Well, the best solution, in my eyes, would be to have an actual timeline, where certain things happened at certain times. Kind of like a longer version of New Frontier, with a new class of heroes coming every couple of years as the older folk grow old, etc.
Of course, that would mean that Bruce Wayne could not be Batman forever (heh, Batman Forever; pun) and Dick Grayson would take over the mantle properly instead of just as a placement holder 'til Bruce is done currently being dead. The older ones would fill a role similar to the older folk in the JSA, as mentors for the younger. Some might die heroically, others pass away naturally, etc. But then you could have Kyle take over properly for Hal or something, Wally for Barry, etc. The Golden Age makes way for the Silver Age, etc. If you want to tell stories from that period, then tell stories from that period. It'd be like...well, if you've ever read Starman, it'd be like taking that generational story idea throughout the whole DCU.
Again, it'll never happen, though, because of the cyclical, never-aging nature of superhero comics. Don't worry. In another decade or so, we'll have a new bunch of editors who will get tired of bringing back the Silver Age and want to modern it up again. Then, someone else will miss the glory days and it all happens again.