I need to stress, I'm not even saying that PCs are the only legitimate gaming route. I love my PS3 and my WiiU. If you don't know how to boot up a computer and click on an icon in today's day and age, I don't know what to tell you.

As for bullet point 3, unless you're running a computer that's 10+ years old, this is rarely, if ever a problem.




This article discusses PS4 and used games.

It sounds a lot less concrete than from that other article. The guy who was being interviewed doesn't really know what's going to be happening; only his expectation.

Wii U, you'd better get some good games if you and I are going to be friends someday.
It sounds like there's internal disagreement at Sony about what to do. That's not a good sign.[DOUBLEPOST=1361569421][/DOUBLEPOST]
I can't do my taxes on a PS3 :p
Sounds like an opportunity if I've ever heard one.




I also feel the need to point out that with today's consoles, you still have to do many of the same things that you have to do with PCs. Wait for patches to download, do system software upgrades, etc.

I still have a block of memory on my PS3 that I wouldn't be able to free up without reformatting the entire system due to poor programming on Sony's part.




I also feel the need to point out that with today's consoles, you still have to do many of the same things that you have to do with PCs. Wait for patches to download, do system software upgrades, etc.
Thank god the Xbox dashboard doesn't update as frequently as Steam does. And that I've never stuck a disk or opened a game client on my Xbox and gotten a C++ crash notification error. Or ever been unable to play a 360 game due to a weird collusion of GPU and Mobo drivers.




Thank god the Xbox dashboard doesn't update as frequently as Steam does.
Except you can play games while STEAM updates unlike Xbox/PS3.

And that I've never stuck a disk or opened a game client on my Xbox and gotten a C++ crash notification error.
I've never had that issue with a PC either.

Or ever been unable to play a 360 game due to a weird collusion of GPU and Mobo drivers.
How old have the PCs you been playing on been?

For posterity: Xbox RROD and PS3 YLOD.




You still have lots of gaming options out there, I think. Has the diversity changed, perhaps, to include more crap in addition to the good stuff?
Here's an example - Call of Duty used to be PC exclusive. Then they started developing it jointly for consoles (or even as console exclusive for COD3), its quality suffered. It went from one of the most prestigious first person titles to the laughing stock of the internet, synonymous with dudebro/foulmouthed kid gamers. And that's just a sampling. Many dedicated PC developers, up to and including the grand daddy of the PC gaming boom, id software, have been lured away from PC to consoles by the siren song of pandering to the least common denominator for higher sales numbers. So yes, the amount have crap has increased, but the amount of gold has decreased as the forges were repurposed for manure production.

This picture gets bandied about a lot -

You know whose fault that is? Consoles. You know whose fault consoles are? Console gamers.

Why you hatin' on the free market, GB?
I'm not hatin' on the "free market," I'm hatin' on people. Console tards. Which I suppose, barely qualify as people.




Thank god the Xbox dashboard doesn't update as frequently as Steam does. And that I've never stuck a disk or opened a game client on my Xbox and gotten a C++ crash notification error. Or ever been unable to play a 360 game due to a weird collusion of GPU and Mobo drivers.
I haven't had that problem in literally years. Nvidia auto updates drivers now, as does my motherboard.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

All this sharing shit on the PS4 sounds like they want to turn its home into X-Box Live. And Sony thinks that's a good thing.




Except you can play games while STEAM updates unlike Xbox/PS3.
Thank god for the PS4. Catching up the PCs everyday! :awesome:

I've never had that issue with a PC either.
Most recently, happened to me during Firefall's beta and when I tried to update League of Legends.

How old have the PCs you been playing on been?.
Brand new, i5-3870K on a z68 board using a Radeon HD 3850 running Windows 7. Runs Far Cry 3 on High like butter, but Civ 5 decided that it didn't support enough DX11 features and ran it at a paltry 25 fps with flickering textures.




Thank god for the PS4. Catching up the PCs everyday! :awesome:

Most recently, happened to me during Firefall's beta and when I tried to update League of Legends.

Brand new, i5-3870K on a z68 board using a Radeon HD 3850 running Windows 7. Runs Far Cry 3 on High like butter, but Civ 5 decided that it didn't support enough DX11 features and ran it at a paltry 25 fps with flickering textures.
Welp, I guess you just have the kind of luck like people who get a RROD on their Xbox within the first year vs the guy who still is using his gen1 Xbox360 with no issues.




