Rant VII: Now With 25% Less Drama

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So far with the light dose of chemo that I've gotten, the worst part is sitting their office for 7 hours a day for 5 days. Then go back every 3rd week for 6 weeks and do it again.

Then there was the surgery on Friday that implanted a porta-cath for me to get injections. Damned, bloody, tiny veins... I did not respect the surgery like I should have and over did it a little. But that is still preferable to laying around too much and getting stiff and bent from getting cut on.

It has just been the first day so far.
The good news. The basement slab doesn't need ripped up. The "leak" was coming from another sewer drain that had been carpeted over when previous owners converted the garage into a den. That job was botch after botch, lemme tell ya.

The bad news: Broken sewer trap just outside the house, roots growing through it. Needed replaced. Sewer line clogged (those "flushable" wipes? NOT flushable.). Total so far, $1500, and none of it covered by insurance.


Staff member
Well. The home sale fell through. So much for my family coming to live with me finally. The buyers asked for an additional 15,000 dollars off when the inspection came in, for two things that we disclosed. At first, at the suggestion of my own agent, we refused it all. But then I came back with 3000 as a token offer. I was already upside down with the buyer's offer. With 15000, I wouldn't have been able to buy another house for 5-10 years myself. As in when my son was in high school or college. The buyer's agent acted like we were horrible people for not negotiating. They wanted a new roof and a new upstairs heater. The upstairs heater probably hasn't worked in 10 years, and it was clearly disclosed in plain neat language before they signed the offer. The roof was also stated in the disclosure as 15-20 years old.

So neither issue was new or unknown. In fact, these were two of the reasons we discounted 30000 for them in the first place. So it was then like triple dipping. In retrospect, I realize that in total this is only 13% off the price (or 18% off the original price), but it would've put us in undue hardship, so I had to refuse. I hope we get another offer soon.
Well. The home sale fell through. So much for my family coming to live with me finally. The buyers asked for an additional 15,000 dollars off when the inspection came in, for two things that we disclosed. At first, at the suggestion of my own agent, we refused it all. But then I came back with 3000 as a token offer. I was already upside down with the buyer's offer. With 15000, I wouldn't have been able to buy another house for 5-10 years myself. As in when my son was in high school or college. The buyer's agent acted like we were horrible people for not negotiating. They wanted a new roof and a new upstairs heater. The upstairs heater probably hasn't worked in 10 years, and it was clearly disclosed in plain neat language before they signed the offer. The roof was also stated in the disclosure as 15-20 years old.

So neither issue was new or unknown. In fact, these were two of the reasons we discounted 30000 for them in the first place. So it was then like triple dipping. In retrospect, I realize that in total this is only 13% off the price (or 18% off the original price), but it would've put us in undue hardship, so I had to refuse. I hope we get another offer soon.
Buddy, welcome to the world of real estate. The rule of thumb is not to be reasonable to the point of being ridiculous. As for the other agent. That's his job. He's supposed to cater to his idiot clients, and save face by making you the bad guy. I'm sure he damn well knows he's dealing with morons. Realtors rank worse than car salesmen in my book.


Staff member
Believe it or not, that actually helps.

Well, our agent tells us not to give up just yet. It could be a power play, since the buyer's agent hasn't filed the office "no dice" paperwork, and their bank is asking her for an appraisal date. I doubt it though. Probably just a lazy agent and residual crap.
Believe it or not, that actually helps.

Well, our agent tells us not to give up just yet. It could be a power play, since the buyer's agent hasn't filed the office "no dice" paperwork, and their bank is asking her for an appraisal date. I doubt it though. Probably just a lazy agent and residual crap.
For what it's worth, I think you did the right thing. It sounds like you were clear about the issues well ahead of time, and you were already selling at a reduced price to compensate. I think it's good that you drew a line and stuck to it. They were being unreasonable. It may create more hardships in the short term, but I think it was the right thing to do in the long term.
So, I posted an Epic Win that I passed my Open Water Diver certification on Sunday. Today I went to the docs and found out my ear drum is infected so I'm on 10 days of drugs. Hooray?
I just spent the last 3 hours working on something which I very promptly (and irreversibly) deleted. Now I get to redo it. Stupid self. Stupid computers. Stupid aksjlaskjdlkaj!!!
That headache I complained about a few days has been reoccurring every day around the same time. It's worse than before. It starts about an hour after I wake up, hits peak and then goes away by the afternoon. I think I'll go to the hospital tomorrow and see whats up because its been a few days and this HURTS.
It is 4am and I'm awake because of a bear in my front yard. Apparently my wonderful in-laws left a trash bag on the front porch. This is a big no no with us living in the mountains. Needless to say they are going to have a fun morning cleaning up my yard.
I'm in my house and it was a typical black bear. However, because my wife and I leave for work just before dawn and I'll be escorting us with my shotgun.

