Quotes you can't help finishing

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Staff member
Maybe you should make a hole with a gun perpendicular to the name of this town in a desktop globe.
But then there'd be an exit wound in a foreign nation showing the home of the one this was written for... Dangit Cajun :angry:


Staff member
"Son I am able," she said "though you scare me."
"Watch," said I
"Beloved," I said "watch me scare you though." said she,
"Able am I, Son."
Charlie Dont Surf said:
The number "37" usually leads to "IN A ROW!?"

And people starting a sentence with "surely" leads to ".... and don't call me Shirley"

Also, "so" generally leads to "...how did it go?"

Also also, anytime my brother and I are on an escalator we remark about how kids don't fear/respect them.

Oh, and "remeber" always leads to "you're my number one guyyyy."

Cajungal said:
"Son I am able," she said "though you scare me."
"Watch," said I
"Beloved," I said "watch me scare you though." said she,
"Able am I, Son."
Madam, I'm Adam.
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