RANT IV - A New Angst

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Staff member
@Selgeron... I jumped ship before that happened to me. But honestly, the whole thing was jinxed from the beginning. The then-girlfriend found the place while I was still doing my service (and I had told her I wouldn't feel comfortable moving in with her until we had spent some real time together after I got back to 'civvies'), cried her eyes out to make me bend, rented the place even though the rent was $150 (a month!) more than she had "remembered" to tell me, it was a complete hellhole... and her idea of hygiene included using a wet-wipe on a carpet that her dog had pooped on, then leaving it at that.

Thank God she rented the place on her own name...

@Dave: I feel your pain, dude. Unfortunately, unlike friends, we can't choose the people we are related to. But hey, congrats to your son! If American high school final year is anything like the one we have here in Finland, he's done a grand job.

@Jake: Yes, at least in Finland we do.

Crap, not again with this post screen wonkiness... Gotta make another post, since trying to type with the screen jumping up and down like a kangaroo with a sugar rush makes the screen blink like hell.


Staff member
Anyhoo, had a pretty decent first week at my summer job as a telemarketer. The only thing that cheesed me off was that on Friday I noticed I was less than $50 worth of sales away from a getting a nice weekly bonus (since our paycheck is base salary + a commission of sales [5%], the bosses give us weekly bonuses based on individual sales) - and I still had a good hour and a half to spend on the phone. Usually that wouldn't be a sweat, since all I would need to do is get ONE order. Not even a very large one, say a six month subscription of a cooking magazine, or seven months of Donald Duck.

But not yesterday, no...

I managed to make 55 calls in that time. About ten people answered but hung up immediately or pleaded "I'm at work, I'm busy". With about 12 people I got to the point where I actually hoped to get a deal through... but no. Some of them simply refused to even listen to what I had, others played cat-and-mouse with me, asking for deals but then hanging up with a "Nnnnoo, I think I'll wait until fall" - and some people apparently have enough money to spend the whole summer travelling, but paying $45 for a subscription is "just too expensive".

Oh well... There's always next week (and God-dammit, the wonkiness started again!)


AshburnerX said:
Edrondol said:
Cuyval Dar said:
For the last time: I would not speak of or link to an illegal private server here. I like to think that I am more considerate of Dave and the future of this forum than that. Not to mention not wanting to have the FBI break down my door and have a million dollar lawsuit thrown at me.
All I want to do is kill Ewoks and Storm Troopers.
I hear ya, brother. No need to fear.
Uhh... WTF is this all about?
That is for the Forum Cartel to know and you to stay quiet about, citizen.

Scarlet Varlet

@North_Ranger: There's a reason I don't answer my home phone and only answer known callers on my mobile, wouldn't want to waste your time, mate. I Subscribe to one magazine and it's £70/year. It's a good enough magazine to rate the expense. :D
Scarlet Varlet said:
@North_Ranger: There's a reason I don't answer my home phone and only answer known callers on my mobile, wouldn't want to waste your time, mate. I Subscribe to one magazine and it's £70/year. It's a good enough magazine to rate the expense. :D
PLayboy's ony £70 a year over there?! Damn lucky bastards :tongue:

AshburnerX said:
Uhh... WTF is this all about?
Once upon a time, there was this nice little game, called Star Wars Galaxies...Or SWG for short. Now, this place went all to hell and back. Some people have been trying to emulate the original good version of the game with various tweaks on a private server, on some unkown .com site somewhere. It's rumoured to go live somewhere near the last day of the sixth month :confused: But I have no idea how this is in aaannnyy way related to your question. Especially disregard any colours you may see in my post, that just means you're hallucinating.

Selgeron said:
I just moved in with my girlfriend who I didn't really want to move in with and was really unsure of. My niceness came and bit me in the ass- she has no where else to go and her family is woefully supportive. However now I'm afraid she won't be pulling her part of the rent and I'll end up being her entire support because she can't stand on her own two feet. Again. And the lease is for an entire year... What have I gotten myself into?
Yikes...Good luck. Mine just spent all her time at my place, but luckily could fall back on her parents when things went the way of the dodo. Good luck, and strength, and all that.

Scarlet Varlet

My old hosting company was acquired by Hostway. In 10 years I contacted tech support for my old company about 5 times, tops. I'm on the phone to Hostway twice now. My pop.mydomain.com doesn't resolve and I'm unable to get email.