I haven't had that problem in literally years. Nvidia auto updates drivers now, as does my motherboard.
Going by a random roll around nvidia support forums and neowin, it sounds like others are not having your experience.[DOUBLEPOST=1361570537][/DOUBLEPOST]
Welp, I guess you just have the kind of luck like people who get a RROD on their Xbox within the first year vs the guy who still is using his gen1 Xbox360 with no issues.
Actually the C++ error was pretty widespread for both the Firefall beta and the LoL build at the time. A minority of players, sure, but it wasn't exactly 1 in a million.




Going by a random roll around nvidia support forums and neowin, it sounds like others are not having your experience.[DOUBLEPOST=1361570537][/DOUBLEPOST]

Actually the C++ error was pretty widespread for both the Firefall beta and the LoL build at the time. A minority of players, sure, but it wasn't exactly 1 in a million.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Rock Band.png

So people like their consoles and other people hate that people like their consoles. There, off-topic over, can we move onto how bad the PS4 is going to be?




View attachment 10332

So people like their consoles and other people hate that people like their consoles. There, off-topic over, can we move onto how bad the PS4 is going to be?
This misassertion of what I'm saying is what's pissing me off more than anything. The only one actually claiming that consoles are worthless is GB.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

This misassertion of what I'm saying is what's pissing me off more than anything. The only one actually claiming that consoles are worthless is GB.
You're the exception.




You're the exception.
That's not even what Gilgamesh is saying.




Seeing as how most of those people seem to have been able to fix their problems by using the rebuild library option in the PS3 settings menu, those seem like very nice problems to have versus the issues I've had on a PC.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

That's not even what Gilgamesh is saying.
I keep trying to write a serious response to this, but it keeps devolving into jokes about the impressions given by how Gilg situates his italics when arguing with fade.




Whelp, I'm tired of being accused of being some sort of fanboy, so I'm out.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Whelp, I'm tired of being accused of being some sort of fanboy, so I'm out.
But the PS4!




So people like their consoles and other people hate that people like their consoles. There, off-topic over, can we move onto how bad the PS4 is going to be?
Let me see, think I have the proper response down here somewhere... ah here it is...

Fuck you with a broomstick.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Let me see, think I have the proper response down here somewhere... ah here it is...

Fuck you with a broomstick.
Is that a reaction to paraphrasing what you already said, or do you feel misinterpreted?

Anyway, enjoy your railroad tunnel movies, on whatever platform you choose. You're welcome :thumbsup:.




Actually the C++ error was pretty widespread for both the Firefall beta and the LoL build at the time. A minority of players, sure, but it wasn't exactly 1 in a million.
I'd point you to the first year of Xbox360 and PS3 release issues, but it's arguing a moot point. Your issues in the past are as abundant as console owners have had with thier own systems. There's literally no major issue here.




I'd point you to the first year of Xbox360 and PS3 release issues, but it's arguing a moot point. Your issues in the past are as abundant as console owners have had with thier own systems. There's literally no major issue here.
Except possibly that Microsoft manages to suck no matter the platform.




I'd point you to the first year of Xbox360 and PS3 release issues, but it's arguing a moot point. Your issues in the past are as abundant as console owners have had with thier own systems. There's literally no major issue here.
I don't think anything can match the RROD issue that plagued the 360 through multiple iterations. The failure rate was nigh criminal.




I don't think anything can match the RROD issue that plagued the 360 through multiple iterations. The failure rate was nigh criminal.
Yeah, the fact that it even happened on the Elites and beyond is baffling to me. When my Elite died I was livid.




Yeah, the fact that it even happened on the Elites and beyond is baffling to me. When my Elite died I was livid.
It's because the Elite was still basically the same system, just a new production run. The actual physical changes necessary to combat the real problem didn't happen until they released the S and re-built the motherboard around a new spec.




Really, it comes down to this. Consoles are like a BMW. Very nice to drive, dependable, will get you where you need to go and do it with comfort. The PC is like a custom italian supercar. Sure, it requires more maintenance, it requires you to fine tune gear ratios and weight distributions, but it appeals to people that want to get the most out of their machine, and tear around a track at 200mph with the roar of an engine.

Does that make the supercar drivers better? Well, clearly yes, but we try not to make a big deal about it. We all share the same road.




It's actually way more like:




Really, it comes down to this. Consoles are like a BMW. Very nice to drive, dependable, will get you where you need to go and do it with comfort. The PC is like a custom italian supercar. Sure, it requires more maintenance, it requires you to fine tune gear ratios and weight distributions, but it appeals to people that want to get the most out of their machine, and tear around a track at 200mph with the roar of an engine.

Does that make the supercar drivers better? Well, clearly yes, but we try not to make a big deal about it. We all share the same road.
And yet those Italian supercars keep getting wrapped around telephone poles.

