For 1000 I should have at least gotten a nice hotel room.
I get sick at the beginning of every semester, like clockwork.It never fucking fails. If I have something time-consuming and critical to do, it's always that time when I get my seasonal sniffles. Correcting preliminary exams and preparing end-of-term exams for another course, all that hassle that has to be done but will not show up in your paycheck.... it's on right now, and I get the goddamn flu.
...My first major child-abuse incident - 6 week-old boxed in the face by his father, and thrown against the wall
And what happened to the sperm donor? (I refuse to call him father or daddy.)My first major child-abuse incident - 6 week-old boxed in the face by his father, and thrown against the wall
I'm hoping he got banged up when he "fell" on the way to jail.And what happened to the sperm donor? (I refuse to call him father or daddy.)
Actually, ER doctors have a term for that - the "Dude Factor". The more socially worthless a person is, the closer to indestructible they become. A child molesting meth dealing arsonist will survive getting run over by a tank, while a humane society volunteering teacher will slip and fall in the shower and die instantly.Why does it seem like good people die so quickly and assholes live forever? Is being a bastard the key to immortality?
That's what high school students do. I should let my sister tell you all about the 9th graders she teaches.Okay, you made me smile a bit. But I still wonder if some of my students actually tuned off during my classes.
Miyagi: Hai - can see. No such thing as bad student, only bad teacher. Teacher say, student do.Gaaaaahhhhh... I'm seriously this close to breaking some heads.
How is it possible that when I explain an assignment to a group of sixth-graders - heck, even third-graders! - the job gets done with no hassle, but when I give an assignment to a group of high school sophomores one third does the job right, one third handwaves it and one third just flat out fuck it up? They got the instructions in writing, and verbally, I reminded them about the whole shebang about half a dozen time during the course - and they still manage to screw it up?
And to top it all off, because of their screw-ups I've had to stay up late until the wee hours, and now I have to somehow round up the students during midterms and tell them to get the job done or they fail the class.
I think I actually miss teaching at an elementary school...