Rant VII: Now With 25% Less Drama

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Fuck, after this latest bout of junk problems around here, I'm so grateful mine just ended up being a boil I overreacted about.


Staff member
NR, sorry to hear about your wiener. I never know what to say to stuff like that. Hope it works out. At the same time, I think we were all morbidly fascinated by the oddly high occurrence of tumors in the HF population.


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Or maybe we're slowly learning the cost of being exposed to PvP in the first place :p

Anyway, thanks for all the well-wishes. I'm just hoping that I get the surgery time sooner rather than later. It's weird, really. I can deal with things that I don't want to do; it's waiting for them that drives me nuts. Like sitting in the corridor waiting for the doctor to call my name.

I'm currently okay, save for the fact that the goddamn cystoscopy left my crotch feeling like it's being constantly squeezed by Shegokigo. Luckily the painkillers make it more manageable. I just gotta remember to take some with me on Monday; got a pretty sure thing set up, subbing for a year at a high school. It's a little more than an hour's drive away and most of that is on a highway, and there's a good chance of getting tenure when the spring semester ends. I'm NOT gonna fuck this up because of crotch pains.
Normally this forum's propensity to pun perturbs me (but my adoration of alliteration is absolute) but... I enjoyed this one. So I will endorse it, but only this one time.
That's not only a forum thing. Throwing puns like it's nobody's business is a culture wide geek thing. I die a little inside when I'm witness to it.

NR, I hope your cock gets better, brah.
The doctors have decided that I'll receive Chemo-therapy, instead of radiation. 3-4 doses over a couple of months.
Bleomycin-Etoposide-Cisplatin (BEP)

So my possible side effects will range from: scarring in my lungs, more cancer in 7 years, kidney failure, deafness and infertility.
The doctors have decided that I'll receive Chemo-therapy, instead of radiation. 3-4 doses over a couple of months.
Bleomycin-Etoposide-Cisplatin (BEP)

So my possible side effects will range from: scarring in my lungs, more cancer in 7 years, kidney failure, deafness and infertility.
YOu say infertility like it's a bad thing! Most men pay a one time snip fee or spend thousands on condoms to do the same.
Well Ad, those dudes actually have the kids first.
True. I had a coworker though, that said "Being infertile makes me tremendously more attractive to women!" When pressed further on this theory, he felt that because he couldn't father children any more, the likelihood that a woman looking for a good time would drastically improve because she could be reasonably comforted knowing that there would be no consequences of the next generation kind.

His logic seemed impeccable. The only thing stopping him was he looked like a 40 year old version of this:

So I think you'll be okay :)


Staff member
Well, I got an offer on my house. For 46,000 less than it's listed for. I'm insulted. We already dropped it 12,000 recently. The buyer's argument is that the house is dated and will need a good bit of updating. Duh. I know this. That's why the original listing price was well below market. I already discounted quite a bit for that. And they come with an attitude that I am ridiculous for asking as much as I am. We did the research. The houses around us that are updated but that are comparable in size are much more expensive. For its dated look, it's in move-in condition, and it's in the best school district in town, in one of the best neighborhoods in town, and the exterior and yard are in excellent condition. The sunroom and the huge backyard alone make it worth my asking price. The offer is less than I paid for it, and that just rubs me the wrong way.
Added at: 03:39
It's like they want to double dip the datedness, if I wasn't clear. It's like I was selling a shirt with a hole in it for a dollar with a giant sign that said "This shirt is a dollar because of the hole", but then the buyer tells me they're only offering a quarter, because of this here hole they just discovered all on their own.
Not disagreeing with you Fade, but just out of curiosity, how long has it been listed?

But yes, that is an insulting offer. Period.
I dunno, maybe you should have just jacked up the price expecting people to haggle? But I agree also, that is an insulting offer.


Staff member
Well ... I did have that built-in, too. The price was higher than I expected to get, I just didn't expect such a low offer.
Shitty. Fucking. Show.