Edit: Funny story. I went on Google images and looked up "Italian car accidents." The first image was Snooki in a neckbrace. I guess I misspelled "car accident" as "train wreck."




we try not to make a big deal about it.
Say what?




Yeah, the fact that it even happened on the Elites and beyond is baffling to me. When my Elite died I was livid.
My brand new Elite with the updated (Falcon?) chipset RRoD'd in just SIX days :mad:




And yet those Italian supercars keep getting wrapped around telephone poles.
It's my experience that crashes are usually the result of bad drivers.




Most can't use more than 4GB because they're 32-bit executables. Their address space hits a wall at that point. There are tricks to use more than that amount of memory on a 32-bit process (look to the server days before the 64-bit transition) but that never hit consumer-level products. And even though 90% of us have 64-bit processors, if you're on XP (XP-64 is a bastard that shall not be spoken of) you can't use 64-bit binaries. Thus, everything is still compiled for 32-bit, and the 64-bit people can run those too.

I will celebrate when I no longer see 32-bit executables in my task manager.
Could this generation of consoles be what pushes the final shift to 64-bit binaries for games? If the PS4 and the next Xbox both have 8+ GB of RAM and developers are making games that use all of that RAM, then it might end up being too much extra work to re-jigger the code for 32-bit XP (either that or PCs will end up with a port of the WiiU port of the game *shudder*)


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

PS4 console's look is revealed.

All people who bet that would be a big black box, collect your winnings.




PS4 console's look is revealed.

All people who bet that would be a big black box, collect your winnings.
Where are you seeing this?




I'm not finding any concrete pictures of the PS4 online, only rumored mockups and straight up forgeries. People are even showing black Xboxes and photoshoping PS logos on them trying to pass them off as "offical" pictures.

I'd really like to know where the legit pictures are.

According to Engadget, not even Sony has settled on the final design yet.




If I were Sony I'd shape it like a large roast ham or a miniature telephone pole or something else random like that, just to mess with people.




If I were Sony I'd shape it like a large roast ham or a miniature telephone pole or something else random like that, just to mess with people.
Or a giant pole of meat if you want to take this thought to it's conclusion.




Or a giant pole of meat if you want to take this thought to it's conclusion.
I'm not even touching that one...




I'm not even touching that one...
So wait, you don't like touching giant poles of meat?




More than a mouthfull is wasted.

C'mon, you kinda asked for it...




I'm not even touching that one...
That's what my male friends always say about my meat pole.




Could this generation of consoles be what pushes the final shift to 64-bit binaries for games? If the PS4 and the next Xbox both have 8+ GB of RAM and developers are making games that use all of that RAM, then it might end up being too much extra work to re-jigger the code for 32-bit XP (either that or PCs will end up with a port of the WiiU port of the game *shudder*)
If you're coding sanely, there should be no difference NOW. Only if you're violating tons of best practices is it more than a re-compile. But hey, if it's what causes it to happen, then WOOT!




If you're coding sanely, there should be no difference NOW. Only if you're violating tons of best practices is it more than a re-compile. But hey, if it's what causes it to happen, then WOOT!
Is it possible to re-compile AI routines and map data and other stuff like that to use up less memory? I don't exactly know what gets kept in main system memory for a game. I know textures are a memory hog, but they're kept in the video RAM. What is the advantage to having more main system RAM, and can that be easily scaled down to fit in the 2GB/2GB limit that PCs have? (Without special considerations, I'm pretty sure that the 4GB memory limit on 32-bit executeables is actually broken down to 2GB of RAM and 2GB of swap file.)




Is it possible to re-compile AI routines and map data and other stuff like that to use up less memory? I don't exactly know what gets kept in main system memory for a game. I know textures are a memory hog, but they're kept in the video RAM. What is the advantage to having more main system RAM, and can that be easily scaled down to fit in the 2GB/2GB limit that PCs have? (Without special considerations, I'm pretty sure that the 4GB memory limit on 32-bit executeables is actually broken down to 2GB of RAM and 2GB of swap file.)
Your "pretty sure" is unfortunately wrong. In Windows executables, it's actually just a binary flag that says "use the last bit of memory or not" because generally everything that's ultra-high in the memory space is where the memory-mapped addresses to access hardware devices are. So you start getting into weird overlaps if you start using too much of that memory space in 32-bit applications. Also some logical bit-shift operations are different, again if you were being lazy and "Assuming" that the highest bit is "0" and thus not bothering to tell the difference between an arithmatic and logical bit shift.

