Rant VI: Now Drama Free

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Wasabi Poptart

The fever is down and he's asking to get out of bed to move around. Good signs! I'm heading back over there in a little while. On another note...

Hey Mom, you are NOT a DOCTOR. Stop sending me info you find on the internet like it is the definitive word of the medical profession. STOP. He has a fucking team of doctors and nurses looking after him. I think they've got it covered.


You still feel bad when they are sick. Once my naughtiest student was sick and it was really the saddest thing. Poor kid. He was easier to deal with but it was terrible seeing him miserable.


Staff member
I'm so glad things are looking up! It breaks my heart when kids are sick.
Just wait until you are teaching full-time, you'll be happy for those days that certain students are sick.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I can see that. I still don't like them to suffer, though. Kids are supposed to run and explore and be crazy and slightly sadistic. It's sad when they look all weak and miserable. :(

Now there WAS this one little kid last year.... sometimes I wish he'd play hookie every now and then. Kid drive me nuts. He was a tattle tale who never focused on his own work.

Wasabi Poptart

Now that the tests are all back, it doesn't look like meningitis at all. HOORAY! However, that means they don't know wtf he has. We're starting to think this could be a case of random symptoms that when put together can be something terrible. They are going to test him for strep throat since his throat is red and there is some swelling. He might be coming home tonight or tomorrow morning. Thank you all for your kind words, good thoughts, and prayers.
Now that the tests are all back, it doesn't look like meningitis at all. HOORAY! However, that means they don't know wtf he has. We're starting to think this could be a case of random symptoms that when put together can be something terrible. They are going to test him for strep throat since his throat is red and there is some swelling. He might be coming home tonight or tomorrow morning. Thank you all for your kind words, good thoughts, and prayers.
Did they rule out Lupus? It's never Lupus.

I say this as the husband of someone that DOES have Lupus, this is a constant joke in our house and we'd always watch House waiting on the Lupus or Auto-Immune disorder to be thrown into the mix.
I always get so upset when I see a movie in theater that I really don't like. It doesn't happen that often, though, so when it does, I overreact like a big ol' baby. I was going to see Kick-Ass and Death at a Funeral today. And I was gonna buy a ticket to Kick-Ass and sneak into DaaF. Kick-Ass was so bad I felt the need to buy a ticket to DaaF anyways just to cancel it out. Ugh. At least DaaF was really funny.
Really? Have you seen the original and how does it compare? Because I love the original and the trailer for the remake... I found underwhelming to say the least.
I'm really glad he's doing better. And I totally relate to the "Well meaning friends and family" bs...one of our friends sent us Suzanne Somer's freaking "eat healthy and you won't get cancer" book after Calli got out of the hospital.
My laptop has been running hot lately and today my laptop froze twice and the fan started making rattling noises :(

Luckily it is still under warranty (thank goodness I bought the extended warranty!) so it will be fixed for free but I still have to wait 3 business for a phone call and than I have to ship it. Than after they get it there is about a week turn around than they ship it back. So I will be without my precious laptop for at least a week or two. And one slightly annoying thing that happened when I called it in was I mentioned to them that I was going to backup my data and wipe the drive before I send it in (I am a very paranoid and cautious person) And the support person said they recommended people to backup their data. That part was fine but than he said something I couldn't quite make out but I did make out the word "pedophile" Now I don't know what the rest of the comment was but I quickly stated I had important information on their for my banking records/etc but I was/am still very surprised by the mention of it. But than maybe I am just being paranoid/overly sensitive.
Another rant...I really hate hate hate the whole name changing thing. I can't keep up with who all has changed and who they've changed into. grr


Oh I don't know what you said, but complaining is what this thread is for so you are welcome to do it.
Oh I don't know what you said, but complaining is what this thread is for so you are welcome to do it.
Just whining about not seeing my girlfriend as much as I'd like, and expressing my dismay that (were I to forecast using this past week as a basis) it seems like date nights might occur once or twice every month. (Where 'date night' means just the two of us spending time together)

After thinking about it, I feel like I don't have a leg to stand on. But I'm just getting sooky after having not spent much time with her since last weekend, and faced with another potentially busy (i.e. girlfriend-less) week.
Oh I don't know what you said, but complaining is what this thread is for so you are welcome to do it.
Just whining about not seeing my girlfriend as much as I'd like, and expressing my dismay that (were I to forecast using this past week as a basis) it seems like date nights might occur once or twice every month. (Where 'date night' means just the two of us spending time together)

After thinking about it, I feel like I don't have a leg to stand on. But I'm just getting sooky after having not spent much time with her since last weekend, and faced with another potentially busy (i.e. girlfriend-less) week.[/QUOTE]

You know what, I spent 2 separate years apart from my wife when she was deployed and it was the EPIC MOUNTAIN OF SUCKINESS but it still doesn't mean when we are apart for a week now that it's not the EPIC MOUNTAIN OF SUCKINESS. Time apart just sucks, no matter how long or short, so I'm with you man, feel free to rant away. :)
I had to change my name and avatar! It was a dare! You can't just defy the dare! I think horrible things happen to people who defy the dare. Like they get chain emails from everyone's mom.

Also, Rob, that sucks and I think most of us can appreciate that rant.

Also also, Nick, that sucks and... Well I don't really have anything comforting to say. I mean, that blows and crap like "there are plenty of fish in the sea" is just sort of trite and annoying so... I hope you're doing alright.

The rest of you ranters are just unimportant. Or it's 4:21 and I just ... information... writing... processssssssszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
My timing sucks! So, I hadn't heard anything on the work move for quite some time. My apartment's lease was up at the end of the month. So, I reupped with them until the end of December last week. Cue today, we got the announcement that the center where my job is will be closed by Aug. 1st. My job will be moved to Peachtree City, GA. by that point. Most likely this will happen by July. Oh, and they're cutting the relocation packages, and offering fewer of them, and we have to reapply for our jobs in order to even move!

The simple fact that I may now move and this could very easily screw up all the vacation plans I have already made with my family for August is annoying enough. Add to that my friends who work here are all going to out of a job due to this AND I would have to reapply just to keep the same soul destroying, spirit crushing, mind numbing, tedious job I currently hate; and you start to get the picture of why I'm posting.

They are offering services to those displaced by this for other employment and I will definitely be looking into that. I hate doing phone support, though, so will want to get out of this line of work.


Staff member
Friggin idiots. I just finished up my Kines project, and I sent my partner an email asking if there were any handouts we needed tomorrow besides the lesson plan and the assessment. She says, "She never said anything about including assessment!"

Dude... we're writing a lesson plan. They COME with assessment. The best part? I send an email back, "I meant the quiz you wrote." "....Oh."

:facepalm: Lord just take me now. Jesus, this class is worthless... except for the labs. Those are fun. I learned to juggle. But damnit.
For those who haven't seen my other thread in Ask Dave, I'm single now. I broke up with my girlfriend this afternoon.
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