Support is the usual boiler room of people in India or Bangladesh with Anglo names who do not pay attention when I say the POP server is not being found - I'm not at issued with passwords or settings in my email clients, I can't locate the POP server. Duh! :explode:


I know people who were proud not to have voted this week, goddamn proud! Now the BNP have got seats in the EU parliament. I mean fuck. :explode: There was a 35% voter turnout. Only 35% of people could be fucked to get off their arses and walk the few hundred metres to the poling station. Well they fucking deserve the fuckup the BNP would make of their country. Gorram. The BNP, seriously? Fuck.
Mr_Chaz said:
I know people who were proud not to have voted this week, goddamn proud! Now the BNP have got seats in the EU parliament. I mean fuck. :explode: There was a 35% voter turnout. Only 35% of people could be fucked to get off their arses and walk the few hundred metres to the poling station. Well they fucking deserve the fuckup the BNP would make of their country. Gorram. The BNP, seriously? Fuck.
Now you know how half of America feels after every election :rofl:


So my girlfriend lives in a shared house, and their contract runs out 30th June. As she's moving into a new place on the 20th she's got the phone line moving on the 22nd, and she's cancelled the internet as of then too.

Turns out that's not acceptable to her housemates. Apparently they all need the internet during the last 8 days, even though they all have other places they can live, and other places they can access the internet.

So now they aren't talking to her. How immature are they? They seem to think that, even though my GF isn't charging them for the phone AT ALL for June they're fully within their rights to complain that there's no internet. How about they just get out of the house occasionally? Or perhaps realise that my GF might actually want the phone when she moves into her new place?

Jeez, way to blow it all out of proportion housemates. Seriously, having a go at someone and not talking to them just because you're going to be mildly put out...at a time when you're moving out anyway. Get over it.
AshburnerX said:
Mr_Chaz said:
I know people who were proud not to have voted this week, goddamn proud! Now the BNP have got seats in the EU parliament. I mean smurf. :explode: There was a 35% voter turnout. Only 35% of people could be smurfed to get off their arses and walk the few hundred metres to the poling station. Well they smurfing deserve the fuckup the BNP would make of their country. Gorram. The BNP, seriously? smurf.
Now you know how half of America feels after every election :rofl:
Tell me about it.
Worked 64 hours last week, release due today. Found out this morning that due to others not doing their job correctly, I get to spend all day doing a bunch of tedious work by hand.

If the dome light doesn't come on in your 2010 SUV or Truck when you remove the keys from the ignition after having left them in the off position for over 20 minutes, blame my coworker.

On the other hand, if these are the 'major' software issues for this vehicle computer, then we're actually releasing something that's fairly decent.

Still. This should have been done correctly weeks ago, not left for the last minute.

Grrrr. :explode:

Alright asshole. Stop harrassing my employees. You don't get jack for free. Thats how it works. You want something you pay for it. You don't get special treatment for coming in every day, you don't get special prices because you buy something every day, are you so dense that you don't understand how businesses make money? Or are you just so self-focused that you can't see anything beyond your own little planet of personal-special-unique-snowflake-ness?
I love most of our customers, but there is this very special kind of pretentiousness that comes from University people sometimes, it's a snobbery that just makes me want to reach across the counter and... :eek:rly:


Staff member
Aw, man, I hate that. Something similar happened taking calls at the university. A girl hadn't placed herself in the dorm of her choice quickly enough, and all the spots filled. Her mom called all mad and said, "With all the money we pay you'd think..."


I say, "Ma'am, there are hundreds of people who paid the same amount as you who understand that the most popular places fill the fastest..." Man she didn't like that.

:\ Sorry you and your employees have to deal with that from university folk. It's always kind of nice when businesses give coupons or specials or whatever to loyal customers, but I don't feel that it's deserved just for supporting a place that I like.
Espy said:
a snobbery that just makes me want to reach across the counter and... :eek:rly:
"I'm really sorry you're so unhappy with our service. Perhaps -competitor- can help you out, here's their name and number. Thank you for your patronage, and if we ever change our policy we'll let you know."

I always give away my worst customers.



-- Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:12 pm --

Also, today deserves a good "KAAAAAAAAHN!!!!" yell:

stienman said:
Espy said:
a snobbery that just makes me want to reach across the counter and... :eek:rly:
"I'm really sorry you're so unhappy with our service. Perhaps -competitor- can help you out, here's their name and number. Thank you for your patronage, and if we ever change our policy we'll let you know."

