Rant VII: Now With 25% Less Drama

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As someone who's put people in the hospital before, the only reason we would get DFACS involved if it appeared as though there was a threat to the children. Seeing as how you went to the hospital BEFORE anything happened to make someone fear for their safety, I do believe that you'll be fine, there.


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Vittu saatana perkele jumalauta lehmänperse paskamaha munapää mullinturpa järkijättö kusipää Suomen kansa, mitä lepraisen hevosen persettä menitte oikein tekemään?!

Don't mind me, the results of the parliamentary elections just came in.

If I ever go to Finland, I'm quite sure to impress them with my skill in their language!

All I have to do is read your posts, and they'll become my instant friends, right?

Vittu saatana perkele jumalauta lehmänperse paskamaha munapää mullinturpa järkijättö kusipää Suomen kansa, mitä lepraisen hevosen persettä menitte oikein tekemään?!

Don't mind me, the results of the parliamentary elections just came in.




Staff member
Google Translate makes that some VERY interesting phraseology... I am now running it through the vox to see how it sounds.... niiiiice
I apologise for nothing. That was exactly how I felt when I heard that our equivalent of Sweden Democrats/Tea Party, the so-called "True Finns" had won almost one fifth of the votes, making them eligible for cabinet. Which means that at least one fifth of Finns are stupid enough to fall for the populist bullshit of a former member of the failed Rural Party whose entire platform consisted of making faces and flipping the bird at the three major parties that usually run the majority of day-to-day Finnish politics.
Dude, it's pretty hard to mess up Finland on a political scale. You guys have the population of a city. I think you're worrying about nothing. Would you rather not have democratic elections?

So i read up on the Swedish People's Party of Finland. They're really not that bad, man.
Dude, it's pretty hard to mess up Finland on a political scale. You guys have the population of a city. I think you're worrying about nothing. Would you rather not have democratic elections?

So i read up on the Swedish People's Party of Finland. They're really not that bad, man.
Well, any political situation in Finland will of course not have the kind of international impact one might get from similar developments in larger and more significant countries, but it is naturally a bigger concern for us the inhabitants.

Plus, it could be that this election result just might throw a bigger monkey wrench into the financial workings of the EU than the size of Finland itself might suggest:

Andrew Ward said:
Concern has mounted in recent weeks that a strong showing by the True Finns could disrupt efforts to tackle the eurozone debt crisis because Finland, unlike other eurozone countries, requires approval from its parliament to take part in EU bail-outs.

Analysts said the close election result would result in a protracted period of inter-party negotiations to form a ruling coalition. This could make it difficult for the Finnish parliament to make a decision on the Portuguese rescue plan by next month, when Lisbon hopes to complete the package.

Finnish backing is crucial because EU rules require unanimous approval for each use of eurozone bail-out funds. Senior European officials have begun exploring possible ways to push through the Portuguese deal without Finnish support should that prove necessary.
Oh, and I don't think North_Ranger meant that the Swedish People's party of Finland was the problem; it is the True Finns.


Staff member
So by Mathias' standards we shouldn't worry about Mayoral races or city counsel elections. Or school board elections! I feel better now.

Actually this is the same kind of xenophobic mentality that seems to be sweeping the globe. Everyone is getting more nationalistic and isolationist and I don't see this as a good thing.


Staff member
Dude, it's pretty hard to mess up Finland on a political scale. You guys have the population of a city. I think you're worrying about nothing. Would you rather not have democratic elections?
"Dude", like TommiR said, it's a big deal when you're one of the people who have to live in here. Granted, the results of our parliamentary election mean diddly-squat to the majority of the world, but for us it's a big deal, hearing that a large percentage of the electorate lapped up Soini's "Hey, let's go an' flip da birdie to da gubbermint!" platform. Domestically it would be the same as if you guys would have close to 1/3 of your Congress seats going to the Tea Party.

Also, having read up on the True Finn representatives, a lot of them are complete political newcomers with no background in running anything bigger than maybe a committee in the municipal government. Five or six of the 39 seats they won went to people who had been in the Parliament before, and only two of those have been elected in the last fifteen years (the rest are former MPs of the Rural Party, another protest party that died out in the early '90s). And what's more, a good number of those True Finn MPs-to-be are also members of an ultra-national organization called Suomen Sisu, which was linked to hooligans who prior to the election threatened some of the more liberal candidates and even tried to assault one during a meeting.

So pardon me for being more than slightly concerned of this new influx of a completely unpredictable element in the halls of government.

So i read up on the Swedish People's Party of Finland. They're really not that bad, man.
Reading comprehension failure, "dude".
And they don't make up the majority do they? I still think you've got bigger issues. To worry about, like trimming your beard.
Democracies always seem like a great idea as long as the people you support are in power. Somehow, the collective IQ of a country drops precipitously as soon as they vote for someone you don't agree with.

