Rant VII: Now With 25% Less Drama

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Aw poor baby! Allergies that sucks. Babies coughing is one of the sadder sounds in life. I always feel like I should be able to do something but usually nothing can be done.

*hugs* good luck!


I am not in anyway ashamed or anything about my image. I am just very very private. When I am talking to someone just online and through internet stalking they find my image, no matter what it is, I just feel horrible. Like part of me has been stolen. And I feel sick. I guess it is partly because I would never do that to anyone. I don't seek out other people's information or things they dont want to share and it is really hard for me that I extend this respect to everyone equally and some people do not show it to me.

I have said before I am a privacy dinosaur but sometimes it is hard to accept.


Staff member
I felt wonderful for most of the day, because I got a long-term sub job today. Something happened tonight that brought me crashing down. Can't say what, but I feel awful now. It's not fair; I just wanted to enjoy this. I'll feel better Monday when I can dive into work, I bet.


Staff member
I'll take it! Thanks, Hylian. :) Staying up and reading made me feel a little bit better. Part of the problem is that, as much as I love my family and friends, I find it almost impossible to discuss my personal problems with them. Every time I try, the moment that the words come out, they start to feel stupid and cheap.
I am not in anyway ashamed or anything about my image. I am just very very private. When I am talking to someone just online and through internet stalking they find my image, no matter what it is, I just feel horrible. Like part of me has been stolen. And I feel sick. I guess it is partly because I would never do that to anyone. I don't seek out other people's information or things they dont want to share and it is really hard for me that I extend this respect to everyone equally and some people do not show it to me.

I have said before I am a privacy dinosaur but sometimes it is hard to accept.

They explore right outside my 18th floor window. It sounds like a never-ending war going on out there.

18 inches of snow in 8 hours, with 5 foot drifts blocking both exits to the house.

Climbed out the window to get to the garage, and cleared the doors and a path to the garage. That took 2 hours.
Absolutely no free time over the past couple months because of grad school (which I don't mind...I knew when I signed up for it), but slightly pissed because a professor's taken a "sensory systems" class (supposed to be about the neuroscience of vision, touch, smell, etc) and monopolized it to be entirely about hearing (his research), which NO ONE in our cohort gives the tiniest shit about (aside from it being a mildly interesting overview), and we are now wasting one and a half to two hours a day binging on information that we will all purge the second this class is over.
Most times, I'm a pretty easy going guy and take things off the shoulder. This especially applies with getting my hair cut, since I never really care too much about what I get. Usually, I'll just say "What I have now, but a bit shorter; trim up the sides, etc etc."

Today, however, I recieved the worst fucking haircut in my entire life. Never have I left the barbar's chair so upset/disatisfied that when I went to the counter to pay, I asked if I could get a discount or something for hating it so much. The two women working the desk looked it over very empathetically. The guy that cut my hair wasn't there.

In the end, they said I didn't have to pay. Which is fine, except now I have a haircut I hate so much that I want to just wear a hat for the next few months.

Basically, what he had done was buzz the sides ridiculously short (and way above the ear) and then trimmed the top. Unfortunately, the reason I kept my hair either very short or longer like I had it before getting it cut? Because I have bad callicks (sp?). Now, it's callick city.

So yeah, no new pictures of me for the next few months. And like I said, I'll be wearing hats a lot more.

Gather around folks. Let me tell you about my day.

Everything was going pretty good until about 4pm. I had just gotten home from dropped Blue in to work. Jet and I were in my bedroom and I was starting to fold clothes when the phone rang. I went and answered it, came back and discovered the bedroom dooor closed. I could hear giggling on the other side. I knocked and opened it, Jet squealed with laughted, grabbed the knob and yanked it closed. I laughed then....


I tried the door knob. It wouldn't turn. I tried again in disbelief. Nothing. I laughed. Tihs was something I could fix. I went to the kitchen, grapped a butter knife and returned to pop the privacy lock.

It was the I discovered that this was the only door, besides my front entrance, that needed a key. I have rented this house for 5 years now and today was the first time I noticed this. I called my landlord. He had no idea what I was talking about. I hunngup with him, grapped my pointed nail file and a bobby pin and tried to pick the lock. I couldn't get the bobby pin to catch on the internal workings.

I was beginning to grow concerned. A call to my husband left us both baffled. Another call to my father-in-law revealed he was an hour away. So...I bit the bullet and called my father.

He was three hours away. He wasn't angry though. He shared my concern. "Did you try the window?"

I hadn't. I pulled on my snow boots and stomped up to the bed room window. It was locked.

"Okay. Grab a screw driver, drive it in the door jam and try to free thte latch." I tried this...and realized that my the latche was on the opposite side, somehow.

"Shit. Are the hinges facing towards you?..only the cylinders?...pop the pins out." Easier said then done. They were painted over so I had to chip the paint away. The bottom pin came out with ease...the top pin was stuck tight. I grapped my thinnest drill bit and tried to poke it out from the bottem...not enough pressure. My hammer was AWOL so I grabbed a meat clever and started wacking the drill bit. Thep in popped.

