Random things that scare the shit out of me.

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Heh, I could probably reproduce all of that besides the whistling... Though probably not on command. :p

Uh, weird things that terrify me?

Having my bedroom door opened when I'm asleep will cause me to scream before I even wake up.
OH! Having thing close to the tendons on the back of my ankles. All through school we had to sit in these desk that these underpart for storing our books nad stuff...I was terrified of banging my tendons off these.

Why?, you ask. Well, my history teacher told me that they used to cut the tendons in soldiers so they couldn't escape. That freaked me the fuck out.


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Heights. Because I am always afraid that my glasses will somehow slip off :p

Cancer and Alzheimer. Both my grandmas died of cancer-related complications, and my paternal grandfather... well, it pains me to see a man who fought in the WWII, then came back and raised a family on a farm the way he is it today: borderline catatonic, barely reacting to outside stimuli, and completely dependent of the nurses in the old people's home.


Sea creatures. There really isn't any one that I am fond of. I am exceptionally terrified of octopi (octopuses?), jellyfish, and those freaky, alien-looking, glowing monstrosities that live in the deepest parts of the ocean. Dophins aren't so bad, I guess.

June bugs, too. I hate how they buzz right by my ear and get caught in my hair. Ewww.


The irony of that with your username is Delicious. And all these spider pictures posting is making me hungry.
Sudden loud noises. My wife tells me that everyone is scared by them, but I really, really don't like it.

I am scared of being eaten by a shark, and seeing it before it attacks.

I am scared of having my throat cut. I am almost paranoid about that when I go to a movie theater. I haven't told anyone that b/c I would assume they would think I am a loony.


When my daughter was born I was absolutely terrified of SIDS, so pretty much every hour or two for a year I would wake up, walk to her room, and make sure she was breathing. My wife still thinks I'm nuts.
Heights. Even watching videos gets me antsy. When I watched Avatar in 3D for the flight scenes, I used my fingers like claws and made sure I was firmly attached to my seat.

If I knew the Na'vi equivalent of "Sweet Jesus, make me die", I would have said it.

Awesome movie though. :D


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Seaweed... God, the idea of those mushy, dangly things waving in the water, looking like fingers ready to grab you...


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Leaf Galls. They make my fucking skin crawl. ughhhhhhh.

I think its because I got some weird skin disorders as a kid, and there is just something creepy about hard knots growing onto skin and then they just slough off. I dunno. Makes me nauseous.


When my daughter was born I was absolutely terrified of SIDS, so pretty much every hour or two for a year I would wake up, walk to her room, and make sure she was breathing. My wife still thinks I'm nuts.
i think almost every new parent has that fear. i did.
I actually got an Angelcare monitor. Combination of baby moniter/heartbeat monitor. Sits under the mattress and registers heartbeats. Went off a few times accidentally when the kids rolled off of it, but it let me sleep. Best baby purchase ever.
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