Also, it makes me laugh that somehow being a newcomer to politics is considered a 'bad thing'.
Thank you. All i meant by my post is the small nature of the country and homogenious population will most likely limit the" change" to the status quo that NR seems to fear. Its like somebody bitching over mayor bloombergs election. New york hasn't fallen into the ocean yet.

And NR the only reason i caled you dude was to make my op come off in a relaxed vibe. Grow a thicker skin, for christs sake.
Democracies always seem like a great idea as long as the people you support are in power. Somehow, the collective IQ of a country drops precipitously as soon as they vote for someone you don't agree with.
Wow, you just eloquently summed up on of my biggest political pet peeves. +10 Espy Points to you sir. They can be redeemed for some fabulous prizes so hang on to them.
I know I got Espy points in the past, but they ended up collecting dust with the old arcade tokens I had. Too bad I couldn't redeem them for a round of Gauntlet or Medevil Madness pinball.
I know I got Espy points in the past, but they ended up collecting dust with the old arcade tokens I had. Too bad I couldn't redeem them for a round of Gauntlet or Medevil Madness pinball.
Thats because you never found the magic portal you have to travel through to find the mysterious traveler who points you towards the ocean you must cross in order to find the dragon who redeems them for you.
Wow, you just eloquently summed up on of my biggest political pet peeves. +10 Espy Points to you sir. They can be redeemed for some fabulous prizes so hang on to them.
I guess I'm just election worn-out already. Facebook is exploding with "How can people support x? He's a baby-killer/socialist/Hitler wannabe/Bush-lite/NDP. People are such sheep. Why don't they read this poorly formatted, extremely partisan comic so they can be educated on just how baby-killer/socialist/Hitler wannabe/Bush-lite/NDP-ish X is?"
One friend, a particularly vocal anti-Harper kind of dude, is shocked, SHOCKED, that people are removing him from their friends list after a good week of continuous "Conservatives are stupid" posts. The comments from other friends after he posted about his shock? "They're such sheep."
I guess I'm just election worn-out already. Facebook is exploding with "How can people support x? He's a baby-killer/socialist/Hitler wannabe/Bush-lite/NDP. People are such sheep. Why don't they read this poorly formatted, extremely partisan comic so they can be educated on just how baby-killer/socialist/Hitler wannabe/Bush-lite/NDP-ish X is?"
One friend, a particularly vocal anti-Harper kind of dude, is shocked, SHOCKED, that people are removing him from their friends list after a good week of continuous "Conservatives are stupid" posts. The comments from other friends after he posted about his shock? "They're such sheep."
This, a million times.



Staff member
Thank you. All i meant by my post is the small nature of the country and homogenious population will most likely limit the" change" to the status quo that NR seems to fear. Its like somebody bitching over mayor bloombergs election. New york hasn't fallen into the ocean yet.

And NR the only reason i caled you dude was to make my op come off in a relaxed vibe. Grow a thicker skin, for christs sake.
Can't say I enjoy being told I'm worrying over nothing because my country is small -.- And no, I'm not worries about some manner of flood overtaking Finland or the capital city suddenly going nuclear. What I am worried about is the influx of candidates from a populist party whose political rhetoric is a combination of trying to turn back time into the seventies and saying everything the major parties is doing is wrong, whether it's their stance on EU bail-outs or the choice of pastry at the Parliament cafeteria. Admittedly I am exaggerating to humorous effect, but I wait with trepidation what happens when the True Finns actually have to offer and implement a political platform of their own, instead of sitting in the opposition going "Boo!" at the government and dreaming about a past that never truly was.

Also, it makes me laugh that somehow being a newcomer to politics is considered a 'bad thing'.
Hey, I'm not saying that politics should be limited to a certain class of people. All I am worried about that these delegates will be in way over their heads once the actual work begins. The True Finn delegates who got elected are for the most part newcomers with little to no experience in any kind of elective position and the responsibility such a position entails. Which means there's a pretty heavy learning curve in day-to-day governance - which in turn results in reliance on bureaucrats and other non-elected members of the political machine.

Some political scientists over here have also speculated that if the True Finns aren't willing to back down on their quite populist demands or if the other two of the current top three - the National Coalition Party and the Social Democrats - aren't willing to make concessions, there's a chance that the resulting cabinet will be a minority one (consisting of NCP and Social Democrats), which in turn is prone to being overturned by the Parliament. Which means a whole new round of political wrangling, negotiations and backroom deals - and the implementation of a caretaker government to deal with the day-to-day issues until the situation is resolved. Unfortunately, caretaker governments, at least in the Finnish context, are notorious for not making any kind of lasting policy - which in turn means that any kind of legislative process will be slowed down to a crawl.

And all this comes on a moment when there's a fair amount of turmoil in the EU, a matter which TommiR already covered most eloquently.
And you're just looking for a fight. Good day, sir.
No, I just told you to chilax, and you came out guns a blazing because I called you 'dude'. Stop being a thin-skinned moron and maybe we won't get into arguments like this. I get it, you have low self-esteem. That doesn't mean that any critical response I make to your posts is a direct insult to you. So chill the fuck out.
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