Rant VI: Now Drama Free

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RANT: I got hit by a good wave of sadness today. I think it finally hit me, like 4 days later. :( Buhhh...
Uncool :(

When I go through particularly depressing times, I basically just watch sitcoms all day. I don't know if it's a solution, or even a valid suggestion, but it's all I got.

I'm sure things will be better.


Staff member

A friend of mine once took me to a KENO parlor on my birthday. I used to play a LOT (it was a problem, really) and had a set of numbers I played every time. So we're there for about an hour when he decides he's bored and wants to leave. Since he drove I had no choice. On the way out the door he decides that he needs to play some pulltab tickets. As I stood there watching him play those $5 worth of tickets the next KENO game started.

You guessed it - 8 out of my 10 numbers came in. I'd have won $85,000 AFTER taxes.

Fucker never has paid me.
So, the job issues I ranted about previously (quick recap: Company is closing the center I work in by August and moving everyone to Georgia between May & July). I still have not decided if I want to go, but they just told me today that I have to make a decision by tomorrow. They announced the closure and move last week and now they need an snap decision.

Pros and Cons of the move.

  • Gets me out of SC
  • I still have a job that pays decently well
  • I would get a compensation package to help me move
  • I might be able to buy a house
  • Job market is better around Atlanta

  • I hate my job
  • I'd be leaving all of my friends and thus my social life behind
  • I'd be moving to an area where I know no one
  • Very short notice in which to find a house. I'd likely have to get an apartment first
  • I'd have to sign a 1-year contract with the company

If I don't go, I would be getting a severance package. It just isn't very good. 1 week of pay for every year I have been with the company (which is 6-7 weeks of pay depending on when they start counting from).

I'm still undecided. I'm leaning towards not moving. I've got a meeting with consultants today to see about the local job market and brush up my resume, so we'll see what comes of that.
Atlanta's housing market is picking up.... where exactly would they be putting you at? This is very important, considering the Metro Atlanta area?
I'll try to never use the euphemism "I'd give my left nut for..."

I had a pretty good health scare the last couple of weeks. I had some symptoms that were pretty consistent with testicular cancer. A lot of freaking out, several doctors visits and a couple of tests later...(My sac had more action in the last 2 weeks than in the last 2 years) It was just a cyst blocking my epididymis. And it is early enough that antibiotics and time should handle the issue.

So fellas, go check your junk, and if you find one of those things that do not belong with the others... Go see a doctor.


Staff member
Tired, but can't sleep. Feeling worried about tomorrow; I have the doctor's appointment about that lump in my scrotum. Not looking forward to that.

I haven't told my parents because I think they would only freak out, and I hope it's just some kind of small inflamation or something non-critical.

Can't really talk to my friends about it. How do you start that conversation. "Hey, have you ever noticed strange hard lumps in your ball sack?"

There was one online friend I hoped I could talk about it today, just to alleviate this tension. But she had to go; she wasn't feeling too happy-go-lucky herself, thanks to some family bickering.

So here I am, sad, worried and watching CSI New York on TiVo... *sighs*
Tired, but can't sleep. Feeling worried about tomorrow; I have the doctor's appointment about that lump in my scrotum. Not looking forward to that.

I haven't told my parents because I think they would only freak out, and I hope it's just some kind of small inflamation or something non-critical.

Can't really talk to my friends about it. How do you start that conversation. "Hey, have you ever noticed strange hard lumps in your ball sack?"

There was one online friend I hoped I could talk about it today, just to alleviate this tension. But she had to go; she wasn't feeling too happy-go-lucky herself, thanks to some family bickering.

So here I am, sad, worried and watching CSI New York on TiVo... *sighs*
It'll be alright, NR; and I'm just packing stuff at home right now. I can talk on AIM if you want to chat; my name's the same as my SN here.


Staff member
Thanks, Leslie...

I mean it, thank you. I'm a tactile person, I communicate a lot via touches. Pats on the shoulder, playful tugs of facial hair, hugs... I definitely could use a hug right about now.


Staff member
Thanks, Leslie...

I mean it, thank you. I'm a tactile person, I communicate a lot via touches. Pats on the shoulder, playful tugs of facial hair, hugs... I definitely could use a hug right about now.
I'm completely the same way, always have been. And if you were in hugging distance I would hug the crap right out of you... not literally. But anyway, here's more-- :hug:
Thanks, Leslie...

I mean it, thank you. I'm a tactile person, I communicate a lot via touches. Pats on the shoulder, playful tugs of facial hair, hugs... I definitely could use a hug right about now.
I'm completely the same way, always have been. And if you were in hugging distance I would hug the crap right out of you... not literally. But anyway, here's more-- :hug:[/QUOTE]

I'm the same way, but only with my kids.

Even though you may think it would only worry them, NR, talk to your parents. They aren't superhuman, but if there's one thing they know it's how to comfort you, and you need the support - that's what they're there for.

Regardless of the outcome they will wish they could have comforted you right now.

Good luck NR! You are in my thoughts and prayers.
I hope things go well, NR. Let us know what the story is.