I always give away my worst customers.


Unfortunately (I guess?) we have closed down almost all of our competitors. It's hilarious though when they say, "So and so place does it!" I just, and I know it's not "right", but I just say, "Maybe you should go there then".
It's nice not to be corporate. :D


Staff member
Great. Timo Soini got into the European Parliament... That's like picking a soccer player who likes to kick his teammates in the balls.
Espy said:
stienman said:
Espy said:
a snobbery that just makes me want to reach across the counter and... :eek:rly:
"I'm really sorry you're so unhappy with our service. Perhaps -competitor- can help you out, here's their name and number. Thank you for your patronage, and if we ever change our policy we'll let you know."

I always give away my worst customers.


Unfortunately (I guess?) we have closed down almost all of our competitors. It's hilarious though when they say, "So and so place does it!" I just, and I know it's not "right", but I just say, "Maybe you should go there then".
It's nice not to be corporate. :D
That's the same argument kids used on me whenever I wouldn't allow them to purchase smokes, energy drinks, or gasoline.

"My dad lets me buy this ALL the time!"

Me: "That may be true, but I'm not your father." *rasping noise*
North_Ranger said:
Great. Timo Soini got into the European Parliament... That's like picking a soccer player who likes to kick his teammates in the balls.
Well yeah. The team always loses, but no one misses watching a game!

ZenMonkey said:
BlackCrossCrusader said:
Which one? :whistle voice:
You have canes too? I have two, we could do a dual lightsaber duel.

(ITP: Homophones!)
Actually ZM, it's a sword-cane. Shee-sha!

If you're referring to my other 'cane', then you win by default, there's no way I'm using that in a lightsaber duel. :blargh:

BlackCrossCrusader said:
Actually ZM, it's a sword-cane. Shee-sha!
Damnit, those are illegal in CA.

I do have a couple-three epees though (as opposed to "epeens," please note).

*searches for that picture of me at a competition poking my friend in the butt with my sword*
ZenMonkey said:
BlackCrossCrusader said:
Actually ZM, it's a sword-cane. Shee-sha!
Damnit, those are illegal in CA.

I do have a couple-three epees though (as opposed to "epeens," please note).

*searches for that picture of me at a competition poking my friend in the butt with my sword*
Only epee's? How shameful. You'd be better off with a manly sword, like a zweihander or claymore!

~ Live by the sword, live a good loooong time! ~

BlackCrossCrusader said:
Only epee's? How shameful. You'd be better off with a manly sword, like a zweihander or claymore!
Sorry, only Olympic-style fencing here, none of that fruity SCA crap.

(a :slywink: appears necessary today)
ZenMonkey said:
BlackCrossCrusader said:
Only epee's? How shameful. You'd be better off with a manly sword, like a zweihander or claymore!
Sorry, only Olympic-style fencing here, none of that fruity SCA crap.

(a :slywink: appears necessary today)
Oh? A dancing around ever so gracefully in a tight fitting white suit isn't considered fruity? :angry:

Madam, I challenge thee!

*throws down glove*

BlackCrossCrusader said:
Madam, I challenge thee!

*throws down glove*
You're, uh, gonna want that on your hand when you fence, Mal.

*thinks way back to all the hotties in her fencing club...and stories she won't upset Mr. ZM by telling in public... :oops: *

EDIT: Oh, and do ya think Jerry O'Connell is fruity? I practiced fencing with him in college.

EDIT EDIT: To stay on topic, I am really pissed that I can't fence anymore. I was just going through 20 hours of Olympic footage to find the two hours of fencing therein and I really miss it. I got to compete, and teach kids, and my coaches were going to send me to Olympic coaching school. I still have all my equipment but it's been years now since I've even bothered maintaining it.

So that was more of a whine than a rant, sorry, but all this banter makes me want to pick up an epee the way listening to swing music makes me want to go out and dance again.
nbcolympics.com still has coverage by sport from Beijing. just a couple clicks and you've got fencing.

On a wild hunch I decided to move the rabbit ears from the basement next to the TV to the attic, on the teory that with less house in the way I might improve my OTA reception. An hour of sweat and futzing around later, I got about 10 points more on the one channel I was getting, but not a damn thing on anything else.
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