Swap files are something completely different. If a process creates a swap file for itself, fine, but it doesn't have anything to do with the memory space. The OS itself can also "swap" some of the memory of idle processes to disk, but again, this doesn't impact the address space barriers we're talking about.




Well, at least Sony has their heads NOT up their ass about one thing: used games.

Also it looks like their copyright protection will focus on how long it takes to load a game - probably to deal with disc swapping from mod chips, I guess. That's still a thing, right? That's what I did with my ps2 anyway...




Your "pretty sure" is unfortunately wrong. In Windows executables, it's actually just a binary flag that says "use the last bit of memory or not" because generally everything that's ultra-high in the memory space is where the memory-mapped addresses to access hardware devices are. So you start getting into weird overlaps if you start using too much of that memory space in 32-bit applications. Also some logical bit-shift operations are different, again if you were being lazy and "Assuming" that the highest bit is "0" and thus not bothering to tell the difference between an arithmatic and logical bit shift.

Swap files are something completely different. If a process creates a swap file for itself, fine, but it doesn't have anything to do with the memory space. The OS itself can also "swap" some of the memory of idle processes to disk, but again, this doesn't impact the address space barriers we're talking about.
I was going by what I remembered from this article from years ago: A Messy Transition: Practical Problems With 32bit Addressing In Windows a piece about how Supreme Commander was a game that was already crashing due to reaching the 2GB memory limit in 32-bit applications. My memory was completely wrong, it's not a 2GB RAM / 2GB swap file division. It is, according to the article, that "in designing Windows Microsoft opted to split up the virtual address space of an application in half; 2GB goes to Windows (kernel space) and 2GB goes to the application (user space). Under normal circumstances this 2GB of space is all a 32bit application has to work with, this is the 2GB barrier and as we'll see is the cause of the problems with Supreme Commander." This was an article from 2007 and I have no idea what sorts of work-arounds there have been since that time.

Either way, there is a limit that 32-bit programs hit, and have been hitting for some time now, and I'm really unclear on what type of programming adjustments must be made in order to fit a game that was originally designed to have well over 4GB of RAM containing AI data, map data, physics and what-not into less than 4GB for a 32-bit limited system. I realize that the executable file just needs to be recompiled, but what happens to all the resources that the game is using? Do enemies get dumber with less memory space to process AI? Do maps have less detail? Is everything just slowed down with tons of pop-up because everything has to be swapped in and out all the time? At what point does it become impractical to make a 32-bit version?




Well, at least Sony has their heads NOT up their ass about one thing: used games.

Also it looks like their copyright protection will focus on how long it takes to load a game - probably to deal with disc swapping from mod chips, I guess. That's still a thing, right? That's what I did with my ps2 anyway...
I haven't heard of modding like that since XBox/PS2. At least, not in the terms of opening it up and soldering a chip in there like I did with my old PS1.




I haven't heard of modding like that since XBox/PS2. At least, not in the terms of opening it up and soldering a chip in there like I did with my old PS1.
On my PS2, I used a solderless mod chip that basically was put in the line between the power button assembly and DVD reader and the motherboard. It let you boot up with a boot disk, then hot swap out to a DVD-R. Booting took longer naturally, but hey.

So, if that's not the case now, I dunno what the load time has to do with piracy.




On my PS2, I used a solderless mod chip that basically was put in the line between the power button assembly and DVD reader and the motherboard. It let you boot up with a boot disk, then hot swap out to a DVD-R. Booting took longer naturally, but hey.

So, if that's not the case now, I dunno what the load time has to do with piracy.
Yeah the one we had was the "ghost chip" that would get bypassed by games with piracy software like FF8 (the game wouldn't load if it detected the regular chip).


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Okay then, I guess the one I saw was a fake. It looked legit enough i.e. minimalist.




I think if it was real it would be all over every gaming site.

There are tons of mock ups out there though.




I was going by what I remembered from this article from years ago: A Messy Transition: Practical Problems With 32bit Addressing In Windows a piece about how Supreme Commander was a game that was already crashing due to reaching the 2GB memory limit in 32-bit applications. My memory was completely wrong, it's not a 2GB RAM / 2GB swap file division. It is, according to the article, that "in designing Windows Microsoft opted to split up the virtual address space of an application in half; 2GB goes to Windows (kernel space) and 2GB goes to the application (user space). Under normal circumstances this 2GB of space is all a 32bit application has to work with, this is the 2GB barrier and as we'll see is the cause of the problems with Supreme Commander." This was an article from 2007 and I have no idea what sorts of work-arounds there have been since that time.
And that's essentially correct, but incomplete. You can set a flag in your compiler options, and it becomes a flag in the output .exe that says "I want to use 3.xGB (I don't remember the exact amount) and I know what I'm doing!" So the "kernel space" (not exactly) is smaller, but still, all within 4GB of space. By default, yes, split into two 2GB chunks.




