Rant VI: Now Drama Free

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Take care, Newfoundlander-Me. Just don't forget all about us, okay? I hate losing contact with good people. Especially ones as good-looking as you.
To be clear ... I'm not leaving. I just need to spend less time surfing the internet. After re-considering how I ended that post, I realize that it looked kind of like a goodbye. Sorry about that.

I don't know. You might not even notice me posting less. I just need to make sure I leave the house more.
UPDATE: He has gone back to counselling and spent the entire weekend sucking up to me like it was nobodies business.

Also, after speaking with my buyer for the painting he mentioned that he really liked another painting of mine so I gave it to him half price with another hundred bucks off because of the money he spent on canvas. The painting was worth a lot to me, personally, but it was good to see him happy and have my first real peice of art sold in something other then an auction. :)

So, we'll see how things go.


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One of my friends... just died in a car crash. I'm a real hardass and a cynic, but I'm sitting here all teary-eyed. Her kids were actually my legal foster children for a week or two while she got some personal business taken care of. Back in 2001 or 2002 or so. I haven't been in the greatest touch with them in a while... in fact, I searched for more information on the crash, only to find more than I expected. Apparently her son, who I know as Bath (though apparently he's going by his big-boy name of Picasso now) is some big shot college ball player now, and all the sports sites have something about it. I'm a little worried, because I can't find any mention of his little brother on his facebook page or in any of the articles. Hope nothing happened to him

I'm choking up. Think I'll go be a baby about this a little while.
Rob: Do what you feel you need to do. Just don't be a complete stranger, people would miss you here.

Sin: Well, at least it's a swing in the positive. Just make sure this isn't only a temporary one. Make it known that he needs to take his therapy sessions seriously or he'll be alone. He can't be throwing a little kid tantrum like that around you and your child.

Fade: I'm sorry, man! :( I can only imagine suddenly finding out about the death of a friend, especially one who's children you were close to. I hope you find good news about the younger son.


Staff member
Oh, Fade, how terrible.... I'm so sorry for your loss. :hug: I hope that maybe you can catch up with her kids sometime... and I hope that the one you can't find anything on is alright.

---------- Post added at 08:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ----------

And Sin, hope that it sticks and he behaves. Keep us posted, ok? :)


Staff member
Grah! I hate the smell of fresh paint! I am so tired of the stupid constructoin going on in this house. (Changing from single- to double-pane windows and remodeling the laundry room and my dad's workshop). There's been work on and off for about a month now, and I'm having a flare up of my health problems as well. I am so worn-out it's not funny.


Staff member
Thanks everybody. I was pretty torn up about it. I cried like a little baby, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. It's weird. I didn't think I'd be so affected by this, given how long it's been since I was in regular communication.


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Not yet. I don't know why I'm linking to these articles--you guys understandably don't care. I guess I just needed some kind of outlet.


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We don't know her and so don't have the emotional connection that you have, but that doesn't mean we don't care. If not only to commiserate with you.

The fact that the dumpster may have been improperly tied down will probably lead to lawsuits.
Sorry for your loss, Fade.

Sin: I recommend not waiting until he starts hitting you or the kid, but that's really up to you.
Man, I'm sorry to hear that Fade... that just sucks.

So, I haven't been around much the last few days, mainly because my business got broken into and out freaking SAFE got stolen. I've been dealing with police reports, bank issues, changing every lock in the entire place, freaked out employees, freaked out residents (we have people who live in the building we are in), etc, etc. Add to that finals for school this week and its just been bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh. This was supposed to be an easy and stress free week to start my spring break off. Not happening.

On the plus side I have video games now. I'm going to go relieve stress and destroy the gods.

Edit: (Oh yeah, we had a bunch of money in the safe as well as employee paychecks and a Master Key so that sucks as well.)
This news it not so good. I like it not. Bring me some other news!

Fade, I'm so sorry. A long time ago (2001 or 2002) I found out that one of my online friends had died in a freak sledding accident. I was bummed even though she and I hadn't talked in years. I know it sucks but you'll feel better in time.

