Rant VI: Now Drama Free

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I didn't want to make a new thread on this, so I thought I'd put it here. It's not a rant so much as it is a giant downer.

I just found out a friend of mine, once a very close friend, passed away to cancer.

What's worse, is that she passed away two years ago.

I hadn't realized just how out of touch we had fallen. I can't decide if I'm more upset at the death, or upset with myself for letting it go that long.


I don't even know if this is a vent.......I couldn't sleep all night and when I finally did I woke up frozen having to pee....It's a long dark walk to the bathroom in this house........How is it the weather goes from 55 down to 30 in a couple of hours? It was so cold in my dark ass basement I stayed awake until 7 am and here I am. I go upstairs only to be told by my mother that she's taking ioff another friday (this being #7) I tell her she's gonna get fired and she says I feel like a steak sandwich for dinner.
I dont know if I'm still drunk from yesterday but that made no sense to me at all !

So yeah I'm tired and Cold and I suppose in a few minutes I must go get ready to go to the grocery store to buy steak ! Happy TGIF ! I'm hoping things look up and that the weather warms up so I can go to bed all nice and warm and fuzzy.

Ok shitty rant but I had to bitch it's been awhile.......1 month 19 days left till my hubby gets back then we can move into our own house and I can have my life back YIPEE !


You know what's really hilarious.......Now that you say that I just remembered upstairs in my grandmother's closet is the one I got for christmas :( I will make sure to put it on the bed tonight lol ! I can't believe I forgot about that till you said something ! Oh well Just woke up from a nap so day is picking up so far and hey I got my mom into work for the morning so I did accomplish something !


I'm so pissed at myself. I told my daughter to get back to bed last night or the boogie man is going to come after her. Now she's terrified of the dark. I'm such a fucking shithead. I didn't even know what I was saying since I was half-awake/ half-asleep.

Time to move the air mattress into her room.

Wasabi Poptart

I'm so pissed at myself. I told my daughter to get back to bed last night or the boogie man is going to come after her. Now she's terrified of the dark. I'm such a fucking shithead. I didn't even know what I was saying since I was half-awake/ half-asleep.

Time to move the air mattress into her room.
Get a spray bottle. Put some water and a couple drops of food coloring in it (whatever her favorite color is) and maybe something like lavender essential oil or another kid-friendly scent. Or go the less involved route and get some air freshener spray like Febreeze, but put your own label on it. You now have boogie man spray which is guaranteed to remove boogie men, hobgoblins, monsters under the bed, and other night time nasties. Spritz a little around her room before bedtime.
I have used a broom to scare the spiders and ghosts out of my son's room, too.
God dammit. I'm sitting here, waiting for my asshole friends to call because no one has updated me on the big 40K game we are playing this weekend. I've left voice and text messages, sent emails, and even Facebook messages and haven't gotten shit back. If I spent the last 3 months working my ass off to paint my mini's and this thing gets canceled at the last minute, with NO ONE bothering to call me and let me know, I am going to have a fucking fit.


I'm so pissed at myself. I told my daughter to get back to bed last night or the boogie man is going to come after her. Now she's terrified of the dark. I'm such a fucking shithead. I didn't even know what I was saying since I was half-awake/ half-asleep.

Time to move the air mattress into her room.
Get a spray bottle. Put some water and a couple drops of food coloring in it (whatever her favorite color is) and maybe something like lavender essential oil or another kid-friendly scent. Or go the less involved route and get some air freshener spray like Febreeze, but put your own label on it. You now have boogie man spray which is guaranteed to remove boogie men, hobgoblins, monsters under the bed, and other night time nasties. Spritz a little around her room before bedtime.
I have used a broom to scare the spiders and ghosts out of my son's room, too.[/QUOTE]

Oh creative. I like it!
Or as she's falling asleep, sit next to her bed with a shotgun and bandoliers of shells draped across your chest. Have her kiss each shell as you load it and have her repeat "the boogie man is my bitch".

---------- Post added at 02:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:23 PM ----------

Soooo while tightening a valve on the ol' LC today I hear a *snap* I look down to see the fucking valve threads in the fucking stator chamber and the valve nut sill in my wrench!
Stainless fitting or plastic? You're either fucked or REALLY fucked.
Ugh. No mom, when I'm really busy and I don't reply to your email within 2 days it is not to "hurt" you. It's because I AM REALLY FREAKING BUSY.
Made the short list but not the short, short list for interviews at the school I am currently working at. Looks like I will be working here another year and giving the job hunt another go. On the plus side, it gives me and my wife time to get her house ready for sale and me another 6 months to prepare a manuscript (or two, I hope!) for submission, since publications are the weak spot in my applications.
Ugh. No mom, when I'm really busy and I don't reply to your email within 2 days it is not to "hurt" you. It's because I AM REALLY FREAKING BUSY.
But you've got enough time to post on here the past few days, and NOT drop just a quick "Got the message, really busy, longer response later" message? Really man, a few short words would save so much drama.


Staff member
I'm so pissed at myself. I told my daughter to get back to bed last night or the boogie man is going to come after her. Now she's terrified of the dark. I'm such a fucking shithead. I didn't even know what I was saying since I was half-awake/ half-asleep.

