Rant VII: Now With 25% Less Drama

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Thanks everyone. My brother was a champ--he got those boys out of that car before they saw their mother. My brother's an EMT, so he's used to these sights, but as he said, it's completely different when it's your wife. But at least that training gave him enough experience to get them out of there.

I can't even imagine... No. That's not true. I can imagine, which is what makes it even worse. Last night when we were talking, he just kept rambling about her, and all the things he saw around him that were hers. He kept correcting his verb tense to past. He was really numb about the whole thing.

They were planning on leaving WV the next month, which they both hated. So getting hit by a coal truck was like a cosmic "fuck you" from the state. They were taking those kids to a place they could get a better education, where they wouldn't be sucked into coal mining. Now they'll be stuck there because the in-laws get custody, since my brother never officially adopted them. So he lost all three yesterday, and the kids lose both parents. The in-laws are assholes who don't care for my brother, so they'll never let them go, either. All in all, it's really terrible. I just wish I could DO something. The thought has crossed my mind to do some violence to the truck driver. But forgive me for saying so, but I think it was probably my sister-in-law's doing from the story I heard and from her history of multiple car accidents. They cited the truck driver for crossing the line, but I almost feel like they did that as a condolence.


Staff member
I wondered about whether your brother was losing his whole family when you mentioned that they were step-sons.

That just makes this so much more tragic. Fuck, man. I don't even have words.
Born, raised, and still call WV my home. I long for the day where the rest of the state doesn't depend on ripping stuff out of the ground or Walmart as the primary sources of their livelihood. :(

Again, I'm so sorry.
I am going to say this, and then probably go down in flames, but I must still say these words.

I guess, when it rains...it hurricanes...I am sorry fade, if I had the power, if any of us had the power to fix this even a little bit I am sure we would. I hope that there is something, anything that will happen to lessen your brothers burden. I am not a man of god, but I shall pray and put forth the positive energy into the universe, and maybe something good will come of it.


Staff member
Man... I didn't read this thread much in the past few weeks...

Fade... I cannot find the word in any of the four languages I speak to express the feeling of sympathetic pain and loss I read in your posts. All I can hope is that your brother and his family will find a way, and that you can find solace in her memory. Our loved ones stay with us as long as we remember them...

*sympathy hug*
Some asshole totaled my mother's car. Even worse, he tried to pin the blame on my mother but the cop at the scene ripped him a new one by declaring "Physics don't work like that!" when his story was clearly full of shit. The driver might not have insurance though.

Mother's fine, we all just left the emergency room after spending 5 hours there. Thankfully she wasn't hurt.
WTF, man? PD from a neighboring jurisdiction just dropped off a drunk and drove off. Guy had no reservation and we're sold out. I called them to have them come back and get the guy, but he got belligerent when he found out that's who I was calling. So... I call 911 on him instead. Fortunately his mad just made him storm out of the lobby, where I locked the door behind him.

But really. Just dump the guy on me without making sure I have a room for him? How DARE you put my safety at risk like that. I'm just lucky he vented his mad the way he did.

(Present company excepted. I'm sure our resident members of the constabulary are outstanding and forthright in the performance of their duties.)
you would be surprised...I had terrible chest pains for an entire summer....doctors told me it was all in my head.....the PA went...you ever have heartburn? i went yeah...try some prilosec....BOOM GONE!


That's a better add for prilosec than the ones they actually come up with. I want the "pill later pill now" guy to die.
the doctors did CT scans, cardiac work-up, ultrasounds...etc etc the found nothing. turns out it was because my esophagus had suffered long term damage from gerd, the nerve bundle that is between your esophagus and your heart was "throbbing" which is why I was having non-cardiac chest pain but everything was coming up clean. no one thought to see if was caused by chronic heartburn :confused: the physicians assistant I saw while my doctor was on vacation was the one that thought to give it a spin as my quality of life was shit. within a few days I was on the mend.
I had gerd so serious one time that the acid washed into what felt like my lungs... maybe just low on my windpipe. I woke up in such pain I thought I had a heart attack. But the pain was bad, but no other heart symptoms... so my cheap self drove to the hospital. I had a really strong ekg reading, and was doing better after 4 hours in the ER, so they released me. I went to the college's quack shack and I was given some serious antacid. All better in a couple of days too.