Welcome to the Appalachian mountains.
I just found out my 91 year old grandfather had a pretty bad fall today. He's on his way to the trauma center in Charlotte right now. So he's at least stable enough to be moved. Still... :(
I just got done with an entire day in the hospital.

I was getting my chemo treatment, I turned beat red, and started having chest tightness. Then my blood sugar level hit over 300.

After a battery of test, there is nothing wrong with my heart and lungs. It seems that I have an allergy to steroids.
Is that an exaggeration?
It may have rained about 5 times this year. East Texas is in a very rare drought. For the last few years we have not been getting our normal 40 inches of rain or so. But this year I don't think we've seen 10 inches. My yard is dead, and I may lose this great hickory tree in my back yard. The 10 acre lake that my house sits on looks to be about 4 now.
Added at: 01:12
How is that going to affect your treatment?
I don't even know yet. It will likely involve more vomiting.
Grandpa update, from my Mom.

He has broken bones in his face and his nose is broken, but no bones are displaced. He broke 2 vertebra in his neck, but there is no damage to the spinal cord. One kneecap is cracked, but not displaced.
But he will not need surgery for any of that. He was taken to the ICU mainly because some bleeding was detected in his head. It was determined by a neurosurgeon to be negligible, so will likely be moved out of the ICU tomorrow. My Aunt & Uncle (both doctors) were with him today and both thought he was doing ok and will make a recovery.

Still, it will be a long process, so still worried about what this could mean longer term.


Staff member
*sighs* I fucking hate this condition.

I don't mind the pains or the fact that I've had to take medications.

I do dislike the fact that I can't exercise much on account of the fear of ensuing pain.

Hell, I don't even mind occasionally pissing blood.

I hate the social implications this has had on my already meagre calendar. Today, I pissed off a long-time gaming buddy, with whom I've ran storytelling games for better part of a decade. In the last two weeks, I've had to cancel all but one of our nightly online games because I've either been in too much pain or too tired due to lack of sleep and the effects of the medication.

Tonight she pretty much told me I had ruined her last two weeks of her summer leave because of that. She's an angry young woman, but I admit, I'd be pretty tired of constant last-minute cancellations as well. I love playing with her, and we've been gaming buddies for so long that I admit it hurts hearing her use her quite impressive cursing vocabulary on me. I'm just hoping that once the surgery is over and done with, and I'm back in the saddle again, she'll still want to keep up our campaign.

Well fuck, she knows about what you've been going through, right? She needs to pull the prickly cactus out of her ass and start acting like a friend! I think your health should be more important to her than her gaming nights.


Staff member
... She seriously swore you out for having the nerve to be seriously ill?
Well, in her defense I must say that almost all my cancellations took place like an hour or two before we were supposed to meet. I kept hoping my condition would improve, as it comes and goes a bit.
Added at: 21:31
Well fuck, she knows about you've been going through, right? She needs to pull the prickly cactus out of her ass and start acting like a friend! I think your health should be more important to her than her gaming nights.
Actually, all I've told her is that I'm on medication and I have to go to a surgery. She and I met on a gaming chat years back, and both of us had had trouble when trying to move from online games to face-to-face confrontation, so we pretty much keep our personal affairs on the D.L. I've told her it's serious, but I've not mentioned it's a tumor.
But she knows your condition, and after the first time it happened she should have been ready to deal with another cancellation just in case.
Be as upfront with her as you can. Apologize for being a flake, but mention that it's a tumor and your condition is slightly erratic, making it difficult for you to plan. From there, it's up to her to deal with it.


Staff member
The apology has already been offered, but I must say I'm hesitant about mentioning the tumor. But I'll consider your words.

I'll let her sleep her anger off today at least. I know her well enough to know that any peep from me tonight will not be met kindly.
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