Real Life Nicknames?

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-My roleplaying group has taken to call me Mikuru. As in Asahina Mikuru. I don't mind.
-Aisaku, as it's my handle pretty much everywhere online.
Back in the day my nickname was Physh because I drank like one. Also for a period of time I was Tequila because that was the most frequently drank.

I also often went by the name of Vincent when I was partying outside of my own town because I didn't feel like having my name passed around to much. Something about not having to live down my own actions.

And I recently found out that some people are starting to call me Irish Love behind my back. This could turn out interesting.


The only nickname I've really had is Choo-Choo, which was given to me be by my mother. She is also the only person allowed to call me that.

People always call me Julie, even though it's not my name. It's close, but still not my name.


CrimsonSoul said:
Why does she call you Choo-Choo?
It's from when I was a baby. When I would crawl on the floor I would make huffing noises, like a choo-choo train.

I don't mind the nickname, it's cute, but my mother always feels the need to call me by it in front of people. I think no matter what the age, your parents are will always be capable of embarrassing you. But I've learned that most of it's not a big deal.
North_Ranger said:
I dressed up as Clark Kent for a Halloween party. One of my slightly older friends brought her boyfriend, who is the owner of a local comic book store. I don't think that he knows my real name. :)


Staff member
Lessee, nicknames I've given to others...

My first roommate had the last name Garfinkel, go I called him Finkel. (His first name was too boring.)

I had another roommate named Il-Nam (from Korea) but he looked like Ando from Heroes, so I called him Ando.

My grandmother on my mom's side has the nickname Muh, from my granddad trying to get my older brother to call her "muh-deah" (like mother, kinda), and Muh stuck.

My grandmother on my dad's side recently moved to Alabama to live closer to us and get out of the hell hole that is Indiana, and I started calling her G-Hizzy, because I felt she needed a nickname. It's short for Grandma Howard.

And one of my friends has the nickname Thugboat. At first he had it because people he worked with game him the name Tugboat because he worked so damn hard and could usually pull/lift more than they could. Then when his friends found out, they started calling him that until it evolved into Thugboat, because they liked to run the streets at night.
doomdragon6 said:
My grandmother on my dad's side recently moved to Alabama to live closer to us and get out of the hell hole that is Indiana, and I started calling her G-Hizzy, because I felt she needed a nickname. It's short for Grandma Howard.
That is the most excellent name for a grandmother I have ever heard. My grandmother's name starts with a "J" though, so I can't very well steal it.

In my German class, one of my classmates and I were joking around calling each-other by our 'gangsta names.' Anyways, we wanted to Germanize it, so we asked the professor to translate 'A-Dawg' into something similar colloquially (full well realizing that it probably wouldn't work very well). He translated 'Dawg' literally as dog, so now she's 'A-hund.'
Um...can't really think of anything great. Only one I can think of is that a good friend of mine called me PT109, just because of the similarity of the initials.



doomdragon6 said:
I've never had a nickname. Anytime anyone calls me something resembling a nickname, it just never sticks.

The longest one was "The Bry-Man" which lasted a week.

I got the nickname "Tink" or "Tinkerbell" for a whopping 2 days after I went to a costume party as Tinkerbell. (Yes, it was hilarious.)

Oh! Come to think of it, my ex used to call me "Pauppy" (like puppy but with an "aw" sound) as a pet name. I really don't remember why and I hated it when she did.

My current gf refers to me as "the boy" to her friends and family, but that's not a nickname so much as just something she does. =P
Wow. Pretty much this. Nicknames don't stick to me either. I too had a girlfriend who called me puppy, which I hated(personally I found it demeaning). A couple of my friends also used to call me lycan which I also hated for personal reasons and because it was a twilight reference.

-- Sat Aug 08, 2009 8:21 pm --

Used to have a friend of whom everyone called "Cj". He didn't know what his real name was until he was six. It turned out to be really long and complex. I can't even remember it all.

Wasabi Poptart

I had the nickname T-Bone when I was in grade school since it sounded similar to my last name and I was sort of thin. I took dance classes for 12 years so that earned me the nickname Twinkle Toes. My super curly hair got me Brillo Pad Head when I was in high school. My high school boyfriend's father used to call me Linebacker because he insisted that I was a "big" girl. As an adult, my temper earned me the name Epitome of All Evil from one friend. I also got called Tits by the same friend's step-father since I am well-endowed and let my friend make a plaster cast of my bare chest when he started getting into special effects make up. He was making me a prosthetic 3rd breast, so I spent quite a bit of time there without a shirt on. :rofl:
I had some friends who called me Alicia because of a character I used to role play online. That used to drive me nuts. I'd tell them my real name and still get called Alicia instead.
The one nickname I'v had that endures is Hel. One 'L'. Why? My initials spells it and somepeople thought it sounded cool. I agreed and thats now how I sign everything.