But at least I did the right thing and went to the ER.
Last week I had to call the police to fix issues caused by... the police.

There was the drunk who the neighboring PD dropped off and left without making sure he had a room (he didn't). I had to call 911 after he got mad.

Two nights later two guys were arrested after a fight, and a total of three rooms evicted and told not to come back. The first two guys were released after paying a peace bond and did just that looking for a refund. Still drunk, still mad. Only dumb luck and a buddy not as drunk as the other guy kept me from calling 911 on them again.

The police still save my ass much more often than they throw gas on the fire, but what am I missing here?
Call the department during business hours and ask for the number to Internal Affairs. Fill out an appropriate complaint form. Follow up repeatedly. Trust me - get to be a big enough pain in the ass and they'll resolve the source of your complaints.

After fielding 5 (unfounded) complaints in as many weeks, I'm starting to become something of an expert on the subject...
Dear Internal Affairs,

I am writing to complain about one Officer Charon. Despite all the calls I make to get him to come to my house, he has adamantly refused all of my sexy advances. I mean what good is this police department if its officer can't even do a little strip search now and then! I feel that an investigation as to the cause of his intractability would be only fair and maybe you could lecture him on the need to service his horny citizens.

Mrs. Ethel Hornypants
Dear Internal Affairs,

Recently my wife complained about Officer Charon not accepting her sexy advances. I would like to take the opportunity to now complain that he has also refused all of MY sexy advances as well. I feel that he needs to come out and remedy both situations at once.

Mr. Abraham Hornypants.
So I got canned at my summer teaching job.

Here's the story. It was at the very end of class and kids were packing up to leave. I was busy helping one of the girls look at and grade her spelling test. I suddenly heard a yell and I looked up to see one kid hit another. I got over there quickly to see what was going on. They were giving each other the death stare so I stuck my arms between them. The kid that hit the other tried to go a second time so I grabbed him by the shoulders and forced him into his seat. It was at that time the student that got hit started bawling. I went and quickly got some help from the office and brought another teacher in to help me deal with the problem. Turns out,t hat kid not only hit the other kid, he used a pencil to do it, stabbing him in the chest. Left a nasty mark. There was absolutely no build up to this confrontation. No pushing, no arguing...nothing. Just BAM. I honestly don't know what I could have done. However parents were angry so the school decided the easiest course of action was to simply fire me. So I'm out a summer job and now suddenly hurting on finances. Particularly jarring because i have to pay rent next month and I have no income otherwise. I gotta find more work asap.


Staff member
So I got canned at my summer teaching job.

Here's the story. It was at the very end of class and kids were packing up to leave. I was busy helping one of the girls look at and grade her spelling test. I suddenly heard a yell and I looked up to see one kid hit another. I got over there quickly to see what was going on. They were giving each other the death stare so I stuck my arms between them. The kid that hit the other tried to go a second time so I grabbed him by the shoulders and forced him into his seat. It was at that time the student that got hit started bawling. I went and quickly got some help from the office and brought another teacher in to help me deal with the problem. Turns out,t hat kid not only hit the other kid, he used a pencil to do it, stabbing him in the chest. Left a nasty mark. There was absolutely no build up to this confrontation. No pushing, no arguing...nothing. Just BAM. I honestly don't know what I could have done. However parents were angry so the school decided the easiest course of action was to simply fire me. So I'm out a summer job and now suddenly hurting on finances. Particularly jarring because i have to pay rent next month and I have no income otherwise. I gotta find more work asap.
How much is your rent? We can have a telethon.
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