Rant VII: Now With 25% Less Drama

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She refuses to see me again,on the grounds that she likes me too much and is afraid to commit.We had a 2 hour talk but she is stubborn as a mule.
Gonna put some time and distance between us and maybe someday I'll ask her if she is ready to commit or not.
Er, sorry, "Chase" was a House reference, not my recommended course of action.


Staff member
I am sick and tired of that stone-stupid aging rockwhore who looks like a strip of turkey jerky with a boob job. She always, always screws shit up and loudly and indignantly (and slightly imploringly with a hint of I'm-bout-ta-break-down-and-cry hysteria) proclaim she didn't do anything differently from what she always does.

Not that she actually understands what she "always does," other than on the most basic "I click here and then click here and then type this and click here" level. She also can't tell the difference between a double, single, or right-click. And of course has no idea when each is appropriate.

Everybody's heard the old saw about how it is for women who have nothing going for them but their looks, and about how it is when those looks start to fade... well let me tell you, from a front row seat, captive audience perspective, it's irritating as hell to watch.
I just learned that I really hate MRI machines. 30 minutes in a coffin is not very fun.

Then you think back to EVERY episode of House... and the patient always "crashes" in the MRI.
Yeah, when I got Guillain-Barre they put me in one. I was told it would take no more than 30 minutes, so I decided not to be put under for it. An hour-and-a-half later, I realized that I may be just a TAD bit claustrophobic.
I was so stressed that I came home and slept for an hour. I did make it through with out moving but, my arms were so bloody sore from having them over my head. It did not help that the "pad" my head was on dug into my shoulders.
While not comfortable, I learned that I can sleep through the MRI's scanning... it helped that I'd not slept well the night before.

Then again, back in the day, I slept through another gun's fire mission, on the gun-line... *wry grin*


As you can tell from his response, he was aware that I was trying to lighten a dark moment. Thanks for misreading.
I don't think I'm misreading. I think you're probably misreading his reply.

That sounded more like his version of "What the fuck? Really?" and then politely trying correct you.

Even though you don't really deserve that courtesy. Not really.


I love how much you hate. It's cute.

Anyway, it was a lighthearted comment, I've read the thread, I know his situation. Sorry you're offended.
It's funny. I'm not really a hateful person.

I'm not quite sure why everything you type rubs me the wrong way. I'm sorry for this.


Staff member
yeah I guess you are kidding, but to be clear, I am losing a nut in the next couple of days.
If it's any consolation, while this is bad, it is not the end of the world. You will probably get a prosthetic and most people won't be able to tell the difference. Take it from me on this one. Additionally, even if you have only one real one, you can still reproduce. Again, take this from me. If you doubt, I can take a close-up shot of my scar. It's a little old, but still visible in the right light. Not that anyone wants to see my scrotum in the light of day, but trust me when I say you'll be fine.


The only scan I had was during an extremely agonizing gall bladder attack and I don't think I could have fallen asleep with horse tranquilizers.
Yay! Now I'm only down to 15 blood oaths against me and/or my family. Now how shall I approach the guy who threatened violence against me for cutting in line at the vending machine and taking the last twinkie...
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