Rant VI: Now Drama Free

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"fucktard industry" is another name for "human race", yes?
there's another term I hate. Human race. There's no "race" of Lions, or Apes. But we think we are sooo special that we are above "species." Lame. Aside from that, reducing the species as a whole to an industry?

Run for office, Calleja.
Actually, there ARE races of lions and apes.... they just usually call them "sub-species" for some reason. I do see your point, homo sapiens is a species with several races, so it should be "all human races" or, better, "human species".

That being said... I meant the human species is a collection of mostly fucktards who also happen to be industrious.
Actually, there ARE races of lions and apes.... they just usually call them "sub-species" for some reason. I do see your point, homo sapiens is a species with several races, so it should be "all human races" or, better, "human species".

That being said... I meant the human species is a collection of mostly fucktards who also happen to be industrious.
I was under the impression that we are all one race, and that the myth that blacks, hispanics, whites, etc. were different races dated back to colonial times. Neanderthals, on the other hand, would be a different race.

I don't actually know for sure, but that was the impression I was under.
No, the best example is dogs. They're all the exact same species, can reproduce with one another and have perfectly fertile offspring, yet have different physical traits which mark them as a different race.

We're all the same species, made of exactly the same DNA, with just slight variations thanks to adaptation to different climates and settings.
No, the DNA is exactly the same... the information within is what varies, but that's just the same from individual to individual.
we might be calling the same point/concept 2 different things. as in, \"it's the same alphabet but not the same sentence\" vs \"It's not just a different sentence, but a different alphabet.\"
Yeah, I think it may be a semantic thing. What I mean to say is the DNA is exactly the same because we're one species, it's the variations in the information/allocation of said DNA that cause variations, and yeah, those may be one whole percent different.

I was coming from the "different species have different DNA" angle, where no matter how much you wanted to you could not have offspring with a dolphin, it's different DNA, with different chromosomes and genes and structure and everything, whereas the difference between latin DNA and japanese DNA is just information, but with the same kind of chromosomes and genes and structure.

Writing fail on my part. And reading fail on yours. We should make a club.


hey be glad i can read. i am the love child of a human dolphin couple after all.

Wasabi Poptart

I have never heard of someone being fired because a customer wanted them gone or just because the higher ups decided the person had to go with no real grounds. It doesn't seem like there was a cause for termination. I'd talk to a lawyer.
It depends on the industry you are in I suppose.[/QUOTE]

Maybe. Maybe the labor laws are different in Canada, too. When I was in NJ and had a management position in the casino industry, we needed documentation to back up why we terminated employees. The only way we could fire someone immediately was if they did something illegal, like drug use on the job or theft. Even then, you had better have a picture from surveillance to prove what they did or else it's your word against theirs. There is no way a few letters from a disgruntled customer would get an employee fired. I think the whole thing with Blue getting fired sounds wrong based on my own experience.
I haven't the foggiest clue about the labor laws here, Sin, but that does sound like a pile of bullshit. Everywhere I've been, if you're past a probationary period they've needed justification for firing you. I'm not sure if that's mandated by law, or what counts as 'justification,' but firing someone because they gave 'sub par customer service' seems extreme ... especially if he was working within limits ... like not having a supervisor around to forward the lady on to.
It might work a little like down here in Georgia. This is a "right to work" state - you can be terminated at any time, for little to no reason. The reason most businesses don't do that is because a) they like keeping employees and not having to train newbies all the time and b) if you're fired, you qualify for unemployment. If you quit, you don't. Therefore, many businesses will make conditions for the employee so unpleasant (cutting hours etc) that they end up quitting.
Yeah, MN is like that too. Unless you can prove racism or something your employer can fire you if they don't like the soup you had for lunch today. It's got it's pro's and it's con's though. Lets you get rid of really bad employees without much hassle. And Charon, if you can prove they were fired for their own negligence (like coming to work drunk or high) you can get their unemployment denied. Believe me. I've done it to an former employee who tried to file against us.
Keep in mind that the refund may not be all that's at stake - in some cases I've seen customers worth tens of thousands of dollars in repeat business in the future who threaten to leave if they don't get their way. In fact, it may be that it took so long because the customer finally came back and said, "I want to submit this invoice, but I won't until you fix my perceived problem." and the company then had to decide between you and the customer.

It's not nice, but that's capitalism for you.

