Rant VI: Now Drama Free

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A crazy cousin of mine just emailed the whole family to tell us that she has heard from my grandmother ... who died two years ago ... from heaven.

Apparently my cousin's daughter fell off of an office chair and split open her nose on a bookshelf. To comfort the bleeding girl, her father gave her a bible to hold onto, which she referred to as 'her magic book.' My cousin recognized the bible as one which had been a gift from our grandmother.

At the end of the day, they travel to the hospital to have the doctor look at it, and eventually get some sort of glue-bandage applied to the girl's nose. Now, because she didn't require stitches, and because the girl held onto her 'magic book' as a comfort, I get sent an email about how Nan is in heaven praying for my cousin's daughter.

It takes a whole lot to make me embarrassed of my family, but this ... this does that.


Well, as long as they are just telling family and not the whole world it doesn't seem TOO bad.

Although you did just tell all of us.. Im not sure what's what now.
Well, Rob, you've convinced me superglue is from God. Thank you. You've melted my atheism with that beautiful story. I've forwarded it, with the addendum that if the recipients send it on they'll garner great fortune, to everyone in my address book.

Man, my heart is all warm and fuzzy with the goodness!
I will diligently pass the word back to my cousin. Great celebrations should ensue.

Two thousand years, millions of missionaries, and several crusades later and it turns out the secret to proselytizing about the grace of God is glue. Who knew?
Yeah, I've heard similar stories. One of the people sitting near me at my HS graduation told anyone nearby about how he couldn't find his robes so his family sat down and prayed to find it and then God led them to it.

I almost sprained a muscle from how fast my eyes rolled.
EXACTLY! It's like these guys who say that they know God loves them because they found a parking space near the mall entrance.

I mean ... don't get me wrong. I'm a Christian. But it reminds me of the sort of thing my father used to say (he is also a Christian). When we used to have outdoor church services in the summer, invariably someone would stand at the pulpit and say "God is so good for giving us a beautiful day like this to have a service in." His question to me, even when I was very young was "Do you think God would be less good if it had rained today?"

The answer is, 'Of course not.' But the simple fact is that there are some people who are small enough that open parking spaces, nice days, finding their favorite clothing item on sale, etc. strike them as messages from the divine.

Nothing gets me into a bigger tizzy than having to deal with these people, or worse, having to deal with their reputation when I talk about being a Christian.
EXACTLY! It's like these guys who say that they know God loves them because they found a parking space near the mall entrance.

I mean ... don't get me wrong. I'm a Christian. But it reminds me of the sort of thing my father used to say (he is also a Christian). When we used to have outdoor church services in the summer, invariably someone would stand at the pulpit and say "God is so good for giving us a beautiful day like this to have a service in." His question to me, even when I was very young was "Do you think God would be less good if it had rained today?"

The answer is, 'Of course not.' But the simple fact is that there are some people who are small enough that open parking spaces, nice days, finding their favorite clothing item on sale, etc. strike them as messages from the divine.

Nothing gets me into a bigger tizzy than having to deal with these people, or worse, having to deal with their reputation when I talk about being a Christian.
A fun variant of this are those who go "Why did God not do ____ for me?" Both kinds are people who believe they're the center of the universe, that everyone else exists for them.
I feel kinda bad now. I'm actually blushing. You see, when something bad happens to me or I think something bad is going to happen I clasp my hands so tightly the skin on the goes white and I say "Dear God, please help us. Please, please, please help us." or something like it.

I find a lot of the times that things get better atleast a little bit. My dad told me once that its probably because I can trick myself into thinking that God is really on my side, therefore I give myself strength to carry on and work harder towards making whatever is afflicting us better. I agree with him but...it's kinda nice to feel like someone (God, Buddha, Darwin :p) is looking after you now and then.
Too be fair, I used to do that too. Not so much anymore. My husband is a devout atheist and he told me how stupid that sounded.
That reminds me of how in high school I would go to bible studies that we would always end with a prayer. We would go around in a circle and say a few words and pray for whatever was on our minds, which always kind of seemed weird to me in a way. I mean I understood when someone had an important issue that they might want God to deal with in some way, like if someone was sick or something I could understand praying for them to make a speedy recovery. What I couldn't really wrap my head around was when people would pray for just anything. One girl would pray to make a good grade on a test and I just wanted to smack her with a textbook and tell her that even though God lives outside time and space she was still wasting his time with this shit.

