Rant VI: Now Drama Free

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When I was hired, I was to be part of a 4 man on call rotation (with only 1 week out out of every 4 being on call after work and on the weekend). 3 months after we started our on call, our Fourth man quit and was never replaced. For the last year and some we have been doing the same rotation with three people.

This morning I was told by my team lead (who also is part of the rotation) that the third member of our group put in a letter of resignation last night (completely unexpected by anyone apparently).

The guy works in the next cubicle over and hasn't mentioned it to me (which actually bothers me more than the thought of being on call every other week).
Gah I am hating this month. (Sorry in advanc_ for lack of flipp'd 3s, blam_ hugglins, just fill in th_ blank)

So long story story short_r. I mov_d across country and only found part tim_ work. It didnt cov_r my room and board so I was spasming bills. My glass_s brok_ so it was pay r_nt & b blind for a month or go back to moms plac_. I chos_ to go. 4 days and I find out work would of had mor_ hours to actually pay for room and board that month allowing a full dposit back. So curr_ntly still no glass_s, sumthing wrong with th_m and had to b s_nt back. On top of that my car brok_ and I got quot'd undr 100 to diagnos but got chargd 250. I would of sold it for parts b4 paying that much to just diagnos no fixing involv'd in that 250. (its old with 225k+ mil_s on it) To top it all off I go to pick it up today and this guy is smoking in my car!! Not only that but anoth_r guy was smoking in my dads car which was also b_ing fixd up. Its adding insult to injury. So if I do fix it up it will still sm_ll horribl_. Thanks asshol_s. I hat_ b_ing blind, brok_, and trapp'd in this crappy city!! ARRRGGGHHHHH!!!


Working 12 hours today.

I dont like being vulgar in my day to day life but this is fucking bullshit! This is what you get when people "like" you in a corporate enviroment. They know you can take care of everything and I cannot delegate it to other people because they like me. I am the guy leading people in the jungle and the first to get shot at. And I am not prickish enough to just put the gun in someone else's hands while saying, "Don't worry. Youll be fine.". A true leader will always take the lead but dammit, just for today, I want to be the guy dazed and following formation.

*Grumble. Bitch. Moan.

---------- Post added at 05:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:32 PM ----------

My great aunt recently died of what was found out to be familial CJD or Cruetzfeldt-Jakob's Disease. The awesome genetically transmitted kind. So, my whole family now gets to get tested for it. Awesome.
Really sorry to hear that Frank. I hope the testing will set your mind at ease than bring the stress level up. Positive thoughts.
Thanks. My mom is really, really freaked out right now. She's only a few years away from when it first shows signs of appearing.
Ugh, if McAfee's problem yesterday weren't bad enough, today one of the few people on our network that actually needs local admin rights decided she didn't like her email signature to show up anymore, so she started randomly deleting programs and folders that she didn't think looked important to try to get rid of it.

One less person is getting local admin rights to their computer as soon as we can be arsed to get over there (it is officially a low priority DFO issue).
Ugh, if McAfee's problem yesterday weren't bad enough, today one of the few people on our network that actually needs local admin rights decided she didn't like her email signature to show up anymore, so she started randomly deleting programs and folders that she didn't think looked important to try to get rid of it.

One less person is getting local admin rights to their computer as soon as we can be arsed to get over there (it is officially a low priority DFO issue).
On the last team I was on (I do phone support and hate it), all of the stores we supported had full admin rights to their systems for everyone. Even a clerk who was just hired and added to the system was given full admin rights. I railed against it and predicted it would cause problems. Sure enough, more than a few sites went in and deleted the programs that run their store in an attempt to clean up the systems. In fact, it happened often enough that we developed a restore plan just to address that issue. Meanwhile, no one listened to me screaming to restrict their access.
We hate people who use the word "Literally" to describe a figurative situation.

Also, my summer hours are being reduced to 2/3 for the period of mid-May to mid-August, which will cost me around $600 a month. And my mom asked me how I'd feel if she divorced my father after 33 years of marriage.


Staff member
I... I'm so fucking scared right now.

Last night, in the shower (okay, masturbating), I noticed something strange down below. A lump next to my left testicle. It hadn't been there before, and there was none on the right side. It felt like a lump of cartilage, no bigger than the tip of my finger, but it ached when I pressed it. I called the university hospital this morning, and got a doctor's appointment for next Thursday.

What makes this more scary? My aunt, who is related to me by blood, not marriage (i.e. my mom's sister), just went to surgery yesterday. Her melanoma had made a comeback. And I can't help but fear... *whimpers*
Be praying for you NR... Awhile back I had a little lump like that and it went away after a few weeks... Smart move on getting checked out though.


Staff member
Thanks, guys and gals. I was so freaked out last night I could hardly sleep. I'll spare you the details what it feels like in my fingers. I just keep wondering how long it's been there. It aches only when I touch it, otherwise I feel nothing in particular. Creepily enough, I found another bit of strangeness... a hard spot next to a rib, two inches away from my neck. It doesn't ache or anything, it just feels like, I dunno, a BB gun pellet under my skin.