Sound guy showed up 2 hours late, totally trashed. Did a terrible job setting us up and rushed everything. Result? Between his crap sound job, the blown monitors and our bass player having issues with his synth rig it was a mess. I couldn't hear jack which meant I struggled to stay on key (turns out it helps to hear yourself when you sing. Who knew?), our guitar player couldn't hear himself playing so he spent the whole night trying to figure out what the hell he was doing.

Bah. Just bad bad bad. I hate it when this happens. Thats what we get for taking a show at a crappy venue. We should have known better so we have no one to blame other than ourselves.

Still we got a few new "fans" on Facebook and got asked to play a couple other shows with some of the bands we played with, so maybe we weren't as horrible in the speakers as we felt like we were on stage...

Either way we have a potentially huge show in a week and a half at one of the best venues in town so we are going to work our asses off to make sure we have zero issues.

Whew. Now I'm going to go to bed unless I'm still to upset to sleep. Then I will read. And that will be good.
Been chasing a leak for two weeks in the basement. First I thought it was the weather causing the fridge to go wonky. Then I thought it was a clogged water filter in the fridge. Then then I thought it was residual water in the lines after I removed the filter and shut off the water.

Turns out to be none of the above. It's the main drainpipe under the basement floor. Who knows how old it is. Could be close to 60 years old if it's original. Just getting to it means ripping up carpet and digging up the basement floor.


Staff member
Been chasing a leak for two weeks in the basement. First I thought it was the weather causing the fridge to go wonky. Then I thought it was a clogged water filter in the fridge. Then then I thought it was residual water in the lines after I removed the filter and shut off the water.

Turns out to be none of the above. It's the main drainpipe under the basement floor. Who knows how old it is. Could be close to 60 years old if it's original. Just getting to it means ripping up carpet and digging up the basement floor.
Just went through this. Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink. Fix it ASAP or regret it forever.
After a night and a day to think on this, I remember just how much rain we've gotten in the same couple of weeks this has been an issue. Lots. And the basement is already susceptible to seepage from outside after really heavy rain. This weekend was an absolute deluge. The ground outside is beyond saturated. if normal use doesn't cause further problems and it doesn't rain further, it could be just more seepage from unusually heavy rains. I hope.
Well, I got an offer on my house. For 46,000 less than it's listed for. I'm insulted. We already dropped it 12,000 recently. The buyer's argument is that the house is dated and will need a good bit of updating. Duh. I know this. That's why the original listing price was well below market. I already discounted quite a bit for that. And they come with an attitude that I am ridiculous for asking as much as I am. We did the research. The houses around us that are updated but that are comparable in size are much more expensive. For its dated look, it's in move-in condition, and it's in the best school district in town, in one of the best neighborhoods in town, and the exterior and yard are in excellent condition. The sunroom and the huge backyard alone make it worth my asking price. The offer is less than I paid for it, and that just rubs me the wrong way.
Added at: 03:39
It's like they want to double dip the datedness, if I wasn't clear. It's like I was selling a shirt with a hole in it for a dollar with a giant sign that said "This shirt is a dollar because of the hole", but then the buyer tells me they're only offering a quarter, because of this here hole they just discovered all on their own.
we're trying to sell our house too. I got an offer for less than I paid for it back in 2005. That gave me a good laugh.


Staff member
We countered, they countered. We accepted (should post in the win thread). Still 30k less than we were asking, but that still leaves us with a tidy profit, and it's only 14% off our original asking price which is apparently well out of lowball territory. It turns out the buyers are friends of friends (though in a smallish town, that's no surprise), and it turns out they're quite well off. Then again, like Bill Gates said in The Simpsons, they didn't get rich by writing a bunch of checks.
OK, my newish car just had some warranty work done. I sat around for 2 hours, 1 hour because I am not an asshole customer. The breakdown caused me to miss my boss's retirement party. I also did not get to see the other workers that cross the state to come to these events. Because a mechanic gave the cashier my keys while some other customer was being an asshole (they admitted as much) and totally forgot that they had the keys and the ticket to let me go. I even checked twice, as to why my car was out of the shop and I was not.
So much for hope. After drying out the carpet, I decided to see what would happen after i got my shower before work. The wet spot in the floor was back. It wasn't the rain after all. All I can do now is see if insurance will cover the repairs.
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