RANT - about anything II

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Rant: Goddamnit.

Okay, so, new semester, right? 6am rise and shine, trudge through the daily routine, get to class.

Except there is no teacher. He was sick. Sent us a mail that he was.

Except he didn't send, or at least we didn't get any.

Goddamnit. Now I gotta wait four hours before next class starts.
Rant: dentist tells me I don't have any cavities. Dentist takes X-Ray of my teeth for checking on my wisdom teeth and microcavities, meaning I get to come back a week later. Oh look, three places where I don't have a cavity *yet, but are slightly weaker than the other parts. Let's drill them out for security, it's a lot nicer to fix those places up before they become a cavity.

Of course, that DOES mean I get to go back the coming three weeks to have one tooth drilled every time - hurting every time and costing me a flippin' boatload of money. That'll be 4 dentist visits in a month. That's over €200, bastard. Okay, I get most of it (about €160) back in the end, but still. GRH.

Found out this morning that my best friend's mother died over the weekend. She was a delightful lady with lots of fascinating opinions on movies, and we used to email each other all the time about TV and movies, especially around Oscar time.

Pretty much why I'm doing stupid shit like that Mix-a-Lot parody today.

Scarlet Varlet

Ever have a really bad day at work, and then another?

Got me looking at other jobs. This is long overdue.
Found out last week that my aunt has breast cancer. She's getting one of them removed this Friday during a 5-hour operation. I'm praying she comes through it ok. :sadness:
Fucking artist's block. Ever since I did the Space Rum thing, I haven't been able to get anything else down to paper.

And I hope everything works out alright, Cheesy. :(


Staff member
I love going to Subway, but there's one thing about it that always makes me tense:

When I'm telling the person what I want on it, I can never decide my speed. Some of them hurry me along and tell me that they'll remember what I say. Others say, "Wait... wait... wait...." after every individual dressing. It's just awkward. Now I do them one by one very slowly, and tonight the guy looked at me like I thought he was retarded. I don't! I'm just trying to make your job easier! Ahhh, sammich.
Thanks guys.

I'm also still worried about my friend in the military who's still waiting to have a operation scheduled to remove a brain tumor. Stupid bureaucracy keeping her from getting the help she needs quickly. She fought a war for you guys, you penny-pinching ungrateful Army fucks! All veterans deserve better than what you give them. :grrr:


Staff member
Cheesy1 said:
Thanks guys.

I'm also still worried about my friend in the military who's still waiting to have a operation scheduled to remove a brain tumor. Stupid bureaucracy keeping her from getting the help she needs quickly. She fought a war for you guys, you penny-pinching ungrateful Army fucks! All veterans deserve better than what you give them. :grrr:
^ That^1,000 :\
ZenMonkey said:
And now it's time for full-on panic mode.
Remember the H2G2. It's always, always good advice.

Also: my father just had prostate surgery. It went a-ok. This is good. :thumbsup: He still can't leave the house because of having to pee every 2 two minutes. This is bad.
Also: my grandmother was near death, now they've given her epo and she's hopping and running around like nothing....Now the doctors say she apparently doesn't need the epo, what with her being so good...So they're stopping the treatment. Err, guys? That's *why* she's so good again. Idiots.
Also: my work screws me over. Legal minimum is 20 days in a 5-days-a-week system, or 24 in a six-day schedule. I have a six day schedule, yet, on a technicality, only get 20 days. That means my friday-to-sunday week of vacation costs me 9 out of 20 days. Great, guys. Thanks a bunch.


Staff member
CynicismKills said:
Nothing inspires me anymore and that makes me very, very sad. I feel like I've forgotten how to create.
I'm going to send you nudes. Lightning in a bottle, my friend. :zoid: :zoid: :zoid: :zoid: :zoid: :zoid:
Stupid teenagers who live in their little world of limited personal experience and yet believe that they are always right piss me off.
I'm usually VERY patient with all kinds of people, they don't ruffle my feathers no matter how insulting but there is something about a silly little 18 or 19 year old who can't see past their nose and is convinced they know all that bugs the heck out of me.

I have ranted. Take note.


Staff member
I feel good about this rant, because I did something about it.

The library computers are for academic purposes, but people still insist on checking last night's drunken pictures on facebook when the lab is completely full! I hate it! And even stupider, there are people who just sit there in front of a computer--turned off--reading... not using the computer. So today, this guy was sitting in front of a computer with facebook up doing math homework. So I tapped him on the shoulder and asked, "Are you actually using that? If not, I really need to print something." Aaaand he got up! Woop woop. Argh but I can't believe how many people just stand there waiting.... and no I'm not on a library computer right now. ^_^


Staff member
I never really care if people are using the library computers for dumb shit, but I sure as fuck hate when one person takes the group study rooms. So many times I needed a group to use the study room :( :(
Cajungal said:
I feel good about this rant, because I did something about it.