Espy, do the police have any leads? Keep us posted.


Life is so much easier when I only have one friend at a time. I like all my friends but I hate the fact that they always want to hang out. I just like to be alone sometimes. Sigh.
I'm so sorry, espy. That's awful. :( Do they have any ideas about who might have done it?
Espy, do the police have any leads? Keep us posted.
It's a long story, but yeah, one of the residents encountered him in the back stairwell, he ran around to the front and they "thought" he left, so they searched the place, didn't find him then they DIDN'T CALL THE COPS and instead went along their merry way (this is about 8 of the residents including the house manager, these are college kids). He apparently must have hid, came out later and stole our safe. Thank God thats all he did. It could have been a LOT worse.

So yeah, if anyone sees a mid-20's black guy with a black jacket and no facial hair on the University of Minnesota campus just let the cops know. :facepalm: The residents are getting a VERY stern talking to next week from me and the owner.
So I was talking with that woman I took out a few times last year, and she told me that she was free next weekend. I said we should meet for coffee or something, just kind of offhanded. Apparently it's a date.
Sorry, haven't been here in a while, so some catching up to do.

Lying Bastard: dude, wrong thread. That goes in Win.

Fade: condolences...Not much to say :-(

Tin and Cally: Dude, that's...Not good :-( Hope surgery will go well, that she'll recover quickly, and that there are no further complications...But even so, it'll suck majorly :-( Give her a huge-ass big hug for me, will you?

LittleSin: I suppose most things have been said, but....Yeah. You've complained about these bursts before, and they seem to be getting worse over time - it's not so long ago that you said he wouldn't damage stuff - now he's up to destroying paintings? Make sure you have a way out set up in case things get worse - clothing for you and the baby, at a friend's place, or your mother's place, or wherever - that he preferably doesn't know about, or no specifics. And get him, and you, some counseling...And, as Chaz said, try to find some way for him to work out some aggression/tension. And good luck :-S

Northie: still sick? If so, get better :)
No, it doesn't go in win, because she's left 6 voicemails in the last 24 hours. And is apparently dating a state trooper, though she told me she "can't find anyone". And has changed her story three times - they've only been seeing each other 3, no 4 times since new years - or the super bowl - and he might be transferring out of the area anyway... It's just standard ordinary bullshit.

Edit: Another goddamn text while I was writing: "U like shaved or wxed?"

Asked my boss if I could get someone to cover my breakfast program shift on Monday so that I could go home for the weekend and see that sick friend. She offered me today off so I can go out a few days earlier. I took it (of course), so I'm typing from my mother's house now after a day on the bus.

I saw Judy when she was awake for about three minutes this evening. She looks so sick. I told her about having to cancel a bit of a movie night with the girl that I'm dating in order to come out. She thought that was funny. Then she fell promptly back to sleep. I hung around for a few hours while my mother finished up her 'shift' of being with her.

Palliative care units are interesting places. This is only the second time I've spent any real time on one, but as a people-watcher, it's both fascinating and tragic.

Wasabi Poptart

No, it doesn't go in win, because she's left 6 voicemails in the last 24 hours. And is apparently dating a state trooper, though she told me she "can't find anyone". And has changed her story three times - they've only been seeing each other 3, no 4 times since new years - or the super bowl - and he might be transferring out of the area anyway... It's just standard ordinary bullshit.

Edit: Another goddamn text while I was writing: "U like shaved or wxed?"

Run! Run for your life!
I hate to admit it, but it probably would make a good episode of reality TV. The train wreck episodes of Blind Date were always the most fun.
I already posted in the kinda rant thread but this deserved to be elevated, my girlfriend goes away for 2 weeks so im left to cook for myself. Slightly dangerous but no biggie. Go to have cereal, milk is 4 days out of date. Go to make a sandwhich, no vegemite.


Now I have to go shopping. Which means I also have to put on pants. I'm on holidays, I dont wanna wear pants gorrammit.</RAGE>
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