Rant VI: Now Drama Free

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I guess, mostly, after years of listening to his hateful racist bullshit I would love to see him get his ass kicked regardless of the situation. Sigh.
I'm surprised he's lasted this long WITHOUT getting his ass kicked.[/QUOTE]

I'm not kidding. He is very scary and formidable looking. He also looks like he might be mentally unstable so a smart person might avoid him haha.


I guess, mostly, after years of listening to his hateful racist bullshit I would love to see him get his ass kicked regardless of the situation. Sigh.
I'm surprised he's lasted this long WITHOUT getting his ass kicked.[/QUOTE]

I'm not kidding. He is very scary and formidable looking. He also looks like he might be mentally unstable so a smart person might avoid him haha.[/QUOTE]

Yeah but not scary and formidable enough to have bullets bounce off his chest. One of these days he's going to meet someone who's either a) packing heat or b) bigger and stronger.

Wasabi Poptart

I wish that the government would drop a nice big nuke in the heart of Philadelphia, I really do.
Just make sure they wipe Camden off the map while they're at it. It's probably where your bum actually lives.


I guess, mostly, after years of listening to his hateful racist bullshit I would love to see him get his ass kicked regardless of the situation. Sigh.
I'm surprised he's lasted this long WITHOUT getting his ass kicked.[/QUOTE]

I'm not kidding. He is very scary and formidable looking. He also looks like he might be mentally unstable so a smart person might avoid him haha.[/QUOTE]

Yeah but not scary and formidable enough to have bullets bounce off his chest. One of these days he's going to meet someone who's either a) packing heat or b) bigger and stronger.[/QUOTE]

Maybe he will someday. That is just my attempt to explain why it hasn't happened yet.
This is similar to a news article I read where a 60 year old man slapped a 2 year old child that was crying at the register line at Wal-Mart. The store called the police on him, but personally I think I would have beat the shit out of the guy had that my 2 year old.
I wouldn't have time to think of the consequences if someone did that to one of my kids. The fucker would bleed.

When my little brother was about 3 and I was 5 we were at the mall with my mother and grandmother. As a kid, he always had a comically deep voice and no brain filter at 3, so when we walked past a particularly portly gentleman, he asked "Mom, why is that man so fat?". So the guy starts huffing and puffing and yelling at my brother, pointing his sausage finger in his face, and my grandmother (70 or so and maybe 90 pounds) flips the fuck out. I wish I had a recording of what she laid down on this dude, but it was very educational for my future vocabulary. The whole mall seemed like it gathered around to watch her harangue the guy all the way out the door. Awesome.


Staff member
The other night, we went to IHOP for the kids-eat-free thing. There was an big old dude with a long white beard and glasses eating alone. My 2 year old daughter starts bouncing up and down pointing and yelling "SANTA!!!"

I thought it was hilarious. The guy didn't attack or anything--oddly it didn't even seem like he heard. But it was still hilarious.

Fuck you, thread continuity.
My daughter (also 2) calls anybody with a white beard Santa, too. The other day we were walking in to the Home Depot garden section and there was a trash can full of evergreen trimmings. She looked at it, dropped her head, and sadly said "Christmas is over...".


Staff member
Fucking hell in a shit pie, I feel horrible... My breath is wheezing, it hurts every time I cough (which is like every two minutes or so), and my head feels like I'm wearing a lead helmet. Oh, and I can't even speak without getting a nice, big, whopping coughing fit.

There's two possible reasons for this: either the weather, because it's now too warm to go out with a full winter gear on, but not warm enough to go without. Or dear old dad who visited two days ago, and told me today over the phone he thought "it was too hot" in my place so he turned the heat down. So I'm gonna give a big "Fuck you" to both the weather and my dad.


Staff member
Really, near-professional women of my learning block? REALLY?

"Wahhh, we don't want to read ONE 30-page chapter a week that's mostly pictures, examples and diagrams! We don't want to be assessed on how well we're absorbing the chapter material! We don't want to prepare lessons for our students or write reflections about how well those lessons went!"

Our work load for that class is literally that.
-1 very small chapter about ELEMENTARY-LEVEL MATH and how to explain certain algorithms
- 2-4 lessons taught either to a whole class or a small group
-a weekly reflection on your interaction with a class; a heading with TWO goddamned pages, double-spaced. But he doesn't take off for less than 2 pages if it's a good, thorough reflection

...AND every Friday we either have to define ONE term from the chapter or write 1-2 paragraphs about what we liked/learned/didn't like/had questions about from the chapter. She gives us lots options on how to be assessed because she understands that people learn differently and express themselves differently.

So we could either talk about specific things (definitions) or just rattle off about the chapter in a general way. AND she lets us make up any points we lost if we can show her later that we somehow learned it. 100% fair.

But today, because a lot of people hadn't read, they were dumping on her. "Well, you didn't give us clear instructions." "Well, you're bringing our GPA down and making us nervous." "Well, you really shouldn't be doing this to us with the praxis coming up."

I am.... baffled. I said that I disagreed, and they looked at me like I had called their mothers whores. Just because some people are busy doesn't mean that the work load is the problem. She even made a point to cancel the lecture today and go over Praxis problems with us to help us out, and people STILL talked shit about her. She's tried really hard to accomodate us and change up the assessment so that we are not stressed, but none of that is appreciated.

TL DR: Students flip out over a reasonable work load and dump on a teacher who is bending over backwards to make it easier for us. This irritates me.


Staff member
The teacher needs to sack up & stop trying to please everyone. Trust me. This doesn't work. I'm SUPER guilty of this.