So, if that's not the case now, I dunno what the load time has to do with piracy.
If you're playing legitimately, you're suffering through 17 pre-load videos and arnings against piracy. If you're using illegal means to avoid those videos, you're pirating and must be punished. :p




Could this generation of consoles be what pushes the final shift to 64-bit binaries for games? If the PS4 and the next Xbox both have 8+ GB of RAM and developers are making games that use all of that RAM, then it might end up being too much extra work to re-jigger the code for 32-bit XP (either that or PCs will end up with a port of the WiiU port of the game *shudder*)
Consoles are special purse machines, and unlike general purpose machines they probably would rather give the programmers a few more specialized instructions to handle more memory than go to a 64 bit architecture which really doesn't buy them much.

Chances are good a few GB are set aside for the graphics chipset, and its possible that each core in the machine has some dedicated memory beyond the usual caches. It wouldn't surprise me if each core still only had a 32 bit addressing space.

The graphics processor likely has 128 bit wide or larger access to the ram, and like general purpose computers they probably give specialized access to the GPU for parallel processing for physics and graphics uses, where the regular processors would be at a disadvantage.

A real 64 bit data bus really won't buy a console much, and would cost more. Better, for them, to simply make the existing 32 bit bus faster, keep the instruction set small, and allow for a few instructions that deal with the larger memory space. Since memory size is fixed, it won't really be a problem.

But I'm still thinking each of the "8 cores" has dedicated memory, with a shared memory pool they can all access. This way each core would only see 32bits of address space, some their own, some shared, and some controlling hardware.

Pure speculation, though.




And that's essentially correct, but incomplete. You can set a flag in your compiler options, and it becomes a flag in the output .exe that says "I want to use 3.xGB (I don't remember the exact amount) and I know what I'm doing!" So the "kernel space" (not exactly) is smaller, but still, all within 4GB of space. By default, yes, split into two 2GB chunks.
Which still doesn't address my main point: Can the resources be easily scaled back in order to fit in a smaller memory footprint? Is it possible to make a PC version of a PS4 game, that looks and plays as good or better, without also making it a 64-bit program? It would kill PC game sales if virtually every multi-platform title had worse graphics, smaller maps, dumber AI or something else because programmers had to cut corners to fit in a smaller memory space.




There's no such thing as a straight port. The assets are moved over, but the engine that actually runs the game and handles the assets is different between the two platforms. There is probably a ton of common code between the two engines, but the underlying architecture, particularly graphics capabilities, is so different that they have to have significant code changes to make the game run well on either platform.

It's that engine that decides when to load something, and where to hold it for when its needed, and that appears to be the crux of your question.

However, it's mitigated by the asset pipeline. Most pc games run from the hard drive, which is fantastically faster than the optical drive in any console. Even if a game is forced to run in a 32 bit address space, it can load man more things on demand from the hard drive that would take too much time on the console.

If anything, I would say the console is more restrictive in terms of raw data handling capacity and capability, for handling physics, ai, etc in a timely manner.

But again, this is all handled by the engine, and in a multiplatform game, the engines are different enough between the platforms that the 32 bit or 64 bit distinction hardly matters.

You could think of the engine, in fact, as a virtual machine. It's upper interface to the game is the same across all platforms, and the lower interface takes as much advantage of the underlying architecture and resources as possible, and runs the game as well as it can given the resources available.

This suggests that 1) the engine for the pc is far more complicated than the console engine because it has to adapt to different resources and 2) that the pc platform could be both better or worse than the console based solely on the engine design and adaptability and the underlying hardware. I'd fully expect to see much better graphics on a pc setup for the same game on a retina display with a high end GPU, and much worse graphics for a very low end graphics card, compare to a console version.

As far as ai and physics, they are minuscule compared to the graphics processing, so I don't expect you'd see much difference unless they made the engine different intentionally. I'd expect them to do this if they recognize that pc gamers have a different play style and set of preferences than console gamers, but otherwise I don't think it would come down to resource constraints.




