Rant VII: Now With 25% Less Drama

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Mine too. Good luck through this transition. I hope that your mom is made as comfortable as possible. A relative of mine went through hospice recently before he passed, and his nurse was wonderful. It wasn't easy, but it was easier than it could have been with such a kind person there to help.


Staff member
As hard as it is, you will be able to say your goodbyes and know that she is free of pain. That is more of a blessing than you might think it is right now.
My surgery will be next Thursday. I am floored that it will be an out-patient procedure.

With the surgery and Chemo or Radiation therapy I am going to run a fairly high risk of being sterile. I don't know if I can afford to bank my sperm, on the chance that I'll marry.

The good news is that the cancer has not spread past my testicle. Also that I'll only miss about a month of work.

And all my Doctors think that it is funny that I want to keep it in a jar afterward.
Right, I should at least be able to get it bronzed.

But the Pathologists get to dissect it to see exactly what went wrong, or a better idea anyway. So a part of what they do will determine what further treatment I'll receive.
Added at: 05:04
Best of luck with your surgery, mon ami. Please don't post pictures.
How about I weasel some of the PET/CT photos out?
"What's that?"
"Oh, that was my evil nut. I keep it there as an example to the other one in case IT ever thinks about betraying me too!"
Right, I should at least be able to get it bronzed.

But the Pathologists get to dissect it to see exactly what went wrong, or a better idea anyway. So a part of what they do will determine what further treatment I'll receive.
Added at: 05:04

How about I weasel some of the PET/CT photos out?
Go for it.
Ugh. In an attempt to have regular sleeping schedule, I went to bed early tonight. About 10:00 PM, but stayed in bed until 11:00, reading.

...and just woke up about 10 minutes ago (3 AM).

This ain't working out very well so far. :(
I woke up at 5AM for some reason, got up, watched a few episodes of south park and realized it was only 6. Fell asleep on my couch, dreamed that I was awake and it was 3PM, awoke with a start and looked at my watch: 7:15AM.

What is wrong with me?
Time for me to go to bed. My mac mini just crashed, hard, so now it's s l o w l y reinstalling OS X. I can't continue testing my software until it's back up, so it's sleepy time for me.
Time for me to go to bed. My mac mini just crashed, hard, so now it's s l o w l y reinstalling OS X. I can't continue testing my software until it's back up, so it's sleepy time for me.
I hate so much the "shit, now I can't get any work done... nothing left to do but sleep" situation. Had that last night and I went to bed pissed.
I appreciate all of the well wishes. Mom is stable and as comfortable as we can make her. We have a better understanding of the life-threatening condition. Surgery is officially not an option, but the condition has backed off slightly. We're taking it one day at a time right now.
Oh my god, by this time tomorrow, I will be pulling into a yet-to-be determined hotel with two cats and a dog in the cab of a Penske truck, with a car in tow, so that I can go pick up my brother and friend from the airport and drive 2000 miles to meet my 7 months pregnant wife in Seattle. And I don't know if I'm even remotely ready to leave. As of this moment, I still have a laundry list of things to do that I may have to leave to the realtor/management company that hasn't yet worked on the garage as we agreed upon, we have no approved place to live in Oregon yet, nobody signed on to rent this house I'm leaving behind (which will also be listed for sale tomorrow), not enough time to clean the house, and the dog just walked through the mildly damp paint on my awesome basement floor paint job. If I had any hair on my head, I would be leaving it in tufts on the floor right now. Ahhhhhhhh!!!!


I have some wrath of God type flu. I am severely unhappy. Not only is my throat sore but for some reason, why not, my lip is all swollen.

Fuck whatever this is. Fuck it in the fucking eye!


Staff member
I have some wrath of God type flu. I am severely unhappy. Not only is my throat sore but for some reason, why not, my lip is all swollen.

Fuck whatever this is. Fuck it in the fucking eye!
Summer flus are lovely. I had it so bad a couple of weeks back that I couldn't keep anything down from the constant, throat-ripping coughing. I literally vomited everything I ate and drank because of the heaving cough.

Luckily antibiotics killed it.

Now, after a bit of a scare of "OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" late last night involving a bit of stinging pain and what looked like reddish-brown Silly Putty, I was put on antibiotics again. Apparently I have a bacterial infection in my junk.

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