The porcess of prying the door open started....but Isome how managed to get the door even more stuck in the frame.

Jet was crying now. He had realized my curses and declarations on the other side of the door meant something bad was happening. Hearing him cry caused me to give into my mounting frustration and cry as well. All I could think about is how I'm suck a crappy mother and colossal fuck up and so friggin' weak, etc.

Dad shushed me. "Call the fire department."

I did. I bawled into the dispatchers ear about how I had locked my 21 month old in his room and I didn't know what to do.

My sister showed up around then and talked to Jet through the door as I was in no state to do anything. He stopped crying and babbled to her through the door, playing knocking games as we waited.

Three of the hottest firemen ever to exist showed up. The took a friggin' crow bar to the door and snapped it open with ease. Jet was amazed, I was relieved. They gave him a teddy bear wearing a fireman shirt, cheked him for injury and trotted off. My sister followed.

I sat down, exhausted..but I could smell Jet from a mile away so I took him and changed him. I placed him on the floor with his toys nad went about discarding the diaped.


I spun around to fins Jet and the friggin' Cat trapped beneath his dresser. Jet was howling. The cat was wide eyed. I picked the dresser up, took Jet out from under the drawers and soothed him before replacing the drawers nad putting the clothes back in.

Jet is in bed now....

and I've just discovered that when the firemen but the door back in the frame...they didn't unlock it. I'm locked out of my bed room and all I want is a fucking nap.


Staff member
I'm sorry, LS, I'm an awful person but that last line was just so awesome a punchline I had to laugh out.

I'm glad Jet's okay, though, and I'm sure you'll figure out something with the door. Personally I would suggest something involving a hatchet, but that's just me.
Good. Lord.

That's a hell of a time. Also, it doesn't make you a bad mother. It does make one of the less lucky people I know, however. Holy crap.

A dresser? How did it fall? My goodness.


Staff member
That's what I keep wondering too. Also, a bad mother you are not. Accidents happen to everybody, and notwithstanding the somewhat earthy aroma of his breeches he sounds to have been alright.

Think of it in this way: in a few years' time you'll all be remembering back about it and having a laugh over it.

Something a bit similar - though not involving firemen happened - to me and Mom once, when I was in my teens. She had this habit of giving people 'mock punches': essentially making it look like she was going to slap or punch you in the gut but pull it just before contact. She did it slowly of course so there was no chance of her actually punching. One time, however, I was pre-occupied doing something else and walking through the hall when she did that again. Now, intellectually I knew that was just another mock punch, but I was distracted so reflexes took over. I clenched my abdomen and pulled back - only I didn't manage to get into a proper posture, meaning I lost balance and actually fell down on my ass.

Mom was terribly worried she had actually hit me, but she stopped doing those mock punches in any case. It's been the better part of a decade since that accident, but we still laugh about it. It was just so unexpected and silly in retrospect.


Call a locksmith, have them pop the knob and get it replaced with a better lock than a keylock. Or get a key made and Put It With Your Imprtant Stuff Elsewhere.
Ehehe. I'm already laughing about but still...it was not what I was expecting today.

I'm not entirely sure about the dresser. Either the cat decided to jump in the open top dresser...or Jet used it to try and pullhimself to his feet.

I should have known this would happen sooner orr later. It the same dresser I had when I was a little girl and I tipped it over on me at least three times back then.

It's just why did it have to happen today? Sheeeeesh.
Added at: 23:17
Call a locksmith, have them pop the knob and get it replaced with a better lock than a keylock. Or get a key made and Put It With Your Imprtant Stuff Elsewhere.
I'm going out tomorrow and getting a new door knob. I'll never be comfortable until I have done this. :p
I recommend those door knobs that have an interior lock, but have a hole on the exterior side knob that allows you to turn the knob by inserting a paperclip or somesuch. Have those in my house right now... comes in handy. Rode a call for someone in similar circumstances, and they were amazed when I dismantled my pen and opened the door with it.

Wasabi Poptart

Some days it seems like everything happens all at once. I'm glad Jet is ok.
LS: That must have been aggravating and frustrating to no end! Cheap interior doors only cost $20-$30, and even nice solid wood panel doors are under $100. Next time you get into a situation where a little money will save you a lot of time and aggravation, kick, break it, push it, etc - whatever you need to do to keep yourself and your family safe and sane. There are countless people here who would have gladly donated a few bucks to save you from that experience!

You can replace windows and doors in houses and cars, and it's not a huge expense if you can do it yourself or have a handy friend.
I was getting to that point...but one thing kept me from doing it. I could hear him on the other side of the door and he doesn't understand "Get away from the door!"


Damn it all... I finally got my ER bill from my allergic reaction escapade. 1000 dollars!

1000 frickin dollars to sit on a table for an hour and get two shots in my ass. Fuck.
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