A real 64 bit data bus really won't buy a console much, and would cost more. Better, for them, to simply make the existing 32 bit bus faster, keep the instruction set small, and allow for a few instructions that deal with the larger memory space. Since memory size is fixed, it won't really be a problem.
Given that Xbox has been on X86-derived hardware from the beginning, and now the PS4 will be as well, and that's the arch that pcs have been on since the 80s, it's actually cheaper to take the existing 64-bit memory bus that everything has had for about 10 years now, and just use that, rather than re-engineer a "better" 32-bit bus. If talking about costs, off-the-shelf (or close enough) is WAY cheaper than re-engineering your own hardware. If anything, that's the lesson of the PS3, in that even though Cell was a far superior platform from the numbers perspective, the extra costs of engineering it made it more expensive, and as well they didn't make an easy-to-code-for API on top of it. Both reasons are assuredly why they went to X86 for this generation.




However, it's mitigated by the asset pipeline. Most pc games run from the hard drive, which is fantastically faster than the optical drive in any console. Even if a game is forced to run in a 32 bit address space, it can load man more things on demand from the hard drive that would take too much time on the console.
Two words: Mandatory installs.

But again, this is all handled by the engine, and in a multiplatform game, the engines are different enough between the platforms that the 32 bit or 64 bit distinction hardly matters.
Bullshit. When it comes down to having >4GB of data in RAM vs <4GB of data in RAM that's a significant difference. Remember back in the Xbox/PS2 days when the console ports of PC FPS games had to have the maps carved into smaller chunks because consoles didn't have anywhere near the RAM that PCs did? That's the type of difference that we're going to be looking at between consoles and PCs if the switch to 64-bit programs isn't made on the PC end, only it'll be PCs that get lower detail maps, or dumber AI or more pop-up or something. The only question is if it will happen this generation. Does the PS4 (or the next Xbox) have enough RAM available to programmers that porting to less RAM on a 32-bit PC program will make a significant impact. My guess is that, yes, it will.

and runs the game as well as it can given the resources available.
Which is exactly my point. What has to be sacrificed to fit into the memory constraints?

I'd fully expect to see much better graphics on a pc setup for the same game on a retina display with a high end GPU, and much worse graphics for a very low end graphics card, compare to a console version.
Except we're talking main system RAM as well as graphics RAM. Even if the PC can still have enough video memory to cache all the necessary textures, and pixel-shaders and physics calculations, what is being sacrificed out of main system RAM in order to make things run on the PC?

otherwise I don't think it would come down to resource constraints.
It always comes down to resource constraints of one type or another (granted, sometimes it's money and development time, and not system capability, but always resource constraints). The reason that Wii ports are radically different from 360 and PS3 games is resource constraints. The reason TF2 would be near impossible to update on 360 to match the current PC version is resource constraints. The reason that most multi-platform games don't tax the CPU on modern PCs is because it's too difficult to make a game that both takes advantage of a PC's processing power, and can also be scaled back to run on what little CPU horsepower is available on the 360/PS3.




I just don't see why you think there could be a problem - or opportunity - here.

Consoles are obviously moving towards the pc architecture, but you are essentially asking if the architecture differences will result in reduced experience for one platform or the other.

IF the manufacturer of the game uses both platforms to their UTMOST capability, there will be differences, and those differences will rely completely on the platform.

IF The manufacturer of the game puts most of their effort into one platform and only barely supports other platforms, there will be differences, and those differences will rely completely on the manufacturer.

Since I've never seen a manufacturer choose the first path, I think that blame, if there's any to lay, can be laid at the design decisions the manufacturer makes, and not due to the capabilities of each platform.

But we are really discussing tiny parts of the game, right? Are you asking about whether they will drop features wholesale to "fit" into an inferior architecture, or are you asking about minor differences that will only be noticed by minutiae inspecting nerds that spend hundreds of hours on a game to decide if the ai path planning is slightly different, and if so how that can be used to their advantage in an upcoming competition?




Consoles are obviously moving towards the pc architecture, but you are essentially asking if the architecture differences will result in reduced experience for one platform or the other.
This has nothing to do with architecture. PCs are already 64-bit, and have been since before dual-core chips became the norm, so that's not the issue. The sole issue is weather this will finally push game makers to adopt 64-bit programs and make a 64-bit OS a requirement to run their game.

But we are really discussing tiny parts of the game, right?
We're not talking about the minor differences between a 360 version and a PS3 version. We're not even talking about the minor differences between a game originally made for the 360 and then ported to PC. We're talking differences on the level of a 360 game vs a Wii version of the same game. Whatever data fits into multiple gigabytes of RAM is what will have to be dumped to fit a PS4 game into the memory space of a 32-bit program. We're not talking about a few tweaks here and there, this is massive amounts of data that can be used on a PS4, but can't be used as long as PC games remain compatible with 32-bit operating systems (which not many people are running anymore).