It really bugged me when this one girl, Jenny, prayed (I guess as a joke or something, after a few weeks of me not having anything to pray about) that my life would be more exciting so I would have something to pray about. I immediately offered up a counter-prayer (my actual word for it) to negate hers, which my friend Sean pointed out that this happens in wars all the time.

It was about then that I started to think that something about my belief system might need some rethinking.
Sin, I think I'm with your father. After spending the adolescent years of my life wrestling with the concept of prayer, and how it could possibly intersect with a perfect and infinite God, I came across a line from Kierkegaard which I think nails it on the head:

"Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays."

Praying for our own problems simultaneously lowers our stress about it a little bit, and keeps us looking for a solution.
Praying for others keeps their plight in the front of our mind, so that opportunities to be kind don't pass us by.
... and so on. So I don't think prayer is useless, but I think most people have the wrong idea about it.

Irony is: if they had the right idea about it, most of them would probably stop praying altogether. So as annoying as it is, I can put up with such small visions of God as long as it helps people get through their lives. It would be like if someone believed Jelly Beans made them happy if they ate one a day. Who am I to rob them of that placebo effect?
Sin, I think I'm with your father. After spending the adolescent years of my life wrestling with the concept of prayer, and how it could possibly intersect with a perfect and infinite God, I came across a line from Kierkegaard which I think nails it on the head:

"Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays."

Praying for our own problems simultaneously lowers our stress about it a little bit, and keeps us looking for a solution.
Praying for others keeps their plight in the front of our mind, so that opportunities to be kind don't pass us by.
... and so on. So I don't think prayer is useless, but I think most people have the wrong idea about it.

Irony is: if they had the right idea about it, most of them would probably stop praying altogether. So as annoying as it is, I can put up with such small visions of God as long as it helps people get through their lives. It would be like if someone believed Jelly Beans made them happy if they ate one a day. Who am I to rob them of that placebo effect?
I can't really agree with the "Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays." concept (at least as a basis for understanding prayer, it is true in some aspects), assuming one is using the Bible as their basis for understanding prayer. There are examples throughout the Bible of the actions of His people prompting action from God or in some cases changing actions by God. Not to mention that there are examples of prayer and fasting actually having an impact on the spiritual world, etc. That doesn't mean we ought to pray frivolously, that is also harshly condemned in the Bible. In fact there are some very strong arguments for the whole "taking God's name in vain" actually referring much more to frivolous use of one's relationship w/God and much less about saying "OMG!". The real issues is HOW we use prayer. Many (and I'm referring to Christians here) don't use prayer to "talk" with God anymore, they use it like a wishing well they drop a penny into. Thats the result of a poor biblical understanding and poor biblical teaching in our churches IMO.
Of course if one claims to be a Christian but doesn't use the Bible as a basis for belief... well, then it's pretty much a "choose your adventure" so go nuts.
There's a guy running for the local school board who is an avowed racist. Calls himself a "white nationalist". If that weren't bad enough, it means he got enough signatures in the county to get his name on the ballot. :(
I can't really agree with the "Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays." concept (at least as a basis for understanding prayer, it is true in some aspects), assuming one is using the Bible as their basis for understanding prayer. There are examples throughout the Bible of the actions of His people prompting action from God or in some cases changing actions by God. Not to mention that there are examples of prayer and fasting actually having an impact on the spiritual world, etc. That doesn't mean we ought to pray frivolously, that is also harshly condemned in the Bible. In fact there are some very strong arguments for the whole "taking God's name in vain" actually referring much more to frivolous use of one's relationship w/God and much less about saying "OMG!". The real issues is HOW we use prayer. Many (and I'm referring to Christians here) don't use prayer to "talk" with God anymore, they use it like a wishing well they drop a penny into. Thats the result of a poor biblical understanding and poor biblical teaching in our churches IMO.
Of course if one claims to be a Christian but doesn't use the Bible as a basis for belief... well, then it's pretty much a "choose your adventure" so go nuts.
Well, this is the thing: The bible tells us that God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent, and that he has a perfect will. I find that difficult to believe if his 'plan' is affected by our prayers.

