Rant VI: Now Drama Free

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Flagnarbit! My mother has had a whole perspective thing going on because of this whole Judy thing. Next Friday, she starts two weeks of vacation, and managed to find a package that would allow her, my brother and I to all go to a resort in the Dominican Republic for a week. My brother managed to get off work, which was a surprise to us all.

Me ... not so much. I'm not too brokenhearted, but it would have been nice to get away considering the last two weeks, especially to spend some time with mom.
No, I'm upset because my mother basically just sprung a free vacation on me, but I can't go because my boss is out of town next week and she needs someone who knows what they're doing to keep the food bank open.

EDIT: After re-reading my original post, I realize that that probably wasn't clear at all.


No, I'm upset because my mother basically just sprung a free vacation on me, but I can't go because my boss is out of town next week and she needs someone who knows what they're doing to keep the food bank open.
oh, well, yes, then that does suck. Hire a lookalike day laborer to be your clone? It works in movies.


Staff member
How hard would it be for you to find a job of the same caliber? You are unmarried and have no kids, yes? You might just take a leave of absence and go on vacation and fuck work.
Well, the problem is that I have no savings to speak of. I couldn't pay rent or buy groceries for long enough to search for a new job. I have a second job already, but I don't get enough hours there to live off of without the first job. That, and I do like and respect my boss. I'd rather not leave on selfish terms like this, and put her in an awkward spot for the next few weeks. I mean ... a trained monkey could do my job, but there are no monkeys currently sitting around with the necessary training.

So quitting this week to go on vacation next week is out, but this and a few other things are making me realize that I need more income. I work about 20 hours per week, and that's with two jobs. I need to find something fullfilling, and that will put some money in my bank account.

Pleasantly enough, this situation is affecting my writing ambition in a profound way. Previously the 'need for money' vs 'fear of rejection' balance scale has been very much toward the 'never submit anything to anyone ever' option. Recently, with the need for cash, I've been polishing up and properly formatting a few of my older short stories, hopefully to submit them to a magazine or two. It might not be the solution to my problems, but it could at least be the next step in my attempts to become a professional.


Staff member
*picks up the telephone in his study where he is savouring Paganini's violin concerto while reading first editions and sampling fine cheeses* = *in his den, listening to the High Kings while reading the forum and eating raisins*

So, Callistarya's surgery was GOING to be outpatient.
But her sucky insurance only covers $1000.00 of outpatient surgery, leaving me to cover about $7500.00 of it.

SO, we had to get her switched to inpatient surgery, and she has to stay an extra day in the hospital, costing the insurance company a couple thousand more dollars, but which saves me $5,000.

Fucking bureaucracies.


Staff member
Tin, 'tis but one day.

Besides, think how happy she'll be after that homecooked meal you're gonna make her after she goes through twenty-four hours of hospital food. Hint, hint ;)


Staff member
Yes. Yes I was.

I maybe a randy bastard who thinks about sex often enough to make the average male look like a frickin' celibate monk, but even I have some heart.


Staff member
if you think my mind is in the gutter, you shoulda heard her when they told her she was going to have to wait 8 weeks
In that case, I trust you have informed FEMA that your neighbourhood will be the epicentre of a massive earthquake in 8 weeks' time? Possibly several.

Wasabi Poptart

Four more fucking days of the baby fighting, gagging and screaming while I try to get her to take her medicine. Sometimes I really dislike being a parent.


Well the last few weeks have sucked. Last week was that big argument competition that I was nervous about. I did ok, lost both rounds but didn't make an ass out of myself. However it was incredibly stressful and I couldn't wait for the weekend. All I wanted to do this weekend was sit around and play the sims. That's it. I had no homework because the state supreme court was going to be speaking at the school so classes were canceled. Everything was great.

But then Saturday my mom called and told me that my cat Evil had a stroke and that he was really doing badly. So I rushed home to be with him. I love that cat. Of all my pets he was my favorite and the one I was closest too. When I got there he couldn't move or hold himself up. He didn't eat or drink anymore. It was really hard watching him waste away over the weekend. We intended to have him put to sleep Monday morning but when I woke up he was already gone. It was really hard for me losing him. I have never been one of those cat ladies who calls her pets her children but really Evil was always my little baby. Mostly because he was so mean and destructive that no one else even liked him.

I stayed home another day because I wanted to be around my mom. On the way home my van gave me a lot of trouble. I got to sit by the side of the interstate watching the semis roar by waiting for my van to decide to do simple expected van things like accelerate or brake. When I got back to my dorm room my mom called and told me my baby cousin had died of SIDS. Not only had that happened but she had found out through a post on facebook. I am upset, obviously.

My friends on the irc (my clique I suppose) have been really helpful. My friend Robin has been very helpful she even went shopping and got me food for the week. Left to my own devices I would live on baked potatoes and water. I have missed two days of school already but I wish I could be at home with my mom who is beside herself about everything. And her best friend is in the hospital in Minnesota so she is lonely and needs support.

Everything just really sucks and I resent it really. I need some down time to unwind but life is not cooperating.
That really sucks Makare1 :(

You have my sincerest condolences and I hope everything starts getting better for you :(

Wasabi Poptart

Sorry things are so bad right now, Makare. I hope everything turns around for you soon.
Makare, I was getting set to offer you some friendly reassurance from a veteran cat owner about Evil not wanting to put you through the pain of taking him to the vet...

And then I finished reading. I can offer nothing but condolences... Sorry about everything...


This is a big deal! CHAZ NEEDS HIS OATZ!!! I'm like a Thoroughbred race horse. I need mah OATZ!
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