We're not talking about a few tweaks here and there, this is massive amounts of data that can be used on a PS4, but can't be used as long as PC games remain compatible with 32-bit operating systems (which not many people are running anymore).
<sigh> Sadly, a lot more people are running 32bit OSes than you'd think. A LOT more. And, while most of these people aren't gamers, a lot of them do have kids young enough that they can't buy their own computers and therefor have to use their parents' computers which are still running Windows XP, or in some cases... WinMe or Win98SE. It's... it's almost enough to make a grown man cry, just thinking about how many times my customers tell me they can't use a data disc I've sent them because their OS won't run IE 8 or higher OR Firefox 17 or higher.[DOUBLEPOST=1361914980][/DOUBLEPOST]On the other hand, this doesn't necessarily mean that we should keep making games accounting for people who refuse to update their computers. That's just silly.




<sigh> Sadly, a lot more people are running 32bit OSes than you'd think. A LOT more. And, while most of these people aren't gamers, a lot of them do have kids young enough that they can't buy their own computers and therefor have to use their parents' computers which are still running Windows XP, or in some cases... WinMe or Win98SE. It's... it's almost enough to make a grown man cry, just thinking about how many times my customers tell me they can't use a data disc I've sent them because their OS won't run IE 8 or higher OR Firefox 17 or higher.
I meant gamers aren't running 32-bit OSes anymore. Seriously, if you've got a PC capable of running a game that needs a 64-bit executable in order to compete with a PS4 game, then you've got a system that should be running a 64-bit version of Windows 7. If you're still running Windows XP, but you've got a $300 graphics card made in the last two years, then something is seriously wrong with your priorities.

EDIT: For the record, I run XP on my netbook. Even if I upgrade it to Windows 7, as I've been thinking about for a while, it will still be a 32-bit version of Win7 because my netbook has an older Atom processor. Doesn't matter in a gaming discussion since netbooks suck at 3D gaming.




I meant gamers aren't running 32-bit OSes anymore. Seriously, if you've got a PC capable of running a game that needs a 64-bit executable in order to compete with a PS4 game, then you've got a system that should be running a 64-bit version of Windows 7. If you're still running Windows XP, but you've got a $300 graphics card made in the last two years, then something is seriously wrong with your priorities.

EDIT: For the record, I run XP on my netbook. Even if I upgrade it to Windows 7, as I've been thinking about for a while, it will still be a 32-bit version of Win7 because my netbook has an older Atom processor. Doesn't matter in a gaming discussion since netbooks suck at 3D gaming.
I'm not saying it's common overall, but I do know that there are a lot of people who have $300 (or more) graphics cards, more RAM than their OS can actually access, quad core processors, and enough case cooling to run high end games on High graphics without a single worry; and still refuse to upgrade beyond Win98SE - because they're absolute nutcases who're afraid that Microsoft is going to steal their identities and everything else they could ever possibly consider valuable if they put a newer OS on their computers. We laugh at them frequently, when they're trying to get support for something that just doesn't run on that old of an OS and they're bitching about it every chance they get. Thankfully, they will eventually die off and the world will be a better place.




The XP thing is a bigger problem than you think: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_operating_systems

Win XP: still 39% of desktop OS installs, as of Jan 2013.

So ya... that sucks a lot, as virtually all of those are 32-bit.




<--- STILL running XP on every machine except my laptop. I keep intending to install 7, on my main gaming rig but I've been running this install of XP since 2007 and the inertia is palpable.

As for at work, we've still got a bunch of legacy software which doesn't play nice with anything but XP, though I've gotten most of the salesforce on 7 at least, and half the program directors. But all the machines that do the actual work - production studio, broadcast studio, administration, mine... they are all stuck on XP for now.




Still on XP 32-bit. Hate myself a little more each day for not upgrading yet, but I need parts more than I need a new operating system right now, so it's going to be awhile before I finally upgrade. Hopefully Windows 7 will have dropped in price by then, because Windows 8 is a piece of shit and I want no part of it.




The XP thing is a bigger problem than you think: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_operating_systems

Win XP: still 39% of desktop OS installs, as of Jan 2013.

So ya... that sucks a lot, as virtually all of those are 32-bit.
And how many of those are gaming PCs with dual-core processors over 3.0Ghz or better and DX11 graphics cards with at least 2GB of RAM?

Far more relevant is the Steam Hardware Survey (currently from January 2013)
  • 55% were Windows 7 64-bit
  • 9.6% were Win XP 32-bit
  • ~28% were running some sort of 32-bit OS
  • ~70% were running some sort of 64-bit OS
See how much XP use drops off when you look specifically at systems people are using to run games on?