I mean, I know that there are instances in the Bible where God has changed his mind. I believe Moses managed to pray God's wrath away more than once, and there's one instance of a king of Israel (or was it Judea?) who basically died of a foot infection. Scripture even goes as far as saying plainly 'If he had brought it to God in prayer, his foot would have been healed."

I believe prayer is something that Christians are commanded to do, but if I also believe that God has a perfect will ... then something has to give. Either our prayers have very little effect on the actual will of God, or God isn't all that concerned about his plan for humanity.

But, I believe we've sort of talked about this before, Espy. My belief in God is a bit less personal than the typical Evangelical Christian. While it's sort of drifted closer to Theism than the Deism it was a year ago, it's still not something I've nailed down completely.

Admittedly perhaps I came off as intolerant when I posted the rant that started this. I was just a little frustrated at the whole ordeal ... especially since this cousin has demonstrated how small she is in other ways before (emailing my father after my parents divorced, simultaneously offering him all kinds of advice, and condemning him for leaving my mother ... all while she is less than 1/2 his age, and has been living on the other side of the continent for nearly a decade with very little contact with the rest of the family)

Element 117

I would follow any god, or representative of said God, who could factually empirically prove that they are the creator and rule keeper of the universe. So far, I worship physics.

On topic: It really was about Google's creepy ads. I should have known better, though.
One of the things about people just beginning in webcomics (or Kurtz) is that mentioning them on a forum will almost always SUMMON THEM.
I can't really agree with the "Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays." concept (at least as a basis for understanding prayer, it is true in some aspects), assuming one is using the Bible as their basis for understanding prayer. There are examples throughout the Bible of the actions of His people prompting action from God or in some cases changing actions by God. Not to mention that there are examples of prayer and fasting actually having an impact on the spiritual world, etc. That doesn't mean we ought to pray frivolously, that is also harshly condemned in the Bible. In fact there are some very strong arguments for the whole "taking God's name in vain" actually referring much more to frivolous use of one's relationship w/God and much less about saying "OMG!". The real issues is HOW we use prayer. Many (and I'm referring to Christians here) don't use prayer to "talk" with God anymore, they use it like a wishing well they drop a penny into. Thats the result of a poor biblical understanding and poor biblical teaching in our churches IMO.
Of course if one claims to be a Christian but doesn't use the Bible as a basis for belief... well, then it's pretty much a "choose your adventure" so go nuts.
Well, this is the thing: The bible tells us that God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent, and that he has a perfect will. I find that difficult to believe if his 'plan' is affected by our prayers.

I mean, I know that there are instances in the Bible where God has changed his mind. I believe Moses managed to pray God's wrath away more than once, and there's one instance of a king of Israel (or was it Judea?) who basically died of a foot infection. Scripture even goes as far as saying plainly 'If he had brought it to God in prayer, his foot would have been healed."

I believe prayer is something that Christians are commanded to do, but if I also believe that God has a perfect will ... then something has to give. Either our prayers have very little effect on the actual will of God, or God isn't all that concerned about his plan for humanity.

But, I believe we've sort of talked about this before, Espy. My belief in God is a bit less personal than the typical Evangelical Christian. While it's sort of drifted closer to Theism than the Deism it was a year ago, it's still not something I've nailed down completely.

