That explains the expression on your avatar's face.Bones is awful and I watched 7 seasons of it in like a month.
I can only think of one reason to watch that show.Bones is awful and I watched 7 seasons of it in like a month.
I can only think of one reason to watch that show.
I like Bones, and she usually says something like "you shouldn't denigrate the folk beliefs of this ancient group of Vietnamese mountain cannibals because its no less stupid than believing in God."I guess it's a problem I have when idiotic TV writers try and write "genius" characters - the worst by FAR being Temperance Brennan on Bones. Now, the character in the book is apparently a lot different, but watching an episodes of Bones she just comes off like a fucking Martian. And the ridiculous double-standard she has for religions: "Booth, you shouldn't denigrate the folk beliefs of this ancient group of Vietnamese mountain cannibals, believing that devouring the liver of their enemies gave them their strength was an important part of their culture. Now I'll give you passive aggressive bullshit about you being Roman-Catholic for five minutes because believing in God is stupid."
Are you using Feedly like I am? The actual RSS feed at is up to date, but Feedly thinks it knows better than I do and won't actually let me tell it to follow a specific RSS feed, but only let's me follow what it thinks is PvP's feed. One more thing I hate about Feedly compared to Google Reader.His RSS hasn't updated for a week. I don't really notice unless you guys posted in here.
Are you using Feedly like I am? The actual RSS feed at is up to date, but Feedly thinks it knows better than I do and won't actually let me tell it to follow a specific RSS feed, but only let's me follow what it thinks is PvP's feed. One more thing I hate about Feedly compared to Google Reader.
Bazorka!Maybe Feedly does know better in this case...
This is exactly what I thought... it has to be intentional, right?but it's funny that he's a got a PVPified version of Arlene Dickinson, from the Canadian Dragons' Den
Today's PVP.
So apparently we're going to follow two stories from now on: story A done by Scott, and story B done by an "artist in residence" - this month's being apparently about a cult of Cthulhu baristas.
Oh joy.
Because we ran out of bricks....Why are you guys throwing tomatoes at me?
He used to work a lot harder than he has the last few years. Early PVP was pretty damn good. Unfortunately now he spends a lot of effort building up to insignificant payoffs. Like with this first semi-aborted storyline, I saw it and said, "Oh, someone must have introduced him to Dragons' Den," just like a couple years ago it was "Well, guess he started watching Game of Thrones" and "Guess he's been watching Parks & Recreation and literally decided to build off the least worthwhile part of it."And he'll make one good joke, three meh jokes, and a few more "Okay, enough already" references, then finish with a dreadful pun.I've long suspected Kurtz got into cartooning because he thought he could support himself while barely doing any work.