Puerto Rico... You've got some serious issues...

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Philosopher B.

You know, I only just watched the video in the OP. I don't actually find that too creepy. He looks kinda like a wax figure in a museum. I mean, if he was a 100 years old when he died, it'd have looked a lot nastier, but as it is, that's kinda ... well, cool.

- Philosopher B., who doesn't like to see corpses at funerals in general no matter where they're positioned


Staff member
(Grumpy admin alert!)

My entry to the thread before I *voom* away and start throwing things.

I've told my wife several times the following things I want done on my death.

  1. I want my body donated to a body farm for forensic students. I've been told it doesn't matter what I wanted this wasn't happening.
  2. I am registered as an organ & tissue donor. My wife is not comfortable with that. So it may or may not happen.
  3. I want the funeral procession to go through a fast food drive through. First, it's probably what killed me. Second, I would be laughing from Beyond at the faces of the drivethrough window workers as the hearse came through. in addition, I'd love to see how many people followed it through.
What would I not want? being freezedried like a taxidermied pet. But that's just me. I see every point everyone is trying to make. Some think that people should make every effort to fulfill the last wishes of the deceased and not doing so is disrespectful. I can see that. Others think that the living should do what they can but should grieve in their own way. i get that, too. I mean, what if some poor shlub's last wishes are to have his remains shot into the heart of the Sun? Probably isn't going to happen. So the dying have to have a little reality check. I want to be sprinkled on the chest of Brooke Burke. I don't see her as letting that happen, even if my wife allowed it.

So all of this that's gone on in the thread? Speculation, opinion and the occasional idiocy. Please stop the latter before I lock the fuck out of the former.


Staff member
I want my body chopped up and have parts of it hidden in the houses of everyone I know. Then someone will send an anonymous tip to the cops that they know who killed me.
personally, I think the guy and his family should be given mad props for doing this, if it helped them find closure for his murder(as we see he was shot to death) this is the greatest thing that could happen, also props to the people who did an amazing job of cleaning him up and getting him into position. if any good can come of his murder, than I have no qualms about it.
I've been around the forums plenty long enough to know that calling someone out on "stupid shit" and being overall jackass about the response are two different things. Reserved usually for people like JCM/Chaz etc.

Not the regular populace. Surprise surprise though.
You seem to have segmented the forum into cliques that don't exist outside of your opinion, and now you're acting all surprised when people aren't living up to your meaningless categories.

And Mr. Thehun is right.
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