Rant VII: Now With 25% Less Drama

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Crap on a stick...

Coming home from work today, I was bypassing a truck on the highway when suddenly I saw something up ahead. Before I could react I saw it was a piece of someone's frickin' bumper lying on the road. I couldn't take the other lane because of the truck, it was too late to step on the break... so I ran over it.

Nothing serious, the plastic hem of my car's chassis took the brunt of it, but at the cost of a ten inch strip of the hem cracking off. It's a minor beauty flaw and won't impact my driving, but I still kick myself for not reacting to that piece in time. I always prided myself for being a careful driver... that's gone now.


Well you hit a piece of a car not a chils so I think you can still consider yourself to be a reasonably careful driver.


So my best friend in the world is in a serious depression:

She was interested in this guy that was a friend of mine, so I did my part and got them together. He was a jerk and an asshole but she knew that and wanted to try anyway. I thought she'd be good for him so I agreed to help. 5 months later they're on the cusp of breaking up for a hundred and seven different reasons.

So she begins talking to this other friend of mine at work, a total opposite of the previous guy. He's kind, sweet, helpful, thoughtful, hard working etc. We go out all together (groups of 3-4-5) for a few weeks before we decide to have an after party at his house. It's myself, my girlfriend, my best friend and him. We'd already been out drinking at a club and were looking to wind down the night.

After an hour of making out with my girlfriend and having fun conversations with them, we see that my friend and him are getting cozy so we decide to take off (mind you we were her ride but she's taken rides from him before) and leave them to whatever happens. Girlfriend and I go home, cuddle up and pass out. I wake up the next morning with 4 missed calls, paniced text messages from my friend and I begin freaking out.

Turns out Mr Nice Guy, got shit-faced and tried to get her to sleep with him. Almost to the point of forcefully and wouldn't take her home no matter how much she asked. She avoided his advances till he passed out then tried calling me and a few other people to get her out of there. One of our other friends eventually went over and got her and now she's a complete wreck. She doesn't want to be around anyone, all her "light and joy" are gone (which is really noticeable because she's normally a VERY cheerful person) and she doesn't go anywhere other than school and work.

I feel so horrid, there's next to nothing I can do, other than be there for her whenever she wants me to. I feel responsibile. I introduced them, helped them grow close together, I didn't wake up when she called, I just wish there was anything I could do to erase this for her.


Staff member
It's not your fault. At all. It sucks that the situation happened, but you didn't do anything wrong.


Go beat the shit out of the guy. That helps solve everything every time.

In all seriousness, just be there for her, and leave your cell phone set to on, and loud, maybe?


Staff member
It never fucking fails. If I have something time-consuming and critical to do, it's always that time when I get my seasonal sniffles. Correcting preliminary exams and preparing end-of-term exams for another course, all that hassle that has to be done but will not show up in your paycheck.... it's on right now, and I get the goddamn flu.
It never fucking fails. If I have something time-consuming and critical to do, it's always that time when I get my seasonal sniffles. Correcting preliminary exams and preparing end-of-term exams for another course, all that hassle that has to be done but will not show up in your paycheck.... it's on right now, and I get the goddamn flu.
I get sick at the beginning of every semester, like clockwork.
.... I must stress that this is alleged.... this has turned out to be much more than a simple open-and-shut case, with accusations flying from all sides. The SOB does have a report against him from the mother form the child's BIRTH day, alleging that he threatened to drop the baby from the hospital window if she called for help.

Then again, she was the one who got arrested on a warrant, so...

In the middle of it all, DFACS has removed the child from the family. Luckily, his tests came back okay at the hospital - just some bruising.

I feel for the poor child, and for the grandmother, who was trying to keep everything together in the hospital (to include when her OTHER daughter almost got slammed into a wall by me for being disorderly. Thankfully a nurse intervened and ejected her from the ER before I had to write up a Use of Force.... Christ knows, I was in the right kind of mood for it.)

SOMEONE injured the poor little guy... we're still working on just who it was. He's not going to be in that house any more, so that's something, at least.
So I'm sitting at the ER because my brother and sister can't get along and unfortunately live together. He told her he was increasing her rent from 400 a month to 700 a month or she could move out. She felt that unfair. Argument escalated and she tried to put her fist through a wall. She hit a stud. Clever.


Why does it seem like good people die so quickly and assholes live forever? Is being a bastard the key to immortality?
Why does it seem like good people die so quickly and assholes live forever? Is being a bastard the key to immortality?
Actually, ER doctors have a term for that - the "Dude Factor". The more socially worthless a person is, the closer to indestructible they become. A child molesting meth dealing arsonist will survive getting run over by a tank, while a humane society volunteering teacher will slip and fall in the shower and die instantly.
I think that it's God trying to give them more time to redeem themselves from their asshattery before they die. That's why they live longer.


Staff member
Gaaaaahhhhh... I'm seriously this close to breaking some heads.

How is it possible that when I explain an assignment to a group of sixth-graders - heck, even third-graders! - the job gets done with no hassle, but when I give an assignment to a group of high school sophomores one third does the job right, one third handwaves it and one third just flat out fuck it up? They got the instructions in writing, and verbally, I reminded them about the whole shebang about half a dozen time during the course - and they still manage to screw it up?

And to top it all off, because of their screw-ups I've had to stay up late until the wee hours, and now I have to somehow round up the students during midterms and tell them to get the job done or they fail the class.

I think I actually miss teaching at an elementary school...


I stopped giving a shit officially in about the tenth grade so that seems to fit fine.

(I refrained from making a joke about Officer Charon just going through the motions via his sex life because I am too mature for that)
I just learned that my favorite soccer coach died of Lou Gehrig's Disease. He coached me for three summers and was a great guy. It was a tough couple of years for him, especially since he had once been a soccer player and gradually lost the use of first his limbs, then everything else except for his mental faculties. He never seemed to feel sorry for himself and still went to the soccer pitch every day to give out encouragement and tips. I know that he's not suffering anymore but it still sucks.


That is terribly sad :( It's great that he still remained involved with the sport even after the disease.

Sorry for your loss.
Gaaaaahhhhh... I'm seriously this close to breaking some heads.

How is it possible that when I explain an assignment to a group of sixth-graders - heck, even third-graders! - the job gets done with no hassle, but when I give an assignment to a group of high school sophomores one third does the job right, one third handwaves it and one third just flat out fuck it up? They got the instructions in writing, and verbally, I reminded them about the whole shebang about half a dozen time during the course - and they still manage to screw it up?

And to top it all off, because of their screw-ups I've had to stay up late until the wee hours, and now I have to somehow round up the students during midterms and tell them to get the job done or they fail the class.

I think I actually miss teaching at an elementary school...
Miyagi: Hai - can see. No such thing as bad student, only bad teacher. Teacher say, student do.
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