Rant VI: Now Drama Free

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Yeah, man, when are you going to get another opportunity to get a tattoo? There's only, like, 5 tattoo places in the world, and they're only open one day a year.
My point was that I wanted to get this as a gift to myself for graduating college. I'd originally planned to go early/mid-last month, but I found the current artist and liked her art. She had to take a few weeks off, so we set a later date for my tattoo appointment, and--if this one falls through--my girlfriend and I will be so busy with moving/setting up an apartment/getting shit set up at grad school that it'll be at least June before I can get my tattoo done.

Long story short, I'm pissed at being put on hold for a month by an artist who didn't bother to listen to me in the first place and potentially wasting my time when I could have found another artist and had it over and done with by now.
Yeah, man, when are you going to get another opportunity to get a tattoo? There's only, like, 5 tattoo places in the world, and they're only open one day a year.
My point was that I wanted to get this as a gift to myself for graduating college. I'd originally planned to go early/mid-last month, but I found the current artist and liked her art. She had to take a few weeks off, so we set a later date for my tattoo appointment, and--if this one falls through--my girlfriend and I will be so busy with moving/setting up an apartment/getting shit set up at grad school that it'll be at least June before I can get my tattoo done.

Long story short, I'm pissed at being put on hold for a month by an artist who didn't bother to listen to me in the first place and potentially wasting my time when I could have found another artist and had it over and done with by now.[/QUOTE]

I've heard the tat artists in Ann Arbor aren't half bad.

BTW, that will make 4 of us in michigan. How many is required for a critical mass?
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! My blasted MP3 player just decided to die on me for no reason! It was working fine and than it just froze up. I reset it and it worked for a second and than it refroze. I realized that it is freezing every time the slightest touch hits the back. It as working fine but now this. I tried calling Creative Zen but they make you send an email to them describing the issue. Of course I don't really expect much help from them anyways sense my warranty expired about 9 months ago.
The only thing I know about Ann Arbor is that Maggie Green sent me a very nice picture in exchange for donating to her drive for the humane society there.
Oh! Hi there!

No, but seriously, who are you? 953 posts means I know you, but the new name and avatar throw me off the scent. I know, are you Icarus?
So I found out tonight that my ex has started dating again. More specifically, I found out from her. She told me because she ran into a couple of my friends while on a date with another guy, and didn't want me to hear about it from them. Our relationship has been basically dead and gone for months (we were together almost 5 years), and I guess I knew she would start dating again soon, but it somehow wasn't real until now. I thought we had been trying to stay friends, but then she just broke off communication with me for weeks. Apparently, it was because of her new "status".

I don't really know what I'm feeling now. I'm really, really, really upset that she's dating, even though I know that's illogical. I'm also absurdly grateful that she cared enough to tell me herself, which, while not illogical, is kind of fucking stupid. I'm also really fucking angry that she needed that face-saving reason to actually tell me, which is possibly even stupider than my feeling grateful.

I dunno. Maybe I'd feel differently if other things were going well, but I'm pretty badly overweight, and have been essentially jobless for the last year and a half as I finish my Master's degree, so I feel pretty much like a useless schlub right now.

I don't want any advice (mostly because the only real advice is, "get over it and try again" for all aspects of my life), but I needed to say at least some of this stuff, and at midnight on the East Coast, I can't exactly call anyone right now.
GRRRRRR! I just got a response from Creative Zen about my MP3 player. They say that it is out of warranty (duh I already knew that) and that they do not have any parts to repair it so I can't send it in for repair. They did tell me I can send it in for replacement but they won't give any discount and it would cost as much as buying a new one. :mad:


GRRRRRR! I just got a response from Creative Zen about my MP3 player. They say that it is out of warranty (duh I already knew that) and that they do not have any parts to repair it so I can't send it in for repair. They did tell me I can send it in for replacement but they won't give any discount and it would cost as much as buying a new one. :mad:
Dear sir,
If you would just bend over and prepare for boarding that would be great.
h and ks,
Creative Zen


2 posts in a row.. sorry.