Admittedly perhaps I came off as intolerant when I posted the rant that started this. I was just a little frustrated at the whole ordeal ... especially since this cousin has demonstrated how small she is in other ways before (emailing my father after my parents divorced, simultaneously offering him all kinds of advice, and condemning him for leaving my mother ... all while she is less than 1/2 his age, and has been living on the other side of the continent for nearly a decade with very little contact with the rest of the family)[/QUOTE]

And thats all fair Rob, I respect your view, even if I don't necessarily agree with it. From a Biblical basis, I see a very intimate and involved God who for whatever incomprehensible reasons to us (and lets face it, like Paul said, we do hit that dim glass we can't see through, its just a limitation of not being God and instead being human), actually allows us to be involved in the affairs of the world. He cares enough about us to listen and respond. Biblically I find no problems with that and instead find instance after instance where its the norm rather than the exception. Like I said, its fine for people to not agree on this, it won't get me upset, but from an authority perspective I will pick the portrayal of God that is consistent with His actions in history, if that makes sense. I honestly couldn't read the Bible and not see that it's all about relationship and interaction from Genesis through Christ coming to restore that broken relationship, it's, in my opinion, impossible to get around.
If thats all God just lying to trick us, well, I'm not sure why anyone would want to serve or call themselves a follower of that kind of god. So again, its really going to come down to ones reading of scripture for all Christians, after all it's how we get to know God, it's His word to us. I'm glad you are working through this stuff though, it's not easy stuff to wrestle with man, and I relate to that. I hope you don't read anything I write as being judgement of you or your views, it's not my intent, I really think it's good to work through these things and I think the general evangelical church does a piss poor job of helping most of the time.

As to your original rant, I don't think thats intolerant at all, that stuff is really annoying most of the time for at the very least being cheesy and sometimes I think violating the the taking God's name in vain commandment so no worries.

One of the things about people just beginning in webcomics (or Kurtz) is that mentioning them on a forum will almost always SUMMON THEM.
LOL. True.


Freaky news from the doctor + computer dying for good
= Lack of non-judgemental social contact + Stress + Boredom
= NR freaking out.

Thank God I had a level-headed friend who helped me calm down, I was freaking out like hell yesterday because I had no one to talk to (friends were busy, parents would freak out even worse). And thank God for Eve of May, which for me consisted spending the night out on the town with friends, drinking, talking, playing minigolf and dancing to latino rhythms. I even got to play my chivalrous side as I told a pissed-off, potentially violent drunken woman (wouldn't call her a lady since she was going down a guy in public) to step away from the ladies in the company. Apparently she didn't feel so cocky when a bearded, built-like-a-brick-shithouse guy tells her to fuck off.

The news from the doc.... The lump in my chest was a harmless lipoma, a lump of subdermal fat. The knot in my nuts... well, it's either a harmless anomaly of the epididymis or something very serious. Won't know before the 10th of May when I go back to get my crotch scanned with ultrasound.
Hope you feel better, but that brick shithouse is lined with some down-feather pillows. :)

---------- Post added at 11:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 AM ----------

I would follow any god, or representative of said God, who could factually empirically prove that they are the creator and rule keeper of the universe. So far, I worship physics.

On topic: It really was about Google's creepy ads. I should have known better, though.
What makes you think that a creator would give a shit enough about you to tell you? I find it similar to a sculptor wanting to share the meaning of his art with his art. If God's got beer buddies, that's who he's going to talk to about this mudball we live in.
I would follow any god, or representative of said God, who could factually empirically prove that they are the creator and rule keeper of the universe. So far, I worship physics.
I'm not sure how anything could prove that. Even if it could mess with all reality and break every physics law we know, it doesn't have to be a creator of anything. Just a very powerful liar. You'd never know.
I would follow any god, or representative of said God, who could factually empirically prove that they are the creator and rule keeper of the universe. So far, I worship physics.