Time to move the air mattress into her room.
I'm so pissed at myself. I told my daughter to get back to bed last night or the boogie man is going to come after her. Now she's terrified of the dark. I'm such a fucking shithead. I didn't even know what I was saying since I was half-awake/ half-asleep.

Time to move the air mattress into her room.
Was about to agree with the fourth sentence, but I hadn't read the fifth sentence. Shit like that happens when you're tired.

I tend to go with the "no such thing" route with kids, but they never believe that. I never believed that there weren't things in the basement waiting for me to wait too long after shutting the light off and grab me, and then they'd know there were horrible monsters in the basement, but it'd be too late for them to save me. That's what they get for telling me they aren't real.

Since she believed you so readily, it's gonna be hard to undo. For now, WildSoul's suggestion sounds like a good route--make the nightmares powerless and give her a comfort. Easing in the monsters' non-existence can happen gradually with age.
Dear Friend/Co-Worker,

I'm happy to be a fellow PS3 player, now. Given that you're kind of the store's resident gaming guy, I also appreciate the recommendations for games.

HOWEVER, don't take it so goddamn personally if I don't love a game that you recommend. Yes, even though they might be critically acclaimed by most everyone, it does not mean that said game is for everyone. Also, just because I'm critical of it and point out its flaws does not mean that it's a bad game. I've been gaming all my life, all the way back to playing E.T. on the Atari, so my expectations for games are going to be a little different.

For example:
-Uncharted is a beautiful game, I'll grant you and overall a fun game. But the action is so goddamn boring and repetative where you duck, cover, shoot and repeat ad nauseum. There's no variance in the combat. And the game suddenly transforms into Resident Evil about two thirds of the way through.
-Dead Space is gorgeous, but it's not scary in any way. The aliens pop out of the most expected places, either from grates directly ahead of you or pretending to be dead bodies. One pops up and I cut it down. It's like Galactic Whack-a-Mole.
-Metal Gear Solid 4. I want to play a game, not watch it.

So, yes, I am critical of games. Don't fucking take it personally in a reaction likeable to killing your dog or something. A statement like "Some people just refuse to be satisfied" hurts. I expect more from a game than just pretty pictures. I want a good, immersive story and action that doesn't get repetative. It's part of why Half-Life 2 and its episodes is one of my favourite games.
Maybe he's just chiding you, Nick. I mean, I don't know the guy, obviously, but if my friends don't like something I do, I tend to inform them that it's because they have no class, or have no taste. I'm not actually being serious, and they know that (we're friends and it's part of our... dynamic) but maybe this guy is doing the same thing but it's coming across wrong?

Also I'm with you on MGS4 but how can you not like Uncharted? Do you have no class?! >.>
Ugh. No mom, when I'm really busy and I don't reply to your email within 2 days it is not to "hurt" you. It's because I AM REALLY FREAKING BUSY.
But you've got enough time to post on here the past few days, and NOT drop just a quick "Got the message, really busy, longer response later" message? Really man, a few short words would save so much drama.[/QUOTE]

It's cute that you assume it would make a difference with my parental unit. I appreciate the rational advice, when I get a rational parent I'll be sure to put it to good use. :thumbsup:
As much as I want to flay all who insult my beloved MGS4, I grudgingly agree that it needs way more game play. MGS3 was a good balance of story and gameplay IMO.
I am so overwhelmed....

Tomorrow, I need to get a friggin permit to transfer my electric and utility bills, find my Parish School Board ID (which I think is in my classroom....), get a certified check from the bank for my closing costs for an unknown amount, pick up some boxes from Big Lots, go to the final walkthrough, finish packing, throw away my old xmas tree from TWO XMASES AGO (hahahha WIN), and rent a uhaul van.


...But that starts on Wednesday, and I have to somehow clean both the apartment and house carpets before I want to really move stuff in.


Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful, but DAMN


Dude, I wish I could feel creative. I'm doing character concept art for a comic I want to do...but I'm hung up on this one design. I just don't want this chick to look your typical supervillain, y'know? I want her to be strong looking, sexy and have an independent attitude....but I can't make that come across on paper.

Also, one of male characters costume designs looked totally liefield-eque. I am ashamed...but my husband helped me laugh about it by taking the picture and making it a TRUE Liefield creation.

I just want to be able to paint and draw again with out fretting. -_-
So last night, at one of the bars that I go to sometimes, a girl and her lesbian girlfriend were leaving, and gave each other a polite kiss goodbye. The owner of the place apparently came out and publicly screamed at them for it.

I don't know that I can go to that bar anymore. The whole situation is very upsetting.

So last night, at one of the bars that I go to sometimes, a girl and her lesbian girlfriend were leaving, and gave each other a polite kiss goodbye. The owner of the place apparently came out and publicly screamed at them for it.

I don't know that I can go to that bar anymore. The whole situation is very upsetting.

Thats exceedingly lame. If you decide to not go there anymore you should call and tell them.


Staff member
That's idiotic. I'd definitely find a new hangout if that's how they're going to treat their customers. How many straight couples have they allowed to go on with a full-on makeout session?
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