Ok when I get out of school on the 7th I have this three week window between when I get out of school to when I would start the job I actually want. However I still need to make money in that time frame. Now I could easily go back to my old preschool job for that time. The problem is my pervy friend works there and he has perved it up to the point where being around him would probably make me really really uncomfortable. I am not sure what to do. I want to work there and I need the job but I don't know if I can handle being around him after all his weird creepiness. I am also really pissed off at him for making our friendship all awkward.

So /rant


Staff member
2 posts in a row.. sorry.

Ok when I get out of school on the 7th I have this three week window between when I get out of school to when I would start the job I actually want. However I still need to make money in that time frame. Now I could easily go back to my old preschool job for that time. The problem is my pervy friend works there and he has perved it up to the point where being around him would probably make me really really uncomfortable. I am not sure what to do. I want to work there and I need the job but I don't know if I can handle being around him after all his weird creepiness. I am also really pissed off at him for making our friendship all awkward.

So /rant
Folks, when she says pervy, you should fucking believe her. This guy is a real piece of.....work.
Lace some baked goods with an infectious disease! It worked on CSI last night!

Seriously though that blows and I don't really know what I'd do. I've been in a similar situation, working with a pervert, although he wasn't by any means a friend and I filed numerous complaints (that fell upon deaf ears... but that's a rant in the past now)
2 posts in a row.. sorry.

Ok when I get out of school on the 7th I have this three week window between when I get out of school to when I would start the job I actually want. However I still need to make money in that time frame. Now I could easily go back to my old preschool job for that time. The problem is my pervy friend works there and he has perved it up to the point where being around him would probably make me really really uncomfortable. I am not sure what to do. I want to work there and I need the job but I don't know if I can handle being around him after all his weird creepiness. I am also really pissed off at him for making our friendship all awkward.

So /rant
Since HE made the relationship all creepy, he obviously doesn't care about it as much as you do/did. Be very straight-forward with him, tell him that you will not put up with him acting like a total creep and that you will make his life miserable if he acts up in any way. Don't try to hold back about it, don't make statements that could be taken as "She's just kidding." Be blunt and truthful and don't try to make a joke of any of it.


Ok I want clarify that my friend was only pervy on the internet, on facebook actually, and at no time was he ever in any way pervy while at work at the preschool.

Wasabi Poptart

Not really a rant, but I could use some good thoughts (prayers/whatever you believe in) for my little boy and the rest of our family. He's been sick all week with a moderate fever, developed a stiff neck and headache on Wednesday (we took him to get checked out then but got told it was just a virus), and now has a rash on his body. The pediatrician sent him to a virologist. The virologist wants to eliminate the possibility of meningitis, so he's going to have a spinal tap done shortly. My husband is with him. I am at home with the baby. He's probably going to spend the weekend in the hospital. I am scared half to death. I know my husband has to be beside himself, too. I'm leaving for the hospital as soon as I get myself together.
Not really a rant, but I could use some good thoughts (prayers/whatever you believe in) for my little boy and the rest of our family. He's been sick all week with a moderate fever, developed a stiff neck and headache on Wednesday (we took him to get checked out then but got told it was just a virus), and now has a rash on his body. The pediatrician sent him to a virologist. The virologist wants to eliminate the possibility of meningitis, so he's going to have a spinal tap done shortly. My husband is with him. I am at home with the baby. He's probably going to spend the weekend in the hospital. I am scared half to death. I know my husband has to be beside himself, too. I'm leaving for the hospital as soon as I get myself together.

That really sucks :(

I hope everything goes alright

Wasabi Poptart

Thanks everyone. It looks like it's viral meningitis which is not great, but it isn't so bad compared with bacterial meningitis. He was such a brave little guy when he had the spinal tap and blood draws done. I have promised him that he will get his bike or a skateboard when he's feeling better. Right now I need to get some sleep, but I'm too wound up to go lay down.
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