She needs to set expectations and if they fail to meet them she should fail them.
Don't you get it, Cajun? They were born. The hard part should be over by now. They deserve an easy ride from here on out.

In a similar vein, one of my regular coffee shops has started a poster ad campaign, and the tag line is "You deserve a better latte." What the hell did I do to deserve a better latte?

Entitlement is stupid as balls. I mean, some people are entitled to some things. But it seems like the prevailing attitude is that everyone is entitled to everything. It's stupid. And I hate it. And I want to stab whoever it is that started it.
I concur. You should have to do some measure of work to earn the things that receive in life.

Take me for instance. I'm entitled to a better latte, but only because I make it a point to be this awesome. It's not easy, but I take the time because I think it's important.

Also, your teacher needs a quick course on advanced bitch-slapping, Ceej.
I guess, mostly, after years of listening to his hateful racist bullshit I would love to see him get his ass kicked regardless of the situation. Sigh.
I'm surprised he's lasted this long WITHOUT getting his ass kicked.[/QUOTE]

I'm not kidding. He is very scary and formidable looking. He also looks like he might be mentally unstable so a smart person might avoid him haha.[/QUOTE]

Yeah but not scary and formidable enough to have bullets bounce off his chest. One of these days he's going to meet someone who's either a) packing heat or b) bigger and stronger.[/QUOTE]

Life ... driving in particular ... is so much more difficult when you can't turn your head any more than 15 degrees.

What the hell happened last night? Did someone replace my spine with concrete?


Staff member
To all who responded.... THANK YOU. I didn't want to go and lecture my teacher, but I tried to get the point across by telling her: They're all wrong, you're working really hard to please everyone and they have no right to complain. Their problem isn't test anxiety, it's that their mad about being tested at all. So... take that for what it's worth."

She was appreciative, but I don't think anything will come of it. she's doing what teachers are expected to do nowadays and assess their own effectiveness, but there's such a thing as being TOO flexible
Well, that about does it. First person I make an exemption for since I chose to adopt solipsism as a kid, first one to see anything of my castle, and she inadvertently stabs me. Granted, it's not all her fault, nor is it mostly voluntary on her part, so I don't blame her nearly as much as I could.

At least it was a learning experience, not having ever felt love, true empathy, or that level of trust. Kind of like touring uncharted corridors and rooms within my big mental home.

But fuck.


Staff member
and Rob King--that bothers me too. The cosmetics tagline "Because your worth it" annoys me. Because women fucking use or something like it that all the time. I see it and hear it everyday. We think we need to be rewarded for the smallest fucking things. Put in a full week of school and didn't skip a single class?! Holy shit, you overachiever, you deserve a goddamn steak dinner!

Ugh, can you tell I'm still fuming over this?
I'm tired of this virus. I'm spending the last few hours of the workday actively trying not to hallucinate by sheer force of will and making emergency plans for when I collapse, what's the best way to not crack my head. I almost wish there were some outward symptoms so people would know they're looking at a dead man and keep their distance.
Fucking hell in a shit pie, I feel horrible... My breath is wheezing, it hurts every time I cough (which is like every two minutes or so), and my head feels like I'm wearing a lead helmet. Oh, and I can't even speak without getting a nice, big, whopping coughing fit.
Yikes. I had something like that last year. Get some rest.


Damn you, CG, for your legitimate beef with dipshit students and overshadowing my rant about feeling awful and sick :p
Hope you feel Better soon North Ranger.....I know how bad it is to be that sick. Are you sure you don't have pneumonia? Just asking due to the wheezing and painful cough. Anyhow hope your better soon.

---------- Post added at 08:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:01 PM ----------

My Mini Rant.....

I bought a bottle of champagne rented 4 movies and stuck myself in Halchat in case excitement is to happen. Sounds like a nice quiet night huh?

Well After my great day of productiveness I went to open my bottle of champagne ....the cork was slightly stuck so i gerked it a lil and all of a sudden it flew off!!!!!!!! I tried to push downward to put pressure but it was too late it was like a mini waterfall of champagne all over my hands and counter. To top it off my mother who thinks drinking is horrendous laughed.......I'm so mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that wasted atleast half of a decent sized glass...........That's my rant for today!

Sorry it wasn't super horrible but regardless kinda like makare's loufah issue......it still pissed me off ! And to be laughed at just sucks even more.


I jabbed myself with a picofrit injector needle today. To give you an idea how fucking sharp it is, it still is pointy at 50-60X magnification.
I'm an officer in my university's chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, the history honors association. I'm on the film planning committee because we've been showing three history-related movies every semester. Last semester was great, we always got a decent turnout, and everyone had fun. Anyways, we'd planned for a movie night tonight. I'd been looking forward to it because it would start our semester-long series on the historiography of Robin Hood. Of course we decided to open with the classic Adventures of Robin Hood (Errol Flynn ftw). Our resident Medievalist professor would lead pre and post-movie discussions on how it was portrayed, and I even had a little spiel prepared about Hollywood's Golden Age. I made sure Netflix sent me the DVD well in advance and bought some chips for the mini-potluck.

So I got to the history library (there's a LCD projector there) and started to get the equipment set up. Two of the professors came and were eagerly awaiting for the show to start. We waited for fifteen minutes and NOT ONE STUDENT CAME. I checked my e-mail and it was filled with excuses of people getting called in to work at the last second, various other commitments, one of my co-planners suddenly running emergency errands because another event he was hosting was in danger of failing, and the other co-planner "forgetting" that it was at four o'clock. Incidentally, the latter is both my friend and The Psycho's new boyfriend (he didn't know what had happened). So I'm a bit pissed off right now.
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