I mean ... I have no reason to think you wouldn't ... considering you've already been telling us about your balls.

Putting the 'fuck that' in 'shy'
Good luck, NR. I'm sure it won't be anything too serious. You know what usually cheers me up when I'm worried about something? The Mean Kitty song.

Jets surgery is at the end of May. He need to be completely weened from the bottle by then. I'm having a real issue with this. He'll drink fine from a sippy cup during the day but at night all he wnats is his bottle. He will NOT go to sleep without it. You know how some kids have a comfort object like a teddy bear or a blanket. His is that bottle. I tried to take it away last night and let him 'cry it out'...what I got was the night from hell.

Seriously, have such a bad migraine right now that I'm thinking I may be developing Carrie-like telekinesis.

Jets surgery is at the end of May. He need to be completely weened from the bottle by then. I'm having a real issue with this. He'll drink fine from a sippy cup during the day but at night all he wnats is his bottle. He will NOT go to sleep without it. You know how some kids have a comfort object like a teddy bear or a blanket. His is that bottle. I tried to take it away last night and let him 'cry it out'...what I got was the night from hell.
Aw man, this is no fun! I feel for you. Well, it's only a month. It'll be a long month, though...

Good luck with the surgery! Tell him to recover quickly.


As you may have heard, an oil rig exploded in the gulf of mexico April 21 and is continuing to spew oil from the well. When it first happened, we are told there is no threat, it's a minor leak, no danger to the coast or wetlands of Louisiana. Now we find out that there are not one, but THREE leaks and that the amount of oil out there is five times larger then what they said and may grow to be worse then the Exxon-Valdez spill. What is really bad is that if this gets into the estuaries in Louisiana, this could potentially destroy our seafood industry. All the shrimping grounds, oyster beds, and more. Could put a LOT of people out of work, like the fishermen and the people who prepare the food like the oyster shuckers, and could have some far reaching effects. I am not even going to go into what this could do the environment and wildlife. This feels like waiting for a hurricane that is a day or two away.

What I do not get, or maybe I missed something, I don't know, is why have government and BP officials waited til the last minute to realize how serious this is? I remember when this first happened and they seemed so unconcerned about it all. They acted like it was no major threat and it feels like they did not really put forth their best effort to stop this. The only people who seemed to take it seriously were the officials from Plaquemines parish, but they don't have the equipment or experience to deal with something of this magnitude.

Now that it looks like the oil will hit the Louisiana coast and wetlands by Friday night, NOW everyone is going on about how serious this is, how they need all the help they can get, and BP is asking for aid from the US government and military. Where the hell was all this concern a week ago? You'd think that our politicians who all claim to be protectors of the wetlands would have done more to get state and federal aid in there to fight this leak sooner rather then let just the coast guard and BP people try to contain this. How could they not know that a busted well constantly spewing out oil would not end up being a massive massive problem?

I am pissed because I know people who will be ruined by this if worse comes to worst, and that I like going down to fish and just relax there. It just seems to me that everyone was so apathetic about the situation until the last minute when it was revealed that this is a lot worse then they thought and the worst case scenario looks like it might happen. I really hope they find a way to stop it from hitting Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.
The effects of this will be fairly short term. The immediate impact will be huge. But in 5-10 years it will be hard to tell it happened at all. We've had several oil spills of this magnitude in Texas, and our coastal wild life and fishing industry is doing quite well.


Ugh... my work this week has seriously been compromised by:

1) medical bills that were apparently sent to a collection agency despite the fact that the medical company didn't even TRY to file with my health insurance.

2) A rather unfortunate decision that I made over the weekend that I knew was wrong, but went ahead and did anyway. It's been bugging me ever since.

My boss is not happy with me. I need to learn to focus better.


Staff member
Freaky news from the doctor + computer dying for good
= Lack of non-judgemental social contact + Stress + Boredom
= NR freaking out.

Thank God I had a level-headed friend who helped me calm down, I was freaking out like hell yesterday because I had no one to talk to (friends were busy, parents would freak out even worse). And thank God for Eve of May, which for me consisted spending the night out on the town with friends, drinking, talking, playing minigolf and dancing to latino rhythms. I even got to play my chivalrous side as I told a pissed-off, potentially violent drunken woman (wouldn't call her a lady since she was going down a guy in public) to step away from the ladies in the company. Apparently she didn't feel so cocky when a bearded, built-like-a-brick-shithouse guy tells her to fuck off.

The news from the doc.... The lump in my chest was a harmless lipoma, a lump of subdermal fat. The knot in my nuts... well, it's either a harmless anomaly of the epididymis or something very serious. Won't know before the 10th of May when I go back to get my crotch scanned with ultrasound.


Staff member
I hope everything is alright NR :(
I'll know on the 10th of May. The doc offered to give me a prescription of sleeping pills, apparently this kind of thing (anomaly or something worse) is common enough that he was worried I might lose sleep by worrying. Not likely to happen, since once I do fall asleep it takes a lot to wake me up again.
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