The library computers are for academic purposes, but people still insist on checking last night's drunken pictures on facebook when the lab is completely full! I hate it! And even stupider, there are people who just sit there in front of a computer--turned off--reading... not using the computer. So today, this guy was sitting in front of a computer with facebook up doing math homework. So I tapped him on the shoulder and asked, "Are you actually using that? If not, I really need to print something." Aaaand he got up! Woop woop. Argh but I can't believe how many people just stand there waiting.... and no I'm not on a library computer right now. ^_^
ElJuski said:
I never really care if people are using the library computers for dumb shit, but I sure as fuck hate when one person takes the group study rooms. So many times I needed a group to use the study room :( :(
I am BOTH of these people. :(

To be fair though, no one has ever asked to use the study room that we used for M:TG or D&D, and there are probably more computer labs at my school than teachers.
Gusto said:
To be fair though, no one has ever asked to use the study room that we used for M:TG or D&D, and there are probably more computer labs at my school than teachers.
Probably because the room smells like Cheetos, Dr. Pepper and desperation. :Leyla:
CynicismKills said:
Gusto said:
To be fair though, no one has ever asked to use the study room that we used for M:TG or D&D, and there are probably more computer labs at my school than teachers.
Probably because the room smells like Cheetos, Dr. Pepper and desperation. :Leyla:
If the room smelled like Cheetos I would avoid it like the plague. And more like Mountain Dew. You got desperation right though. :)


Staff member
Gusto said:
Cajungal said:
I feel good about this rant, because I did something about it.

The library computers are for academic purposes, but people still insist on checking last night's drunken pictures on facebook when the lab is completely full! I hate it! And even stupider, there are people who just sit there in front of a computer--turned off--reading... not using the computer. So today, this guy was sitting in front of a computer with facebook up doing math homework. So I tapped him on the shoulder and asked, "Are you actually using that? If not, I really need to print something." Aaaand he got up! Woop woop. Argh but I can't believe how many people just stand there waiting.... and no I'm not on a library computer right now. ^_^
ElJuski said:
I never really care if people are using the library computers for dumb shit, but I sure as fuck hate when one person takes the group study rooms. So many times I needed a group to use the study room :( :(
I am BOTH of these people. :(

To be fair though, no one has ever asked to use the study room that we used for M:TG or D&D, and there are probably more computer labs at my school than teachers.
Gusto said:
CynicismKills said:
Gusto said:
To be fair though, no one has ever asked to use the study room that we used for M:TG or D&D, and there are probably more computer labs at my school than teachers.
Probably because the room smells like Cheetos, Dr. Pepper and desperation. :Leyla:
If the room smelled like Cheetos I would avoid it like the plague. And more like Mountain Dew. You got desperation right though. :)

Nobody understands me. (//.-)
ElJuski said:
That emo emote makes me giggle too. SO much to laugh at these days!
I've learned so many useless emotes:

*3* Some kind of kissy face.

(*W*) I have no idea.

(w*3*)w I think it's an Octorok.



ElJuski said:
I never really care if people are using the library computers for dumb shit, but I sure as fuck hate when one person takes the group study rooms. So many times I needed a group to use the study room :( :(
I HATE those people. You're in a public library, yes, you are going to deal with the public. So its fucking stupid to get a study room just so you dont have to be out in the open. (and we can't say anything to them, because it's not against policy)

Accual rant:

One of the awesome people in my dept quit to go to a different job. Now i have much more work till we get another person, and one less person i can talk and joke with.
Massive rant: My husband was on training to go over to Afghanistan for 9 months, was in Afghanistan for 6 months and was posted to another base once he got back.

Yes, I know I can move to where he is but he really wants to come back to this base (where he is massively needed) but the career manager says no. Plus I've got a really good job here that I enjoy. The people (well, most of them) are really great, I don't have to drive 45 minutes to the nearest city to work, and I've got alot of latitude with my job so I can work on my accounting degree while in the office. Frankly, moving and having to look for a new job in the current economic environment scares the crap outta me.

<sigh> We've been married for 4 years and physically together for 2. When do we get to be a family again?

I need a drink.

Le Quack

The singer in my band didn't show up untill 90 minutes after our gig was suppose to start.

He had two weeks to tell us he couldn't fix everything regarding his class conflict.
I call a replacement singer and give him my share of the money for saving our asses.
Whenever our original singer shows up, he asks me why I gave the other singer my full cut of the pay.
I tell him its because he didn't show up for 90 minutes after the gig was suppose to start.

He runs to the guitar player and starts whining, and keeping up with his infintile act after we confront him about all of our problems with his canceling practices and other things.

He says " You can find a new singer " and storms off like a baby.

Now we've got several gigs this February with no solid singer.

Meraede said:
<sigh> We've been married for 4 years and physically together for 2. When do we get to be a family again?

That must be incredibly difficult.
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