Rant VI: Now Drama Free

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:( that sounds a lot like my uncle, who had a stroke when I was fairly young. With speech therapy, he's worked his vocabulary up to a hundred or more words, and despite being paralyzed on one side, is living pretty well now.

There's hope, even if it's going to seriously affect his life, and the life of those around him.

Wasabi Poptart

Sorry to hear it LittleSin. I hope that he'll be able to regain some of his movement and speech as time goes on.
Sorry to hear it Sin. :(

As for me, it's been about a year since my doberman, Sonic, was put down at 15 years old. I didn't think losing a pet would stick this long and still make me sad like this, but it does. I guess it's because he's the first pet I really grew up with. Had him since I was 9 or so, he was put down Easter weekend last year. I went through a lot of hard stuff emotionally over the past couple years, and after my friends abandoned me over siding with a girl I broke up with, and my brother getting into a serious (now engaged) relationship, Sonic was the only living thing to really want me around. Not being there when he was put down is something I think will stick with me, even if it's only in the back of my mind, for a long time.

I'm sure this all sounds crazy, anyway. Maybe it's stress and loneliness in general building up with this as a catalyst. On top of this, my girlfriend doesn't really return calls anymore, and I can't afford to drive the six hours to her place, so I'm hoping she'll answer in the next couple days so I can just end it. It's not working, and I'm tired of putting my all towards something she doesn't seem interested in anymore.
Well, I'm an idiot.

I left my keys at work tonight. Couldn't go back, since I'm not a manager and don't have the keys.

So, now, I'm sitting in the hallway outside my apartment, waiting for my roommate. I called & texted her. She's at work and will try to get back soon. Meanwhile, I can at least access the net from our wireless. But I can hear my cat meowing and scratching at the door.

CynicismKills, I totally understand. My dog in Elementary School/Junior High had about a million diseases none of which seemed treatable. He just got sicker and sicker until my parents told me and my brother that we would have to put him down to end his suffering. We were given a week to say goodbye, and we would bring him to the vet on Saturday.

Two days later, we came home on Wednesday and the deed had been done.

I understand it, and in some ways I think mom did the right thing, but I would be lying if I said it still didn't hurt me to this day. In fact, recently, when my mom started talking about giving away (not putting down, mind you) or current dog because she simply can't take care of him on her own, a surprising amount of resentment resurfaced directly stemming from the dog that had been put down.

It's surprising how some of that stuff can stick with you.


I am home for the first time since Evil died. It's pretty sad. The other two cats act strangely and constantly needing attention. I love them but somehow playing with them just reminds me more that Evil is gone. I miss him.
And, once again, I heard that lovely little sentence that always comes up everytime I interact with a woman I am interested in:

"You're a really nice guy, but I just want to be friends."

Of course you do. Why should my luck with women change anytime soon. Look forward to being your straight "gay friend" like so many other girls I know. I'm such a sucker. :(


Staff member
And, once again, I heard that lovely little sentence that always comes up everytime I interact with a woman I am interested in:

"You're a really nice guy, but I just want to be friends."

Of course you do. Why should my luck with women change anytime soon. Look forward to being your straight "gay friend" like so many other girls I know. I'm such a sucker. :(
My response to this has always been:

"Of course. Why would you ever want to have a relationship with someone you like and share things with. That's crazy talk."

and then depending on the girl and the circumstances:

"So you just go on dating men who treat you badly while you wonder what it is you are doing wrong. I just hope for your sake I'm still here when you come to your senses."
And, once again, I heard that lovely little sentence that always comes up everytime I interact with a woman I am interested in:

"You're a really nice guy, but I just want to be friends."

Of course you do. Why should my luck with women change anytime soon. Look forward to being your straight "gay friend" like so many other girls I know. I'm such a sucker. :(
Yes, you are. Be less nice. I'm not saying that chicks dig jerks, but on the other hand, a confident guy who goes after what he wants and isn't completely consumed by how people perceive him can be very attractive to women. Instead of being casual or making offers to help them out or spend time, after you get to know them a bit, just go for it: "Would you like to go out sometime?"

They'll say no, but at least you won't spend weeks of semi-stalkerishly catering to their every concern and crisis.

I've been there, man.

Of course, the fact that you're chubby and I'm a fucking fatass aren't going to help our chances with the ladies any. Best advice for wanting to be with a girl? Be the sort of guy girls want to be with.
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee drunk and depressed with more beer to go

Going to be leaning over the balcony pretty soon if I don't get shit in order in the next couple months
Posted for the betterment of society:

In a battle for supremacy, you can safely bet on the 20lb sledge hammer in a fight with fingers.

Also, this just in:

And, once again, I heard that lovely little sentence that always comes up everytime I interact with a woman I am interested in:

"You're a really nice guy, but I just want to be friends."

Of course you do. Why should my luck with women change anytime soon. Look forward to being your straight "gay friend" like so many other girls I know. I'm such a sucker. :(
My response to this has always been:

"Of course. Why would you ever want to have a relationship with someone you like and share things with. That's crazy talk."

and then depending on the girl and the circumstances:

"So you just go on dating men who treat you badly while you wonder what it is you are doing wrong. I just hope for your sake I'm still here when you come to your senses."[/QUOTE]

You are a bit more polite than I am. I normally ask them if they'd prefer if I slap them around a bit.