Another nick name I had was the Red Baroness because of anout fit I was quite fond of. Red leather skirt, red shirt, red hat and red shoes. I still have the hat.


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LittleSin said:
The one nickname I'v had that endures is Hel. One 'L'. Why? My initials spells it and somepeople thought it sounded cool. I agreed and thats now how I sign everything.
Did you know that's also the name of the goddess of the Norse underworld?


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Frankie said:
In essence, yes. Even Finnish has an equivalent for that in our pre-Christian mythology. If one was really hated, he was told to "go to Hiisi", who was a kind of an evil god/spirit of dark woods, known for capturing humans as slaves.
LittleSin said:
Another nick name I had was the Red Baroness because of anout fit I was quite fond of. Red leather skirt, red shirt, red hat and red shoes. I still have the hat.
Pics or it didn't happen. :unibrow:


My official nickname is "Jiffy-foot" because I tend to run around barefoot before and after duty hours. But I'm rarely called that. I guess because I'm the only gal on my crew. /shrug I've had several nicknames over the years though-

Fire school 1: Weebil- I used to trip all the time but I never fell over
Medic school: Poka- short for Pocahontas because of a hippy leather jacket with fringe on the sleves I used to wear
Also medic school: Booger or Boog (ugh) because I had a small red mole on the edge of my nostril (which has since been removed)
Fire school 2: Gator- I was taking a nap during lunch in our navy uniform on a little embankment in the sun, and one of the rednecks said I looked like an alligator sunning itself on the shore lol
I forgot to add "Doug" to that list. Many people told me I reminded them of Doug Funny, in both appearance and personality.

Someone else also combined The Doug Funny and Bobby Hill comparisons and called me Bobby Doug.
I've never been nicknamed, although my cousin occasionally actually calls me Garbledina. His nickname is Nubs and he is registered as such on the forum but I don't think he's ever posted.


Once people know me they usually call me by my middle name, the one I actually use. That name's Phineas, so I get Fin as a nickname a lot.

Other than that I've been called Sid many times, since I used to be heavily into the punk rock scene in high school. Never liked that one, to be honest


I go by Pie and variants of it, Pie-boy, big-Pie etc. I think it's because of Weebl and Bob, but don't ask me, I didn't come up with it.


Closest thing to a nickname I have is some people, like my sister and mom, still call me Matty. If I don't know you and you call me Matty, you're getting a punch in the nose.


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Bowielee said:
Nicknames are actually a huge thing in my family. Almost everyone in my grandmother's family on down have nicknames. My mother and some of my uncles aren't even known at all by their real names. For instance, my mother's nickname is Cookie and everyone calls her that, and don't even know her real name.

Mine was Deke, but I always hated it and no longer go by it.
Same here. Drives my wife crazy. Almost none of us go by our given names, yet none of our nicknames are directly derivative from our real names. My parents called me "Bo" despite the fact that my real name is "Jack" (which leads to a whole new level of confusion, because that's a nickname to our parent's generation and older, so the older generation always calls me John to be formal). I always hated "Bo", because it's a weird name even in the south (despite Hollywood insisting on the contrary), which lead to much teasing. I dropped it in grad school partly because I hated it and partly because there was already a Bo there.


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Too many of them, but the main ones are:

Tools (from anyone I happen to see from back in highschool, so long ago. Just a shortening/ abbreviation of my last name)

Cutty (main nickname I hear from current friends and everyone from college...long story involing a sevendust show, and a lot of cutty sark whiskey, and a free shirt for drinking so much of that crap)

Wayne-o (working at the bar post college as a bouncer, the boss at the x-mas party for staff said I needed a nick name, and then, in a drunken state, declared "You look like a, a Wayne-o!!!!" And from there on out, it stuck. Has been there for a few years now. has nothing to do with me, any names, or things done, but its the most used nickname I have and hear all the time now)

King Jaffy Jay, or Jaff for short (inside joke between a couple close friends)
Most have been in a form or another related to my real life name thus un-interesting but at one point I was called Dr. Smooth. Which more times than not caused more harm than good.

My older brother insists on calling me "Gregoriovichi" for some reason. He's done it since high school.

I used to have a girlfriend that called me Maestro.

Lotta folks called me "sifu" or "grasshopper" my junior and senior year in high school after I got in a fight at school and pulled out the martial arts I'd been learning most of my life.
The only nickname I really ever had was Beanpole, which suits me much less now that I'm 50lbs overweight than it did in high school when I was 50 lbs underweight.
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