[News] Remains of six infants found in U-Haul storage locker

I have a rant, for BOTH threads in this discussion. But the one won't help these kids, and the other will only serve to inflame to already unnecessary tensions here.

People have differing opinions. That's fine, it makes the world go round. But there is a venue for voicing one's opinion. And it's not in a fucking thread about decomposing infant corpses left in a storage unit.

For fuck's sake, people, y'all are possessed of a modicum of intelligent. Please exercise it.
I have a rant, for BOTH threads in this discussion. But the one won't help these kids, and the other will only serve to inflame to already unnecessary tensions here.

People have differing opinions. That's fine, it makes the world go round. But there is a venue for voicing one's opinion. And it's not in a fucking thread about decomposing infant corpses left in a storage unit.

For fuck's sake, people, y'all are possessed of a modicum of intelligent. Please exercise it.
Not me, I got a mind like a sack of hammers...

But in all seriousness this is fucked up stuff. ive seen some shit in my time dealing with the after effects of chemical waste dumping, nothing like babies missing important parts and worse babies that are born with all their parts but their minds reduced to mush by some horrible invisible compound. You cant taste smell touch or see coming.
There was a similar case like this in Sweden about a decade ago. It was done by a woman (in her 30ies by the time the bodies were discovered) who was intellectually challenged and didn't want her mom to find out she had been careless and got knocked up, again. Somehow she managed to hide all her pregnancies. Can't recall how they died or if she even actively killed any of them but she hid the bodies in a freezer in her basement. Not sure how many but it was more then two. She had a 10year old son and the whole things was discovered when he showed a friend and the friend told his parents.

In Sweden abortion, birth control and information about both is readily available. She just didn't have the mental capability or confidence to use them, or turn down sex for that matter. I think she was sentenced to counseling, not prison.