Staff member
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee drunk and depressed with more beer to go

Going to be leaning over the balcony pretty soon if I don't get shit in order in the next couple months

Let's see, 1 person in foreclosure, I'm just getting out of foreclosure, 1 person nearly went bankrupt and several have had loved ones pass recently. Whatever it is, it's nothing to go over the edge.

Ever need to talk, I'm here. You know the number.

402-934-6952. (After 6 CST daily..)
I mentioned it in a PM to someone as well, but yeah, things are getting better slowly. I broke up with my gf and I'm still lucky to pay most of my bills every month. I had a pretty good Easter, though, as opposed to last year's, and I'm trying really hard to keep positive.


Staff member
I mentioned it in a PM to someone as well, but yeah, things are getting better slowly. I broke up with my gf and I'm still lucky to pay most of my bills every month. I had a pretty good Easter, though, as opposed to last year's, and I'm trying really hard to keep positive.
We're here for you, my brother. Otherwise I'll make you listen to more emo music.


Rant: fucking Dave is so old he thinks Erik Satie is emo music

(it kinda is, but work with me here)
I mentioned it in a PM to someone as well, but yeah, things are getting better slowly. I broke up with my gf and I'm still lucky to pay most of my bills every month. I had a pretty good Easter, though, as opposed to last year's, and I'm trying really hard to keep positive.
We're here for you, my brother. Otherwise I'll make you listen to more emo music.[/QUOTE]

I'm listening to David Bowie, it is impossible to be depressed right now.


in before shego nod of luvvin on the space Alien known as David Bowie.
I need to get my shit together.

Right now I'm in second year of a bachelor's study. You'd think that I would have some semblance of discipline already. But no, I am a lazy shitweasel who hasn't exercised in over a year, who doesn't have a job and who barely does enough homework to get by. Fuck, I need to change this or I'll be a hobo before I know it. But bad habits are the worst to break and I can't seem to do it unless somebody was there every second telling me what to do - and that would probably drive me crazy. Right now I'm just a boy who whines all the time but can't fucking deal. And if I don't change it soon I will be for the rest of my life. But how?

Christ, I wish this was easier.


Staff member
I need to get my shit together.

Right now I'm in second year of a bachelor's study. You'd think that I would have some semblance of discipline already. But no, I am a lazy shitweasel who hasn't exercised in over a year, who doesn't have a job and who barely does enough homework to get by. Fuck, I need to change this or I'll be a hobo before I know it. But bad habits are the worst to break and I can't seem to do it unless somebody was there every second telling me what to do - and that would probably drive me crazy. Right now I'm just a boy who whines all the time but can't fucking deal. And if I don't change it soon I will be for the rest of my life. But how?

Christ, I wish this was easier.
Anything worth doing is gonna be hard, dude.

Here, this is what I do for my friends:

*swat to the back of the head* Quit bitchin' and DO IT! THEN IT'S DONE! At least until the next time you have to do it! Now come on, I'll make us some pizza.
I need to get my shit together.

Right now I'm in second year of a bachelor's study. You'd think that I would have some semblance of discipline already. But no, I am a lazy shitweasel who hasn't exercised in over a year, who doesn't have a job and who barely does enough homework to get by. Fuck, I need to change this or I'll be a hobo before I know it. But bad habits are the worst to break and I can't seem to do it unless somebody was there every second telling me what to do - and that would probably drive me crazy. Right now I'm just a boy who whines all the time but can't fucking deal. And if I don't change it soon I will be for the rest of my life. But how?

Christ, I wish this was easier.
I'm finishing my third year, still no job and no drive to do homework above bare minimum, I do go to the gym regularly. I'd say find someone that has the same studies as you and that lives close / can become a roomie, hang out with them and become co-dependant. S'working great for me.
I'd say find someone that has the same studies as you and that lives close / can become a roomie, hang out with them and become co-dependant. S'working great for me.
^ Seconded. I shared a suite with a friend who took two of the same history classes as me. We kept each other going throughout the year. It was sorta like having somebody spot for you when lifting weights; if I felt lazy he'd smack me on the head and tell me to read and vice versa.
Yeah, plus if you SEE someone doing homework you have like 42 times more chances of sitting down and doing it yourself. It's like positive peer pressure or something.
A month ago, I met with a tattoo artist for a consultation appointment. She asked me what I wanted; I explained that I was looking for a tattoo of a DNA strand in the shape of a question mark with a molecule of DNA polymerase (enzyme that replicates DNA) as the "dot" on the question mark. I provided reference photos, she was excited to do it, and booked me for April 18th--i.e., this coming Sunday. She said she'd provide a drawing on April 15th (today); I expressed concern about working on a design together over the span of three days, and she assured me it would be fine.

I got the image today. She drew a 'straight' strand of DNA, with chunks of the DNA polymerase stuck to the side; so this likely means I won't be getting my tattoo on Sunday due to having to revise everything. And it also means I'll probably have to wait another few weeks until my girlfriend and I move to Michigan, since Sunday was the last appointment available before our move date. Te-fucking-riffic.
Yeah, man, when are you going to get another opporunity to get a tattoo? There's only, like, 5 tattoo places in the world, and they're only open one day a year.
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