Oh well, might as well have that checked, too. Make it a twofer.

On the bright side, my aunt got through her surgery a-okay. I just hope it stays this way; last time she had surgery and the necessary skin grafts, she had to sit in a wheelchair for months (the tumor being in her leg).
Thanks, guys and gals. I was so freaked out last night I could hardly sleep. I'll spare you the details what it feels like in my fingers. I just keep wondering how long it's been there. It aches only when I touch it, otherwise I feel nothing in particular. Creepily enough, I found another bit of strangeness... a hard spot next to a rib, two inches away from my neck. It doesn't ache or anything, it just feels like, I dunno, a BB gun pellet under my skin.
The second one sounds like something I've met some people have, with no medical effects.
As for the first one... I hope it's nothing important! At least, your... showering... made you detect it pretty soon!


Staff member
Masturbation: It saves lives.

Hope things go well with your test.
You better not be thinking of making a motivational poster out of that or anything. Because long-lost twin or not, I will kill you if my family jewels are made into an internet meme :p

But yes, thank goodness I am a dirty bastard. And thanks for the well-wishes.
I'm just filing it away as part of my 'Jerk for the Cure' fundraiser idea that came up in a thread a few weeks ago. I might ask you to be a spokesperson, would you be comfortable with that?

I'm trying to find a slogan. Right now I'm a bit stuck on 'Tug Boldly' although that seems fairly vague. Any suggestions?
I'm just filing it away as part of my 'Jerk for the Cure' fundraiser idea that came up in a thread a few weeks ago. I might ask you to be a spokesperson, would you be comfortable with that?

I'm trying to find a slogan. Right now I'm a bit stuck on 'Tug Boldly' although that seems fairly vague. Any suggestions?
If there were an award for "Awesome" it would be yours. :laugh:
'Choke the chicken. PETA won't mind.'?
Or even "Choke the chicken [that] PETA won't mind."

Hmm ...

I'm just filing it away as part of my 'Jerk for the Cure' fundraiser idea that came up in a thread a few weeks ago. I might ask you to be a spokesperson, would you be comfortable with that?

I'm trying to find a slogan. Right now I'm a bit stuck on 'Tug Boldly' although that seems fairly vague. Any suggestions?
If there were an award for "Awesome" it would be yours. :laugh:[/QUOTE]

Glad you think so :p
Well then. My sister is engaged. This is awesome. She went to a wedding show today, also cool. Her fiance went with, also great.

Fiancé got sooky and wanted to go home. Not so great but whatever.

When they leave the building minutes later their name is draw for the grand prize that you MUST BE IN THE BUILDING to claim.

The grand prize was 1000 towards a wedding dress, 600.00 in flower arrangements, a DJ, a decorator and a cruise. My sister is in tears, practically having an anxiety attack and all her fiancé can say is "It was just bad luck."

Listen. A month ago a guy slid into my sisters car and the damage was bad enough that it was written off. Two days later she got laid off from her job and she hasn't found one since. Her application for school was rejected due to an unknown reason. She got a new car only to have some dumb rear end her in a construction zone this past Wednesday. Now this happens.

SHOW A LITTLE FUCKING SYMPATHY. Bad luck has become her fucking life lately. I really like this guy...but his apathetic attitude towards things sometimes just gets me.

Anyways, that's my rant.
And my mom asked me how I'd feel if she divorced my father after 33 years of marriage.
Oh shit, son! How DO you feel about it? Did you see it coming or was this a surprise?


Well, it will kill my dad. Literally - he's only able to afford his medication because he's covered by her benefits. So I'm not in favor of it. And it was a complete surprise. I don't know how serious she is about it.

Kitty Sinatra

EDIT: This post is in response to littlesin, not the null ninja.

Oh man. I'd be pissed if that happened to me. I'd be even more pissed at myself if I had been the cause of not winning. I think I'd be even more pissed if I was dragged away because my fiancee was all sooky about something I was really really into.

Man, I like the word sooky.
Well then. My sister is engaged. This is awesome. She went to a wedding show today, also cool. Her fiance went with, also great.

Fiancé got sooky and wanted to go home. Not so great but whatever.

When they leave the building minutes later their name is draw for the grand prize that you MUST BE IN THE BUILDING to claim.

The grand prize was 1000 towards a wedding dress, 600.00 in flower arrangements, a DJ, a decorator and a cruise. My sister is in tears, practically having an anxiety attack and all her fiancé can say is "It was just bad luck."

Listen. A month ago a guy slid into my sisters car and the damage was bad enough that it was written off. Two days later she got laid off from her job and she hasn't found one since. Her application for school was rejected due to an unknown reason. She got a new car only to have some dumb rear end her in a construction zone this past Wednesday. Now this happens.

SHOW A LITTLE FUCKING SYMPATHY. Bad luck has become her fucking life lately. I really like this guy...but his apathetic attitude towards things sometimes just gets me.

Anyways, that's my rant.
Wow. If there was a sign that his guy wasn't the right one, it's precisely that.
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