While I disagree with your analysis of the situation, I honestly don't care enough about it to explain why it probably doesn't matter. Perhaps it does. Perhaps it doesn't.




IF The manufacturer of the game puts most of their effort into one platform and only barely supports other platforms, there will be differences, and those differences will rely completely on the manufacturer.
I'm looking at YOU, Quicken!
...it's going to be awhile before I finally upgrade. Hopefully Windows 7 will have dropped in price by then, because Windows 8 is a piece of shit and I want no part of it.
Microsoft tends to keep the previous version of the OS available for only one year after it is discontinued, so if you want to pick up a copy of Win7 you might want to do so before October. I just managed to sneak in my copy of Win7Pro a couple weeks ago. Whew!

The phase-out has begun. XP stuck around because people didn't want to upgrade, but that 3GB memory limit* will be its undoing, and soon. Major developers have already begun to move away from XP (Google, Apple), to the point where XP now accounts for less than 20% of all desktop systems, according to some samples. And its share is still falling, and showing no sign of stopping.

*Yes, I know that's for server, but it's mostly the same kernel.




I don't think that Windows 7 will go away nearly as quickly for the same reason that Windows XP stayed around for so long. From what I've heard, the bulk of people simply hate Windows 8. Microsoft will keep selling as long as it's viable to make money off them, hence why XP stayed available for so long, but vista and ME haven't.




The simple fact of the matter is there is no compelling reason to move beyond windows 7, and the only compelling reason to go to 7 from XP is the 32-bit memory limit. If not for that one bugbear, I'm pretty sure we'd still have XP dominating the market share.




XP also has some security holes that were fixed in 7. 7 also has better versions of direct X. But that's STILL not a whole lot better.




XP also has some security holes that were fixed in 7. 7 also has better versions of direct X. But that's STILL not a whole lot better.
For a vast majority of users, this is not a compelling reason. I still don't give a shit about DX10, much less 11.




For a vast majority of users, this is not a compelling reason. I still don't give a shit about DX10, much less 11.
Not interested in Bioshock Ifinite then? (link)


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Not interested in Bioshock Ifinite then? (link)
He's gonna play it on a console, of course.




Something I had never thought of came to light. The prices of video cards is going to, likely, skyrocket (at least at first) once the PS4 is released. GDDR-5 is an expensive part of video cards. Sony is sticking 8 gigs in each console. They're going to be using more GDDR-5 in PS4s than AMD or Nvidia use currently in video card production.




Alternatively, the price will drop because the manufacturers will be forced to speed up production to meet demand.




Not interested in Bioshock Ifinite then? (link)
By "I don't give a shit about," I mean "I don't see any actual advantage delivered by." I don't get excited by the supposed/alleged improvements over DX9. I already have a laptop with 7 on it, so it's not like I'm boycotting later versions of directX, it's just I believe that they were more of a backdoor scheme to force OS upgrades than actually delivering any better graphics APIs.




This guy obviously didn't go into our Path of Exile thread.




Or any game thread, really.




By "I don't give a shit about," I mean "I don't see any actual advantage delivered by." I don't get excited by the supposed/alleged improvements over DX9. I already have a laptop with 7 on it, so it's not like I'm boycotting later versions of directX, it's just I believe that they were more of a backdoor scheme to force OS upgrades than actually delivering any better graphics APIs.
Crysis 2 with or without DX11 is a huge shift graphics wise. Also, in horsepower required to run said graphics.

Crysis 3 is kind of a gong show compared to 2 in the PC optimization department.




Crysis 2 with or without DX11 is a huge shift graphics wise. Also, in horsepower required to run said graphics.

Crysis 3 is kind of a gong show compared to 2 in the PC optimization department.
Well, you say that, but I have yet to really see the difference. Of course, as far as horsepower, I guess I'm spoiled because my XP box is using an overclocked 8800GTX I bought for 500 bucks back in 07 that's stood me in good stead to this day...




He's saying that even in DX9, it's a huge jump in quality in graphics.




He's saying that even in DX9, it's a huge jump in quality in graphics.
Ah, I must have misunderstood. I thought he was saying with VS without, not regardless of verison.




Until budget cards can effectively run tessellation (no matter what they advertise, they can't), only really high end cards will see a big difference.




Microsoft tends to keep the previous version of the OS available for only one year after it is discontinued, so if you want to pick up a copy of Win7 you might want to do so before October.
To clarify, I am referring to the retail version, not the OEM version. The OEM/System Builder version will probably remain available longer.

