Rant VII: Now With 25% Less Drama

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Why... WHY would you leave your 76 year-old dementia-having mother in the car while you shopped in K-Mart for an hour and a half? What on EARTH possessed you to think that this was a good idea?

Now you're tying up two precinct's worth of officers searching for her, and you STILL fail to see how this is your fault, and could have been avoided.
My girlfriend broke up with me. We'd only been dating a bit more than a month, but I just spent like $350 on her birthday weekend.

Now within 5 days I've lost my job and my girlfriend. What a shitty week.


within 5 days you were thrust into the world to blaze your own path and master your own destiny, while being emancipated from the shackles of a gold digging temptress.

You sir, are perhaps now more than ever in your life before, truly free.
All tucked away down there.

Thanks for saying so, and if you really want, I'll give you my address so you can mail me booze. ;) Kidding, but I drank so much on Saturday on someone else's dime and didn't even really feel it.
Alright, in the past month I've had TWO different friends get engaged (Well, three, but two of them to eachother, so TWO engagements have been announced). What bothers me about this is that these engagements have been SOLELY announced on Facebook.
One friend is a friend from high school, who admittedly I don't talk to as often anymore, but our high school was ver cliquey, our group was very close, and we all still hang out 7 years later. But no effort was made to let me know individually, or in any manner more personal than a facebook update.
The other is a college friend I lived with for the past four years. He and our other (ex)roommate are very close and still hang out all the time. He never mentioned this to us ahead of time, he never told either of us afterwards. It was a friggin' facebook update. I found out because I decided to go to the bar with ANOTHER friend, who barely knows engaged friend, tonight, and she happened to see it on facebook.
What the hell, people? Look, I'm not really an opponent of sites like facebook. I think they do a lot of good. I still talk to my friends from high school, BECAUSE Facebook makes that possible.
But seriously, you tell all your friends at the same time, knowingly excluding those who either don't use Facebook or hardly use it at all? You've got people on there that you don't even LIKE, and you tell them before your close friends?

I'm going to engaged friend #2's place on Saturday to play D&D. I'm not going to even so much as mention the engagement until he does. But I will bring beer, and possibly cigars, to break out once he does.
I once had a friend call me up and give me shit because I missed her party. Naturally I asked her what the hell she was talking about. It turns out she had been posting invites and reminders to her party exclusively on Facebook for a few weeks and never thought to actually call me, despite the fact that I have never had a Facebook account. Then she got mad that I didn't show up.

Some people forget that there's a world outside of Facebook. Hopefully they'll come around.


I dont mind hearing about good things like engagements on facebook but bad things.. hell no. I heard that my best friend from high schools mom had cancer on fb and about the death of my infant cousin. That is just not stuff you should learn about in such a casual impersonal way.
I wonder if the generation that grew up without a phone in every house felt it was strange when they heard about deaths in the family over the phone, rather than a personal visit.

In other words, it's a communications medium, and I doubt these youngsters are gonna get offa' yer lawn anytime soon.

Although there is something to be said for the 1 to many aspect of it. Further, the way Facebook distributes information (ie you no longer see everything from all your friends) you can't count on anyone receiving any particular communication.

Still, you can complain and whine about how much less personal it is, but that won't change the fact that it's how college age and younger people are communicating these days.

Now you know why it took so long to get your parents/grandparents to use email. I'm sure you believe your complaints are perfectly reasonable, and it's the younger generation that's wrong to use it for important stuff...

The thing is, with a phone call, you generally have a good idea if someone got your message or not - or at least had the option to leave a message with someone. Facebook isn't nearly so universal so there's no real way to tell who's seen what, especially if they don't go rooting through your profile.


Staff member
The next time you bitch about your job, ask yourself, "Did I have to teach a 20 year old kid how to properly shower after he shits his pants at school?"

Because, yeah. The perks of working at a SPED high school.
The next time you bitch about your job, ask yourself, "Did I have to teach a 20 year old kid how to properly shower after he shits his pants at school?"

Because, yeah. The perks of working at a SPED high school.
It takes someone with some major cajones, not to mention bountiful integrity to work a job like that. I tip my hat to you, sir.


Staff member
But you taught him how to.
You changed a life forever.
Haha. I'd feel better about it if this hadn't happened previously. No, no, he will most likely never learn, but on the other hand, I am now one of a handful of people teaching at that school who have THAT Story under their belt. But really, this week, I've
  • Been stepped on as a student climbed on top and over me to get out of a classroom at the end of the day
  • Had to watch and instruct a student on how to properly use a washcloth (face then ass, not vice versa)
  • Held back two wiry teenage girls from tearing apart another wiry teenage girl in the class door
  • Held back another teenager from tearing apart another girl who called him retarded
  • De-escalate several students from physically beating the shit out of my pretty face
  • Made a Christmas tree that has a Mr. Potato Head face
That last one was pretty fun, admittedly. But holy shit, I'd love for one day to go by without someone threatening my pretty face. Or one of these kids not destroying the school or another student's face.
Added at: 00:49
It takes someone with some major cajones, not to mention bountiful integrity to work a job like that. I tip my hat to you, sir.
Haha, I appreciate it. It's a tough job, but the way this country is going with education, regular high school students are at a losing battle with their future, let alone these poor kids, who have been so far swept under the rug...nobody gives a fuck about these kids, not their coke-head abusive families, not the government--nobody.
And yet we wonder why there's a crime problem, and why there are so many homeless people that couldn't "get their shit together like an American".
So, as far as my venting goes, I'm just pissed I had to teach a kid how to wash poo from his butt. Any and all sympathy should go to those kids, for realsies.
I meant to post it in the minor rant thread, for what its worth. But I was a tad drunk last night after going to the bar to watch the hockey game.
Aww gawd, another board announcement.

*puts on smokey glasses*

*Changes to Xenblue*

*clicks x*

*Switches back to Dragor*

*takes off glasses*



Staff member
You looked on Xenforo.com for a good dark theme yet? Or do you just like whining to much to try and change it for the better. I swear to Darwin I see you whining about Dragor one more time I'm deleting the theme and locking you in to Be Mine.
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