On topic: It really was about Google's creepy ads. I should have known better, though.
What makes you think that a creator would give a shit enough about you to tell you? I find it similar to a sculptor wanting to share the meaning of his art with his art. If God's got beer buddies, that's who he's going to talk to about this mudball we live in.[/QUOTE]

I almost see it this way:

Imagine Pinocchio comes to in Geppetto's workshop. He looks down at himself and sees that he's a puppet. He looks around and sees Geppetto's puppet making tools. He looks across the room and sees Geppetto working on another puppet.

Then, for the next half hour Pinocchio sits on the bench and launches into a tirade about how Geppetto couldn't have possibly made him, and that there is no puppet-maker at all. Geppetto hears all of this, gives Pinocchio an incredulous look, and gestures to all of the puppet-making tools. Pinocchio still refuses to believe it, at which point Geppetto just rolls his eyes at the clearly reatarded puppet and continues work on the next toy.

I mean, assuming that God made the universe, why should he feel the need to prove he exists? He made the fucking universe. What more do you want?
I'm guessing this would be the thread to do this, but damn I gotta get it out:

1: It's 3 days till I leave my brother's place, to go back to my previous house, see my ex and start "divvying" up everything. I don't look forward to this. The awkwardness of this situation is turning my stomach as it is. Going to be sitting down with her, figuring out all the paperwork we have "intertwined" and having to split it up to 2 seperate people. Then there's going to be all the furniture, and what she's going to want to take and what she's going to leave (that I will sell afterwards). After all the "financial" business is taken care of, I'm going to be helping her load a Uhaul truck so that she can move to wherever it's going to be (with her mom 3hrs away, with a friend or if she has a new gf, whatever).

2: After all that is done, I'm going to have to go on a pretty big garage sale to liquify my belongings to have enough money to make the move to my brother's city. That's going to cost a pretty penny and this "vacation" I've been on has really drained my savings.

3: The "new girl" is driving me up the wall. One day she's talking about how she misses me and can't wait to see me again. The next day I make the slightest comment about "us" and she gets "scared" and says I need move slower. Oh for fucks sake.

4: After moving over here, I'm going to have to find some bullshit temporary job (waitress/bartender/bankteller) to earn enough cash to move into my own place and stop living with my brother and his GF (he's already said he hopes it's not for more than 2 months)

5: I hate "not being in a relationship", I know it's lame and I should be "fine on my own" but after spending 7years with someone who I was a fantastic "domestic partner" with but almost zero emotional/mental connection to, I really want to find someone I can "connect" with. I'd rather be with someone that I have to work on "financially" than "emotionally" and right now that doesn't seem good for my prospects. Meeting a girl who games/anime/comicbook fan on even a small level is hard enough, try finding one who's not straight. :mad:

6: I'm used to having sex 3 times a week. Before my ex and split up, we spent a month not sleeping together. Then in the month that we've been split up I had it 2x with "new girl" and that was a week ago, I'm going out of my mind over here.
That's a lot to deal with all at once, Sheki. And there's no easy way to get through any of it. Sounds like new girl is a bit of a case, best of luck there, too.

Can't really relate on the last two - haven't been in a relationship or had sex in years.
Stupid school. My co-op in China is unpaid, which I knew, and I have to pay for my own flight, which I knew. However they told us they were negotiating a deal price for us since there's like 15 of us going on the same flight. They told us it'd be around $1500 round trip (Which is still more expensive than some of the easily found deals out there).

The cost is just over $2100. And they still say this is a negotiated price, but oddly enough that is the price listed on Air Canada's website. Aargh. Basically, every last penny I have right now goes towards this flight, and I need to come up with the money for my rent here, groceries and laundry and spending money for China somehow on my own.

What irks me isn't so much the money, as I knew I'd be poor and have to come up with some major cash on my own. Even if the flight was the originally quoted $1500, I'd still be scrounging for rent and grocery money. What irks me is that the school can say they "negotiated a deal price" for us, when its the same price advertised on Air Canada.

Maybe I'll try to do some commissions again. I don't have a DA account because of their shady Terms of Agreement, so its hard to get commission work.
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