In a right to work state they can fire you, but they will be on the hook for unemployment unless they can prove to the state that you fit within the very narrow limits for termination without unemployment insurance. So go apply for unemployment, and fight them for it if they submit to your AG that you are not eligible. Especially if you followed the correct (at the time) procedure and process for denying the refund, and certainly if you did not have a manager on site that could handle the customer when the customer asked for one.
Check the employee handbook. If they did not follow their own termination procedures, then they can be sued for wrongful termination in an "at will" state. Seeing as there appears to have been no warnings and the upper manglement simply caved to the customer's demands, it is highly likely this is the case.
Blue worked at a call center. Basically call centers work for whoever contracts them. The company that contracted them decided Blue HAD to go and it states in the contracts Blue signed that if Rogers said he has to go, he has to go even if ICT doesn't agree with it.

Steve also clarified that the lasdy wasn't even a customer anymore. She had cancelled her account and wanted the termination fee plus late fees credited because she said she wasn't told. There were four notes on the account from different folks that said she was told prior to cancelling. This lady was also, apparently, some sort of minor political figure that could make life difficult on the company and threatened to sue.

My dad says that companies tend to think "Well, it'll cost us 10, 000.00 to hire a lawyer...so lets giver her the money and fire the dude that did his job."

You want to know what it says on the paper that they gave him for cause? He didn't check to see if a supervisor was availible...he was supposed to humour her.

That's right folks, he's been officially fired for treating a woman like an adult.
This lady was also, apparently, some sort of minor political figure
Time to contact the newspaper. "Local politician raises unemployment so she doesn't have to meet her financial obligations. Cost to taxpayers more than the money she saved skipping out on fees and services."


Blue worked at a call center. Basically call centers work for whoever contracts them. The company that contracted them decided Blue HAD to go and it states in the contracts Blue signed that if Rogers said he has to go, he has to go even if ICT doesn't agree with it.

Steve also clarified that the lasdy wasn't even a customer anymore. She had cancelled her account and wanted the termination fee plus late fees credited because she said she wasn't told. There were four notes on the account from different folks that said she was told prior to cancelling. This lady was also, apparently, some sort of minor political figure that could make life difficult on the company and threatened to sue.

My dad says that companies tend to think "Well, it'll cost us 10, 000.00 to hire a lawyer...so lets giver her the money and fire the dude that did his job."

You want to know what it says on the paper that they gave him for cause? He didn't check to see if a supervisor was availible...he was supposed to humour her.

That's right folks, he's been officially fired for treating a woman like an adult.
I know it's rough, but the best advice I can give (as someone who was laid off due to my dept. going under) you must get over the hurt feelings and anger, and push 110% focus to get a new job. File the unemployment paperwork (or in most modern cases computer work) within two days of getting shitcanned and get cracking on finding a new job. I was hardcore for about a month and managed to land a new one for fall 2010, and two weeks after that found another (lower paying, but comfortable) job to cover my ass until the fall.

Believe me it's not easy. I struggled with every fiber of my being not to slug the corporate asshole who marched to my office in November 09 and handed me a list of people that were getting laid off. Following week after doing his dirty work for him, I get shitcanned. Life goes on. Shit happens. Blue needs to gear up, get his resume in order and hit that job market hard. The only thing he needs to think of is how to keep a roof over Jet's head.


Staff member
I'm sorry, Sin. :\ Chaz is right. As unfair as it is, there's probably nothing you can do about it now but move forward. I hope he finds something else soon.
When I am sad, I fill my life with sitcoms. I am nearly caught up on How I Met Your Mother.

Judy died early this morning.
Rob, that really sucks. I'm really sorry to hear it. I know sometimes those sound like empty words, but my thoughts go out to you, man. I actually used Extras as a similar coping tool in a similar situation, so may I recommend that if you need something else to get by with.
Thanks. I'm not sure it's really hit yet, because it's been a fairly busy day, and as soon as it slowed down How I Met Your Mother happened. The funeral is on Tuesday, and is apparently being webcast because Judy had a significant number of friends overseas. Not sure if I'll tune in or not, but at least the suffering is over, for her, and her family.
That's a healthy point of view dude, very mature. Doesn't mean you can't let yourself grieve, though... but eventually you'll remember the good times more than the end, and that you smile when you think of her is what to aim for. Distracting yourself with funny shit is also pretty good, been there myself. Thoughts with you, bro.

Wasabi Poptart

Sorry to hear that Judy has passed away, Rob. I think sometimes it is harder to grieve for someone you know has been in pain and so ill for a length of time because it is, in a way, a relief. My thoughts are with you and her loved ones.


Staff member
So sorry, Rob. I hope that you and all of her loved ones find comfort and have some good memories to look back upon. I'll have y'all in my thoughts.


Staff member
Stay strong, Rob. She didn't sound like the type of person who would want you to stop living. Remember her fondly and laugh at the times you shared.
What I mean to say is the DNA is exactly the same because we're one species, it's the variations in the information/allocation of said DNA that cause variations, and yeah, those may be one whole percent different.
No, no, and no.
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